26 research outputs found

    State and perspective of domestic industry of agricultural machines

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    U radu je prikazana analiza tekućeg stanja domaće industrije poljoprivrednih mašina, analizirani su razvojni potencijali, strategija razvoja i očekivani efekti i potrebne institucije, vladine politike i mere koje treba preduzeti da se ponovo pokrene razvoj domaće industrije poljoprivrednih mašina. Zaključeno je da je domaća industrija od strateškog značaja i da ima perspektivu koja se nalazi u kooperaciji sa renomiranim svetskim firmama iz ove oblasti. Da bi do toga došlo potrebno je restruktuiranje domaće industrije uz aktivnu podršku vlade, podsticajne i druge mere.This paper shows analysis of current state of domestic industry of machines for agriculture, development potentials, strategy of development, expected results and necessary institutions, government's politics and measures that need to be taken in order to start the development of domestic industry of agricultural machines. It is concluded that the domestic industry is of strategic importance, that it has perspective which is in cooperation with recognized world companies. Active government support, incentives and other measures need to be taken in order to reconstruct domestic industry

    State and perspective of domestic industry of agricultural machines

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    U radu je prikazana analiza tekućeg stanja domaće industrije poljoprivrednih mašina, analizirani su razvojni potencijali, strategija razvoja i očekivani efekti i potrebne institucije, vladine politike i mere koje treba preduzeti da se ponovo pokrene razvoj domaće industrije poljoprivrednih mašina. Zaključeno je da je domaća industrija od strateškog značaja i da ima perspektivu koja se nalazi u kooperaciji sa renomiranim svetskim firmama iz ove oblasti. Da bi do toga došlo potrebno je restruktuiranje domaće industrije uz aktivnu podršku vlade, podsticajne i druge mere.This paper shows analysis of current state of domestic industry of machines for agriculture, development potentials, strategy of development, expected results and necessary institutions, government's politics and measures that need to be taken in order to start the development of domestic industry of agricultural machines. It is concluded that the domestic industry is of strategic importance, that it has perspective which is in cooperation with recognized world companies. Active government support, incentives and other measures need to be taken in order to reconstruct domestic industry

    Energetska efikasnost i emisija gasova termičkih postrojenja na biomasu

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    Use of crop residues as fuel has a long tradition in Vojvodina, as an agricultural region in the Pannonian plaine. Numerous biomass-fueled facilities were built during the eighties – among those were small facilities for household heating, with thermal powers ranging from 5 to 100 kW, medium-size facilities for farm and foil green-houses, with thermal powers of 100 to 1000 kW, and large facilities for processing in agricultural industry, with thermal powers larger than 1000 kW. Efficiency rate and emission of pollutants were measured only in several cases. Low efficiency rate and high pollutant emission affect both cost-effective exploitation and the environment. This can be ascribed to underdefined national legislation in this area and high costs of measurement termal plants.Korišćenje biljnih ostataka kao goriva ima dugu tradiciju u Vojvodini, kao poljoprivrednoj oblasti u Panonskoj niziji. Mnogobrojna termička postrojenja na biomasu bila su izgrađena za vreme osamdesetih godina - između ostalih mala postrojenja za zagrevanje domaćinstava, sa termičkom snagom od 5 do 100 kW, postrojenja srednje veličine za farme i plastenike, sa termičkom snagom od 100 do 1000 kW i velika postrojenja za procesiranje proizvoda u poljoprivrednoj industriji, sa termičkom snagom većom od 1000 kW. Stepen energetske efikasnosti i emisija gasova zagađivača bila je merena samo u nekoliko slučajeva. Nizak stepen energetske efikasnosti i visoka emisija gasova zagađivača utiču na troškove eksploatacije i na zaštitu okolne sredine. Razlog tome je nedostatak nacionalnih propisa u ovoj oblasti i visoki troškovi sprovođenja merenja termičkih postrojenja

    Energy Use and Energy Efficiency in Selected Arable Farms in Central and South Eastern Europe

