197 research outputs found

    An inter-laboratory comparison demonstrates that [1H]-NMR metabolite fingerprinting is a robust technique for collaborative plant metabolomic data collection

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    In any metabolomics experiment, robustness and reproducibility of data collection is of vital importance. These become more important in collaborative studies where data is to be collected on multiple instruments. With minimisation of variance in sample preparation and instrument performance it is possible to elucidate even subtle differences in metabolite fingerprints due to genotype or biological treatment. In this paper we report on an inter laboratory comparison of plant derived samples by [1H]-NMR spectroscopy across five different sites and within those sites utilising instruments with different probes and magnetic field strengths of 9.4 T (400 MHz), 11.7 T (500 MHz) and 14.1 T (600 MHz). Whilst the focus of the study is on consistent data collection across laboratories, aspects of sample stability and the requirement for sample rotation within the NMR magnet are also discussed. Comparability of the datasets from participating laboratories was exceptionally good and the data were amenable to comparative analysis by multivariate statistics. Field strength differences can be adjusted for in the data pre-processing and multivariate analysis demonstrating that [1H]-NMR fingerprinting is the ideal technique for large scale plant metabolomics data collection requiring the participation of multiple laboratories

    A DEMETER-like DNA demethylase protein governs tomato fruit ripening

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    In plants, genomic DNA methylation which contributes to development and stress responses can be actively removed by DEMETER-like DNA demethylases (DML). Indeed, in Arabidopsis DMLs are important for maternal imprinting and endosperm demethylation, but only few studies demonstrate the developmental roles of active DNA demethylation conclusively in this plant. Here we show a direct cause and effect relationship between active DNA demethylation mainly mediated by the tomato DML, SlDML2, and fruit ripening; an important developmental process unique to plants. RNAi SlDML2 knock-down results in ripening inhibition via hypermethylation and repression of the expression of genes encoding ripening transcription factors and rate-limiting enzymes of key biochemical processes such as carotenoid synthesis. Our data demonstrate that active DNA demethylation is central to the control of ripening in tomat

    Absolute quantitative metabolomics of plant extracts by fast 2D NMR

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    Absolute quantitative metabolomics of plant extracts by fast 2D NMR. 56. Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conferenc

    Aluminium stress disrupts metabolic performance of Plantago almogravensis plantlets transiently.

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    Little is known about how tolerant plants cope with internalized aluminium (Al). Tolerant plants are known to deploy efficient detoxification mechanisms, however it is not known to what extent the primary and secondary metabolism is affected by Al. The aim of this work was to study the metabolic repercussions of Al stress in the tolerant plant Plantago almogravensis. P. almogravensis is well adapted to acid soils where high concentrations of free Al are found and has been classified as a hyperaccumulator. In vitro reared plantlets were used for this purpose in order to control Al exposure rigorously. The metabolome of P. almogravensis plantlets as well as its metabolic response to the supply of sucrose was characterized. The supply of sucrose leads to an accumulation of amino acids and secondary metabolites and consumption of carbohydrates that result from increased metabolic activity. In Al-treated plantlets the synthesis of amino acids and secondary metabolites is transiently impaired, suggesting that P. almogravensis is able to recover from the Al treatment within the duration of the trials. In the presence of Al the consumption of carbohydrate resources is accelerated. The content of some metabolic stress markers also demonstrates that P. almogravensis is highly adapted to Al stress

    Metabolic response in roots of Prunus rootstocks submitted to iron chlorosis

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    Publication Inra prise en compte dans l'analyse bibliomĂ©trique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur les Fruits, les LĂ©gumes et la Pomme de terre. PĂ©riode 2000-2012. http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/256699International audienceIron deficiency induces several responses to iron shortage in plants. Metabolic changes occur to sustain the increased iron uptake capacity of Fe-deficient plants. We evaluated the metabolic changes of three Prunus rootstocks submitted to iron chlorosis and their different responses for tolerance using measurements of metabolites and enzymatic activities. The more tolerant rootstocks Adesoto (Prunus insititia) and GF 677 (Prunus amygdalus × Prunus persica), and the more sensitive Barrier (P. persica × Prunus davidiana) were grown hydroponically in iron-sufficient and -deficient conditions over two weeks. Sugar, organic and amino acid concentrations of root tips were determined after two weeks of iron shortage by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of extracts. Complementary analyses of organic acids were performed by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The major soluble sugars found were glucose and sucrose. The major organic acids were malic and citric acids, and the major amino acid was asparagine. Iron deficiency increased root sucrose, total organic and amino acid concentrations and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity. After two weeks of iron deficiency, the malic, citric and succinic acid concentrations increased in the three rootstocks, although no significant differences were found among genotypes with different tolerance to iron chlorosis. The tolerant rootstock Adesoto showed higher total organic and amino acid concentrations. In contrast, the susceptible rootstock Barrier showed lower total amino acid concentration and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity values. These results suggest that the induction of this enzyme activity under iron deficiency, as previously shown in herbaceous plants, indicates the tolerance level of rootstocks to iron chlorosis. The analysis of other metabolic parameters, such as organic and amino acid concentrations, provides complementary information for selection of genotypes tolerant to iron chlorosis

