166 research outputs found

    The Quaternary Kurobegawa Granite: an example of a deeply dissected resurgent pluton

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    H.I thank M. Yukawa for her help with sample preparation and LA-ICP-MS data collection, and Y. Hirata for sampling. U-Pb ages were calculated using an Excel spreadsheet provided by S. Sakata. English was improved by M. Coble. Comments by O. Bachmann, J. Wotzlaw and an anonymous reviewer were helpful to improve the manuscript. The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., and the Japan Ministry of the Environment gave us permission for the sampling. This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16K05617. AC acknowledges the research grant "Beca Puente" and the financial support of a "Plan Propio" grant from the University of Granada Vicerrectorate of Research and Transfer. This is the IBERSIMS publication n. 88.The Quaternary Kurobegawa Granite, central Japan, is not only the youngest known granitic pluton exposed on the Earth’s surface, it is one of few localities where both Quaternary volcanics and related plutons are well exposed. Here, we present new zircon U–Pb ages together with whole rock and mineral geochemical data, revealing that the Kurobegawa Granite is a resurgent pluton that was emplaced following the caldera-forming eruption of the Jiigatake Volcanics at 1.55 ± 0.09 Ma. Following the eruption, the remnant magma chamber progressively cooled forming the voluminous Kurobegawa pluton in the upper crust (~ 6 km depth) until ~ 0.7 Ma when resurgence caused rapid uplift and erosion in the region. This is the first study to document the detailed spatiotemporal evolution of resurgent pluton for a Quaternary caldera system. Our new findings may contribute significantly to understanding the fate of active caldera systems that can produce supereruptions.Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) JP16K05617University of Granada Vicerrectorate of Research and Transfe

    Is antipsychotic polypharmacy associated with metabolic syndrome even after adjustment for lifestyle effects?: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Although the validity and safety of antipsychotic polypharmacy remains unclear, it is commonplace in the treatment of schizophrenia. This study aimed to investigate the degree that antipsychotic polypharmacy contributed to metabolic syndrome in outpatients with schizophrenia, after adjustment for the effects of lifestyle. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was carried out between April 2007 and October 2007 at Yamanashi Prefectural KITA hospital in Japan. 334 patients consented to this cross-sectional study. We measured the components consisting metabolic syndrome, and interviewed the participants about their lifestyle. We classified metabolic syndrome into four groups according to the severity of metabolic disturbance: the metabolic syndrome; the pre-metabolic syndrome; the visceral fat obesity; and the normal group. We used multinomial logistic regression models to assess the association of metabolic syndrome with antipsychotic polypharmacy, adjusting for lifestyle. RESULTS: Seventy-four (22.2%) patients were in the metabolic syndrome group, 61 (18.3%) patients were in the pre-metabolic syndrome group, and 41 (12.3%) patients were in visceral fat obesity group. Antipsychotic polypharmacy was present in 167 (50.0%) patients. In multinomial logistic regression analyses, antipsychotic polypharmacy was significantly associated with the pre-metabolic syndrome group (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 2.348; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.181-4.668), but not with the metabolic syndrome group (AOR, 1.269; 95%CI, 0.679-2.371). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that antipsychotic polypharmacy, compared with monotherapy, may be independently associated with an increased risk of having pre-metabolic syndrome, even after adjusting for patients' lifestyle characteristics. As metabolic syndrome is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality, further studies are needed to clarify the validity and safety of antipsychotic polypharmacy

    GJETC report 2018 : intensified German-Japanese cooperation in energy research ; key results and policy recommendations

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    The challenges and also potentials of the energy transition are tremendous in Germany, as well as in Japan. Sometimes, structures of the old energy world need "creative destruction" to clear the way for innovations for a decarbonized, low-risk energy system. In these times of disruptive changes, a constructive and sometimes controversial dialog within leading industrial nation as Japan and Germany over the energy transition is even more important. The German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC) released a summarizing report for the first project phase 2016-2018. It includes jointly formulated recommendations for politics as well as a controversial dialogue part. The Council jointly states and recommends that: Ambitious long-term targets and strategies for a low-carbon energy system must be defined and ambitiously implemented; Germany and Japan as high technology countries need to take the leadership. Both countries will have to restructure their energy systems substantially until 2050 while maintaining their competitiveness and securing energy supply. Highest priority is given to the forced implementation of efficiency technologies and renewable energies, despite different views on nuclear energy. In both countries all relevant stakeholders - but above all the decision-makers on all levels of energy policy - need to increase their efforts for a successful implementation of the energy transition. Design of the electricity market needs more incentives for flexibility options and for the extensive expansion of variable power generation, alongside with strategies for cost reduction for electricity from photovoltaic and wind energy. The implementation gap of the energy efficiency needs to be closed by an innovative energy policy package to promote the principle of "Energy Efficiency First". Synergies and co-benefits of an enhanced energy and resource efficiency policy need to be realized. Co-existence of central infrastructure and the growing diversity of the activities for decentralization (citizens funding, energy cooperatives, establishment of public utility companies) should be supported. Scientific cooperation can be intensified by a joint working group for scenarios and by the establishment of an academic exchange program

