1,635 research outputs found

    Segni e graffiti greci: proposte di lettura

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    L\u2019articolo comprende tre contributi due dei quali (nn. 2,3) sono nuove letture di iscrizioni greche, mentre il primo (n. 1), sul quale si richiama l\u2019attenzione per la novit\ue0 dell\u2019argomento, riguarda il riconoscimento di una variante grafica del segno alfabetico L . Il grafema (A. Johnston, Trademarks, n. 26b a forma di tridente rovesciato) compare nei graffiti commerciali su ceramica greca a partire dalla fine del VI sec. a. C. e poi nelle scritture dell\u2019Italia villanoviana ed etrusca, dove tuttavia non sembra avere valore alfabetico. Il contributo originale dell\u2019articolo riguarda l\u2019identificazione di tale grafema, che finora non era stato riconosciuto, nelle scritture commerciali di II \u2013 I sec. a.C. tracciate su anfore dopo la cottura: in questi casi il segno esprime senza dubbio il numero 50 e pu\uf2 quindi ritenersi una variante del simbolo L presente nelle serie numerali romane. L\u2019area di produzione delle anfore (brindisine, Dressel 6A, Lamboglia 2) e i siti di rinvenimento suggeriscono un uso \u2018adriatico\u2019 di questa variante grafica che andr\ue0 ormai aggiunta alle serie alfabetiche romane

    Le 'altre trib\uf9' nel territorio adriatico della regio VI (Umbria)

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    In questo articolo vengono messi a frutto i risultati di una pi\uf9 ampia ricerca dedicata alla documentazione epigrafica di tribules nella regio VI Italiae (versante adriatico) per affrontare la tematica specifica delle attestazioni di trib\uf9 romane diverse da quella prevalente tra i cittadini delle singole comunit\ue0 antiche. I documenti epigrafici, fonte primaria per questa indagine, vengono riesaminati con il proposito di chiarire le situazioni individuali o i fenomeni collettivi che hanno determinato i casi di difformit\ue0. Ne emergono alcuni fenomeni sociali e storico-istituzionali interessanti quali la mobilit\ue0 e i contatti tra aree pi\uf9 o meno prossime, la presenza o l\u2019insediamento sul territorio di militari, la questione del cambio di trib\uf9 per i magistrati, la possibilit\ue0 di riconoscere ascendenze libertine di individui ingenui; nello stesso tempo la revisione dei singoli documenti consente di proporre nuove soluzioni di lettura per casi finora ritenuti dubbi. La scelta della pubblicazione nella rivista \u2018Picus- Studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell\u2019antichit\ue0\u2019 si deve al carattere tematico di questo periodico che, mentre \ue8 sottoposto al vaglio di un comitato scientifico internazionale, garantisce la diffusione dei contributi in un ambito di specialisti delle problematiche del territorio grazie alla sua presenza pi\uf9 che trentennale tra gli strumenti di diffusione della conoscenza della storia antica della regione

    Pilota Arri Q. s.

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    La ricerca si inquadra nel filone degli studi sull\u2019instrumentum domesticum iscritto di et\ue0 romana in un settore, quello degli opercula anforari ceramici, ancora poco esplorato ma suscettibile di offrire dati nuovi alla problematica dei rapporti produzione/distribuzione dei prodotti oleari e vinari. Il bollo in esame (CIL I2 2353), tradizionalmente riferito alla classe dei bolli su vascula Arretina, si \ue8 rivelato invece impresso su un operculum come si dimostra grazie ad un esemplare della serie rinvenuto ad Altinum. Il rinvenimento di analoghi opercula bollati a Lupiae, Septempeda, Verona, Iader, Salona consente di ricostruire l\u2019ampio percorso commerciale adriatico del prodotto trasportato, l\u2019onomastica di Pilota, prima servus e poi libertus di un Q. Arrius e di un C. Arrius, lascia intravvedere il modello delle negotiationes per servos anche se risulta difficile identificare i domini di Pilota tra gli Arrii noti da fonte letteraria e attivi nel I sec. a.C. Non si esclude la possibilit\ue0 di riferire alle attivit\ue0 commerciali di Q. Arrius anche gli opercula con marchio Dama Arri. Q. s. , il che permette di estendere la distribuzione alle vie Aemilia e Postumia

    Impacting of droplets on moving surface and inclined surfaces

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    Drop impact onto inclined and moving surfaces are seen in various applications, for example, inkjet printing, spray coating, or in agriculture; droplets impact on either the surface that is moving, inclined, or a combination of both. Studies in the literature have examined the phenomenon of drop impact in isolation, either for a moving surface, or an inclined surface. Therefore, we conducted a comparative study for drop impact onto moving and inclined surfaces to see if they can be considered as equivalent systems. We used high speed imaging and examined the spreading and splashing of droplet impact onto both inclined and moving surfaces, having the same normal and tangential (in-plane) velocities. Various liquids with viscosities and surface tensions in the range of 1-5 cSt 17.4-72.8 mNm, respectively, were used. We demonstrated that both systems are equivalent to one another, considering either the initial spreading behavior of droplets, or splashing. Different types of splashing seen on inclined and moving surfaces are similar regardless of system. Finally, a new type of splashing named "split splashing"was also reported. This type of splashing is seen only when the normal velocity relative to tangential velocity is very low

