839 research outputs found

    Ortodoksi Sufisme K.H. Shalih Darat

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    The subject of this paper is the orthodox nature of KH Shalih Darat?s Sufism. He is an Indonesian Muslim thinker of the 19th century. The paper argues that the man is behind the dissemination of not only Islam but also of Sufism on the Javanese island. Despite his high standing knowledge and piety however, the man is not yet known especially in the academic circle in Indonesia. It is this reason that the paper is interested in exploring his ideas and intellectual biography. The paper tries to show that Muslim community during his lifetime was polarized into the elites and the laymen. K.H. Shalih Darat targeted the latter while not forgetting the former. But the most striking question would be how does his orthodox religiosity fit into the laymen and work for the elites? The paper will try to answer this question by emphasizing first that for the man, orthodoxy is a must for people of the Javanese outlook. And second, it will try show that while orthodoxy and heterodoxy are always at odds with one another, the tension between the two does bring a good implication for the course of dakwah on the island

    Development of a direct fuel injector for a two-stroke gasoline engine

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    A prototype pressure-swirl injector was designed to suit an arbitrary two�stroke, gasoline direct injection engine requirement. A commercial computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT was used as a tool to analyze the performance of the conceptual design. A prototype injector was fabricated once the conceptual design met the requirements. The fabricated prototype injector was then subjected to a series of specification tests such as leak test, static flow rate test and discharge coefficient test. A dedicated test rig was set up to evaluate the performance of the prototype injector. The spray images at specified time frame were illuminated by Nd:Y AG laser sheet and captured using a high-speed digital camera. The stored images were analyzed to give data of spray angle, and droplet Sauter mean diameter at fuel-air pressure differential ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 MPa, with a step size of 1.0 MPa. From the tests, the prototype injector static flow rate, half spray cone angle and the droplet Sauter mean diameter at fuel injection pressure of 5.0 MPa was found to comply with the outlined requirements, which are approximately 475 cc/min, 32° and 19 11m respectively. Finally, the experimental data was compared with the calculated data. It was found that the measured data of static flow rate, discharge coefficient, and droplet Sauter mean diameter were higher than the computed data at fuel-air pressure differential between 1.0 and 3.0 MPa. In contrast, the calculated initial spray angle was overestimated by 3% at all tested fuel-air pressure differentials


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    Pemodelan merupakan tahap penting dalam penyelesaian masalah matematika, terutama pada jenis soal cerita. Namun demikian, proses pemodelan seringkali menjadi masalah utama bagi siswa. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan siswa SMP dalam membuat pemodelan matematika dan faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Modo, Lamongan pada semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan berupa tes dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan yang terjadi adalah siswa tidak dapat mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel soal, membuat asumsi yang salah, dan membentuk persamaan yang tidak mewakili masalah. Penyebab internal kesalahan tersebut adalah tidak memahami komponen-komponen masalah, menggunakan nalar atau insting sendiri dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita, tidak memperhatikan keterkaitan antar komponen masalah. Sedangkan faktor eksternalnya adalah tingkat kesulitan soal yang diberikan cukup tinggi dan kurangnya sumber referensi yang memada

    Conceptual Model of Iraqi’s National Identification Card System

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    Over the last decade, as part of a national identity management program, Citizen Identification System is getting the attention of many countries of the world. As a technology platform for the administration of service delivery by government. Most of the developed countries are implementing robust NIC card system and some other countries, are in the process of establishing identification card system. However, in Iraq Presently there is only one database which is owned by the Ministry of Trade which was developed more than 22 years ago with help from the United Nation oil-for-food program during the 1990s. On the other hand, many government and private organizations are doing their day-to-day operations manuals that made the organizations to keep Exchange and Integration of citizen information among these organizations is very difficult. However, there is no much effort done in this respect. It is therefore important to anticipate and prepare a mean for integration before more automation is done and the data repository in many organizations grew. In this paper, the NIC developed  prototype for the Citizen Identification System of Iraqi is proposed. NIC is proposing that keeps citizens’ identification information and generates a unique national ID number, which can assist in the integration of citizen information. The Citizen Card is essentially prepared to identify citizens so that better security can be provided by identifying illegal immigrants and terrorists. The study assessed from based on the experience of other countries such as Malaysia by using citizen identification systems and the efforts in Iraq in that direction. Also analyzed the requirements for citizen identification system and proposed a working architecture for Iraqi condition. The implementation issues like the privacy of individuals and the functionality of NIC system is also evaluated. Moreover, the security requirement of the proposed system is specified and a scheme for generating unique national NIC number is presented. Keywords: ID Card, e-government, strategic managemen