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    The main objective of the project “Mechanization and Energy use in selected arable farms in Central and South Eastern Europe (CASEE)” was to analyse energy characteristics of arable farming in Slovak Republic, Romania, Serbia and Austria, to compare results and identify possibilities of its improvements. The large scale farms are: the university farm of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SK) with 1.112 ha arable land, a cooperative farm in Risnovice (SK) with an arable land of 1.266 ha, a family farm in Apahida-Transylvania (RO) with 400 ha, a farm in Viisoara-Transylvania (RO) with 600 ha, a family farm in Sremska Mitrovica (SRB) with an arable land of 115 ha, a family farm near Novi Sad (SRB) with an arable land of 450 ha and a family farm in Ansfelden/Linz (A) with 368 ha. The farms were visited by the interviewer once or more times and the relevant data, used machinery, quantity of inputs, e.g. fuel, pesticides, fertilizer, seed and yields of harvested crops, were recorded, for the production season 2012. After collection of the basic data all energy inputs and outputs, energy content of crops, were calculated in accordance with data and procedure defined by CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), Handbook Volume V – Energy and Biomass Engineering (1999). Energy input and net energy gain, expressed in MJ/ha, were used to calculate energy characteristics of crops’ production: energy productivity - kg/MJ, energy efficiency index, energy ratio, energy intensity - MJ/kg, fuel intensity - L/kg. The intensity of all used farm inputs (fuel, seeds, fertilizer and pesticide) in crop production systems influences the energy efficiency. The fuel consumption for winter wheat production of the analysed farms ranges between 54 and 91 l/ha. The mean energy ratio (energy-output/energy-input) for winter wheat is 5.6 with ranges between 4.8 and 7.1. Besides the fuel consumption the energy-input via the nitrogen-fertilizer is the main energy consumer in cropping systems. It is clearly identified that the highest possible energy savings are possible by reduction of fertilizers, first of all nitrogen

    Energy Use and Energy Efficiency in Selected Arable Farms in Central and South Eastern Europe

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    The main objective of the project “Mechanization and Energy use in selected arable farms in Central and South Eastern Europe (CASEE)” was to analyse energy characteristics of arable farming in Slovak Republic, Romania, Serbia and Austria, to compare results and identify possibilities of its improvements. The large scale farms are: the university farm of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SK) with 1.112 ha arable land, a cooperative farm in Risnovice (SK) with an arable land of 1.266 ha, a family farm in Apahida-Transylvania (RO) with 400 ha, a farm in Viisoara-Transylvania (RO) with 600 ha, a family farm in Sremska Mitrovica (SRB) with an arable land of 115 ha, a family farm near Novi Sad (SRB) with an arable land of 450 ha and a family farm in Ansfelden/Linz (A) with 368 ha. The farms were visited by the interviewer once or more times and the relevant data, used machinery, quantity of inputs, e.g. fuel, pesticides, fertilizer, seed and yields of harvested crops, were recorded, for the production season 2012. After collection of the basic data all energy inputs and outputs, energy content of crops, were calculated in accordance with data and procedure defined by CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), Handbook Volume V – Energy and Biomass Engineering (1999). Energy input and net energy gain, expressed in MJ/ha, were used to calculate energy characteristics of crops’ production: energy productivity - kg/MJ, energy efficiency index, energy ratio, energy intensity - MJ/kg, fuel intensity - L/kg. The intensity of all used farm inputs (fuel, seeds, fertilizer and pesticide) in crop production systems influences the energy efficiency. The fuel consumption for winter wheat production of the analysed farms ranges between 54 and 91 l/ha. The mean energy ratio (energy-output/energy-input) for winter wheat is 5.6 with ranges between 4.8 and 7.1. Besides the fuel consumption the energy-input via the nitrogen-fertilizer is the main energy consumer in cropping systems. It is clearly identified that the highest possible energy savings are possible by reduction of fertilizers, first of all nitrogen

    Poljoprivredno inženjerstvo u uslovima promene vlasništva i strukture imanja - zadaci i aktivnosti

