873 research outputs found

    Arquitectura de tierra en yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica: estudio de riesgos naturales, sociales y antrópicos y estrategias de conservación.

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    [ES] La tierra ha constituido uno de los materiales constructivos de mayor antigüedad y presencia en las sociedades del pasado, dada su elevada disponibilidad en el entorno, sencilla obtención y transformación. Durante los diferentes periodos históricos, el desarrollo de técnicas constructivas como las mixtas, el amasado, el adobe o la tapia, ha respondido a tradiciones y culturas constructivas específicas que, en base a la experimentación, suponen un perfeccionamiento en su ejecución en aras de mejorar las propiedades mecánicas y físicas, así como dar una respuesta personalizada a los agentes de degradación. Por ello, se trata de construcciones capaces de arrojar datos de gran relevancia en la caracterización de estas sociedades, su delimitación territorial, migraciones, contactos o formas de vida; pero también de constituir herramientas para su transmisión al gran público mediante el reconocimiento físico y visual de las mismas. En los años recientes, la construcción con tierra de la antigüedad ha suscitado un interés renovado en el ámbito académico, debido al atesoramiento de dicha información en tanto a las técnicas constructivas; y en el de conservación, dadas las contradicciones experimentadas en la prolongación de su vida útil, reducción del mantenimiento derivado del desuso y retención de valores de autenticidad. Sin embargo, son numerosos los factores que amenazan y dificultan la preservación de estos vestigios, al tratarse de una arquitectura desprovista de sus sistemas de protección tradicionales, con un encaje y funcionalidad limitada en la sociedad actual, y una comprometida valoración del material, asociado a connotaciones negativas y a la pobreza constructiva. El objetivo de la presente tesis es abordar el panorama peninsular en este marco, atendiendo a los contextos de mayor fragilidad y priorizando la arquitectura de tierra doméstica, productiva y funeraria adscrita a los periodos prehistórico, protohistórico, romano o, en menor medida, medieval. De esta forma, identificar, por una parte, una muestra representativa de casos de estudio con vestigios conservados in situ, y generar una base de datos tanto de origen bibliográfico (estudio de técnicas constructivas), como con información actualizada (estado de conservación y transformación actual), a través de la toma de los mismos en visitas de campo. Por otra, proponer una metodología de evaluación que represente los principales factores de peligrosidad en la dimensión natural (sismo, inundación, desertificación y precipitación), social y antrópica, en aras de establecer, por comparación y cruce de datos institucionales, grados de vulnerabilidad y riesgo que favorezcan la prevención y planificación de estrategias de conservación.[CA] La terra ha constituït un dels materials constructius de major antiguitat i presència en les societats del passat, d'acord amb la seua elevada disponibilitat en l'entorn, senzilla obtenció i transformació. En els diferents períodes històrics, el desenvolupament de tècniques constructives com les mixtes, la paret de mà, els tovots o la tàpia, ha respost a tradicions i cultures constructives específiques que, atesa l'experimentació, suposen un perfeccionament en la seua execució a fi de millorar les propietats mecàniques i físiques, així com donar una resposta personalitzada als agents de degradació. Per això, es tracta de construccions capaces de llançar dades de gran rellevància en la caracterització d'aquestes societats, la seua delimitació territorial, migracions, contactes o formes de vida; però també de constituir eines per a la seua transmissió al gran públic mitjançant el reconeixement físic i visual. En els últims anys, la construcció amb terra de l'antiguitat ha suscitat un interés renovat en l'àmbit acadèmic, a causa del tresorejament d'aquesta informació en tant a les tècniques constructives; i en el de conservació, d'acord amb les contradiccions experimentades en la prolongació de la seua vida útil, reducció del manteniment derivat del desús i retenció de valors d'autenticitat. No obstant això, són nombrosos els factors que amenacen i dificulten la preservació d'aquests vestigis, en tractar-se d'una arquitectura desproveïda dels seus sistemes de protecció tradicionals, amb un encaix i funcionalitat limitada en la societat actual, i una compromesa valoració del material, associat a connotacions negatives i a la pobresa constructiva. L'objectiu de la present tesi és abordar el panorama peninsular en aquest marc, atesos els contextos de major fragilitat i prioritzant l'arquitectura de terra domèstica, productiva i funerària adscrita als períodes prehistòric, protohistòric, romà o, en menor mesura, medieval. D'aquesta manera, identificar, d'una banda, una mostra representativa de casos d'estudi amb vestigis conservats in situ, i generar una base de dades tant d'origen bibliogràfic (estudi de tècniques constructives), com amb informació actualitzada (estat de conservació i transformació actual), a través de la recollida d'aquests en visites de camp. Per una altra, proposar una metodologia d'avaluació que represente els principals factors de perillositat en la dimensió natural (sisme, inundació, desertificació i precipitació), social i antròpica, a fi d'establir, per comparació i encreuament de dades institucionals, graus de vulnerabilitat i risc que afavorisquen la prevenció i planificació d'estratègies de conservació.[EN] Earth has been one of the oldest and most widely used building materials in past societies, given its high availability in the environment, ease of production and transformation. Throughout different historical periods, the development of construction techniques such as wattle and daub, cob, adobe, and rammed earth has been influenced by specific construction traditions and cultures. Through experimentation, these techniques have been refined to improve their mechanical and physical properties, as well as to provide personalised responses to degradation. Consequently, these constructions yield significant data for the characterization of these societies, their territorial boundaries, migrations, contacts, and ways of living. They also serve as tools for public dissemination through their physical and visual recognition. In recent years, ancient earth construction has sparked renewed interest in the academic and conservation fields. The accumulation of knowledge regarding these construction techniques and the challenges experienced in extending their lifespan, reducing maintenance resulting from disuse, while preserving their authenticity values, have contributed to this interest. However, numerous factors threaten and complicate the preservation of these remnants, as they lack traditional protective systems, have limited fit and functionality in today's society, and are associated with negative connotations and poor construction quality. The objective of this thesis is to address the situation on the Iberian Peninsula within this circumstances, focusing on contexts of greater fragility and prioritizing domestic, productive, and funerary earthen architecture from prehistoric, protohistoric, Roman, and to a lesser extent, medieval periods. The aim is twofold: first, to identify a representative sample of case studies with preserved remains in situ and generate a database from both bibliographic sources (study of construction techniques) and updated information (current state of conservation and transformation) through field visits and data collection. Second, to propose an evaluation methodology that encompasses the main factors of natural (earthquakes, flooding, desertification, and precipitation), social, and anthropic hazards. By comparing and cross-referencing institutional data, this methodology aims to establish degrees of vulnerability and risk that facilitate prevention and conservation planning strategies.Gracias al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, por financiar la presente tesis en el Centro de Investigación en Arquitectura, Patrimonio y Gestión para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Universitat Politècnica de València, así como las estancias de índole internacional y nacional durante los años de desarrollo.Manzano Fernández, S. (2023). Arquitectura de tierra en yacimientos arqueológicos de la Península Ibérica: estudio de riesgos naturales, sociales y antrópicos y estrategias de conservación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19799