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    This research did not only discussthe aspects of Islamic education that existed during the Umayyad Empire but also touched on the discussion on Islamic education in Indonesia which was related to (formal) institutions. The purpose of this research was to link Islamic education during the Umayyad dynasty with the development, depiction, and implementation of Islamic education in Indonesia. The researcher was based on the continuity aspect as a historical perspective using a linear and cyclic analysis knife as a theoretical framework. The method used was qualitative and the explanation was descriptive analysis. The explanation can be analyzed through several stages, including the stages of data condensation, data display, and conclusion: drawing/verifying. The result of the research found that Islamic education in the Muawiyyah Imperium and Islamic education in Indonesia through its depiction has historical continuity so that the implementation of education in Indonesia was inseparable from how the existing format in Islamic education in the Umayyad Dynasty era

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Sawah Tadah Hujan Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Adaptif Dampak Perubahan Iklim

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    Abstrak. Optimalisasi lahan sawah tadah hujan memberikan kontribusi terhadap ketersediaan pangan nasional yang sebagian besar masih dipasok dari lahan optimal sawah beririgasi. Lahan suboptimal sawah tadah hujan berpotensi dalam mendukung ketersediaan pangan nasional. Lahan sawah tadah hujan sangat rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim terutama cekaman kekeringan dan serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman. Antisipasi dampak perubahan iklim di lahan sawah tadah hujan dilakukan dengan penerapan teknologi adaptif dan sekaligus sebagai upaya mirigasi gas rumah kaca. Beberapa teknologi adaptif yang berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas padi sawah tadah hujan adalah penggunaan varietas unggul baru, penentuan waktu tanam dengan kalender tanam, pengelolaan sumberdaya air dengan teknologi embung, pengendalian OPT terpadu dan pengelolaan lahan. Teknologi mitigasi seperti pengairan berselang, penggunaan varietas rendah emisi, penggunaan bahan amelioran, pemupukan secara berimbang, dan integrasi tanaman padi – ternak efektif menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca di lahan sawah tadah hujan. Integrasi tanaman pangan-ternak bebas limbah merupakan salah satu upaya mensinergiskan aksi adaptasi dan aksi mitigas terhadap perubahan iklim di ekosistem lahan sawah tadah hujan. Abstract. Optimization of rainfed lowland rice contributes on national food availability which is still generally supplied from irrigated lowland rice. The sub-optimal rainfed lowland is quite susceptible to climate change impacts, especially drought stress and incidence of pests and diseases. Anticipating climate change impacts in rainfed lowland are approached by applying adaptive technology as well as greenhouse gase mitigation. Some adaptive technologies which potentially increase rainfed rice productivity are new superior varieties, cropping calendar for determining planting time, water resources management with small water reservoir, and integrated pests and diseases control. Some mitigation technologies such as intermittent irrigation, high yielding varieties with low emissions, ameliorant materials use, balanced fertilization, and integrated food crop-livestock reduce effectively greenhouse gas emissions in rainfed lowland rice areas. Integrated food crops-livestock with zero waste systems is one of synergic efforts between adaptation and mitigation actions on climate change impacts in ecosystems of rainfed lowland rice


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    Augmented reality become very popular now days because in addition to exciting, can also be displayed in realtime, A game of real-time using the marker to display an animation games in 3D, Augmented Reality is a technology that puts a virtual image of computer graphics in the real world , or in other words, the merger between the real world with virtual worlds, and is one example of the application field of art and technology that pretty much enjoy doing today. Therefore, this final project in Augmented Reality systems to create animated games using the camera as a medium for reading the input symbol of the animated 3D games. The identification marker is used to identify the Symbols that will translate the goals and objectives. In this final project will be made a software that can identify markers through the image captured by a camera that will be displayed in the form of animated 3D games. The process was conducted on the reading of marker symbols using the camera and then do the pre processing stage of the process of segmentation for comparison with the marker symbol that has become a symbol of the previous reference. When the marker is a symbol image that has similarities with the reference data, then the results of image recognition that is what will be used to display animated 3D Games. Keywords: Real time, Marker, Animation games

    Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement by inserting metal chain in heat exchanger tube