    Spitzer/IRAC Limits to Planetary Companions of Fomalhaut and epsilon Eridani

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    Fomalhaut and epsilon Eridani are two young, nearby stars that possess extended debris disks whose structures suggest the presence of perturbing planetary objects. With its high sensitivity and stable point spread function, Spitzer/IRAC is uniquely capable of detecting cool, Jupiter-like planetary companions whose peak emission is predicted to occur near 4.5 um. We report on deep IRAC imaging of these two stars, taken at 3.6 and 4.5 um using subarray mode and in all four channels in wider-field full array mode. Observations acquired at two different telescope roll angles allowed faint surrounding objects to be separated from the stellar diffraction pattern. No companion candidates were detected at the reported position of Fomalhaut b with 3 sigma model-dependent mass upper limits of 3 MJ (for an age of 200 Myr). Around epsilon Eridani we instead set a limit of 4 and <1 MJ (1 Gyr model age) at the inner and outer edge of the sub-millimeter debris ring, respectively. These results are consistent with non-detections in recent near-infrared imaging searches, and set the strongest limits to date on the presence of planets outside epsilon Eridani sub-millimeter ring.Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal. Request electronic-only plates to M. Marengo ([email protected]

    Paediatric Recurrent Ear, Nose and Throat Infections and Complications: Can We Do More?

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    Recurrent respiratory tract infections (rRTIs), of which there are three main groups—otitis media, tonsillitis and sinusopathies—are very common in paediatric populations and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality due to complications. These infections substantially reduce quality of life for paediatric patients and their families and are a significant personal, medical and economic burden on the patients, the patients’ families and the healthcare system. Most rRTIs are of viral origin; however, indiscriminate use of antibiotics in their treatment has led to development of bacterial resistance. Effective management of rRTIs to reduce the burden of disease and to avoid overuse of antibiotics has become a great therapeutic challenge. New strategies for the management of paediatric rRTIs include focus on prevention using non-specific immunomodulators to boost the body’s natural defences against infection and to downregulate infection- and allergen-induced airway inflammation. The oral immunomodulator, OM-85, a bacterial lysate, acts on the innate and adaptive branches of the immune system, conferring protection against viral and bacterial infections, and controls inflammation, thereby reducing tissue damage. OM-85 has demonstrated good tolerability and clinical efficacy in reducing the number and duration of RTIs in children with recurrent airway infections. It has also been reported to reduce the use of concomitant medications, including antibiotics, time to cure and school absenteeism. OM-85 is efficacious and well tolerated when administered concomitantly with inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) and has been shown to reduce wheezing attacks induced by RTI in young children. Clinical results show that the greater the risk of rRTIs, the greater the benefit with OM-85. OM-85 may be considered a promising tool to add to the limited armamentarium of the ear, nose and throat (ENT) physician dealing with rRTIs and their complications, such as recurrent wheeze and asthma inception

    Building on strategic elearning initiatives of hybrid graduate education a case study approach: MHEI-ME Erasmus+ Project

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    Online courses are gaining popularity because they provide extensive and varied course material, information, knowledge, and skills, whilst also creating an effective educational online community. This research adopts a case study approach to focus on the teaching method and the manner in which a strategic commitment to eLearning provides scope for the development and implementation of top quality educational online fully accredited programs. Entrepreneurship focuses on developing businesses that add value and create wealth and prosperity in our societies. Therefore, entrepreneurship is a key area of learning for graduate students seeking to set up and operate their own SME organizations. It can serve as a benchmark for the teaching of other graduate subjects that require a sound correlation for the correlation of concepts and theories to the challenging complexities of the real world. The program was developed on the basis of the implementation of a state-of-the-art eLearning platform that allowed for a combination of varied self-learning and collaborative learning elements and activities within a single platform. This enabled students to access the online content material efficiently and effectively. It allows for the development of a program based on the flipped classroom teaching methodology. The underlying concept of the flipped classroom methodology is that effective eLearning should comprise both synchronous and asynchronous learning activities. This combination of self-learning and collaborative learning calls for careful planning by the tutor to ensure that the learning objectives are clearly defined for each activity and that the relevant deliverables are monitored. The content material for each subject course module was designed, developed, produced, and presented by the different project partners in a holistic manner structured to motivate participants to learn. The results of our analysis have shown that students were able to learn, discuss their projects, and cooperate during an online course in an effective and participant-focused manner with their tutors. The feedback given highlights the importance of ongoing communications between students and the tutors who often need to act as mentors to retain student engagement. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland