303 research outputs found

    Leptin: Role of metabolism in the regulation of inflammation

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    Over the last few years the intricate interaction between immune system and adipose tissue has been recognized. Indeed, it has been suggested that adipose tissue is not only a mere site of lipid and energy storage but can be considered as an "immune-related" organ producing a series of molecules named adipokines. Among these, leptin, an adipocyte-derived cytokine-like hormone, seems to play a pivotal role in the regulation of several neuroendocrine and immune functions. In this review, we describe the effects of leptin in inflammation and immunity, and speculate on the possible modulation of the leptin axis in novel adipopharmacotherapeutic settings.Biomedical Reviews 2006; 17: 53-62

    Steps towards collective sustainability in biomedical research

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    The optimism surrounding multistakeholder research initiatives does not match the clear view of policies that are needed to exploit the potential of these collaborations. Here we propose some action items that stem from the integration between research advancements with the perspectives of patient-advocacy organizations, academia, and industry

    Leptin as a metabolic link to multiple sclerosis.

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    Clinical and experimental data, together with epidemiological studies, have suggested that the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS) might involve factors that link the immune system with metabolic status. Moreover, recent research has shown that leptin, the adipocyte-derived hormone that controls food intake and metabolism, can promote experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model of MS. In patients with MS, the association of leptin with disease activity has been dissected at the molecular level, providing new mechanistic explanations for the role of this hormone in MS. Here, we review the intricate relationship between leptin and other metabolic modulators within a framework that incorporates the latest advances linking the CNS, immune tolerance and metabolic status. We also consider the translational implications of these new findings for improved management of MS

    Immunobiology of pregnancy: from basic science to translational medicine

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    : Embryo implantation failure and spontaneous abortions represent the main causes of infertility in developed countries. Unfortunately, incomplete knowledge of the multiple factors involved in implantation and fetal development keeps the success rate of medically assisted procreation techniques relatively low. According to recent literature, cellular and molecular mechanisms of 'immunogenic tolerance' towards the embryo are crucial to establish an 'anti-inflammatory' state permissive of a healthy pregnancy. In this review we dissect the role played by the immune system in the endometrial-embryo crosstalk, with a particular emphasis towards the fork-head-box-p3 (Foxp3+) CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells and discuss the most recent therapeutic advances in the context of early immune-mediated pregnancy loss

    The Proteomic Landscape of Human Ex Vivo Regulatory and Conventional T Cells Reveals Specific Metabolic Requirements

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    Human CD4(+)CD25(hi)Foxp3(+)CD127(-) Treg and CD4(+)CD25(-)Foxp3(-) Tconv cell functions are governed by their metabolic requirements. Here we report a comprehensive comparative analysis between ex vivo human Treg and Tconv cells that comprises analyses of the proteomic networks in subcellular compartments. We identified a dominant proteomic signature at the metabolic level that primarily impacted the highly-tuned balance between glucose and fatty-acid oxidation in the two cell types. Ex vivo Treg cells were highly glycolytic while Tconv cells used predominantly fatty-acid oxidation (FAO). When cultured in vitro, Treg cells engaged both glycolysis and FAO to proliferate, while Tconv cell proliferation mainly relied on glucose metabolism. Our unbiased proteomic analysis provides a molecular picture of the impact of metabolism on ex vivo human Treg versus Tconv cell functions that might be relevant for therapeutic manipulations of these cells

    Regulatory T Cell Migration Is Dependent on Glucokinase-Mediated Glycolysis.

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    Migration of activated regulatory T (Treg) cells to inflamed tissue is crucial for their immune-modulatory function. While metabolic reprogramming during Treg cell differentiation has been extensively studied, the bioenergetics of Treg cell trafficking remains undefined. We have investigated the metabolic demands of migrating Treg cells in vitro and in vivo. We show that glycolysis was instrumental for their migration and was initiated by pro-migratory stimuli via a PI3K-mTORC2-mediated pathway culminating in induction of the enzyme glucokinase (GCK). Subsequently, GCK promoted cytoskeletal rearrangements by associating with actin. Treg cells lacking this pathway were functionally suppressive but failed to migrate to skin allografts and inhibit rejection. Similarly, human carriers of a loss-of-function GCK regulatory protein gene-leading to increased GCK activity-had reduced numbers of circulating Treg cells. These cells displayed enhanced migratory activity but similar suppressive function, while conventional T cells were unaffected. Thus, GCK-dependent glycolysis regulates Treg cell migration

    Fatty acid metabolism complements glycolysis in th selective regulatory t cell expansion during tumor growth

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    The tumor microenvironment restrains conventional T cell (Tconv) activation while facilitating the expansion of Tregs. Here we showed that Tregs’ advantage in the tumor milieu relies on supplemental energetic routes involving lipid metabolism. In murine models, tumor-infiltrating Tregs displayed intracellular lipid accumulation, which was attributable to an increased rate of fatty acid (FA) synthesis. Since the relative advantage in glucose uptake may fuel FA synthesis in intratumoral Tregs, we demonstrated that both glycolytic and oxidative metabolism contribute to Tregs’ expansion. We corroborated our data in human tumors showing that Tregs displayed a gene signature oriented toward glycolysis and lipid synthesis. Our data support a model in which signals from the tumor microenvironment induce a circuitry of glycolysis, FA synthesis, and oxidation that confers a preferential proliferative advantage to Tregs, whose targeting might represent a strategy for cancer treatment
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