16 research outputs found

    Balance del año y reflexiones finales desde Wallmapu

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    Aquest escrit tracta de les dimensions polítiques de les relacions interètniques a Wallmapu, i para atenció als fenòmens de violència i les seves conseqüències en forma de pràctiques de terrorisme d’Estat aplicades sobre el poble maputxe, abans i després de l’esclat social de l’any 2019. Estudia l’abast de les estratègies polítiques del moviment maputxe en l’actual moment constituent i s’interroga sobre els escenaris que es poden obrir (o tancar) davant d’un horitzó lliure determinista que s’entreveu com a la superació d’una contradicció que oposa a una etnoclasse que defensa la construcció jurídica de l’Estat-nació contra pobles que promouen el «despertar» o la «primavera xilena» que hi ha rere la proposta d’una assemblea constituent plurinacional. aliances interètniques; plurinacionalitat; terrorisme d’Estat; autodeterminacióThis paper deals with the political dimensions of interethnic relationships in Wallmapu, focusing violent events and their consequences in the form of State terrorism against the Mapuche people, before and after the social outbreak that took place in 2019. It studies the reach of the political strategies of the Mapuche movement in the present moment when the drafting of a new Constitution is under way, and it asks itself about the possible scenarios that may open up (or close down) in a free, determinist horizon that can be seen as the overcoming of the contradiction by which an ethno-class advocates for the juridical building of a nation-state against a set of peoples that promote a Chilean “awakening”, or “spring”, fostering a plurinational constituent assembly. El escrito aborda dimensiones políticas de las relaciones interétnicas en Wallmapu, prestando atención a los fenómenos de violencia y sus consecuencias  mediante prácticas de terrorismo de estado sobre el pueblo mapuche, anteriores y posteriores al estallido social del año 2019. Hace alcances sobre las estrategias políticas del movimiento mapuche en el momento constituyente en proceso y se interroga sobre los escenarios que se pueden abrir (o cerrar) ante un horizonte libre determinista que se vislumbra como superación de una contradicción que opone a una etnoclase que defiende la construcción jurídica del estado-nación, ante pueblos que promueven el "despertar" o "la primavera chilena" tras la propuesta de una asamblea constituyente plurinacional. 

    Event-related (de)synchronization and potential in whole vs. part sensorimotor learning

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    BackgroundThere are different ways to learn a sensorimotor task. This research focuses on whole versus part learning in a complex video game that involves sensorimotor adaptations and skill learning. The primary aim of this research is to compare the changes in (1) event-related potentials (ERP) and (2) Alpha and Beta event-related desynchronization/synchronization [ERD(S)] of EEG between whole and part practice protocols.Materials and methods18 Healthy young participants practiced for 5 days a video game with distorted kinematic (advancing skill) and dynamic features (shooting skill) to test the ability to combine sensorimotor skill components learned modularly (part learning, 9 participants) or combined (whole practice, 9 participants). We examined ERP and ERD(S) in EEG channels in the baseline test (day 1) and the retention test (day 5), dissociating epochs with advancing or shooting. We focus the analysis on the main activity of ERP or ERD(S) in different time windows.ResultsIn the advancing epochs (distorted kinematic), both groups showed a decrease in time for ERP and an increase in Beta ERD activity in central and posterior channels. In the shooting epochs (distorted dynamic), the Whole group showed a decrease in time for ERPs in anterior and central-posterior channels. Additionally, the shooting ERS in the Beta band decreases within sessions in central channels, particularly for the Part group.ConclusionNeural correlates of kinematic and dynamic control [ERP and ERD(S)] were modulated by sensorimotor learning, which reflects the effect of the type of practice on the execution and the evaluation of the action. These results can be linked with our previous report, where the simultaneous practice of kinematic and dynamic distortions takes advantage of the motor performance on retention tests, indicating a more automatic control for the whole practice group

    Pueblo mapuche y estado nación: hacia el fin de una relación forzada y colonial

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    El pueblo mapuche y la Reforma Agraria: una reforma entre cuatro contrarreformas

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    Lo que llamaré una primera contrarreforma agraria surge con la llegada de los europeos al Abyayala, iniciando uno de los procesos más devastadores del antiguo orden que caracterizó a lo que en adelante llamarán América. Lo que podríamos resumir en guerras, desplazamientos, genocidios, discontinuidad de saberes y la disminución abrupta de la población originaria por medio el trabajo forzado, el hambre y las pestes.Lo que llamaré una primera contrarreforma agraria surge con la llegada de los europeos al Abyayala, iniciando uno de los procesos más devastadores del antiguo orden que caracterizó a lo que en adelante llamarán América. Lo que podríamos resumir en guerras, desplazamientos, genocidios, discontinuidad de saberes y la disminución abrupta de la población originaria por medio el trabajo forzado, el hambre y las pestes

    La geoestrategia en el conflicto chileno mapuche: la configuración del Estado Nación (1830-1869)

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    Rakizuameluwun and Mapuche history

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    This paper summarizes part of the historiographic intellectual production of the Mapuche through some works of their recent history. The act of thinking and writing about the past from individual authorship inscribed in collective works has been a constant since the eighties and up to the present. These practices unravel passages of past and contemporary history, the latter stage considered fundamental to understand the colonial phenomenon that involves the relationship with the state and the Chilean society, also outline a Mapuche subject, who has made for some time now, not only the transition from an oral culture to a written one, but the appropriation and reorientation of the same after a collective and intergenerational purpose

    Mapuche: "su lengua significaba"

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    Parallel learning processes of a visuomotor adaptation task in a changing environment

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    © 2018 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd During the control of reaching movements, a key contribution of the visual system is the localization of relevant environmental targets. In motor adaptation processes, the visual evaluation of effector motor behavior enables learning from errors, which demands continuous visual attentional focus. However, most current adaptation paradigms include static targets; therefore, when a learning situation develops in a highly variable environment and there is a double demand for visual resources (environment and motor performance), the evolution of learning processes is unknown. In order to understand how learning processes evolve in a variable environment, a video game task was designed in which subjects were asked to manage a 60° counterclockwise-rotated cursor to capture descending targets with initially unpredictable trajectories. During the task, the cursor and eye movements were recorded to dissect visuomoto

    ¡...escucha, winka...! (2006)

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    Visuomotor coordination and cortical connectivity of modular motor learning

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    © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The ability to transfer sensorimotor skill components to new actions and the capacity to use skill components from whole actions are characteristic of the adaptability of the human sensorimotor system. However, behavioral evidence suggests complex limitations for transfer after combined or modular learning of motor adaptations. Also, to date, only behavioral analysis of the consequences of the modular learning has been reported, with little understanding of the sensorimotor mechanisms of control and the interaction between cortical areas. We programmed a video game with distorted kinematic and dynamic features to test the ability to combine sensorimotor skill components learned modularly (composition) and the capacity to use separate sensorimotor skill components learned in combination (decomposition). We examined motor performance, eye–hand coordination, and EEG connectivity. When tested for integrated learning, we found that combined practice initiall