1,804 research outputs found

    Dalla valutazione di sistema alla didattica. Uno studio di caso

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    A partire dalla diminuzione della media del punteggio di lettura degli studenti italiani (Invalsi, 2015b), e dalla priorit\ue0 individuata dall\u2019Istituto Comprensivo di Marostica (Vicenza) di ridurre la varianza negli esiti delle prove standardizzate Invalsi, \ue8 stato condotto uno studio di caso in una classe quarta e quinta primaria per indagare la questione del legame tra valutazione di sistema e didattica tramite la costruzione di percorsi che rispondano ai bisogni degli studenti (Castoldi & Chiosso, 2017; Galliani, 2015; Roncaglia, 2018). I risultati evidenziano come sia possibile superare l\u2019ottica teach to test attraverso una progettazione che, pur tenendo conto delle competenze valutate nelle prove, sia finalizzata alla crescita umana e al benessere degli alunni, in prospettiva context-oriented (De Rossi, 2017). Il Rapporto di Autovalutazione (RAV) va inteso, pertanto, come un patto reciproco e rispettoso dei ragazzi, per promuovere e sviluppare competenze di cittadinanza

    The Effects of I-bLA on Resolving the Issues of the EFL Students’ Writing Skills and Content Originality

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    Abstract: The Effects of I-bLA on Resolving the Issues of the EFL Students’ Writing Skills and Content Originality. Objective: This research aims at testing the effects of Inquiry-based Learning Approach (I-bLA) on Resolving the Issues of the EFL Students’ Writing Skills and Content Originality. Method: The one Group Pre-test and Post-test experimental research design was used to test the effects of I-bLA. Findings: The result of paired sample test explicates that the sig. 2-tailed value is 0.000 designating a significant difference between pre-test and post-test. Furthermore, the I-bLA significantly decreases the similarity index by 80% meaning that the content originality of the students’ essays does not match against the original sources. Conclusion: the use of I-bLA can significantly resolve the issues of the EFL students’ Writing Skills and Content Originality.Keywords: I-bLA, writing skills, content originality.Abstrak: Efek I-bLA terhadap Penyelesaian Masalah Keterampilan Menulis dan Orisinalitas Konten Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Pendekatan Pembelajaran berbasis Inkuiri (I-bLA) terhadap penyelesaian masalah Keterampilan Menulis dan Orisinalitas Konten Mahasiswa EFL. Metode: Desain penelitian eksperimen One Group Pre-test dan Post-test digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh I-bLA. Temuan: Hasil uji sampel berpasangan menjelaskan bahwa nilai sig. 2-tailed adalah 0,000 yang menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara pre-test dan pos-test. Selanjutnya, I-bLA secara signifikan menurunkan indeks kesamaan sebesar 80% yang berarti orisinalitas isi karangan mahasiswa tidak sesuai dengan sumber aslinya. Kesimpulan: penggunaan I-bLA secara signifikan dapat mengatasi masalah Keterampilan Menulis dan Orisinalitas Konten mahasiswa EFL.Kata kunci: I-bLA, keahlian menulis, orisinalitas konten.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i2.20210

    Predischarge cerebral oxygenation and psychomotor outcome in very preterm infants: is there an association?

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    This observational study aimed to investigate whether predischarge cerebral oxygenation (CrSO2), monitored by near-infrared spectroscopy, correlates with later psychomotor outcome in very preterm infants. Infants <32 weeks' gestation or <1500 g without evidence of major brain lesions underwent a 3-h continuous CrSO2 monitoring before hospital discharge. Psychomotor development was assessed at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months using the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales. The developmental quotients (DQ) at each follow-up appointment were correlated with predischarge CrSO2. Significant correlations were adjusted for possible confounders. Sixty-three infants were enrolled. A significant correlation between CrSO2 and DQ was observed at 6 months ca (p=0.010), but not at later psychomotor assessments. This correlation was confirmed significant (b=0.274, p=0.038) even after the adjustment for relevant covariates.Conclusion: According to these preliminary findings, the association between predischarge CrSO2 and psychomotor development over the first 24 months in preterm infants without major brain lesions is time-limited. Hence, this parameter may not represent an effective predictor for medium-term neurodevelopment

    The production of relative clauses by Italian cochlear-implanted and hearing children

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    This study investigates the elicited production of subject (SRs) and object relatives (ORs) in Italian by 13 cochlear-implanted (CI) children (age:7;9-10;8) to determine whether and to what extent they differ from three groups of 13 normal hearing (NH) children matched on morphosyntactic abilities (age:5;0-7;9), chronological age (age:7;5-10;3), and auditory age (e.g. duration of CI use (age:4;11-9;4)) respectively. Results showed that for CI children, SRs are more accurate than ORs. The same asymmetry is observed in all NH groups, although NH children’s percentages of target responses are higher for both sentence typologies. The syntactic difficulty with ORs led CI and NH groups to adopt a considerable number of answering strategies: among them, production of passive relatives, causative constructions, and wh- elements replacing the complementizer che (‘that’). Individual performance variability within the CI group is observed. Some CI children showed good competence in Italian and age-peer performance by producing passive relatives, which are largely attested in older children’s production. For other CI children, however, the tendency to produce sentences attested in young children’s production is evidence of the linguistic delay associated to hearing impairment. In this case, the performance of these CI children was comparable to that of younger NH children