    DIPASQUALE, L.; MECCA, S.; CORREIA, M. (ed) From Vernacular to World Heritage. Firenze University Press, Florencia, 2020.

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    The results of the 3dPast - Living & virtual visiting European World Heritage research project, completed in 2020, are presented in this publication, bringing together the experience of a large number of researchers in heritage sites recognised by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites, in places such as Portugal, Spain, Italy and Finland, among others; aiming to offer an interesting series of reflections and strategies for the enhancement and dissemination of the architectural quality of European cultural heritage in its different dimensions, through contemporary tools, technologies and dissemination channels that could provide new perspectives of enhancement and face the different challenges of current scenarios.Los resultados del proyecto de investigación 3dPast – Living & virtual visiting European World Heritage, finalizado en 2020, se proyectan en la presente publicación recogiendo la experiencia de un gran número de investigadores en conjuntos patrimoniales reconocidos por la UNESCO como Patrimonio Mundial, en enclaves como Portugal, España, Italia, o Finlandia, entre otros; con el fin de ofrecer una interesante serie de reflexiones y estrategias para la puesta en valor y difusión de la calidad arquitectónica del patrimonio cultural europeo en sus diferentes dimensiones, a través de herramientas, tecnologías y canales de difusión contemporáneos que aporten nuevas perspectivas de potenciación y afronten los diferentes desafíos de los escenarios actuales

    MILETO, C.; VEGAS, F. et al. (ed) 3d Past. Guidelines and strategies for maintenance of vernacular architecture in World Heritage sites. ESG / UNIFI / UPV, 2020.

