10 research outputs found
Content of Capsaicinoids and Physicochemical Characteristics of Manzano Hot Pepper Grown in Greenhouse
The hotness of the chili fruit (Capsicum spp.) is mainly due to the presence of capsaicinoids (capsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin). The aim of the present research was to evaluate the content of capsaicinoids and characteristics of physicochemical quality in fruits of manzano hot pepper grown in the greenhouse. The experimental design used was completely randomized with 3 and 4 replications. The parameters evaluated were total capsaicinoids, vitamin C, total carotenoids (TC), total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity, pH, firmness and color of the fruit. Among the hybrids with the highest content of total capsaicinoids and vitamin C, L4XL8 and L5XL7 (27 371 and 21 700 SHU, respectively) stand out as well as L2XL5 with 809.35 mg 100 g-1. On the other hand, L2XL3 stood out for its TC content (1 515.98 μg 100 g-1); L2XL7 and L4Xl7 stood out for the concentration of TSS, maintaining the acidity level without major changes. Additionally, L7XL8 was a material that was characterized to have fruits with greater firmness (2.31 N) and chromaticity of color (intense yellow) of 72.96. Among the evaluated hybrids, there are materials that presented fruits with physical and chemical characteristics of quality, which could be considered important from the commercial point of view or genetic improvement
Docencia en Derecho y Proceso: hacia un aprendizaje de calidad en la Universidad
Presentación / Esther Pillado González (pp. 11-13). -- La adaptación de la asignatura derecho procesal penal al grado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: un proceso aún inconcluso / Juan Manuel Alcoceba Gil (pp. 17-26). -- Role playing, cooperación competitiva y method case en la docencia-aprendizaje del Derecho Procesal / Cristina Alonso Salgado (pp. 27-35). -- Esquemas y materiales básicos para explicar en el grado en derecho el sistema de impugnación de actos jurídicos de las administraciones públicas en España / Roberto O. Bustillo Bolado (pp. 37-40). -- Nuevas herramientas y técnicas para la docencia del derecho / Juan Cámara Ruiz (pp. 41-51). -- Novas técnicas na docência em direito / Marco Carvalho Gonçalves (pp. 53-60). -- Experiência de lecionação em Direito em cursos não jurídicos – a lecionação da UC de Direito das Crianças e Jovens ao Mestrado em Intervenção Psicossocial com Crianças, Jovens e Famílias do Instituto de Educação / Cristina M. A. Dias (pp. 61-67). -- Los programas universitarios para mayores: la docencia en Derecho en la Universidad de Vigo / Teresa Estévez Abeleira (pp. 69-79). -- El aprendizaje activo del Derecho Procesal / María Dolores Fernández Fustes (81-92). -- El aprendizaje como método de adquirir los conocimientos / Raquel López Jiménez (pp. 93-101). -- Alumnado con necesidades especiales en el grado en derecho: el reto de la normalización e inclusión / Ángel M. Mariño de Andrés y M. Teresa Martínez Táboas (pp. 103-110). -- Docencia y proceso penal: intentando experimentar el proceso / Sabela Oubiña Barbolla (pp. 111-127). -- La integración de las redes sociales en la enseñanza del Derecho Penal / Natalia Pérez Rivas (pp. 129-135). -- Análisis y prospectiva de una plataforma e-learning en ciencias jurídicas / Amparo Rodríguez Damián, Margarita Pino Juste, Arturo Casar Sarasola y Manuel Pérez Cota (pp. 137-149). -- La evaluación de competencias en las materias “prácticas externas” del Máster Universitario en Abogacía: problemas y retos / Mónica Siota Álvarez (pp. 151-164). -- La enseñanza del derecho procesal a través del método del caso / Helena Soleto Muñoz (pp. 165-178). -- A aprendizagem activa do Direito Processual – reflexão sobre velhos hábitos e novas práticas / Lurdes Varregoso Mesquita (pp. 179-189). -- Acão executiva e metodologia aplicada – demonstração de caso / Lurdes Varregoso Mesquita, Diana Leiras (pp. 191-201). -- Derecho Constitucional y género / Almudena Bergareche Gros (pp. 205-216). -- Aproximación al fenómeno de la violencia de género a través de las novelas como recurso didáctico / María Castro Corredoira (pp. 217-227). -- La formación en género en derecho penal: el cine como recurso didáctico / Natalia Pérez Rivas, Fernando Vázquez-Portomeñe Seijas (pp. 229-240). -- Cuestiones controvertidas de la docencia en el ámbito del derecho constitucional: la perspectiva de género y el principio de transversalidad / Pablo Riquelme Vázquez (pp. 241-253). -- Storytelling y cine extranjero en la explicación del sistema de justicia penal español / Cristina Alonso Salgado (pp. 257-263). -- Direito e Cinema. Breve reflexão a partir da experiência da docência ao 1.