28 research outputs found

    La ligamentoplastie au Gracilis dans le traitement des instabilités fémoro-patellaires

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    TOURS-BU MĂ©decine (372612103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La prise en charge précoce à l aide de plaque palatine des fentes labio-maxillaires chez le nouveau-né

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    Les fentes labio-palatines ne constituent pas une maladie rare puisqu un enfant sur 700 est affecté. La prise en charge thérapeutique des enfants porteurs de fente palatine est réalisée au sein d une équipe pluridisciplinaire et s étend de à la naissance à la fin de l adolescence variant d un centre à un autre. Souvent controversée, la plaque palatine chez un enfant porteur de fente labio-maxillaire trouve pourtant une justification clinique dans le traitement orthopédique précoce. Il en existe de multiples sortes : fixes ou amovibles, actives ou passives, combinées ou non à un appareil extraoral. Etant donné la diversité des protocoles thérapeutiques d un service à l autre et le peu d étude à long terme, il reste trÚs difficile de comparer objectivement l apport des appareils orthopédiques préchirurgicaux.Cleft lip and palate cannot be considered to be a rare condition 1 in 700 children are born with one. The therapeutic management of children with cleft palate involves a multidisciplinary team, goes from birth to the end of adolescence and may change accorging to the unit. Palatal plate in a child suffering from cleft lip and jaw is often controversial. Yet, an earlyorthopedic treatment is clinically justified. Several types exist today : set or removable, active or passive, combined or not to an extraoral device. Due to the variety to therapeutic protocols from one staff to the other and the lack of long-term studies, it is difficult to objectively compare the benefits that can be brought about by pre-surgical orthopedic devices.BORDEAUX2-BU Sci.Homme/Odontol. (330632102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Angiopoietin-2 Regulates Cortical Neurogenesis in the Developing Telencephalon

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    International audienceVascular-specific growth factor angiopoietin-2 (Ang2) is mainly involved during vascular network setup. Recently, Ang2 was suggested to play a role in adult neurogenesis, affecting migration and differentiation of adult neuroblasts in vitro. However, to date, no data have reported an effect of Ang2 on neurogenesis during embryonic development. As we detected Ang2 expression in the developing cerebral cortex at embryonic day E14.5 and E16.5, we used in utero electroporation to knock down Ang2Ang2 expression in neuronal progenitors located in the cortical ventricular zone (VZ) to examine the role of Ang2 in cortical embryonic neurogenesis. Using this strategy, we showed that radial migration from the VZ toward the cortical plate of Ang2Ang2-knocked down neurons is altered as well as their morphology. In parallel, we observed a perturbation of intermediate progenitor population and the surrounding vasculature. Taken together, our results show for the first time that, in addition to its role during brain vasculature setup, Ang2 is also involved in embryonic cortical neurogenesis and especially in the radial migration of projection neurons

    Fiabilisation et diminution des incertitudes hydromĂ©triques Ă  la DRIEE Ile de France – SPC SEINE MOYENNE YONNE LOING