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    Ownership of agricultural land in Serbia has been drastically changed recently and the transformation will soon be finished. The farms and farmers are categorized into three groups: company farms, advanced family farms and cooperatives and small farms. The changing of farming practice is, nearby ownership changes, influenced by many other environmental, economic, technological and societal demands. Defined here are five targets of Serbian agriculture of economic, societal and political importance. As the sixth target, the improvement of domestic industry of agricultural machinery and equipment is defined. The objectives of agricultural engineering, more precisely named -Biosystems Engineering, are to fulfill these targets. This requires a complex and multidisciplinary approach. Following issues have to be especially emphasized: environment protection, food safety and quality, profitability of agricultural production and rural development. Based on the defined objectives and major issues, seven fields of the future activities of are defined.Vlasništvo nad poljoprivrednim zemljištem u Srbiji poslednjih godina brzo se menja, a uskoro će transformacija biti okončana. Imanja su razvrstana u tri glavne grupe: kompanijska, napredna porodična i zadruge i mala. Konstatovano je da na promene u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji utiču, pored promene strukture vlasništva, i mnogi drugi faktori. U radu je definisano pet najvažnijih ciljeva poljoprivrede Srbije, ekonomskih, socijalnih i političkih. Šesti cilj je unapređenje domaće industrije poljoprivrednih mašina i opreme i njeno uključivanje u regionalne i svetske sisteme. Zadaci poljoprivrednog inženjerstva su da deluje na ostvarenju postavljenih ciljeva. Njihovo ostvarenje postaje sve kompleksnije, multidisciplinarno, te u tom smislu novi, široko prihvaćeni naziv oblasti -inženjerstvo biosistema, bolje odražava savremene zadatke struke. Savremenim multidisciplinarnim pristupom ostvarenju ciljeva i zadataka poljoprivrede, industrije i društva posebno je obuhvaćeno: briga o zaštiti životne sredine, zdravstvenoj bezbednosti i kvalitetu hrane, profitabilnosti proizvodnje i rešavanju socijalnih problema ruralnih oblasti. Na osnovu ovih postavki definisano je sedam polja aktivnosti inženjerstva biosistema, sa naznakom koje od njih doprinosi rešavanju pojedinih postavljenih zadataka

    Konzerviranje zrna strnih žita drobljenjem i hermetičkim skladištenjem

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    Grinding and airtight storing of maize grains is well known technology in region of Pannonia plane, European Corn Belt. The energy needs for this kind of preservation is considerably lower than energy used for preservation by drying, especially for high-moisture late hybrids. The same preservation of cereals grains is practiced in the regions where, due to climatic conditions, grains couldn’t reach phase of full ripeness, or they have in harvesting time high moisture content. Due to very low prices of cereals grains they are more and more used as fodder. In that case they cereals grains can be earlier harvested, with the moisture content 16-24%, grained and airtight stored. This can extend harvesting season and reduce costs of storage. The paper presents results of investigation of cereal grains grinding and making silage. It has been measured process of grinding with hammer mill and press rollers. The capacity, energy input and particle fineness of cereal grains has been measured. The microbiology tests of processed and stored grain have been provided. It has bin found out that grinding with press rollers results with bigger particles but much less energy is needed in comparison with hammer mill grinding. In all cases tests of silage hygienic were positive. The prices of this fodder processing procedure have been compared with drying and grinding. It was find out that, depending on weather conditions in harvest period, the costs for grinding and airtight storing of cereal grains are 5 to 50% lower than for its drying and dry grinding. The profitability of moist grinding and airtight storing of cereal grains processing procedure should be considered concerning individual conditions, e.g. using of same grinding equipment for maize corn processing, weather conditions, own and neighboring farms structure et cetera,Mlevenje vlažnog zrna kukuruza i hermetičko skladištenje je tehnologija poznata u regionu Panonske nizije, kukuruznog pojasa Evrope. Energija potrebna za ovaj način konzerviranja je niža nego za sušenje, posebno visokovlažnih kasnostasnih hibrida. Isti postupak koristi se za konzerviranje zrna strnih žita u područjima u kojima, zbog klimatskih uslova, potpuno dozrevanje nije moguće, ili je vlažnost zrna u vreme žetve visoka. Niske cene zrna strnih žita uzrokovale su da se ono sve više koristi kao stočna hrana. Žetva žitarica mogla bi da otpočne ranije, kada je vlažnost zrna 16-24%, te da se ono samelje i hermetički skladišti, sa ili bez dodavanja sredstava za konzervaciju. Ovakvim postupkom moglo bi da se produži trajanje žetve, te da se kombajn duže koristi, i da se uštedi na troškovima skladištenja zrna. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja opisanog postupka konzerviranja zrna pšenice i raži. Za mlevenje je korišćen uređaj sa dva para narebrenih valjaka. Mereni su učinak, potrebna energija i ostvareno usitnjavanje zrna, a dobijeni rezultati upoređeni sa onima drugih autora i sa rezultatima dobijenim mlevenjem čekićarem. Takođe su obavljeni mikrobiološki testovi obrađenog materijala. Utvrđeno je da se mlevenjem uređajem sa narebrenim valjcima ostvaruje veća krupnoća usitnjenog materijala, ali je potrebno manje energije. Udeo bakterija i kvasaca, konzerviranog materijala veće krupnoće, je ispod granica dozvoljenog, te su higijenski zahtevi zadovoljeni. U radu je dato poređenje troškova prerade zrna ovim postupkom i upoređene sa cenom sušenja i naknadnog drobljenja, za uslove u Nemačkoj. U zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova u vreme žetve postupkom mlevenja vlažnog zrna i konzervacije hermetičkim skladištenjem cena je za 5 do 50% niža nego ukoliko se zrno suši i kasnije melje. Na osnovu cene žitarica, potrebnih ulaganja, i mogućnosti kombinovanja sa preradom zrna kukuruza, svaki proizvođač treba da izračuna da li je ovakav postupak prerade zrna strnih žita u konkretnim uslovima isplativ

