2 research outputs found
Is Competition Engaging? Examining the Interactive Effects of Goal Orientation and Competitive Work Environment on Engagement
- Author
- Aguinis
- Backes-Gellner
- Bakker
- Bakker
- Barrick
- Breaugh
- Brett
- Brown
- Brustein
- Button
- Cameron
- Chan
- Chatman
- Christian
- Cohen
- Dalal
- Davis
- De Lange
- Demerouti
- Ding
- Doty
- Dweck
- Dweck
- Edmondson
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Festinger
- Fisher
- Fletcher
- Fletcher
- Gersick
- Gist
- Hackman
- Harter
- Hochwarter
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Kahn
- Kahn
- Kenny
- Kohn
- Kohn
- Kristof-Brown
- Kristof-Brown
- Macey
- Mardia
- Marsh
- Maslach
- May
- McClelland
- O'Reilly
- Ovide
- Payne
- Podsakoff
- Podsakoff
- Renn
- Rich
- Rogers
- Rothbard
- Rynes
- Saks
- Schaufeli
- Schmitt
- Schneider
- Schuler
- Seijts
- Shieh
- Siemsen
- Spector
- Stanne
- Steele-Johnson
- Terborg
- Tett
- Tett
- VandeWalle
- VandeWalle
- VandeWalle
- Von Glinow
- Washington
- Wheeler
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
An architectural framework for global talent management
- Author
- A Harzing
- A Joshi
- A Mackey
- AC Inkpen
- AL Kalleberg
- B Groysberg
- B Groysberg
- B Kogut
- B Kogut
- B Myloni
- BA Campbell
- BS Reiche
- C Bartlett
- CA Lengnick-Hall
- CB Gibson
- CE Helfat
- CF Fey
- CJ Collins
- D Somaya
- DA Heenan
- DJ Krupka
- DJ Teece
- DM Rousseau
- DP Lepak
- DP Lepak
- DP Lepak
- E Farndale
- E Farndale
- G Becker
- G Stahl
- GK Stahl
- H Scullion
- HV Perlmutter
- HY Ngo
- I Björkman
- I Dierixck
- Ingmar Björkman
- J Birkinshaw
- J Cantwell
- J Cantwell
- J Nebus
- JB Barney
- JB Barney
- JC Molloy
- JE Mathieu
- JE Ricart
- JH Dyer
- JH Dyer
- JH Dyer
- JP Guthrie
- JS Brown
- K Foss
- K Smith
- KL Turner
- KS Law
- M Lazarova
- M Schulz
- M Zellmer-Bruhn
- MA Hitt
- MA Shaffer
- MAY Von Glinow
- MF Peterson
- MH Riordan
- MR Haas
- MS Feldman
- NJ Foss
- NT Washburn
- NW Hatch
- O Shenkar
- OE Williamson
- P Almeida
- P Almeida
- P Caligiuri
- P Caligiuri
- P Caligiuri
- P Caligiuri
- P Cappelli
- P Cappelli
- P Sparrow
- PJ Kidger
- PM Caligiuri
- PM Caligiuri
- PM Rosenzweig
- PM Wright
- PP Evans
- RE Ployhart
- RP Rumelt
- RS Schuler
- RW Coff
- RW Coff
- S Morris
- S Taylor
- SC Kang
- Scott Snell
- SG Winter
- Shad Morris
- SJ Kobrin
- SK Kang
- SS Morris
- SS Morris
- SS Rosenthal
- SW Kozlowski
- T Isobe
- T Khanna
- T Kostova
- U Andersson
- V Vaiman
- W Newburry
- WF Cascio
- WG Ouchi
- WG Ouchi
- Y Lee
- YL Doz
- YL Doz
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study