    EMERODE: nuclEAR MagnEtic Resonance prOfiles DatabasE

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    La spectromĂ©trie RMN 1D proton est largement utilisĂ©e pour caractĂ©riser des matrices biologiques lorsd’analyses mĂ©tabolomiques. Un profil RMN 1D proton de matrice biologique est la signature spĂ©cifique d’unematrice biologique, rĂ©sultant de la combinaison de tous les spectres de molĂ©cules composants ce mĂ©lange. ParconsĂ©quent, l’identification de certains composĂ©s n’est parfois basĂ©e que sur la visualisation d’un seul dĂ©placementchimique. Elle ne peut ĂȘtre validĂ©e qu’en ayant recours Ă  des expĂ©riences complĂ©mentaires RMN 2D de type HSQCou JRES, selon les directives d’identification des mĂ©tabolites [1, 2] de la Metabolomics Standards Initiative (MSI).L’identification de composĂ©s requiert donc une trĂšs bonne connaissance de la matrice Ă©tudiĂ©e ou la visualisation dematrices biologiques similaires, pour aiguiller l’identification.La Plateforme MĂ©tabolome de Bordeaux est utilisĂ©e, notamment, pour l’établissement et l’interprĂ©tation deprofils mĂ©taboliques de matrices vĂ©gĂ©tales, animales, microbiennes ou fongiques selon diffĂ©rents facteurs d’étude.Elle recense prĂšs de 90 profils diffĂ©rents, dont les spectres et les annotations de composĂ©s connus et inconnus sontarchivĂ©s sous forme papier. L’exploitation de ces profils, pour de nouvelles annotations, relĂšve donc d’un processuslaborieux pour les analystes. C’est pourquoi il est nĂ©cessaire de pouvoir visualiser, capitaliser et organiser cetteconnaissance.Dans le cadre du projet MetaboHUB IA ANR, nous dĂ©veloppons EMERODE (nuclEar MagnEtic ResonanceprOfiles DatabasE), une base de donnĂ©es et son interface web dĂ©diĂ©e. La base de donnĂ©es stockera les profilsdĂ©crits selon un minimum d’informations essentielles Ă  leurs caractĂ©risations. L’interface dĂ©diĂ©e permettra de (i)charger de maniĂšre simple les spectres et leurs annotations, (ii) rechercher des profils de matrices selon diffĂ©rentsfiltres, (iii) visualiser et interagir avec le spectre du profil, (iv) annoter/modifier les profils de RMN 1D 1H et 13C.La visualisation du spectre d’un profil sera possible grĂące Ă  un nouvel outil, le Spectra Browser. Celui-ci sebasera sur la libraire SpeckTackle [3] qui permet la visualisation et l’interaction avec le spectre. Les annotationsseront projetĂ©es sous forme de symboles sur un panneau de visualisation Ă  l’échelle du spectre, et positionnĂ© souscelui-ci. Les mĂ©tabolites identifiĂ©s seront reliĂ©s aux composĂ©s correspondants dans les autres bases de donnĂ©es(HMDB, Chebi) et plus particuliĂšrement PeakForest, la base de donnĂ©es de spectres de rĂ©fĂ©rences, dĂ©veloppĂ©edans le cadre de MetaboHUB, et dont une partie des composĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© acquise dans les mĂȘmes conditionsd’extraction et d’acquisition. Ainsi, chaque nouvelle annotation viendra enrichir la base de donnĂ©es elle-mĂȘmepour de futures annotations
