786 research outputs found

    Influence of infection on the distribution patterns of NIH-Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index scores in patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS)

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    Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is a complex condition for which the etiological determinants are still poorly defined. To better characterize the diagnostic and therapeutic profile of patients, an algorithm known as UPOINT was created, addressing six major phenotypic domains of CP/CPPS, specifically the urinary (U), psycho-social (P), organ-specific (O), infection (I), neurological/systemic (N) and muscular tenderness (T) domains. An additional sexual dysfunction domain may be included in the UPOINT(S) system. The impact of the infection domain on the severity of CP/CPPS symptoms is a controversial issue, due to the contradictory results of different trials. The aim of the present retrospective study was to further analyze the extent to which a positive infection domain of UPOINTS may modify the pattern of CP/CPPS symptom scores, assessed with the National Institutes of Health-Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI). In a cohort of 935 patients that was divided on the basis of the presence or absence of prostatic infection, more severe clinical symptoms were shown by the patients with infection (median NIH total score: 24 versus 20 points in uninfected patients; P<0.001). Moreover, NIH-CPSI score distribution curves were shifted towards more severe symptoms in patients with a positive infection domain. Division of the patients into the six most prominent phenotypic clusters of UPOINTS revealed that the 'prostate infection-related sexual dysfunction' cluster, including the highest proportion of patients with evidence of infection (80%), scored the highest number of NIH-CPSI points among all the clusters. To assess the influence of the infection domain on the severity of patients' symptoms, all subjects with evidence of infection were withdrawn from the 'prostate infection-related sexual dysfunction' cluster. This modified cluster showed symptom scores significantly less severe than the original cluster, and the CPSI values became comparable to the scores of the five other clusters, which were virtually devoid of patients with evidence of infection. These results suggest that the presence of pathogens in the prostate gland may significantly affect the clinical presentation of patients affected by CP/CPPS, and that the infection domain may be a determinant of the severity of CP/CPPS symptoms in clusters of patients phenotyped with the UPOINTS system. This evidence may convey considerable therapeutic implications

    Growth of Listeria Monocytogenes in ready to eat salads at different storage temperatures and valuation of virulence genes expression

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    BACKGROUND: Vegetables are major components of a healthy and balanced diet. However, 25% of foodborne diseases are linked to the consumption of vegetables. STUDY DESIGN: The aim of this work was to assess the microbiological risks associated with consumption of ready to eat salads (RTE). METHODS: Microbiological challenge tests were carried out for the evaluation of the L. monocytogenes growth potential in RTE salads stored at different temperatures. RESULTS: The results indicate that L.monocytogenes was able to grow (δ ≥ 0.5) in all storage conditions considered at the end of shelf life. In order to evaluate the virulence role of L. monocytogenes, the temperature-dependent transcription of major virulence genes was also investigated by RT-PCR. CONCLUSIONS: The microbiological challenge test allowed us to confirm, as also demonstrated by other authors, that RTE salads are able to support the growth of L. monocytogenes strains (d δ≥ 0.5) stored under different temperatures

    First measurements of the Fe oxidation state of spinel inclusions inolivine single crystals from Vulture (Italy) with the in situ synchrotronmicro-Mossbauer technique

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    The redox state of the Earth's upper mantle (i.e., oxygen fugacity, f(O2)) is a key variable that influences numerous processes occurring at depth like the mobility of volatile species, partial melting, and metasomatism. It is linked to the oxidation state of peridotite rocks, which is normally determined through the available oxythermobarometers after measuring the chemical composition of equilibrated rock-forming minerals and the Fe3+ in redox-sensitive minerals like spinel or garnet. To date, accurate measurements of Fe3+ / Sigma Fe in peridotites have been limited to those peridotites (e.g., harzburgites and lherzolites) for which an oxythermobarometer exists and where spinel (or garnet) crystals can be easily separated and measured by conventional Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy. Wehrlitic rocks have been generally formed by the interaction of a lherzolite with carbonatitic melts and, therefore, have recorded the passage of (metasomatic) fluids at mantle conditions. However, no oxythermobarometer exists to determine their equilibrium f(O2).The aim of this study was to retrieve the f(O2) of the mantle beneath Mt. Vulture volcano (Italy) through the study of a wehrlitic lapillus emitted during the last eruption (similar to 140 kyr ago) that contain olivines with multiple tiny spinel inclusions with sizes &lt; 40 mu m. To our knowledge, the Fe oxidation state of these inclusions has been never determined with the Mossbauer technique due to their small sizes.Here, we present measurements of the Fe3+ / Sigma Fe using in situ synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy coupled with chemical and spectroscopic analysis of both host olivine and spinel inclusions.The results show Fe3+ / Sigma Fe ratios of 0.03-0.05 for olivine and 0.40-0.45 for the included spinels, the latter of which appear higher than those reported in literature for mantle spinel harzburgites and lherzolites. Given the evidence of the mantle origin of the trapped spinels, we propose that the high f(O2) (between 0.81 and 1.00 log above the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer; FMQ) likely results from the interaction between the pristine spinel lherzolite and a CO2-rich metasomatic agent prior to the spinel entrapment in olivines at mantle depths

    Solvent-Free Synthesis of Quaternary Oxazolidine-2-thione β3-Amino Ester Analogs

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    A solvent-free organocatalyzed intermolecular cyclization reaction starting from β-substituted γ-hydroxy-α,β-unsaturated esters and aryl isothiocyanates proceeds via an aza-Michael addition to provide previously unknown quaternary oxazolidine-2-thione β3 amino ester analogs. A panel of diversely-substituted esters was investigated, including β,γ-disubstituted examples which provided the target molecules with very high cis diastereoselectivity

