Mogućnost primene virtualnog rotirajućeg češlja kod mehanizovanog ubiranja cvasti nevena (Calendula officinalis L.)


The objective of the investigation was to examine possibility of mechanized harvesting of marigold inflorescences by applying a virtual rotating comb type chamomile harvester. The impact of coefficient R, relation between the working device penetration into the inflorescences horizon and the average value of highest and lowest inflorescences span-width of inflorescences band, on harvest yield, was tested. It was found that for coefficient R value 1.3, in average 90 % of the inflorescences’ yield can be harvested. Future investigation should be directed towards solving the mechanical separation of the inflorescences from the harvested mass and process of shortening the inflorescences’ stems and determination of economic viability of mechanized harvest with proposed procedure.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita mogućnost mehanizovanog branja cvasti primenom radnog organa tipa virtualnog rotirajućeg češlja, koji se koristi za ubiranje kamilice. Ispitan je uticaj koeficijenta R, koji predstavlja odnos dubine ulaska radnog organa u horizont cvasti i prosečne visine raspona najviših i najnižih cvasti na biljkama, na efikasnost ubiranja. Ustanovljeno je da pri veličini koeficijenta R = 1,3 može da se ostvari maksimalan udeo ukupne ubrane mase cvasti u biološkom prinosu cvasti u proseku 90 % (cvasti sa drškom dužine do 2 cm 65 % i preko 2 cm 35 %, obračunato na dužinu do 2 cm). Buduća istraživanja treba da se usmere ka rešavanju mehaničkog postupka separacije cvasti od stabljike i lišća i skraćivanja drški cvasti, kao i utvrđivanja ekonomske opravdanosti mehaničke berbe cvasti nevena prikazanim postupkom

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