72 research outputs found

    Superpotential de-sequestering in string models

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    Non-perturbative superpotential cross-couplings between visible sector matter and K\"ahler moduli can lead to significant flavour-changing neutral currents in compactifications of type IIB string theory. Here, we compute corrections to Yukawa couplings in orbifold models with chiral matter localised on D3-branes and non-perturbative effects on distant D7-branes. By evaluating a threshold correction to the D7-brane gauge coupling, we determine conditions under which the non-perturbative corrections to the Yukawa couplings appear. The flavour structure of the induced Yukawa coupling generically fails to be aligned with the tree-flavour structure. We check our results by also evaluating a correlation function of two D7-brane gauginos and a D3-brane Yukawa coupling. Finally, by calculating a string amplitude between n hidden scalars and visible matter we show how non-vanishing vacuum expectation values of distant D7-brane scalars, if present, may correct visible Yukawa couplings with a flavour structure that differs from the tree-level flavour structure.Comment: 37 pages + appendices, 8 figure

    D-branes at Toric Singularities: Model Building, Yukawa Couplings and Flavour Physics

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    We discuss general properties of D-brane model building at toric singularities. Using dimer techniques to obtain the gauge theory from the structure of the singularity, we extract results on the matter sector and superpotential of the corresponding gauge theory. We show that the number of families in toric phases is always less than or equal to three, with a unique exception being the zeroth Hirzebruch surface. With the physical input of three generations we find that the lightest family of quarks is massless and the masses of the other two can be hierarchically separated. We compute the CKM matrix for explicit models in this setting and find the singularities possess sufficient structure to allow for realistic mixing between generations and CP violation.Comment: 55 pages, v2: typos corrected, minor comments adde

    Radiative Fermion Masses in Local D-Brane Models

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    In the context of D-brane model building, we present a realistic framework for generating fermion masses that are forbidden by global symmetries. We show that the string theoretical Large volume scenario circumvents the standard lore that fermion masses generated by loop effects are too small in generic gravity mediated scenarios. We argue that the fact that in toric singularity models, the up quark masses have always a zero eigenvalue, corresponding to the lightest generation, is due to the presence of approximate global symmetries that we explicitly identify in del Pezzo singularities. These symmetries are broken by global effects and therefore proportional to inverse powers of the volume. We estimate the generic size of radiative corrections to fermion masses in different phenomenological manifestations of the Large volume scenario. Concrete realizations in terms of flavor violating soft-terms are estimated and contrasted with current bounds on flavour changing neutral currents. Contributions from generic extra Higgs-like fields set bounds on their masses close to the GUT scale to produce realistic fermion masses.Comment: 21 pages. v2: minor rewording and reference adde

    Explicit de Sitter Flux Vacua for Global String Models with Chiral Matter

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    We address the open question of performing an explicit stabilisation of all closed string moduli (including dilaton, complex structure and Kaehler moduli) in fluxed type IIB Calabi-Yau compactifications with chiral matter. Using toric geometry we construct Calabi-Yau manifolds with del Pezzo singularities. D-branes located at such singularities can support the Standard Model gauge group and matter content. In order to control complex structure moduli stabilisation we consider Calabi-Yau manifolds which exhibit a discrete symmetry that reduces the effective number of complex structure moduli. We calculate the corresponding periods in the symplectic basis of invariant three-cycles and find explicit flux vacua for concrete examples. We compute the values of the flux superpotential and the string coupling at these vacua. Starting from these explicit complex structure solutions, we obtain AdS and dS minima where the Kaehler moduli are stabilised by a mixture of D-terms, non-perturbative and perturbative alpha'-corrections as in the LARGE Volume Scenario. In the considered example the visible sector lives at a dP_6 singularity which can be higgsed to the phenomenologically interesting class of models at the dP_3 singularity.Comment: 49 pages, 5 figures; v2: references adde

    D3/D7 Branes at Singularities: Constraints from Global Embedding and Moduli Stabilisation

