1,628 research outputs found

    When seeing is more than looking:Intentional gaze modulates object desirability

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    Objects in the environment have a perceived value that can be changed through social influence. A subtle way to influence object evaluation is through eye gaze: Objects looked at by others are perceived as more likable than objects that are not looked at. In 3 experiments, we directly tested the hypothesis that this liking effect depends on the processing of the intentional relation between other's eye gaze and the object being looked at. To this end, we used a novel paradigm in which participants observed a face looking left or right behind an opaque barrier. Under all tested conditions, we found a gaze cueing effect on attention: Looked-at objects were categorized faster than looked-away objects. In contrast, observed gaze only led to a boost in affective evaluation for the target object when observers had the impression that the face could see the object behind the barrier, but not when observers had the impression that the face could not see the object. These findings indicate that observers make a sophisticated use of social gaze cues in the affective evaluation of objects: Objects looked at by others are liked more than objects looked away but only when others can see the objects

    Juvenility and the juvenile transition

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    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: mock galaxy catalogues for the low-redshift sample

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    We present one thousand mock galaxy catalogues for the analysis of the Low Redshift Sample (LOWZ, effective redshift z ~ 10.32) of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Data Releases 10 and 11. These mocks have been created following the PTHalos method of Manera13 et al. (2013) revised to include new developments. The main improvement is the introduction of a redshift dependence in the Halo Occupation Distribution in order to account for the change of the galaxy number density with redshift. These mock catalogues are used in the analyses of the LOWZ galaxy clustering by the BOSS collaboration.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Medicinal Chemistry approach, pharmacology and neuroprotective benefits of CB2R modulators in neurodegenerative diseases

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    In the last decades, cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2R) has continued to receive attention as a key therapeutic target in neuroprotection. Indeed, several findings highlight the neuroprotective effects of CB2R through suppression of both neuronal excitability and reactive microglia. Additionally, CB2R seems to be a more promising target than cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) thanks to the lack of central side effects, its lower expression levels in the central nervous system (CNS), and its inducibility, since its expression enhances quickly in the brain following pathological conditions. This review aims to provide a thorough overview of the main natural and synthetic selective CB2R modulators, their chemical classification and their potential therapeutic usefulness in neuroprotection, a crucial aspect for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

    Composição mineral do resíduo salino sólido de tanques aquícolas abastecidos com resíduo da dessalinização.

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    O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar a composição mineral do resíduo salino sólido (RSS) proveniente de dez tanques aquícolas, colhendo-se três amostras por tanque. Foram determinados os teores de N, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Na, Cl, P, Ni, Pb, Cd, Cr. O RSS apresentou grande diversidade de elementos minerais, baixa concentração dos principais minerais presentes nos suplementos comerciais como o Ca e o P e heterogeneidade em suas composições com relação aos diferentes tanques. Foi ainda observada a presença de metais pesados, em que para o Pb e Cd os valores médios estão acima da faixa considerada normal, porém, em alguns dos tanques amostrados os valores são inferiores a faixa limite

    Desempenho produtivo e características de carcaça de cabritos alimentados com diferentes proporções de concentrado.

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo e as características da carcaça de cabritos alimentados com quatro relações de concentrado e volumoso nas rações, tendo como volumoso o capim Elefante in natura picado. As proporções avaliadas foram: 80:20%; 60:40%; 40:60% e 20:80% de con-centrado e volumoso na matéria seca das rações. Foram utilizados 28 caprinos, machos, não castrados, da raça Saanen com peso corporal inicial médio de 9,3 kg distribuídos em quatro lotes de sete animais mantidos em baias coletivas. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado com sete repetições. O aumento nas proporções de concentrado das rações proporcionou maiores pesos corporais finais, os ganhos de peso totais. Além disso, também foram obtidos maiores pesos e rendimentos de carcaça com as maiores doses de concentrado. Assim, tecnicamente é viável o uso de rações com elevado teor de concentrado para caprinos visando a terminação dos mesmos, porém a dose a ser utilizada deverá ser condicionada também em função do desempenho bioeconômico promovido pela suplementação

    Reducing dementia risk by targeting modifiable risk factors in mid-life: study protocol for the Innovative midlife intervention for dementia deterrence (In-MINDD) randomised controlled feasibility trial

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    Background Dementia prevalence is increasing as populations live longer, with no cure and the costs of caring exceeding many other conditions. There is increasing evidence for modifiable risk factors which, if addressed in mid-life, can reduce the risk of developing dementia in later life. These include physical inactivity, low cognitive activity, mid-life obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. This study aims to assess the acceptability and feasibility and impact of giving those in mid-life, aged between 40 and 60 years, an individualised dementia risk modification score and profile and access to personalised on-line health information and goal setting in order to support the behaviour change required to reduce such dementia risk. A secondary aim is to understand participants’ and practitioners’ views of dementia prevention and explore the acceptability and integration of the Innovative Midlife Intervention for Dementia Deterrence (In-MINDD) intervention into daily life and routine practice. Methods/design In-MINDD is a multi-centre, primary care-based, single-blinded randomised controlled feasibility trial currently being conducted in four European countries (France, Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK). Participants are being recruited from participating general practices. Inclusion criteria will include age between 40 and 60 years; at least one modifiable risk factor for dementia risk (including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, renal dysfunction, current smoker, raised cholesterol, coronary heart disease, current or previous history of depression, self-reported sedentary lifestyle, and self-reported low cognitive activity) access to the Internet. Primary outcome measure will be a change in dementia risk modification score over the timescale of the trial (6 months). A qualitative process evaluation will interview a sample of participants and practitioners about their views on the acceptability and feasibility of the trial and the links between modifiable risk factors and dementia prevention. This work will be underpinned by Normalisation Process Theory. Discussion This study will explore the feasibility and acceptability of a risk profiler and on-line support environment to help individuals in mid-life assess their risk of developing dementia in later life and to take steps to alleviate that risk by tackling health-related behaviour change. Testing the intervention in a robust and theoretically informed manner will inform the development of a future, full-scale randomised controlled trial

    Desempenho produtivo de ovinos mantidos em pastagens de capim Tifton 85 recebendo doses crescentes de concentrado.

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    O estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho produtivo de ovinos mantidos em pastagens irrigadas de Tifton 85 recebendo doses crescentes de suplemento concentrado. Foram utilizados 24 ovinos, machos, castrados, com peso médio inicial de 20 kg como animais testadores. As doses de concentrado avaliadas foram 0; 0,66; 1,33 e 2,0% de matéria seca de suplemento em relação ao peso corporal dos animais. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com seis repetições por tratamento. Foram observados maiores (P<0,05) ganhos médios diários e ganhos de pesos totais para os animais que receberam 2% de concentrado. Os animais que não receberam suplementação apresentaram os menores (P<0,05) ganhos médios diários e ganhos de pesos totais. O aumento nas doses de concentrado para ovinos mantidos em pastagens de Tifton 85 melhorou o desempenho produtivo dos animais
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