    Prevention and modulation of aminoglycoside ototoxicity (Review)

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    More than 60 years after their isolation and characterization, aminoglycoside (AG) antibiotics remain powerful agents in the treatment of severe gram-negative, enterococcal or mycobacterial infections. However, the clinical use of AGs is hampered by nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, which often develop as a consequence of prolonged courses of therapy, or of administration of increased doses of these drugs. The discovery of non-ototoxic antibacterial agents, showing a wider spectrum of activity, has gradually decreased the use of AGs as first line antibiotics for many systemic infections. However, AGs are now undergoing an unexpected revival, being increasingly indicated for the treatment of severe emerging infections caused by organisms showing resistance to most first-line agents (e.g., multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, complicated nosocomially-acquired acute urinary tract infections). Increasing adoption of aminoglycosides poses again to scientists and physicians the problem of toxicity directed to the kidneys and to the inner ear. In particular, aminoglycoside-induced deafness can be profound and irreversible, especially in genetically predisposed patients. For this reason, an impressive amount of molecular strategies have been developed in the last decade to counteract the ototoxic effect of aminoglycosides. The present article overviews: i) the molecular mechanisms by which aminoglycosides exert their bactericidal activity, ii) the mechanisms whereby AGs exert their ototoxic activity in genetically-predisposed patients, iii) the drugs and compounds that have so far proven to prevent or modulate AG ototoxicity at the preclinical and/or clinical level, and iv) the dosage regimens that have so far been suggested to decrease the incidence of episodes of AG-induced ototoxicity

    Characterization of the c.190T>C missense mutation in BRCA1 codon 64 (Cys64Arg).

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    In the Milan area (Northern Italy), we identified a family characterized by a high prevalence of ovarian and breast cancer cases (5 out of 6 subjects, over 3 generations), and a predominant prevalence of ovarian lesions (4 out of 5 patients). Analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes allowed the identification of the missense c.190T>C mutation in codon 64 (Cys64Arg) of BRCA1. The aims of the present investigation were to characterize the functional implications of the c.190T>C mutation at the molecular level, and to search whether additional polymorphisms might be linked to the peculiar phenotypic features observed in the Italian pedigree. Molecular modelling studies suggested that substitution of the cysteine 64 with an arginine likely disrupts the architecture of the BRCA1 RING finger domain, responsible for the interaction with BARD1, essential for the tumor-suppressor activity of the BRCA1-BARD1 complex. By splicing site information analysis, exonic splicing enhancer site characterization, and analysis of transcript fragment length and sequence, we showed that the c.190T>C mutation was able to modulate the splicing of exon 5 in a fashion opposite to the c.190T>G transversion, responsible for the functionally-related Cys64Gly amino acid substitution. Genotyping of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in the Italian family revealed the presence of two significant polymorphisms: the cancer-associated c.2612C>T SNP in BRCA1, and the c.-26G>A SNP in the BRCA2 gene, acting as an ovarian cancer risk modifier in carriers of deleterious BRCA1 mutations. Analysis of these SNPs in a genotypically-unrelated Polish family, characterized by prevalent breast neoplasms in carriers of the c.190T>C mutation, revealed a genetic profile consistent with the hypothetic role of both polymorphisms

    Analytical and mathematical methods for revealing hidden details in ancient manuscripts and paintings: A review

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    In this work, a critical review of the current nondestructive probing and image analysis approaches is presented, to revealing otherwise invisible or hardly discernible details in manuscripts and paintings relevant to cultural heritage and archaeology. Multispectral imaging, X-ray fluorescence, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Thermography are considered, as techniques for acquiring images and spectral image sets; statistical methods for the analysis of these images are then discussed, including blind separation and false colour techniques. Several case studies are presented, with particular attention dedicated to the approaches that appear most promising for future applications. Some of the techniques described herein are likely to replace, in the near future, classical digital photography in the study of ancient manuscripts and paintings

    Lessons from Mycobacterium avium complex-associated pneumonitis: a case report

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is an increasingly recognized cause of pulmonary disease in immunocompetent individuals. An acute form of MAC lung disease, MAC-associated pneumonitis, has generally been associated with the use of hot tubs. There is controversy in the literature about whether MAC-associated pneumonitis is a classic hypersensitivity pneumonitis or is a direct manifestation of mycobacterial infection. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the second case in the literature of MAC-associated pneumonitis not related to the use of hot tubs. The source of MAC in a 52-year-old immunocompetent patient was an intrapulmonary cyst containing numerous acid-fast bacilli. The patient developed disseminated miliary nodules throughout both lung fields. Histological examination of resected lung tissue revealed well-formed, acid-fast negative granulomas composed predominantly of CD4+ T-cells and CD68+ histiocytes. The granulomas were strongly positive for tumor necrosis factor-alpha, a pro-inflammatory cytokine. CONCLUSION: The attempt to classify MAC-associated pneumonitis as either a classic hypersensitivity pneumonitis or a direct manifestation of mycobacterial infection is not particularly useful. Our case demonstrates that MAC-associated pneumonitis is characterized by a vigorous T-helper 1-like, pro-inflammatory, immune response to pulmonary mycobacterial infection. The immunopathology provides a rationale for clinical studies of anti-MAC therapy with the addition of anti-inflammatory agents (for example, corticosteroids) to hasten the resolution of infection and symptoms
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