    Degradation of Mutant Protein Aggregates within the Endoplasmic Reticulum of Vasopressin Neurons

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    Misfolded or unfolded proteins in the ER are said to be degraded only after translocation or isolation from the ER. Here, we describe a mechanism by which mutant proteins are degraded within the ER. Aggregates of mutant arginine vasopressin (AVP) precursor were confined to ER-associated compartments (ERACs) connected to the ER in AVP neurons of a mouse model of familial neurohypophysial diabetes insipidus. The ERACs were enclosed by membranes, an ER chaperone and marker protein of phagophores and autophagosomes were expressed around the aggregates, and lysosomes fused with the ERACs. Moreover, lysosome-related molecules were present within the ERACs, and aggregate degradation within the ERACs was dependent on autophagic-lysosomal activity. Thus, we demonstrate that protein aggregates can be degraded by autophagic-lysosomal machinery within specialized compartments of the ER

    G-Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor Agonist Suppresses Airway Inflammation in a Mouse Model of Asthma through IL-10

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    Estrogen influences the disease severity and sexual dimorphism in asthma, which is caused by complex mechanisms. Besides classical nuclear estrogen receptors (ER alpha beta), G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) was recently established as an estrogen receptor on the cell membrane. Although GPER is associated with immunoregulatory functions of estrogen, the pathophysiological role of GPER in allergic inflammatory lung disease has not been examined. We investigated the effect of GPER-specific agonist G-1 in asthmatic mice. GPER expression in asthmatic lung was confirmed by immunofluorescent staining. OVA-sensitized BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were treated with G-1 by daily subcutaneous injections during an airway challenge phase, followed by histological and biochemical examination. Strikingly, administration of G-1 attenuated airway hyperresponsiveness, accumulation of inflammatory cells, and levels of Th2 cytokines (IL-5 and IL-13) in BAL fluid. G-1 treatment also decreased serum levels of anti-OVA IgE antibodies. The frequency of splenic Foxp3(+) CD4(+) regulatory T cells and IL-10-producing GPER(+) CD4(+) T cells was significantly increased in G-1-treated mice. Additionally, splenocytes isolated from G-1-treated mice showed greater IL-10 production. G-1-induced amelioration of airway inflammation and IgE production were abolished in IL-10-deficient mice. Taken together, these results indicate that extended GPER activation negatively regulates the acute asthmatic condition by altering the IL-10-producing lymphocyte population. The current results have potential importance for understanding the mechanistic aspects of function of estrogen in allergic inflammatory response

    BRASSICA NAPUSヒンシュ TOPAS ニ オケル レンゾクテキハイケイセイ オヨビ ニジハイ カラ ノ ショクブツタイサイセイケイ

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    Brassica napus品種`Topas\u27における連続的な二次胚形成及び植物体再生系の確立を試みた。熱ショックによって未熟種子胚より誘導した二次胚を,植物成長調節物質無添加のB5培地へ継代した。培養後70%の二次胚において,徒長した胚軸の表面に次代の二次胚が直接形成された。これら二次胚を同様に継代培養した結果,約70%の胚より新たな二次胚が形成され,次胚形成能が継代培養を通じて維持されていたことが示された。二次胚に10μMアブシジン酸(ABA)処理をした結果,胚は乾燥耐性を獲得し,60%の二次胚が乾燥後においても生育しその全てが正常に再生した。一方,ABA処理後,乾燥処理を行わなかった胚は胚軸が徒長する異常な生育を示し,ABA無処理胚は乾燥処理によって全て枯死した。A method for continuous secondary embryo formation and plant regeneration in Brassica napus cv. `Topas\u27 is described. Secondary embryos that emerged from immature zygotic embryos via heat shock were separated and subcultured onto B5 plant growth regulator-free medium. Most secondary embryos (i.e. 70%) produced secondary embryos in a subsequent generation directly on the surface of elongated hypocotyls. Similarly, about 70% of the secondary embryos formed newly produced secondary embryos in a subsequent generation after subculturing, and the embryogenic potential of these secondary embryos has been maintained by repetitive subculture. The application of 10μM abscisic acid (ABA) induced desiccation tolerance in secondary embryos. Consequently, 60% of the desiccated embryos grew, all of which regenerated into normal plants. On the other hand, ABA-treated secondary embryos without desiccation treatment grew abnormally having an elongated hypocotyl, and all secondary embryos not treated with ABA lost their viability after desiccation