637 research outputs found

    The Effects Of Frenotomy On Breastfeeding

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    Although the interference of tongue-tie with breastfeeding is a controversial subject, The use of lingual frenotomy has been widely indicated by health professionals. Objective: To observe changes in breastfeeding patterns after lingual frenotomy concerning the number of sucks, pause length between groups of sucking and mother's complaints. Material and Methods: Oral yes/no questions about breastfeeding symptoms and sucking/swallowing/breathing coordination were answered by the mothers of 109, 30 day old infants. On the same day the infants had their lingual frenulum assessed by administering a lingual frenulum protocol. After the assessment, all tongue-tied infants were referred for frenotomy; nevertheless, only 14 underwent the surgery. Of the 109 infants, 14 infants who did not have frenulum alterations were included as controls. Birth order and gender were the criteria for recruiting the control group. The tongue-tied infants underwent lingual frenotomy at 45 days of age. At the conclusion of the frenotomy, the infants were breastfed. At 75 days old, both groups - control and post-frenotomy - were reassessed. Before the reassessment the same oral yes/no questions were answered by the mothers of the 14 infants who underwent frenotomy. The mothers of the control group answered the questionnaire only at the time of the first assessment. Data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: After frenotomy, the number of sucks increased and the pause length between sucking decreased during breastfeeding. The controls maintained the same patterns observed in the first assessment. From the questionnaire answered by the mothers of the 14 tongue-tied infants, at 30 days and 75 days, we observed that the symptoms concerning breastfeeding and sucking/swallowing/breathing coordination were improved after lingual frenotomy Conclusions: after lingual frenotomy, changes were observed in the breastfeeding patterns of the the tongue-tied infants while the control group maintained the same patterns. Moreover, all symptoms reported by the mothers of the tongue-tied infants had improved after frenotomy.23215315

    Tongue frenulum evaluation protocol in babies

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    OBJETIVO: apresentar uma proposta de protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês com escores. MÉTODO: inicialmente foi realizada uma revisão da literatura relacionada, consultando as bases de dados Web of Science, Pubmed, Embase, All Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews e Scielo, bem como livros textos das áreas de anatomia, odontopediatria e fonoaudiologia. Todos os aspectos julgados relevantes nos trabalhos encontrados foram incluídos na versão inicial, que foi submetida à avaliação de três fonoaudiólogas especialistas em motricidade orofacial, sendo obtida a versão consenso, que foi aplicada em 10 bebês nascidos a termo buscando verificar a exequibilidade do instrumento. RESULTADOS: com base na literatura consultada e no estudo piloto, foi elaborado o protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês. A primeira parte é composta por história clínica contendo questões gerais de identificação e questões específicas sobre antecedentes familiais e amamentação. A segunda parte é composta pelo exame clínico, constituído de avaliação anatomofuncional e avaliação das funções orofaciais. CONCLUSÕES: o protocolo de avaliação do frênulo da língua em bebês foi desenvolvido a partir de uma proposta teórica e depende de sua aplicabilidade para se configurar como um teste validado. Espera-se que o mesmo possa auxiliar os profissionais da saúde a avaliar e diagnosticar as variações anatômicas do frênulo e sua possível interferência na amamentação, norteando condutas eficazes e promovendo uma prática baseada em evidências. A segunda fase deste trabalho deve compreender a pesquisa experimental e a análise estatística dos dados

