557 research outputs found

    Multipartidismo, federalismo robusto y presidencialismo en Brasil

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    En este ensayo argumento que el presidencialismo brasileño se ha visto afectado por la combinación de cuatro características institucionales. Primero, los presidentes han tenido poderes constitucionales avasalladores, en especial con la Constitución de 19In this paper, I argue that Brazilian presidentialism has been affected by the combination of four institutional features. First, presidents have had sweeping constitutional powers, especially under the 1988 constitution. The 1988 constitution gives pres

    Aesthetic Journeys

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    Researchers and designers are increasingly creating technologies intended to support urban mobility. However, the question of what mobility is remains largely under-examined. In this paper we will use the notion of aesthetic journeys to reconsider the relationship between urban spaces, people and technologies. Fieldwork on the Orange County bus system and in the London Underground leads to a discussion of how we might begin to design for multiple mobilities

    A systematic review exploring variables related to bystander intervention in sexual violence contexts

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    This article presents a systematic review of the available literature which has investigated the role of key variables in facilitating or inhibiting bystander intervention (including direct intervention, tertiary and secondary prevention) in sexual violence (SV) contexts. Studies exploring the role of individual, situational and contextual variables were grouped to provide a narrative overview of bystanders’ personal characteristics as well as the immediate and wider contexts which may be influencing their bystander behaviour. A systematic search of published literature from four electronic databases identified 2526 articles that were screened, of which 85 studies met the inclusion criteria. Most studies focused upon the role of individual variables, in particular gender of bystander. This body of work finds females are more likely to intervene than males; however, not all studies report these differences and in some cases, this is influenced by the type of intervention behaviour being considered. Regarding situational variables, the most commonly researched variable was the presence of other bystanders, although the role of this variable as inhibiting or facilitating was not clear. Finally, the most commonly researched contextual variable was social norms towards intervention, which has consistently shown greater bystander intervention when there is a belief that peers support such behaviour. Very few studies considered the interaction between these variables. Therefore, it is important for future research to consider this gap in the literature so that we can obtain a more well-rounded understanding of variables that can inhibit and facilitate bystander intervention in SV contexts

    Facilitators and barriers of bystander intervention: A focus group study with a university sample

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    Image-based sexual abuse (IBSA) encompasses the taking, sharing, and/or threatening to share nude or sexual images of others without their consent. The prevalence of IBSA is growing rapidly due to technological advancements, such as access to smartphones, that have made engagement in such activities easier. Bystanders offer an important means of intervention, but little is known about what facilitates or inhibits bystander action in these contexts. To address this gap in the literature, seven focus groups (n = 35) were conducted to explore the factors that facilitate and inhibit bystander action in the context of three different IBSA scenarios (taking, sharing, and making threats to share nude or sexual images without consent). Using thematic analysis, eight themes were identified, suggesting that the perceived likelihood of intervention increased with greater feelings of responsibility, empathy with the victim, reduced feelings of audience inhibition, greater feelings of safety, greater anger toward the IBSA behavior, closer relationships with the victim and perpetrator, the incident involving a female victim and male perpetrator, and perception of greater benefits of police involvement. These findings are considered alongside the physical sexual violence literature in highlighting the similarities and nuances across the different contexts. Implications for the development of policies and educational materials are discussed in relation to encouraging greater bystander intervention in IBSA contexts

    La institucionalización de los sistemas de partido en la América Latina

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    [ES] Estos autores señalan que la institucionalización de un sistema de partidos es importante en el proceso de consolidación democrática en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos. Un sistema de partidos institucionalizado implica estabilidad en la competición intrapartidista, la existencia de partidos con raíces estables en la sociedad, la legitimidad de partidos, elecciones e instituciones, y unas organizaciones partidistas con reglas y estructuras razonablemente estables. También establecen diferencias en el grado de institucionalización y tratan de caracterizar los distintos sistemas de partidos en América Latina.[EN] These authors argue that institutionalizing a party system is important to the process of democratic consolidation in mast of Latin American countries. An institutionalized party system implies stability in interparty competition, the existence of parties that have stablee roots in society, the legitimacy of parties elections and institutions and party organizations with reasonably stablee rules and estructures. They also establish differences in the degree of institutionalization and try to charaterize the district party systems in Latin America

    La decadencia democrática en México y América Latina

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    Este artículo analiza los patrones que han presentado los regímenes políticos en América Latina en este siglo, con especial atención en México. Documenta casos de decadencia democrática (México, entre otros), un gran número de casos de estancamiento democrático y ausencia de profundización democrática. Tres factores dan cuenta del estancamiento democrático: actores poderosos que impiden la profundización democrática, malos resultados de gobierno que alimentan la insatisfacción y allanan el camino para la emergencia de líderes populistas autoritarios, y “Estados híbridos” que violan los derechos de los ciudadanos, no brindan seguridad y servicios públicos de calidad y son capturados por intereses poderosos

    US Hegemony and Regime Change in Latin America

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    We contribute to the extensive literature on international influences on democratization and democratic breakdowns by conceptualizing hegemonic mechanisms of regime change and assessing them empirically. Our findings are based on a multi-methods approach and highlight the varying importance of hegemonic influences in post-1945 Latin America. We argue that us support for democratization was consistent in the wave of transitions to democracy that began in Latin America in 1978 and that it was decisive in many of these transitions. While past work has attributed responsibility to the us for the waves of democratic breakdowns from 1948 to 1956 and 1964 to 1976, an examination of the 27 breakdowns from 1945 to 2010 gives reason to doubt this interpretation. Future research could use these conceptual and methodological tools to explore the role of other powers in waves of democracy and authoritarianism. </div

    Anthropology with Business: Plural Programs and Future Financial Worlds

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    How can we imagine and perform an anthropological practice with business, that is, not from a distanced perspective but through a mutual infolding and engagement? How might such an arrangement then be exemplary for novel economic experiments of the kind anthropologists often describe? Reflecting on several years' of collaborations with each other, the authors recount their relationship as an experiment in novel engagements with economic things (money, corporations, universities, accounting principles, computers, etc.) in an industrial and university site. The paper puts forward a theoretical argument about exaptive and nonadaptive plurality that opens new pathways for alternative and sometimes quite conventional values. The context is a specific set of projects around money and payment. The intellectual background is the anthropology of finance and alternative economies