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    The enhancement and dissemination of cultural heritage receives a new publication as a practical, synthetic, small-format booklet, edited by Fernando Vegas and Camilla Mileto, among other researchers, due to the completion and results compilation of the European research project 3dPast - Living & virtual visiting European World Heritage, developed in international collaboration. The proposal presents, under the premises of direct and simple dissemination, a complete compilation in five languages of a series of guidelines and strategies to generate new perspectives for the enhancement of architectural heritage in its different dimensions, taking into account the challenges and opportunities of the current situation and using recognisable visual iconography, photographs and examples of studies recognised as World Heritage Sites in seven different countries.La puesta en valor y difusión del patrimonio cultural recibe una nueva publicación bajo la fórmula del cuaderno práctico, sintético y de reducido formato, editada por Fernando Vegas y Camilla Mileto, entre otros investigadores, con motivo de la finalización y recopilación de resultados del proyecto de investigación europeo 3dPast – Living & virtual visiting European World Heritage desarrollado en colaboración internacional. La propuesta ofrece, bajo las premisas de la difusión directa y sencilla, una completa recopilación en cinco idiomas de toda una serie de directrices y estrategias para generar nuevas perspectivas de potenciación del patrimonio arquitectónico en sus diferentes dimensiones, atendiendo a los desafíos y oportunidades de la coyuntura actual y empleando para ello iconografía visual reconocible, fotografías y ejemplos de estudio reconocidos como Patrimonio Mundial de siete países diferentes

    Examination of earthen construction in archaeological sites of the Iberian Peninsula for risk analysis

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    [EN] Earthen constructions are one of the most widespread and fragile elements of the architectural heritage of the Iberian Peninsula. This situation is worsened when they lack the necessary protection and are found in vulnerable enclaves such as archaeological sites. Their geographical, cultural and constructive particularities expose them to different risks – natural, social and anthropic – which threaten their conservation and interpretation for future generations. This study aims to examine this type of heritage complex in constructive terms, focusing on constructions of a domestic and productive nature and paying special attention to those from prehistoric, protohistoric and Roman periods. Attention is also paid to later similar remains conserved. Quantitative and qualitative analysis methodologies are applied to a series of case studies found throughout the Iberian Peninsula in order to record the information on fiches examining general and specific aspects of the different techniques observed. Given the broad timeline and geography covered, as well as other identification and conservation factors, the data collected reflect a predominance of adobe over other earthen techniques which are also described, including daub, cob and rammed earth, with fewer examples identified throughout. This heritage is therefore classified to record the original states compiled from the different archives, reports and publications. Subsequently, a specific database is generated for the analysis of risks (exposure and sensitivity) and criteria, strategies or results (capacity for adaptation), gleaning as much information as possible from these characteristics.Manzano Fernández, S.; Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F.; Cristini, V. (2022). Examination of earthen construction in archaeological sites of the Iberian Peninsula for risk analysis. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 401-408. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1525140140

    Approximation to the Use of Half-Timbered Walls with Earth Infill in Spanish Traditional Archtiecture

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    [EN] The term "half-timbered walls with earth infill" refers to a wide number of techniques in which structural wooden elements are combined with enclosures made of earth. The use of these constructive systems dates back to prehistoric times and their evolution has differed based on the physical, social and cultural conditions of each place. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to define the concept of half-timbered walls with earth infill in the Spanish context and to understand the geographical, urban, architectural and constructive reasons that have favoured or hindered its use in traditional architecture. The methodology used is based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the largest possible number of case studies. This allows a database to be set up for the purposes of performing global analysis and drawing objective and statistically valid conclusions. This information is managed using a study sheet with information ranging from general aspects of buildings with the presence of these techniques to detailed features of half-timbered walls. The data and conclusions presented in this paper focus on these half-timbered walls, including information on the geographical distribution of these techniques, the characteristics of the buildings in which they are used, the combination of mixed walls with other construction techniques, and the state of conservation and transformation of the buildings in which they are used. It has been established that these techniques are common in mountainous landscapes, where there is optimal woodland for construction, and in urban environments, where they are presented as optimum techniques to maximize the profitability of the buildable surface.This study is part of the research project La arquitectura de tierra en la Península Ibérica: Estudio de los riesgos naturales, sociales y antrópicos y estrategias de intervención e incremento de la resiliencia Risk-Terra (ref. RTI2018- 095302-B-I00; main researchers: Camilla Mileto y Fernando Vegas), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University. The identification and location of many case studies has been possible thanks to the earlier research project La restauración y rehabilitación de arquitectura tradicional de tierra en la Península Ibérica. Líneas guía y herramientas para una intervención sostenible SOStierra (ref. BIA 2014-55924- R, main researchers: Camilla Mileto y Fernando Vegas) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The authors wish to thank all the researchers who took part in the process of locating, identifying, and documenting a large number of buildings with earth construction techniques. This research has been developed within a doctoral thesis funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (Ref. FPU18/01596).Hueto-Escobar, A.; Diodato, M.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F.; Manzano-Fernández, S. (2020). Approximation to the Use of Half-Timbered Walls with Earth Infill in Spanish Traditional Archtiecture. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Online). 44:1033-1040. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-M-1-2020-1033-2020S103310404