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    Heat transfer augmentation in heat exchangers is important in many large industrial applications and many studies have been conducted on this subject. In this paper, an experimental study was used to verify the increased heat transfer of a circular heat exchanger tube with the insertion of metal chains, under turbulent flow conditions. A rig was designed and fabricated to investigate the effects of using the metal chain as turbulators inside the heat exchanger pipe, on heat transfer performance and on fluid flow behavior. The metal chains used were of different lengths of chain ring and different diameters of ring wire. Five ring length/tube diameter ratios (P/D) were used, (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Two wire diameter /tube diameter ratios (t/D) were used in this work (0.1 and 0.15). Heavy fuel oil (HFO) was used inside the tube, flowing at 30 °C with uniform tube wall temperature. The Reynolds numbers tested were between 5,000 and 15,000. The results showed the thermal enhancement factor (η) decreased with increasing Reynolds number for all cases, depending on lengths of chain ring (P) and thickness the weir chain (t) values. A maximum thermal enhancement factor (η) was found with a metal chain at P/D=3 and t/D= 0.15. The results also show that P/D=1 and t= 4mm, give the highest Nusselt number

    Visualisasi Dan Monitoring Lokasi Kebakaran pada Security Room

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    Fire buildings in large cities are still often the case with the number of victims quite a lot. Until recently, most buildings using only the active prevention system that is only useful for first aid. If the fire has been enlarged, then the system is no longer effective. With a fairly large fire conditions, then the victim into a panic and confusion to find a way out. Therefore, in this final project created a monitoring system for buildings equipped with the provision of information in the form of sign for easy victims to escape during a fire. To find the safest way out, then created an algorithm to determine the safest path from each floor of the building storey. Meanwhile, to get closest to the stairs safest path, then use Dijkstra's algorithm. Information guide exit is placed on the floor of the building and integrated with software that is made. The system implemented is able to provide information to the safest way out the success rate of 90%. Search algorithm and the nearest safest ladder are made, can determine the safest and the nearest ladder properly with 100% success rate. The monitoring system and provision of information created to help victims of fire and the fire department to know the condition of buildings during fires

    NKRI Bersyariah: Praktik Spasial, Representasi Ruang, Ruang Representasional

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    An alternative ideology by realizing “NKRI Bersyari’ah” which was introduced by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) by M. Rizieq Syihab did not come from space or emerge suddenly without a cause, but there is a historical continuation. researchers use triadic concepts such as spatial practice, representations of space, representational spaces assisted by Pierre Bourdieu's habitus, fields, and distinction as a theoretical analysis. Based on the focus of the explanation and description above, the research studied wants to operate the discussion by asking the question, Why is the Ideology of “NKRI Bersyari’ah” able to be formed and endured? The results of the analysis in this study are that the representational space of the “NKRI Bersyari’ah” departs from the history of the NKRI and was strengthened by the Presidential Decree of July 15, 1959, on the 5th Alenia, resulting in long debates from groups who fought for Indonesia as an Islamic state in the “constitutional jihad” node and the stronghold the representatives who fought for an agreement state, namely the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), were not present suddenly, but rather there was a long logic in the dialectics of the space debate. Ideologi alternatif dengan mewujudkan “NKRI Bersyariah” yang di perkenalkan oleh Front Pembela Islam (FPI) oleh M. Rizieq Syihab tidak hadir dari ruang yang kosong atau muncul tiba-tiba tanpa sebab, melainkan ada persambungan sejarah. Peneliti mencoba untuk mengambarkannya dengan menggunakan konsep triadik seperti; spasial practice, representations of space, representational spaces yang dibantu oleh habitus, field, dan distintion Pierre Bourdieu sebagai analisis teoretik. Berdasarkan fokus penjelasan dan uraian di atas, maka penelitian yang dikaji ingin mengoperasikan pembahasannya dengan mengajukan pertanyaan, Mengapa Ideologi “NKRI Bersyariah” dapat terbentuk dan bertahan ?. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini bahwa ruang representasional “NKRI Bersyariah” berangkat dari sejarah berdirinya NKRI dan diperkokoh oleh Dekrit Presiden 15 Juli 1959 pada alenia ke-5, sehingga perdebatan panjang dari kelompok yang memperjuangkan Indonesia sebagai negara Islam dalam simpul “jihad konstitusional” dan kubu perwakilan yang memperjuangkan negara kesepakatan yaitu Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) tidak hadir secara tiba-tiba, melainkan ada logika panjang dalam dialektika  perdebatan ruang
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