3,124 research outputs found

    Between NATO and UN : EU strategic culture and its approach to civil-military cooperation

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    The European Union's approach to civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) in crisis response incorporates two different perspectives. The EU’s official concept is shaped after NATO's military-centred vision and is subordinated to the achievement of military goals. However, the application of CIMIC in EU-led crisis response resembles the UN civilian-centred approach, aiming at supporting civilian environment and protection of humanitarian space. This article discusses this complex nature of the EU's approach to CIMIC in the context of the Union’s strategic culture

    Social Energy - A New Form of Perceiving Capital in Postmodern Economy

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    The presented paper deals with the issue of social creation of knowledge in the postmodern economic order. The concept of beneficients as a core idea of this conception in connection with thermodynamic analogy in interdisciplinary problem leads to the materialistic and intellectual dual analysis of sustainable phenomenon of development and creation of knowledge. The paper discusses the possibility of a new way of development of institutional economy in the direction of knowledge economy and the change in an approach to an organisation from the traditional systemic to a cooperating community. The presented considerations are a germ of intellectual infrastructure and supporting the process of structural learning and sustainable development with artificial intelligence. It has been suggested that social energy should be considered as an alternative way of perceiving development.entropy, social complex systems, postmodern economy, econophbysics, multiagent economy

    Managing Weather and Price Risk on a Farm Level: A case study of linear programming in optimization of farm production structure

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    Weather and price risks have always been a significant factor in agriculture. Although, on academic level, a number of advanced methods of reducing the above risks is known, polish farmers definitely do not use them. During long history of agriculture, however, heuristic methods regarding the weather risk have been developed by them. Those methods can be embedded while constructing linear models of farms. This paper presents results obtained from a practical application of a newly developed linear farm model generator. It has been used to analyze profitability of the “Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Experimental Station” in Radzików in Poland, while taking the weather and price risks in consideration.

    Model of regional management instruments in economy based on innovation and communication

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    The following paper has been inspired by the main challenges that have been created for the regional development by the process of globalisation. The paper presents an attempt at creating a new model and instruments for regional development management in which regional character of knowledge creation, territorial interdependencies, sustainable development and both democratic and individual decision making processes have been taken into consideration. The problem of emerging notion of regional management and its relation to the knowledge management in the process of regional development has been discussed. The paper presents the concept of regional knowledge creation process as the essential method of description of a region's development and competitiveness. The model of management of an autopoiesis system as an essential method of description of development and knowledge creation in a local community has been presented. The process of knowledge development in a region is assisted by ICT, including the Internet portal and corporate knowledge base. The technique of analyse field and space of choice and its role in the regional process of knowledge creation as the tool serving the process of describing and diagnosing the ability of knowledge creation as well as individual and regional strategies. The description of development changes in a region have been presented in the categories of critical points focusing on the zones of degradation and development. The results obtained with the help of the proposed model of regional development can serve to develop the international standards of risk and critical points of regional management. The fact of using the knowledge management principles for the interpretation of regional processes changes considerably the role of regional development agencies. The introduction of the Internet portal and critical points analysis provides a new way of presenting the knowledge about a region. The solution proposed in the presented paper based on the corporate knowledge data bases creates contextual character of relations and connections between different measured parameters and therefore it unceasingly creates new knowledge in compliance with the spiral upward movement. The introduced indicators analysis serves to describe state of individual components (people, organisations, natural ecosystems) of the region in question, and first of all it determines their development abilities and adaptability to their environment. The territorial structure creates a complex spatial system of interrelations in which local community relates to its environment in the intensive process of communication that determines how the external components are used in the process of regional development. Such instruments as the regional Internet portal, regional communitces of practice, regional staff of knowledge management and leaders of local development become the most important tools of assistance in local development processes. The presented paper provides a coherent model of regional management which is in compliance with "regional standards" assuring predictable character of changes in the region and leading to stable economic development of the whole region.

    Modified Shapley – Shubik power index for parliamentary coalitions

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    Classical power analysis does not involve preferences of players (parties). Classical power indices are constructed under assumption of equal probability of occurrence for each coalition. The paper contains a proposition of relaxation of this assumption, based on extended Shapley–Shubik power index approach.power index, ideological preferences, ideological distance

    On the objectification of authors, the omnipotence of publishers and the poverty of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights during the restoration of capitalism in Poland

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    Badacze prawa autorskiego w Polsce opisali rozliczne prawa majątkowe i osobiste twórców oraz ich ochronę. Ale w zasadzie nie napisali prawie nic o deprecjacji, niekiedy wręcz unicestwianiu wielu tych praw, w czasach restaurowania drapieżnej wersji kapitalizmu. O najczęstszej fikcji prawa do honorarium. O wymuszaniu na autorach nie tylko formy wydawanych tekstów. O nierzadkiej cenzurze artykułów dotykających kwestii niewygodnych politycznie. Takie procedery dotykają przede wszystkim młodych adeptów nauki, ucząc ich często serwilizmu, niekiedy budząc strach, nakazując poprawność, nie zaś wierność prawdzie i wartościom. Przez co zabijana jest nie tylko nauka.Scholars of intellectual property rights in Poland have described the manifold commercial and personal rights of authors and their protection. Yet they have essentially written nothing about the deprecation or even annihilation of many of those rights during the restoration of predatory capitalism. About the often fictitious right to royalties. About how not only the form of texts was forced on authors. About the not infrequent censorship of articles concerning politically delicate issues. These procedures mainly affect young scholars, teaching them servility, often generating fear and compliance rather than fidelity to the truth and to values. Not only science is being strangled in this way


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    The aim of the article is the general characterization of cyberterrorism as a new and constantly evolving form of terrorism. The phenomenon was described in the context of globalization processes and the main definitions of terrorism were cited, followed by the specific factors determining cyberterrorism. The article was based on an analysis of source documents – legislation on terrorismprevention and cyberspace protection. Definitions review was performed. The results of earlier research related to the topic of work are quoted.It has been assessed that in the future the threat of cyber-attacks will be a challenge for states and international organizations. The development of modern technologies and the creation of computerized societies is a factor that provides new areas of action for terrorists. Potential targets of attacks are varied and difficult to protect. Preventive actions should be characterized by a comprehensive approach to the problem and systemic, long-term action in the international sphere.The aim of the article is the general characterization of cyberterrorism as a new and constantly evolving form of terrorism. The phenomenon was described in the context of globalization processes and the main definitions of terrorism were cited, followed by the specific factors determining cyberterrorism. The article was based on an analysis of source documents – legislation on terrorism prevention and cyberspace protection. Definitions review was performed. The results of earlier research related to the topic of work are quoted. It has been assessed that in the future the threat of cyber-attacks will be a challenge for states and international organizations. The development of modern technologies and the creation of computerized societies is a factor that provides new areas of action for terrorists. Potential targets of attacks are varied and difficult to protect. Preventive actions should be characterized by a comprehensive approach to the problem and systemic, long-term action in the international sphere

    Obedience, Sabotage, Authonomy : power games within the educational system

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    The authors’ aim in this article is to use a critical approach to analyse the modernisation process of the pedagogic supervision system in Poland, looking at change not as critics but (co)authors. Their aim is not to exploit the strengths of critical sociology when applied to the processes of innovation, but to use these strengths reflexively to arrive at a better understanding of change, and of the reactions and the behaviour of all the participants in the process, including their own role in the system and its possible dangers. The authors believe that for a sociologist involved in the change process, the reflexive approach is crucial so as to comply with ethical requirements, and that it enables an active, needs-oriented involvement when making decisions about introducing change