    Virtual Environment: assistance in nursing care for the deaf based on the protocol of Primary Care

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    Objective: Presenting a Virtual Environment (VE) based on the Protocol of Treatment of Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus type 2, used in Primary Care for evaluation of dietary habits in nursing consultations. Method: An experimental study applied by two nurses and a nurse manager, in a sample of 30 deaf patients aged between 30 and 60 years. The environment was built in Visual Basic NET and offered eight screens about feeding containing food pictures, videos in Libras (Brazilian sign language) and audio. The analysis of the VE was done through questionnaires applied to patients and professionals by the Poisson statistical test. Results: The VE shows the possible diagnostics in red, yellow, green and blue colors, depending on the degree of patients’ need. Conclusion: The environment obtained excellent acceptance by patients and nurses, allowing great interaction between them, even without an interpreter. The time in consultation was reduced to 15 minutes, with the preservation of patient privacy.Objetivo: Presentar un Ambiente Virtual (AV) basado en el Protocolo de Tratamiento de la Hipertensión Arterial y de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 aplicado en la Atención Básica, en la evaluación de los hábitos alimentarios en la consulta de enfermería. Método: Estudio experimental aplicado por dos enfermeros y un gestor en una muestra de 30 pacientes sordos entre 30 y 60 años. El ambiente se desarrolló en Visual Basic Net. Éste ofreció ocho cuadros con preguntas sobre la alimentación del paciente que contenían figuras de alimentos, videos en lenguaje de señas y audio. El análisis del AV fue realizado por medio de la prueba estadística de Poisson de los cuestionarios aplicados a los pacientes y profesionales. Resultados: Al final del procedimiento, el ambiente presenta el posible diagnóstico con un mensaje en la pantalla en color rojo, amarillo, verde o azul, dependiendo del grado de necesidad del paciente. Conclusión: El ambiente obtuvo una excelente aceptación por parte de los pacientes y enfermeros, posibilitando una óptima interacción entre estos, incluso sin un intérprete. La consulta se redujo a 15 minutos, con la mantención de la privacidad del paciente.Objetivo: Apresentar um Ambiente Virtual (AV), baseado no Protocolo de Tratamento da Hipertensão Arterial e do Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, aplicado na Atenção Básica, em avaliação de hábitos alimentares na consulta de enfermagem. Método: Estudo experimental aplicado por dois enfermeiros e um gestor, em uma amostra de 30 pacientes surdos com idade entre 30 e 60 anos. Construído em Visual Basic Net, o ambiente ofereceu oito telas sobre alimentação contendo figuras alimentícias, vídeos em libras e áudio. A análise do AV foi feita em questionários aplicados aos pacientes e profissionais por meio do teste estatístico Poisson. Resultados: Apresenta o possível diagnóstico nas cores vermelha, amarela, verde e azul, dependendo do grau de necessidade do paciente. Conclusão: O ambiente obteve excelente aceitação pelos pacientes e enfermeiros, possibilitando ótima interação entre eles, mesmo sem intérprete. A consulta foi reduzida para 15 minutos, com a preservação da privacidade do paciente.

    Exploration of cardiovascular and cerebral physiology in preterm infants during the transitional period with continuous haemodynamic monitoring.

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    The transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life represents a critical phase of physiological adaptation after preterm birth. The aim of this research was to explore cardiovascular and cerebrovascular physiology in preterm infants during postnatal transition using a continuous, non-invasive comprehensive monitoring system. Transitional haemodynamics were explored in preterm infants <32 weeks’ gestation or with a birth weight <1500g using a non-invasive integrated multiparametric monitoring, which included electrical velocimetry, near-infrared spectroscopy, pulse oximetry and serial echocardiographic assessments. Sixty-four preterm infants with a mean gestational age of 29.6 weeks were included. A progressive improvement in overall cardiovascular function and cerebrovascular reactivity occurred during the transitional period. The presence of an haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus was associated with significantly different patterns of cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR), cardiac contractility and with a greater impairment of cerebral autoregulation. Furthermore, characteristic transitional haemodynamic profiles were outlined in relation to gestational age, antenatal Doppler status and ductal status. The investigation of the relationship between CO and its direct determinants revealed that the correlation between CO and HR was not perfectly linear and was significantly influenced by HR ranges, ductal status and ongoing cardiovascular drugs. A strong association between SV and CO was also observed, supporting the role for SV in CO determination even in preterm infants. The haemodynamic response to brief cardio-respiratory events during the transitional period was finally evaluated, showing that the impact of these events on both cardiovascular and cerebral sides was modulated not only by the event characteristics, but also by gestational age, antenatal Doppler features and ductal status. This research demonstrates how multifaceted the transitional haemodynamic status is in such a heterogenic population as preterm infants and provide valuable hints in support of the development of an individualized haemodynamic management during this delicate early phase
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