3,314 research outputs found

    The next-to-leading order vertex for a forward jet plus a rapidity gap at high energies

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    We present the results for the calculation of the forward jet vertex associated to a rapidity gap (coupling of a hard pomeron to the jet) in the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) formalism at next-to-leading order (NLO). We handle the real emission contributions making use of the high energy effective action proposed by Lipatov, valid for multi-Regge and quasi-multi-Regge kinematics. This result is important since it allows, together with the NLO non-forward gluon Green function, to perform NLO studies of jet production in diffractive events (Mueller-Tang dijets, as a well-known example).Comment: 12 pages, some figure

    Orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts: a Spanish tertiary care center study based on HPV DNA detection

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    The role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts (OOCs) has rarely been studied. The objective is to describe the clinicopathological findings in a series of OOCs from a Spanish population that were investigated in relation to the possible presence of HPV. Methods A clinicopathological retrospective analysis followed by a molecular analysis of 28 high- and low-risk HPV genotypes was performed in OOC samples of patients seen during the last 15-years in a Spanish tertiary care center. Results Of 115 odontogenic cysts with keratinization, 16 cases of OOCs were confirmed and evaluated. OOCs occurred predominantly in the mandible of males (mean age 36.06 ± 13.16 years). Swelling of the jaw followed by pain were the most common clinical symptoms, and 56.5% of the OOC cases were associated with an unerupted tooth. After a mean post-cystectomy follow-up of 3.8 years, only one recurrent case was observed, resulting in a verrucous cystic lesion that was considered premalignant after immunohistological examination. DNA extraction was successful from 14 of the 16 OOC cases. None of the primary OCCs or the single recurrent OOC were positive for HPV in the molecular analysis. Conclusions OOCs show a very limited potential for recurrence. Our results suggest that neither high- or low-risk HPV subtypes are likely to play a role in the etiology or neoplastic transformation of OOC, at least in the Spanish population

    Determination of optimal thermal inertia of building materials for housing in different Chilean climate zones

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    In recent years, several studies on residential energy consumption and new strategies for its reduction have been carried out. The literature reports that thermal inertia can have an influence on energy demand and, to a greater extent, on the thermal comfort of the buildings. The performance of thermal inertia in buildings located in different regions or countries has been analysed, comparing structures or materials having high and low thermal inertia through energy simulations or empirical studies. However, the optimal thermal inertia of a building according to different climates has not been established. In this study, optimum values were determined for the different properties that define thermal inertia (thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, and density) that would allow to maintain the indoor annual operative temperature within the thermal comfort range (18–24°C) of a standard dwelling. Energy simulations were carried out in DesignBuilder using climate data from 10 cities in different Chilean climate zones. The results show the minimum thermal conductivity as optimal regardless of climate (0.025 and 0.03 W/(m∙K)), while the optimal density ranges fluctuate between 1800 and 2500 kg/m3 varying according to the climate zone. Finally, it was determined that specific heat capacity was not influential in the thermal comfort of the analysed dwelling

    Estudio de factibilidad y propuesta de PEI para la creación de un jardín infantil en Zipaquirá

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    200 Páginas.El Jardín Infantil Huellas busca proponer una nueva metodología de enseñanza para niños entre los 18 meses y los 6 años de edad del municipio de Zipaquirá. El modelo pedagógico que se plantea es el constructivista en donde se parte de la base de que el niño es constructor y participe de su propio conocimiento. También se tomaran elementos del aprendizaje significativo, y la pedagogía Waldorf que propicia experiencias reales y vivenciales. Con el ánimo de determinar la factibilidad del proyecto se realiza un estudio acerca de las necesidades de la población, llegando a la conclusión de que este es un proyecto que puede llegar a tener buena acogida en el municipio debido a que existen pocos jardines infantile

    "Capital Stock and Unemployment: Searching for the Missing Link"

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the proposition that capital stock relative to aggregate output has been an important variable in the determination of the U.S. NAIRU (Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment) over the last four decades. We present new empirical evidence, obtained from the application of the cointegrated VAR methodology to U.S. time-series data, that lends strong support to the claim that the aggregate capital-output ratio, the real price of imports, and aggregate capacity utilization were determinants of the NAIRU in the period considered. The same evidence also shows that technical progress and changes in long-term unemployment did not affect the NAIRU. We believe this evidence suggests that, insofar as the aggregate capital-output ratio is affected by changes in real interest rates, the stance of monetary policy is one determinant of the NAIRU.

    Superlatives across domains: Evidence from degree achievements in Southern Aymara

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    This papers proposes that Southern Aymara, an understudied Andean language, has a verbal superlative degree morpheme, namely, -su, that combines with degree achievements. I illustrate this with verbs with -cha, a suffix that derives degree achievements, to which -su attaches. I show that sentences with the verbal superlative -su have absolute and relative readings, which is similar to sentences with adjectival superlatives (as has beed discussed for English). I further show that relative readings arise when the verbal superlative interacts with focus. I propose that verbal superlatives involve comparison of degree-event pairs

    Determinación del modelo de difusión en procesos de secado y extracción

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    Teniendo como motivaciónel desarrollo de mejores estrategias de modelado orientadoal diseño de equipo, operación, monitoreo y control para procesos de secado de granos y extracción de aceites esencialesy como punto de partida metodológico estudiosrecientes de modelado en cinética de polimerización, en este trabajose presenta una metodología para determinar de una manera más sistemática y directa, sin hacer hipótesis a priori, la dependencia del coeficiente de difusión con la concentración de humedad en procesos de secado (o concentración de aceite en procesos de extracción) que ocurren en sistemas con estado distribuido espacialmente en un grano (o en una placa (rebanada de semilla)) y descritos por una ecuación en derivadas parciales, en base a la medición del contenido total de humedad (o contenido de aceite). La metodología propuesta se ilustra y verifica con corridas simuladas y experimentales, y se encuentra que, sin tener que hacer hipótesis a priori sobre la independencia o dependencia del coeficiente de difusión con la concentración (como se hace en trabajos previos): (i)es posibledeterminar si la difusión es constante o no, (ii) en caso de que la difusión no sea constante, es posible concluir en forma analítica dicha dependencia