    A Burial Grave at Tell Keila, Palestine

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    [EN] The recent excavation of the Tell Keila archaeological site in the Hebron Governorate (Palestine) has revealed new burial graves among the already known in the region of Judea (Yezerski, 2013), providing innovative guidelines for understanding the scope of the funeral typology which was characteristic of the Second Iron Age and Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantian periods and their subsequent occupations. 49 tombs have been inventoried in total, among which it is worth noting the largest, number 26, which is located in the immediate surroundings of the Tell. Its rich architecture has enabled a more comprehensive study and comparison, and when the excavation campaign ended in 2018 numerous elements characteristic of the funeral customs, local ways of life at the time, and state of conservation of the construction had been identified. The geometry and spaces were exactly identified with a complete metric and photo-rectified survey of the tomb which took into consideration the limitations imposed on the work by the local socio-cultural and socio-economic context.This research project is developed within the collaboration of Camilla Mileto and Fernando Vegas with the archaeological project in Tell Keila, being developed under the direction of Sylvie Blétry with the support of EA 4424 CRISES, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the Scientific Council of the Montpellier University3, the team of the season carried out in 2018 and the local families participating in the excavations.Manzano-Fernández, S.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F.; Cristini, V.; Hueto-Escobar, A. (2020). A Burial Grave at Tell Keila, Palestine. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Online). 44:999-1004. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-M-1-2020-999-2020S99910044

    Business consulting a la unidad de distribución de la empresa “Fargoline S.A.”

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    El presente trabajo involucra la elaboración de un Business Consulting para la unidad de distribución de la empresa Fargoline S.A., operador logístico del grupo Ferreycorp, que ofrece servicios de transporte, distribución y almacenamiento para dar soluciones a las necesidades del mercado. El propósito de esta consultoría es identificar aquellas oportunidades de mejora que le permitan a Fargoline S.A. alcanzar sus objetivos y optimizar sus procesos en el canal de distribución. Se realizó un análisis de los factores internos y externos que afectan a la empresa utilizando herramientas como el análisis PESTE, análisis competitivo, análisis FODA y análisis AMOFHIT. El análisis de la información permitió detectar oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades a los que se enfrenta la empresa. Para identificar los problemas del área de distribución, se utilizó un diagrama de causa-efecto en el cual se evaluó las 7M´s del proceso. Se logró determinar cinco problemas principales, lo cuales son: procesos no documentados y procedimientos desactualizados, falta de controles en procesos administrativos y de gestión, falta de control y monitoreo en procesos de operaciones, limitado uso de herramientas tecnológicas existentes y falta de estándares de trabajo enfocados en la productividad. Se realizó un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de cada problema y se confrontaron entre ellos para determinar cuál genera mayor impacto y beneficio en la organización. Finalmente, se desarrolló un plan de mejora para resolver las principales causas-raíz del problema: implementación de un cuadro de mando integral, evaluación del proceso de distribución a través de un value stream mapping (VSM), cambio del modelo de distribución a mixto con flota propia (Core del negocio) y tercerización variable, aplicación de tecnologías disruptivas e implementación de estándares de trabajo. Los resultados de la implementación de los proyectos generaron una inversión de S/251,130, la cual luego de una evaluación de viabilidad del proyecto dieron como resultado una recuperación de la inversión en un periodo de un año, dos meses y doce días, generando una utilidad de hasta S/ 5’024,360 en cinco años.This work involves the development of a Business Consulting for the distribution unit of Fargoline S.A., a logistics operator of the Ferreycorp group, which offers transportation, distribution and storage services to provide solutions to market needs. The purpose of this consultancy is to identify those opportunities for improvement that allow Fargoline S.A. achieve its objectives and optimize its processes in the distribution channel. An analysis of the internal and external factors that affect the company was carried out using tools such as the PESTE analysis, competitive analysis, SWOT analysis and AMOFHIT analysis. The analysis of the information allowed to detect opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses that the company faces. To identify the problems in the distribution area, a cause-effect diagram was used in which the 7M's of the process were evaluated. It was possible to determine five main problems, which are: undocumented processes and outdated procedures, lack of controls in administrative and management processes, lack of control and monitoring in operations processes, limited use of existing technological tools and lack of work standards. focused on productivity. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of each problem was carried out and they were confronted with each other to determine which generates the greatest impact and benefit in the organization. Finally, an improvement plan was developed to solve the main root causes of the problem: implementation of a balanced scorecard, evaluation of the distribution process through a value stream mapping (VSM), change of the distribution model to mixed with Own fleet (Core of the business) and variable outsourcing, application of disruptive technologies and implementation of work standards. The results of the implementation of the projects generated an investment of S/ 251,130 (two hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred and thirty soles), which after a feasibility evaluation of the project resulted in a recovery of the investment in a period of one year, two months and twelve days, generating a profit up to S/ 5’024,360 (five million twenty-four thousand three hundred and sixty thousand soles), in five years