    The effects of frenotomy on breastfeeding

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    Although the interference of tongue-tie with breastfeeding is a controversial subject, The use of lingual frenotomy has been widely indicated by health professionals. Objective : To observe changes in breastfeeding patterns after lingual frenotomy concerning the number of sucks, pause length between groups of sucking and mother's complaints. Material and Methods : Oral yes/no questions about breastfeeding symptoms and sucking/swallowing/breathing coordination were answered by the mothers of 109, 30 day old infants. On the same day the infants had their lingual frenulum assessed by administering a lingual frenulum protocol. After the assessment, all tongue-tied infants were referred for frenotomy; nevertheless, only 14 underwent the surgery. Of the 109 infants, 14 infants who did not have frenulum alterations were included as controls. Birth order and gender were the criteria for recruiting the control group. The tongue-tied infants underwent lingual frenotomy at 45 days of age. At the conclusion of the frenotomy, the infants were breastfed. At 75 days old, both groups – control and post-frenotomy – were reassessed. Before the reassessment the same oral yes/no questions were answered by the mothers of the 14 infants who underwent frenotomy. The mothers of the control group answered the questionnaire only at the time of the first assessment. Data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results : After frenotomy, the number of sucks increased and the pause length between sucking decreased during breastfeeding. The controls maintained the same patterns observed in the first assessment. From the questionnaire answered by the mothers of the 14 tongue-tied infants, at 30 days and 75 days, we observed that the symptoms concerning breastfeeding and sucking/swallowing/breathing coordination were improved after lingual frenotomy Conclusions : after lingual frenotomy, changes were observed in the breastfeeding patterns of the the tongue-tied infants while the control group maintained the same patterns. Moreover, all symptoms reported by the mothers of the tongue-tied infants had improved after frenotomy

    The effects of frenotomy on breastfeeding

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    Although the interference of tongue-tie with breastfeeding is a controversial subject, The use of lingual frenotomy has been widely indicated by health professionals. To observe changes in breastfeeding patterns after lingual frenotomy concerning the number of sucks, pause length between groups of sucking and mother's complaints. Oral yes/no questions about breastfeeding symptoms and sucking/swallowing/breathing coordination were answered by the mothers of 109, 30 day old infants. On the same day the infants had their lingual frenulum assessed by administering a lingual frenulum protocol. After the assessment, all tongue-tied infants were referred for frenotomy; nevertheless, only 14 underwent the surgery. Of the 109 infants, 14 infants who did not have frenulum alterations were included as controls. Birth order and gender were the criteria for recruiting the control group. The tongue-tied infants underwent lingual frenotomy at 45 days of age. At the conclusion of the frenotomy, the infants were breastfed. At 75 days old, both groups – control and post-frenotomy – were reassessed. Before the reassessment the same oral yes/no questions were answered by the mothers of the 14 infants who underwent frenotomy. The mothers of the control group answered the questionnaire only at the time of the first assessment. Data were subjected to statistical analysis. After frenotomy, the number of sucks increased and the pause length between sucking decreased during breastfeeding. The controls maintained the same patterns observed in the first assessment. From the questionnaire answered by the mothers of the 14 tongue-tied infants, at 30 days and 75 days, we observed that the symptoms concerning breastfeeding and sucking/swallowing/breathing coordination were improved after lingual frenotomy. After lingual frenotomy, changes were observed in the breastfeeding patterns of the the tongue-tied infants while the control group maintained the same patterns. Moreover, all symptoms reported by the mothers of the tongue-tied infants had improved after frenotomy.23215315

    Validity And Reliability Of The Neonatal Tongue Screening Test

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    Verificar as propriedades psicométricas de validade e confiabilidade, bem como a sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos da Triagem Neonatal proposta a partir do Protocolo de Avaliação do Frênulo da Língua em Bebês. Métodos: estudo experimental retrospectivo, utilizando os dados de 100 bebês. Os bebês foram avaliados nas primeiras 48 horas por meio da triagem e com 30 dias utilizando o Protocolo de Avaliação do Frênulo da Língua em Bebês. As imagens e dados de todos os bebês foram coletados pela fonoaudióloga (A1) e analisados pela fonoaudióloga (A2). Os casos com alteração do frênulo foram submetidos à frenotomia, reavaliados 30 dias após o procedimento e acompanhados até o 6º mês. Os dados foram utilizados para as etapas de validação: análise de concordância entre examinadores; análise de concordância intra-examinador; validade de critério; análise da validade de construto; análise de sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo. Os dados foram submetidos ao tratamento estatístico. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em pesquisa sob o número CAAE 40784315.9.0000.5538. Resultados: a Triagem Neonatal identificou os bebês com alteração do frênulo e as mudanças ocorridas após a frenotomia e apresentou bons índices de sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos. A confiabilidade entre e intra-examinadores permite afirmar que os dados obtidos com a triagem são confiáveis e podem ser reproduzidos. Conclusão: a Triagem Neonatal do Protocolo de Avaliação do Frênulo da Língua em Bebês mostrou ser um instrumento válido e confiável, assegurando acurácia no diagnóstico das alterações do frênulo lingual em bebês.1861323133