    Stajnjak u Srbiji - količine i emisija gasova s efektom staklene bašte

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    Manure is a by-product at agricultural farms that can consist of excrement, bedding, food, and other substances. Manure is a significant form of organic fertilizer, but it negatively impacts the environment. The objectives of this study are to determine the quantities of manure and classify them depending on the size and type of farms in Serbia and to quantify greenhouse gas emissions in Serbia from manure management. About 8.6 million m3of fresh liquid manure and about 20.4 million tons of fresh solid manure are generated in Serbia. The dominant types of manures are liquid pig manure and cattle solid and liquid manures. Approximately 81% of the total amount of manure is located at farms with less than 100 livestock units. In Serbia, at large farms with over 1,000 livestock units, about 12% of the total amount of manure is generated. In 2020, about 23 Gg of CH4and 1 Gg of N2O were emitted directly from manure. About 1,1 Gg of N2O is emitted indirectly from manure management. Total emissions of greenhouse gases originating from manure in 2020 amounted to about 1,144 GgCO2eq. Greenhouse gas emissions are declining due to the reduction of livestock, so in comparison to 1990, they are reduced by 36% for this sector.Stajnjak je otpadni tok iz stočarstva koji mogu da čine ekskrementi, prostirka, hrana i druge materije. Usled prisustva organske materije, stajnjak predstavlja značajnu formu đubriva koja se dodaje biljnim kulturama, ali čije neadekvatno skladištenje i korišćenje prouzrokuje negativne uticaje na životnu sredinu. Ciljevi ovog rada su da se odrede količine stajnjaka i alociraju u zavisnosti od veličine i vrste gazdinstava u Srbiji, i da se kvantifikuju emisije gasova s efektom staklene bašte u Srbiji poreklom od upravljanja stajnjakom. U Srbiji se generiše oko 8,6 miliona m3 naturalnog tečnog stajnjaka i oko 20,4 miliona t svežeg čvrstog stajnjaka. Dominantne vrste stajnjaka su tečni svinjski stajnjak i goveđi čvrsti i tečni stajnjak. Od ukupne količine stajnjaka, 81% se nalazi na najmanjim gazdinstvima sa manje od 100 uslovnih grla dok se na velikim gazdinstvima sa preko 1.000 uslovnih grla, generiše oko 12% ukupne količine stajnjaka u Srbiji. Direktno iz stajnjaka se u 2020. godini emitovalo oko 23 Gg (Giga grama) CH4 i 1 GgN2O. Indirektno se iz upravljanja stajnjakom emituje oko 1,1 GgN2O. Ukupne emisije gasova s efektom staklene bašte poreklom od stajnjaka iznosile su u 2020. godini oko 1.144 GgCO2ekv. Zbog redukovanja stočnog fonda emisije su u opadanju, a u odnosu na 1990. godinu su manje za 36%

    Mogućnost primene virtualnog rotirajućeg češlja kod mehanizovanog ubiranja cvasti nevena (Calendula officinalis L.)