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    Reliability and reduction in hydrometric errors at DRIEE Ile-de-France- Seine - Yonne and Loing flood forcasting service. Our service produces and exploits both real-time and validated data. To quantify and reduce hydrometric errors, the whole measuring process has to be considered : hydrometric stations themselves and their preventive maintenance, data acquisition and storage, data analysis. As far as middle or long term use are concerned, only raw data and metadata are essential since new calculation can be made anytime afterwards. Therefore, data acquisition and storage, process vulnerabilities should not be underestimated in order to have it operational whatever happens and avoid irreversible losses. These measures, wether continuous or occasional such as flood gauges are both rare and difficult to carry out. Strong reactivity is needed ; we developed some tools designed to help us to quickly choose gauging stations as a priority. Our criteria to find the best place to settle a gauging station are summed up. As for data analysis, we focus at the moment on metadata storage and on our validation process, water level time series and gauging being our most precious treasures.Pour quantifier et diminuer les incertitudes en hydromĂ©trie, il est important de considĂ©rer l’ensemble de la chaĂźne d’acquisition et de traitement : installation d’une station respectant de nombreux critĂšres hydrauliques et pratiques, maintenance et jaugeages, collecte et stockage des donnĂ©es informatiques, critique des donnĂ©e. La fiabilisation de la chaĂźne et la rĂ©duction des erreurs Ă  toutes les Ă©tapes sont indispensables pour diminuer les incertitudes finales des donnĂ©es hydromĂ©triques. Pour une utilisation Ă  moyen et long terme, seules les mesures et les mĂ©tadonnĂ©es associĂ©es sont irremplaçables, qu’il s’agisse de mesures ponctuelles comme des jaugeages ou de chroniques continues. La concentration et le stockage de ces donnĂ©es doivent faire l’objet d’un soin particulier et de systĂšmes de sĂ©curisation d’autant plus capitaux que les donnĂ©es sont Ă©galement utilisĂ©es en temps rĂ©el. La maintenance prĂ©ventive et la mise en place de systĂšmes de secours sont Ă©galement essentiels pour y parvenir. Certaines mesures (en particulier en crue) sont Ă  la fois rares et plus difficiles Ă  obtenir qu’en basses et moyennes eaux ; il est nĂ©cessaire de se doter d’une organisation et d’outils permettant d’intervenir aux moments les plus intĂ©ressants.ChalĂ©on Carine, Diribarne Julien, Silva Jean-PĂ©dro, Marteau Alain, Dupont Emilie, Garro JosĂ©, Valente Marc. Fiabilisation et diminution des incertitudes hydromĂ©triques Ă  la DRIEE Ile de France – SPC SEINE MOYENNE YONNE LOING. In: 35es journĂ©es de l’hydraulique de la SociĂ©tĂ© Hydrotechnique de France. HydromĂ©trie 2013. Paris, 15-16 mai 2013. 2013

    Successful Terbinafine Treatment for Cutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis Caused by Trematosphaeria grisea in a Heart Transplanted Man: Case Report and Literature Review

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    International audiencePhaeohyphomycosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by dematiaceous fungi. It is characterized by the presence of pigmented septate mycelia within tissues. In the case of superficial infection, the lesion(s) chronically evolve(s) toward painless pseudo-tumor(s) of the soft parts. We report herein the original case of a heart transplanted man who exhibited phaeohyphomycosis of the left hand, with no mention of travels in endemic areas. Trematosphaeria grisea was identified as the causative agent, which is quite innovative since this species has been rather described in mycetoma. The antifungal treatment initially based on isavuconazole alone was not sufficient to cure the patient. In contrast, its association with local terbinafine ointment allowed total clinical improvement. This finding is unusual as diagnosis of phaeohyphomycosis caused by T. grisea is uncommon in nontropical countries, and as the outcome appeared successful by the means of add-on therapeutic strategy with terbinafine

    Fecal microbiota and bile acids in IBD patients undergoing screening for colorectal cancer

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    International audienceDue to the potential role of the gut microbiota and bile acids in the pathogenesis of both inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and sporadic colorectal cancer, we aimed to determine whether these factors were associated with colorectal cancer in IBD patients. 215 IBD patients and 51 non-IBD control subjects were enrolled from 10 French IBD centers between September 2011 and July 2018. Fecal samples were processed for bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing and bile acid profiling. Demographic, clinical, endoscopic, and histological outcomes were recorded. Characteristics of IBD patients included: median age: 41.6 (IQR 22); disease duration 13.2 (13.1); 47% female; 21.9% primary sclerosing cholangitis; 109 patients with Crohn's disease (CD); 106 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). The prevalence of cancer was 2.8% (6/215: 1 CD; 5 UC), highgrade dysplasia 3.7% (8/215) and low-grade dysplasia 7.9% (17/215). Lachnospira was decreased in IBD patients with cancer, while Agathobacter was decreased and Escherichia-Shigella increased in UC patients with any neoplasia. Bile acids were not associated with cancer or neoplasia. Unsupervised clustering identified three gut microbiota clusters in IBD patients associated with bile acid composition and clinical features, including a higher risk of neoplasia in UC in two clusters when compared to the third (relative risk (RR) 4.07 (95% CI 1.6-10.3, P < .01) and 3.56 (95% CI 1.4-9.2, P < .01)). In this multicentre observational study, a limited number of taxa were associated with neoplasia and exploratory microbiota clusters co-associated with clinical features, including neoplasia risk in UC. Given the very small number of cancers, the robustness of these findings will require assessment and validation in future studies