    High-Sensitivity Troponin T and Copeptin in Non-ST Acute Coronary Syndromes: Implications for Prognosis and Role of hsTnT and Copeptin in Non-STEACS

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    High-sensitivity TnT (hsTnT) has been proposed to improve the diagnosis and stratification in acute coronary syndromes. Copeptin has been proposed for a rapid and accurate rule out of acute myocardial infarction, but some doubts exist about its use out of the first hours from admission. Abnormalities of serum hsTnT and copeptin levels in non-STEACS and negative TnT, could have prognostic implications. Methods. We included 122 non-STEACS patients without raised TnT, 33 disease controls and 43 healthy controls. We measured hsTnT and copeptin levels. Clinical follow-up at 12 months was performed for adverse endpoints. Results. Non-STEACS patients had raised hsTnT compared with both control groups (P = 0.036 and P < 0.001). Copeptin levels were higher in non-STEACS patients than healthy controls (P = 0.021), without differences with disease controls. Raised levels of hs-TnT presented prognostic implications [HR 3.29 (95%CI: 1.33–7.49), P = 0.010]. hs-TnT could be used for invasive approach decision, as it shows prognostic relevance in conservative approach-patients whereas remains unrelevant for catheterized-patients. Copeptin levels were not associated with adverse events. Conclusion. hsTnT levels increased in non-STEACS, were predictive of adverse events and could be important for recommending an invasive management. We cannot confirm a predictive role of copeptin out of the first hours from admission

    Empty Spain and vernacular architecture. Awareness and conservation from the teaching of architectural restoration

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    [EN] The First Industrial Revolution brought about the attraction to the cities of much labor force coming from the countryside. In Spain, this migratory phenomenon accelerated during the period of development of the 1960s. Today, even it seems not to have reached bottom: there are already many deserted areas in the so called "empty Spain" and more the nuclei that will disappear in the coming years if nothing remedies. This territorial imbalance has led, on the one hand, to the pollution and overpopulation of large metropolitan areas, often located on the coast, and on the other, to the progressive extinction of an ancestral way of life that has been maintaining a tight balance with the natural environment through agricultural exploitation. It is in this context that the Empty Spain teaching initiative arises, applicable to several subjects of the degree in Fundamentals of Architecture taught at the ETS of Architecture (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain), and encouraged by the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda promoted by United Nations, especially with regard to No. 10 ¿Reduce inequality¿, No. 11 ¿Sustainable cities and communities", and No. 12: "Responsible production and consumption". A team of professors with a long teaching and research career linked to the course on Architectural Restoration promotes this idea. The experience was developed in two phases: learning and dissemination. In order to undertake the learning phase, a triple challenge was proposed: raising awareness of the seriousness of the problem and the urgency of finding viable solutions; fostering knowledge of vernacular architecture, predominant in the affected area; and acting through an incipient architectural project applied to a traditional building. In short, knowing vernacular architecture and learning from it. For its part, the dissemination phase is being deployed in parallel through several channels. A temporary exhibition is organized with a selection of the most suggestive works aimed at the students and teachers of the School. This strategy is joined by participation in two international congresses, one on research and the other on teaching.Baró Zarzo, JL.; Cristini, V.; Mileto, C.; Balaguer Dezcallar, MJ.; De Dato, P.; García-Soriano, L.; Lidón De-Miguel, M.... (2022). Empty Spain and vernacular architecture. Awareness and conservation from the teaching of architectural restoration. IATED. 7203-7208. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2022.16857203720