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    The objective of the investigation was to examine possibility of mechanized harvesting of marigold inflorescences by applying a virtual rotating comb type chamomile harvester. The impact of coefficient R, relation between the working device penetration into the inflorescences horizon and the average value of highest and lowest inflorescences span-width of inflorescences band, on harvest yield, was tested. It was found that for coefficient R value 1.3, in average 90 % of the inflorescences’ yield can be harvested. Future investigation should be directed towards solving the mechanical separation of the inflorescences from the harvested mass and process of shortening the inflorescences’ stems and determination of economic viability of mechanized harvest with proposed procedure.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita mogućnost mehanizovanog branja cvasti primenom radnog organa tipa virtualnog rotirajućeg češlja, koji se koristi za ubiranje kamilice. Ispitan je uticaj koeficijenta R, koji predstavlja odnos dubine ulaska radnog organa u horizont cvasti i prosečne visine raspona najviših i najnižih cvasti na biljkama, na efikasnost ubiranja. Ustanovljeno je da pri veličini koeficijenta R = 1,3 može da se ostvari maksimalan udeo ukupne ubrane mase cvasti u biološkom prinosu cvasti u proseku 90 % (cvasti sa drškom dužine do 2 cm 65 % i preko 2 cm 35 %, obračunato na dužinu do 2 cm). Buduća istraživanja treba da se usmere ka rešavanju mehaničkog postupka separacije cvasti od stabljike i lišća i skraćivanja drški cvasti, kao i utvrđivanja ekonomske opravdanosti mehaničke berbe cvasti nevena prikazanim postupkom

    Ocena emisije gasova s efektom staklene bašte lanca snabdevanja kukuruzovine

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    Within this investigation, different scenarios for supply chains of corn stover intended for biogas production were evaluated in terms of emissions of the greenhouse gasses and their impact to global warming. A primary difference between the scenarios was due to application of different stover collection techniques i.e. forage harvester, baling of big rectangular and round bales. It was found that the supply chain, which includes the application of forage harvester for stover collection is characterized by the highest value of impact, approximately 70 and 85 kg CO2 eq MgDM–1, respectively for the usual and reduced corn stover yield. For the supply chain which includes baling of big rectangular bales, these values are around 62 and 68 kg CO2 eq MgDM–1, and for the baling of round bales, values are 61 and 67 kg CO2 eq MgDM–1. Among the analyzed greenhouse gases emissions, the dominant impact is due to the emissions of carbon dioxide. The reduction of the corn stover yield, caused by extreme drought, is followed by higher GHG emissions, first of all due to longer distances during harvest and transportation.U okviru istraživanja su, za različite scenarije lanca snabdevanja kukuruzovinom namenjene za proizvodnju biogasa, određene vrednosti emisija gasova s efektom staklene bašte i ocenjen njihov uticaj na doprinos globalnom zagrevanju. Osnovna razlika između scenarija proizilazi iz načina ubiranja kukuruzovine i to silažnim kombajnom i formiranjem velikih četvrtastih i valjkastih bala. Ustanovljeno je da se lanac snabdevanja sa primenom silažnog kombajna rezultuje najvišom vrednošću uticaja, koja iznosi 70 i 85 kg CO2 ekv MgSM–1, za visok i nizak prinos kukuruzovine respektivno. Za lanac sa ubiranjem u formi četvrtastih bala, te vrednosti iznose 62 i 68 kg CO2 ekv MgSM–1, a za valjkaste bale 61 i 67 kg CO2 ekv MgSM–1. Od analiziranih gasova s efektom staklene bašte, dominantan uticaj ima ugljen-dioksid. Smanjenje prinosa kukuruzovine, usled suše, nepovoljno se odražava na lanac snabdevanja, pre svega zbog dužine puta pri ubiranju i transportu