    Speech-language-hearing therapists’ perception of orofacial myofunctional changes in subjects with congenital Zika syndrome

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: to investigate the profile of speech-language-hearing therapists from Northeastern Brazil assisting children presented with congenital Zika syndrome and their perception of these children’s orofacial myofunctional aspects and speech-language-hearing intervention procedures. Methods: a cross-sectional observational study with quantitative/qualitative analysis. The data collection instrument was an online questionnaire with 34 items on the speech-language-hearing therapists’ sociodemographic information and perception of the study topic. The sample comprised 23 speech-language-hearing therapists from the nine Northeastern states. Results: altogether, 96% of the sample were females. Most professionals had more than 3 years of experience with congenital Zika syndrome. Concerning stomatognathic system characterization, the professionals described a greater degree of change in aspects of orofacial muscle posture and mobility. Regarding oral functions, they perceived greater changes in speech and swallowing liquids and solid foods. There was a greater degree of change in masticating solids than in swallowing liquids. Conclusion: most speech-language-hearing therapists in the research had a specialization degree, especially in dysphagia and oral-motor control. Most of them had more than 3 years of experience following up with children with congenital Zika syndrome, which indicates a satisfactory time working with this population to help identify orofacial myofunctional changes in them. The professionals stated that orofacial muscle posture and mobility, speech, and swallowing liquids and solid foods were the most changed aspects

