1,261 research outputs found

    Glassy magnetic behavior and correlation length in nanogranular Fe-oxide and Au/Fe-oxide samples

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    In nanoscale magnetic systems, the possible coexistence of structural disorder and competing magnetic interactionsmay determine the appearance of a glassy magnetic behavior, implying the onset of a low-temperature disordered collective state of frozen magnetic moments. This phenomenology is the object of an intense research activity, stimulated by a fundamental scientific interest and by the need to clarify how disordered magnetism effects may affect the performance of magnetic devices (e.g., sensors and data storage media). We report the results of a magnetic study that aims to broaden the basic knowledge of glassy magnetic systems and concerns the comparison between two samples, prepared by a polyol method. The first can be described as a nanogranular spinel Fe-oxide phase composed of ultrafine nanocrystallites (size of the order of 1 nm); in the second, the Fe-oxide phase incorporated non-magnetic Au nanoparticles (10-20 nm in size). In both samples, the Fe-oxide phase exhibits a glassy magnetic behavior and the nanocrystallite moments undergo a very similar freezing process. However, in the frozen regime, the Au/Fe-oxide composite sample is magnetically softer. This effect is explained by considering that the Au nanoparticles constitute physical constraints that limit the length of magnetic correlation between the frozen Fe-oxide moments

    Alleviating inequality in climate policy costs: An integrated perspective on mitigation, damage and adaptation

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    Equity considerations play an important role in international climate negotiations. While policy analysis has often focused on equity as it relates to mitigation costs, there are large regional differences in adaptation costs and the level of residual damage. This paper illustrates the relevance of including adaptation and residual damage in equity considerations by determining how the allocation of emission allowances would change to counteract regional differences in total climate costs, defined as the costs of mitigation, adaptation, and residual damage. We compare emission levels resulting from a global carbon tax with two allocations of emission allowances under a global cap-and-trade system: one equating mitigation costs and one equating total climate costs as share of GDP. To account for uncertainties in both mitigation and adaptation, we use a model-comparison approach employing two alternative modeling frameworks with different damage, adaptation cost, and mitigation cost estimates, and look at two different climate goals. Despite the identified model uncertainties, we derive unambiguous results on the change in emission allowance allocation that could lessen the unequal distribution of adaptation costs and residual damages through the financial transfers associated with emission trading

    Vitamin d fortification of consumption cow’s milk: Health, nutritional and technological aspects. a multidisciplinary lecture of the recent scientific evidence

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    Vitamin D is essential in assuring bone health at all stages of life, but its non-skeletal effects are also essential: This vitamin impacts the physiology of the immune system, skeletal muscles and adipose tissue, glucose metabolism, skin, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, neuro-cognitive functions and cell division. The incidence of vitamin D deficiency is widespread worldwide, at any age, in young and healthy subjects, as well as in pregnant women and the elderly population, due to several factors, including inadequate sunlight exposure, skin pigmentation and coverage, adiposity, lifestyle and low dietary intakes. To overcome this problem, the fortification of foods that are consumed on a daily basis, such as milk, is strongly advisable. This opinion paper aims to discuss, in a multidisciplinary way, the current evidence supporting the importance of vitamin D in health and disease and the role of milk as an optimal carrier of this vitamin, to promote adequate intakes, highlighting its unique physico-chemical characteristics linked to both fat globule membrane and casein micelle structure. Moreover, it addresses the impact of industrial processing and storage of consumption milk on the stability of these structures, thus in determining vitamin D bioavailability and the achievement of adequate intakes

    Competição de cultivares de soja com plantas daninhas em Urutaí, GO.

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    Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar o potencial competitivo de cultivares de soja com plantas daninhas em duas épocas de semeadura nas condições edafoclimáticas de Urutaí, GO. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições em parcelas subsubdivididas. Testou-se nas parcelas duas épocas de semeadura (novembro e dezembro), nas subparcelas as cultivares de soja (BRSGO Raíssa, BRSGO Amaralina, Emgopa 302 RR, BRSGO Indiara, BRS 7560, BRSGO Caiapônia, Pioneer P98Y11 e Pioneer P98C81) e nas subsubparcelas a convivência ou não de plantas daninhas com as cultivares. Quanto às plantas daninhas verificou-se maior ocorrência destas na soja semeada tardiamente. Houve efeito da convivência de plantas daninhas no rendimento de grãos e também interação significativa entre cultivares de soja e época de semeadura, mostrando que a interferência de plantas daninhas com a soja reduziu o rendimento de grãos, principalmente quando a semeadura das cultivares foi realizada em dezembro

    Using learning dimensions within the Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory (ELLI) as indicators of academic success in Biosciences

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    The Effective Life-long Learning Inventory (ELLI) has been designed to raise students' awareness of their own learning power, summarised in seven key dimensions. This study used ELLI with level 4 and level 6 cohorts in Biosciences programmes at Northumbria University as an indicator of academic performance. The dimension with the highest mean score for level 4 students was 'Meaning Making', followed by 'Changing and Learning'. 'Creativity' had the lowest mean score. Students were divided into two groups with respect to their academic achievement: the 'successful' and the 'satisfactory' group. The successful group scored higher in all dimensions, compared to the satisfactory group. The differences in the scores for 'Meaning Making' and 'Creativity' were statistically significant. Large differences were also found for 'Changing and Learning', 'Strategic Awareness', and 'Resilence'. Interestingly, all of these, with the exception of 'Meaning Making', were also the dimensions in which level 6 students scored higher than level 4 students, but the differences were not statistically significant. Results indicate that ELLI is a useful tool to identify key dispositions in successful learners, which could inform interventions to improve learning within a cohort