º ano do curso de Direito / Maria Clara Calheiros (pp. 265-273). -- El cine como opción pedagógica en la enseñanza del derecho penal / Fernando Vázquez-Portomeñe Seijas y María Castro Corredoira (pp. 275-286). -- El jurista del siglo XXI y la Universidad del siglo pasado: ¿realidades irreconciliables? / Amaya Arnáiz Serrano (pp. 289-307). -- La formación del abogado del siglo XXI / Emiliano Carretero Morales (pp. 309-321). -- El cambio del perfil del alumno y su influencia a la enseñanza superior / Anna Fiodorova (pp. 323-335). -- La enseñanza del derecho en el marco Bolonia: reflexiones en base a las distintas tradiciones jurídicas / Mercedes Llorente Sánchez-Arjona (pp. 337-355)
Cosmos chocolate (Cosmos atrosanguineus Sherff): una especie ornamental endémica y poco valorada en México
This paper seeks to promote the dissemination and knowledge of the chocolate cosmos plant (Cosmos atrosanguineus Sherff), through the collection, analysis and summary of the information available in books, scientific articles (Web of Science and SCOPUS), web pages, manuals and brochures. of agronomic management, as well as reports of congresses and scientific events on the status, methods of propagation, agronomic management and available varieties. The information generated in Mexico on cosmos chocolate is limited, including its agronomic management and genetic improvement. It is necessary to implement public and private programs for genetic improvement and commercialization, which allow flower growers, researchers and the general public to increase its importance as an endemic ornamental plant of Mexico.Este artículo busca promover la difusión y conocimiento de la planta de cosmos chocolate (Cosmos atrosanguineus Sherff), mediante la recopilación, análisis y resumen de la información disponible en libros, artículos científicos (Web of Science y SCOPUS), páginas web, manuales y folletos de manejo agronómico, así como memorias de congresos y eventos científicos sobre el estatus, métodos de propagación, manejo agronómico y variedades disponibles. La información generada en México sobre cosmos chocolate es limitada, incluyendo su manejo agronómico y mejoramiento genético. Es necesario implementar programas públicos y privados de mejoramiento genético y comercialización, que permitan a floricultores, investigadores y público en general incrementar su importancia como planta ornamental endémica de México
Historia-historias de la lectura : XXIV Jornadas de Estudios Históricos Locales - XVII Jornadas de Historia de la Educación de los Países de Lengua Catalan
En el título, los términos 'Història' e 'Històries' están separados por una barra inclinadaLa temática de las jornadas se centra en el análisis de la dimensión educativa de la lectura a lo largo de la historia, y se desarrolla alrededor de los siguientes ejes temáticos: enseñar y aprender a leer; espacios y contextos para la lectura y su fomento; las lecturas educativas y la lectura y la educación como a elementos de debate y reflexión.La temàtica de les jornades se centra en l'anàlisi de la dimensió educativa de la lectura al llarg de la història, i es desenvolupa al voltant dels eixos temàtics següents: ensenyar i aprendre a llegir; espais i contextos per a la lectura i el seu foment; les lectures educatives i la lectura i l'educació com a elements de debat i reflexió.BalearesUniversitat de les Illes Balears. Redined Balears; Edifici Guillem Cifre de Colonya. Ctra. de Valldemossa, Km 7,5; 07122 Palma de Mallorca; +34971172792; +34971173190; [email protected]
Stop Hypertension with SLP/UCM I
El Proyecto Stop Hipertensión con ApS/UCM pretende aportar nuestro granito de arena a la lucha contra la hipertensión arterial (HTA), utilizando una herramienta educativa de aprendizaje en servicio (ApS), que permita a los estudiantes de los Grados en ciencias de la salud de la UCM aprender a la vez que realizan un servicio público.
La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es un problema de salud pública y un importante factor de riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV). Su diagnóstico está determinado por la medida de la presión arterial (PA) por lo que es de extrema importancia asegurar una medida fiable y válida. La automedida de la PA (AMPA) consiste en la medida de la PA por el propio paciente o un familiar, habitualmente en su domicilio, y es una herramienta útil para el diagnóstico y control de la HTA. Pero ¿sabemos medirnos de forma correcta la PA? ¿Usamos bien los tensiómetros? ¿Sabemos interpretar los registros de la PA y cuándo consultar al médico? Realizar AMPA correctamente no es fácil y exige un esfuerzo extraordinario de recursos humanos y económicos por parte de los profesionales de Atención Primaria. Por ello son necesarias nuevas estrategias para capacitar a la población en AMPA.
Con este Proyecto nos proponemos luchar contra la HTA a través de la metodología educativa de aprendizaje-servicio que combina objetivos académicos con el servicio comunitario. El alumnado de los grados de Ciencias de la Salud de la UCM forman a la población en la correcta AMPA, asesorándoles sobre el uso correcto de los tensiómetros, enseñándoles a interpretar los resultados y alertándoles de cuándo acudir al médico. En el curso 2022-2023, el servicio público se ha dirigido principalmente al colectivo de mayores por ser especialmente vulnerables a padecer ECV en los Ayuntamientos de Coslada, Alcobendas y Alcorcón, y en las residencias Afanias y Neurovida, y a la población general que acuda a la Facultad durante la Semana de la Ciencia CAM/UCM 2022, a la Feria de la Salud de Coslada y a la campaña contra la HTA de la UCM junto con el Servicio de Medicina del Trabajo. Hemos demostrado que este proyecto es una herramienta rentable y efectiva en la lucha contra la HTA, vinculando la salud pública, los recursos de los ayuntamientos y la universidad. Se cubre así una necesidad y servicio social que podría salvar muchas vidas con recursos de bajo costo, cumpliendo con los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible y con los objetivos de la Sociedad Española de Hipertensión (SEH-LELHA) y de la estrategia HEARTS de la OPS/OMS. Los estudiantes se dan cuenta de la realidad de la Salud pública al tener contacto directo con la población, realizando un servicio a la sociedad, y desarrollándose profesionalmente.
Agrademos su colaboración a:
Los ayuntamientos de Coslada, Alcorcón y Alcobendas de Madrid.
Las residencias de mayores Afanias y Neurovida.
Las Sociedades científicas SEH-LELHA, SECF y SEAPEC.
El Dr. Orduñez, lider de la estrategia HEARTS PAHO/WHO
Los colegios profesionales COFM y CODEM.
Las empresas River International S.L. (Beurer) and Peroxfarma S.L. (Omrom)Oficina APS UCMDepto. de FisiologíaFac. de FarmaciaTRUEunpu
Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin
Summarization: Soil degradation by water is a serious environmental problem worldwide, with specific climatic factors being the major causes. We investigated the relationships between synoptic atmospheric patterns (i.e. weather types, WTs) and runoff, erosion and sediment yield throughout the Mediterranean basin by analyzing a large database of natural rainfall events at 68 research sites in 9 countries. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to identify spatial relationships of the different WTs including three hydro-sedimentary variables: rainfall, runoff, and sediment yield (SY, used to refer to both soil erosion measured at plot scale and sediment yield registered at catchment scale). The results indicated 4 spatial classes of rainfall and runoff: (a) northern sites dependent on North (N) and North West (NW) flows; (b) eastern sites dependent on E and NE flows; (c) southern sites dependent on S and SE flows; and, finally, (d) western sites dependent on W and SW flows. Conversely, three spatial classes are identified for SY characterized by: (a) N and NE flows in northern sites (b) E flows in eastern sites, and (c) W and SW flows in western sites. Most of the rainfall, runoff and SY occurred during a small number of daily events, and just a few WTs accounted for large percentages of the total. Our results confirm that characterization by WT improves understanding of the general conditions under which runoff and SY occur, and provides useful information for understanding the spatial variability of runoff, and SY throughout the Mediterranean basin. The approach used here could be useful to aid of the design of regional water management and soil conservation measures.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: Journal of Hydrolog
Tuberculosis: integrated studies for a complex disease 2050
Tuberculosis (TB) has been a disease for centuries with various challenges [1]. Like
other places where challenges and opportunities come together, TB challenges were
the inspiration for the scientific community to mobilize different groups for the
purpose of interest. For example, with the emergence of drug resistance, there has
been a huge volume of research on the discovery of new medicines and drug
delivery methods and the repurposing of old drugs [2, 3]. Moreover, to enhance the
capacity to detect TB cases, studies have sought diagnostics and biomarkers, with
much hope recently expressed in the direction of point-of-care tests [4].
Despite all such efforts as being highlighted in 50 Chapters of this volume, we
are still writing about TB and thinking about how to fight this old disease–implying
that the problem of TB might be complex, so calling the need for an integrated
science to deal with multiple dimensions in a simultaneous and effective manner.
We are not the first one; there have been proposed integrated platform for TB
research, integrated prevention services, integrated models for drug screening,
integrated imaging protocol, integrated understanding of the disease pathogenesis,
integrated control models, integrated mapping of the genome of the pathogen, etc.
[5–12], to name some.
These integrated jobs date back decades ago. So, a question arises: why is there a
disease named TB yet? It might be due to the fact that this integration has happened
to a scale that is not global, and so TB remains to be a problem, especially in
resource-limited settings.
Hope Tuberculosis: Integrated Studies for a Complex Disease helps to globalize
the integrated science of TB.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study an international prospective cohort study
We aimed to determine the impact of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery during the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We performed an international prospective cohort study including patients undergoing elective surgery in October 2020. Isolation was defined as the period before surgery during which patients did not leave their house or receive visitors from outside their household. The primary outcome was postoperative pulmonary complications, adjusted in multivariable models for measured confounders. Pre-defined sub-group analyses were performed for the primary outcome. A total of 96,454 patients from 114 countries were included and overall, 26,948 (27.9%) patients isolated before surgery. Postoperative pulmonary complications were recorded in 1947 (2.0%) patients of which 227 (11.7%) were associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Patients who isolated pre-operatively were older, had more respiratory comorbidities and were more commonly from areas of high SARS-CoV-2 incidence and high-income countries. Although the overall rates of postoperative pulmonary complications were similar in those that isolated and those that did not (2.1% vs 2.0%, respectively), isolation was associated with higher rates of postoperative pulmonary complications after adjustment (adjusted OR 1.20, 95%CI 1.05–1.36, p = 0.005). Sensitivity analyses revealed no further differences when patients were categorised by: pre-operative testing; use of COVID-19-free pathways; or community SARS-CoV-2 prevalence. The rate of postoperative pulmonary complications increased with periods of isolation longer than 3 days, with an OR (95%CI) at 4–7 days or ≥ 8 days of 1.25 (1.04–1.48), p = 0.015 and 1.31 (1.11–1.55), p = 0.001, respectively. Isolation before elective surgery might be associated with a small but clinically important increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Longer periods of isolation showed no reduction in the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. These findings have significant implications for global provision of elective surgical care. We aimed to determine the impact of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery during the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We performed an international prospective cohort study including patients undergoing elective surgery in October 2020. Isolation was defined as the period before surgery during which patients did not leave their house or receive visitors from outside their household. The primary outcome was postoperative pulmonary complications, adjusted in multivariable models for measured confounders. Pre-defined sub-group analyses were performed for the primary outcome. A total of 96,454 patients from 114 countries were included and overall, 26,948 (27.9%) patients isolated before surgery. Postoperative pulmonary complications were recorded in 1947 (2.0%) patients of which 227 (11.7%) were associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Patients who isolated pre-operatively were older, had more respiratory comorbidities and were more commonly from areas of high SARS-CoV-2 incidence and high-income countries. Although the overall rates of postoperative pulmonary complications were similar in those that isolated and those that did not (2.1% vs 2.0%, respectively), isolation was associated with higher rates of postoperative pulmonary complications after adjustment (adjusted OR 1.20, 95%CI 1.05–1.36, p = 0.005). Sensitivity analyses revealed no further differences when patients were categorised by: pre-operative testing; use of COVID-19-free pathways; or community SARS-CoV-2 prevalence. The rate of postoperative pulmonary complications increased with periods of isolation longer than 3 days, with an OR (95%CI) at 4–7 days or ≥ 8 days of 1.25 (1.04–1.48), p = 0.015 and 1.31 (1.11–1.55), p = 0.001, respectively. Isolation before elective surgery might be associated with a small but clinically important increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Longer periods of isolation showed no reduction in the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. These findings have significant implications for global provision of elective surgical care