    Correlations between speech disorders, mouth breathing, dentition and occlusion

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    PURPOSE: to check the correlations among speech disorders and mouth breathing symptoms with the type of dentition and occlusion, using video recordings. METHODS: a retrospective study with 397 patients, by studying the shooting script - ROF. Types of speech disorders and mouth breathing symptoms were assessed by Orofacial Motricity Specialist Speech and Language Pathologists and compared with the occlusal types proposed by Angle and with the dentition parameters, both evaluated by an Orthodontist. For the statistical analysis we used the program SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), version 13.0. For analyzing Spearman correlation, all assessment data were matched and analyzed. The adopted significance level was 5%. RESULTS: Considering speech disorders and dentition and occlusion data, we noted parallelism between distortion and crossbite, imprecision and bone deviation of lower midline line, locking and overjet, locking and overbite, frontal lisp and Angle Class III malocclusion, frontal lisp and malocclusion, frontal lisp and open bite, frontal lisp and crossbite; and frontal lisp and lower midline deviation. We also noted correlated opposition between locking and openbite, locking and bone deviation of lower bone midline, frontal lisp and Angle Class II-1 malocclusion, frontal lisp and overjet; and frontal lisp and overbite. Considering mouth breathing symptoms and dentition and occlusion data, we noted a symptom of parallelism between the protrusion of lower lip and overjet, accumulation of saliva on the labial commissures and crossbite, accumulation of saliva on the labial commissures and lack of intra-oral room; Half-opened lips at rest and Angle Class II-1 malocclusion. Dark eye circle and Angle Class II-1 malocclusion, protrusion of lower lip and Class II-1 malocclusion; and shortened upper lip and overbite show correlated opposition. CONCLUSIONS: the anterior lisp is correlated to dentition disorders and Angle Class III malocclusion; dark eye circle, protrusion of lower lip and half-opened lips in rest are adaptations found in Angle Class II-1 malocclusion, not characterizing oral breathing in this group; the accumulation of saliva on the labial commisures was a symptom of mouth breathing that was correlated with the disorders in dentition.OBJETIVO: verificar as correlações entre alterações de fala e sinais de respiração oral ao tipo de dentição e oclusão, utilizando-se registros em vídeo. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo, de 397 pacientes, por meio de levantamento do roteiro de filmagem ROF. Tipos de alterações de fala e de sinais de respiração oral foram avaliados por Fonoaudiólogos Especialistas em Motricidade Orofacial e comparados com os tipos oclusais propostos por Angle e com parâmetros da dentição, ambos avaliados por Ortodontista. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o programa SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), em sua versão 13.0. Para a análise de correlação de Spearman, todos os dados da avaliação foram pareados e analisados. Foi adotado o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Considerando alterações de fala e dados de dentição e oclusão, observou-se paralelismo entre distorção e mordida cruzada, imprecisão e desvio ósseo de linha média inferior, travamento e sobressaliência, travamento e sobremordida, ceceio anterior e Classe III de Angle, ceceio anterior e mordida aberta, ceceio anterior e mordida cruzada; e ceceio anterior e desvio de linha média inferior. Observou-se ainda correlação de oposição entre travamento e mordida aberta, travamento e desvio ósseo de linha média inferior, ceceio anterior e Classe II-1 de Angle, ceceio anterior e sobressaliência; e ceceio anterior e sobremordida. Considerando os sinais de respiração oral e dados de dentição e oclusão, observou-se sinal de paralelismo entre eversão de lábio inferior e sobressaliência, acúmulo de saliva nas comissuras labiais e mordida cruzada, acúmulo de saliva nas comissuras labiais e falta de espaço intra-oral; e lábios entreabertos no repouso e Classe II-1 de Angle. Olheira e classe II-1 de Angle, eversão de lábio inferior e Classe II-1 de Angle; e lábio superior encurtado e sobremordida apresentaram correlação de oposição. CONCLUSÕES: o ceceio anterior está correlacionado a alterações de dentição e à Classe III de Angle; olheira, eversão do lábio inferior e lábios entreabertos no repouso são adaptações presentes na Classe II-1, não caracterizando respiração oral neste grupo; o acúmulo de saliva nas comissuras labiais foi o sinal de respiração oral que se correlacionou às alterações de dentição.172

    The effects of frenotomy on breastfeeding

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    Although the interference of tongue-tie with breastfeeding is a controversial subject, The use of lingual frenotomy has been widely indicated by health professionals. Objective : To observe changes in breastfeeding patterns after lingual frenotomy concerning the number of sucks, pause length between groups of sucking and mother's complaints. Material and Methods : Oral yes/no questions about breastfeeding symptoms and sucking/swallowing/breathing coordination were answered by the mothers of 109, 30 day old infants. On the same day the infants had their lingual frenulum assessed by administering a lingual frenulum protocol. After the assessment, all tongue-tied infants were referred for frenotomy; nevertheless, only 14 underwent the surgery. Of the 109 infants, 14 infants who did not have frenulum alterations were included as controls. Birth order and gender were the criteria for recruiting the control group. The tongue-tied infants underwent lingual frenotomy at 45 days of age. At the conclusion of the frenotomy, the infants were breastfed. At 75 days old, both groups – control and post-frenotomy – were reassessed. Before the reassessment the same oral yes/no questions were answered by the mothers of the 14 infants who underwent frenotomy. The mothers of the control group answered the questionnaire only at the time of the first assessment. Data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results : After frenotomy, the number of sucks increased and the pause length between sucking decreased during breastfeeding. The controls maintained the same patterns observed in the first assessment. From the questionnaire answered by the mothers of the 14 tongue-tied infants, at 30 days and 75 days, we observed that the symptoms concerning breastfeeding and sucking/swallowing/breathing coordination were improved after lingual frenotomy Conclusions : after lingual frenotomy, changes were observed in the breastfeeding patterns of the the tongue-tied infants while the control group maintained the same patterns. Moreover, all symptoms reported by the mothers of the tongue-tied infants had improved after frenotomy
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