3,168 research outputs found

    Duality and interval analysis over idempotent semirings

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    In this paper semirings with an idempotent addition are considered. These algebraic structures are endowed with a partial order. This allows to consider residuated maps to solve systems of inequalities A⊗X⪯BA \otimes X \preceq B. The purpose of this paper is to consider a dual product, denoted ⊙\odot, and the dual residuation of matrices, in order to solve the following inequality A⊗X⪯X⪯B⊙X A \otimes X \preceq X \preceq B \odot X. Sufficient conditions ensuring the existence of a non-linear projector in the solution set are proposed. The results are extended to semirings of intervals

    Quantum radiation in a plane cavity with moving mirrors

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    We consider the electromagnetic vacuum field inside a perfect plane cavity with moving mirrors, in the nonrelativistic approximation. We show that low frequency photons are generated in pairs that satisfy simple properties associated to the plane geometry. We calculate the photon generation rates for each polarization as functions of the mechanical frequency by two independent methods: on one hand from the analysis of the boundary conditions for moving mirrors and with the aid of Green functions; and on the other hand by an effective Hamiltonian approach. The angular and frequency spectra are discrete, and emission rates for each allowed angular direction are obtained. We discuss the dependence of the generation rates on the cavity length and show that the effect is enhanced for short cavity lengths. We also compute the dissipative force on the moving mirrors and show that it is related to the total radiated energy as predicted by energy conservation.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, published in Physical Review

    The Solar Twin Planet Search II. A Jupiter twin around a solar twin

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    Through our HARPS radial velocity survey for planets around solar twin stars, we have identified a promising Jupiter twin candidate around the star HIP11915. We characterize this Keplerian signal and investigate its potential origins in stellar activity. Our analysis indicates that HIP11915 hosts a Jupiter-mass planet with a 3800-day orbital period and low eccentricity. Although we cannot definitively rule out an activity cycle interpretation, we find that a planet interpretation is more likely based on a joint analysis of RV and activity index data. The challenges of long-period radial velocity signals addressed in this paper are critical for the ongoing discovery of Jupiter-like exoplanets. If planetary in nature, the signal investigated here represents a very close analog to the solar system in terms of both Sun-like host star and Jupiter-like planet.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; A&A accepted; typos corrected in this versio

    Positive Least Energy Solutions and Phase Separation for Coupled Schrodinger Equations with Critical Exponent: Higher Dimensional Case

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    We study the following nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger system which is related to Bose-Einstein condensate: {displaymath} {cases}-\Delta u +\la_1 u = \mu_1 u^{2^\ast-1}+\beta u^{\frac{2^\ast}{2}-1}v^{\frac{2^\ast}{2}}, \quad x\in \Omega, -\Delta v +\la_2 v =\mu_2 v^{2^\ast-1}+\beta v^{\frac{2^\ast}{2}-1} u^{\frac{2^\ast}{2}}, \quad x\in \om, u\ge 0, v\ge 0 \,\,\hbox{in \om},\quad u=v=0 \,\,\hbox{on \partial\om}.{cases}{displaymath} Here \om\subset \R^N is a smooth bounded domain, 2∗:=2NN−22^\ast:=\frac{2N}{N-2} is the Sobolev critical exponent, -\la_1(\om)0 and β≠0\beta\neq 0, where \lambda_1(\om) is the first eigenvalue of −Δ-\Delta with the Dirichlet boundary condition. When \bb=0, this is just the well-known Brezis-Nirenberg problem. The special case N=4 was studied by the authors in (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 205: 515-551, 2012). In this paper we consider {\it the higher dimensional case N≥5N\ge 5}. It is interesting that we can prove the existence of a positive least energy solution (u_\bb, v_\bb) {\it for any β≠0\beta\neq 0} (which can not hold in the special case N=4). We also study the limit behavior of (u_\bb, v_\bb) as β→−∞\beta\to -\infty and phase separation is expected. In particular, u_\bb-v_\bb will converge to {\it sign-changing solutions} of the Brezis-Nirenberg problem, provided N≥6N\ge 6. In case \la_1=\la_2, the classification of the least energy solutions is also studied. It turns out that some quite different phenomena appear comparing to the special case N=4.Comment: 48 pages. This is a revised version of arXiv:1209.2522v1 [math.AP

    Inertial forces in the Casimir effect with two moving plates

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    We combine linear response theory and dimensional regularization in order to derive the dynamical Casimir force in the low frequency regime. We consider two parallel plates moving along the normal direction in D−D-dimensional space. We assume the free-space values for the mass of each plate to be known, and obtain finite, separation-dependent mass corrections resulting from the combined effect of the two plates. The global mass correction is proportional to the static Casimir energy, in agreement with Einstein's law of equivalence between mass and energy for stressed rigid bodies.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; title and abstract changed; to appear in Physical Review

    Radiation Pressure as a Source of Decoherence

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    We consider the interaction of an harmonic oscillator with the quantum field via radiation pressure. We show that a `Schrodinger cat' state decoheres in a time scale that depends on the degree of `classicality' of the state components, and which may be much shorter than the relaxation time scale associated to the dynamical Casimir effect. We also show that decoherence is a consequence of the entanglement between the quantum states of the oscillator and field two-photon states. With the help of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, we derive a relation between decoherence and damping rates valid for arbitrary values of the temperature of the field. Coherent states are selected by the interaction as pointer states.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, RevTex fil

    Decoherence via Dynamical Casimir Effect

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    We derive a master equation for a mirror interacting with the vacuum field via radiation pressure. The dynamical Casimir effect leads to decoherence of a 'Schroedinger cat' state in a time scale that depends on the degree of 'macroscopicity' of the state components, and which may be much shorter than the relaxation time scale. Coherent states are selected by the interaction as pointer states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The Deformable Universe

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    The concept of smooth deformations of a Riemannian manifolds, recently evidenced by the solution of the Poincar\'e conjecture, is applied to Einstein's gravitational theory and in particular to the standard FLRW cosmology. We present a brief review of the deformation of Riemannian geometry, showing how such deformations can be derived from the Einstein-Hilbert dynamical principle. We show that such deformations of space-times of general relativity produce observable effects that can be measured by four-dimensional observers. In the case of the FLRW cosmology, one such observable effect is shown to be consistent with the accelerated expansion of the universe.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure

    Effect of humic substances and weather conditions on leaf biochemical changes of fertigated guava tree, during orchard establishment.

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    No Vale do São Francisco, em Petrolina - PE, as substâncias húmicas têm sido aplicadas em fertirrigação de espécies frutíferas, baseando-se nas informações sobre melhorias que proporcionam ao solo, aumento de absorção de nutrientes, metabolismo e crescimento de plantas, obtidas em diferentes locais e culturas. Porém, existe pouca informação sobre as respostas das planta à aplicação de substâncias húmicas nas condições locais de solo, clima e sistema de cultivo. Assim, este trabalho avaliou a resposta metabólica de goiabeiras, em fase de formação, à fertirrigação com substâncias húmicas, e sua correlação com as condições climáticas em Petrolina - PE. Os tratamentos foram aplicação de esterco no solo combinada com a fertirrigação com fertilizantes minerais e com substâncias húmicas. Os tratamentos de fertirrigação e a idade das plantas não apresentaram resultados conclusivos quanto aos teores de carboidratos, proteínas e aminoácidos nas folhas de goiabeiras em formação. Por outro lado, os teores foliares dessas moléculas respondem às condições climáticas
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