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    In the framework of type IIB string compactifications on Calabi-Yau orientifolds we describe how to construct consistent global embeddings of models with fractional D3-branes and connected `flavour' D7-branes at del Pezzo singularities with moduli stabilisation. Our results are applied to build an explicit compact example with a left-right symmetric model at a dP_0 singularity which features three families of chiral matter and gauge coupling unification at the intermediate scale. We show how to stabilise the moduli obtaining a controlled de Sitter minimum and spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We find an interesting non-trivial dynamical relation between the requirement of TeV-scale soft terms and the correct phenomenological values of the unified gauge coupling and unification scale.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures. v2: published version in JHEP, corrections in section 2.2, Appendix A added for better illustration, typos correcte

    Yukawa hierarchies at the point of E8E_8 in F-theory

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    We analyse the structure of Yukawa couplings in local SU(5) F-theory models with E8E_8 enhancement. In this setting the E8E_8 symmetry is broken down to SU(5) by a 7-brane configuration described by T-branes, all the Yukawa couplings are generated in the vicinity of a point and only one family of quarks and leptons is massive at tree-level. The other two families obtain their masses when non-perturbative effects are taken into account, being hierarchically lighter than the third family. However, and contrary to previous results, we find that this hierarchy of fermion masses is not always appropriate to reproduce measured data. We find instead that different T-brane configurations breaking E8E_8 to SU(5) give rise to distinct hierarchical patterns for the holomorphic Yukawa couplings. Only some of these patterns allow to fit the observed fermion masses with reasonable local model parameter values, adding further constraints to the construction of F-theory GUTs. We consider an E8E_8 model where such appropriate hierarchy is realised and compute its physical Yukawas, showing that realistic charged fermions masses can indeed be obtained in this case.Comment: 46 pages + appendices, 5 figures. v2, added references and typos corrected, version accepted on JHEP. v3, typos correcte

    Rational F-Theory GUTs without exotics

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    We construct F-theory GUT models without exotic matter, leading to the MSSM matter spectrum with potential singlet extensions. The interplay of engineering explicit geometric setups, absence of four-dimensional anomalies, and realistic phenomenology of the couplings places severe constraints on the allowed local models in a given geometry. In constructions based on the spectral cover we find no model satisfying all these requirements. We then provide a survey of models with additional U(1) symmetries arising from rational sections of the elliptic fibration in toric constructions and obtain phenomenologically appealing models based on SU(5) tops. Furthermore we perform a bottom-up exploration beyond the toric section constructions discussed in the literature so far and identify benchmark models passing all our criteria, which can serve as a guideline for future geometric engineering.Comment: 27 Pages, 1 Figur

    New Constraints (and Motivations) for Abelian Gauge Bosons in the MeV-TeV Mass Range

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    We survey the phenomenological constraints on abelian gauge bosons having masses in the MeV to multi-GeV mass range (using precision electroweak measurements, neutrino-electron and neutrino-nucleon scattering, electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments, upsilon decay, beam dump experiments, atomic parity violation, low-energy neutron scattering and primordial nucleosynthesis). We compute their implications for the three parameters that in general describe the low-energy properties of such bosons: their mass and their two possible types of dimensionless couplings (direct couplings to ordinary fermions and kinetic mixing with Standard Model hypercharge). We argue that gauge bosons with very small couplings to ordinary fermions in this mass range are natural in string compactifications and are likely to be generic in theories for which the gravity scale is systematically smaller than the Planck mass - such as in extra-dimensional models - because of the necessity to suppress proton decay. Furthermore, because its couplings are weak, in the low-energy theory relevant to experiments at and below TeV scales the charge gauged by the new boson can appear to be broken, both by classical effects and by anomalies. In particular, if the new gauge charge appears to be anomalous, anomaly cancellation does not also require the introduction of new light fermions in the low-energy theory. Furthermore, the charge can appear to be conserved in the low-energy theory, despite the corresponding gauge boson having a mass. Our results reduce to those of other authors in the special cases where there is no kinetic mixing or there is no direct coupling to ordinary fermions, such as for recently proposed dark-matter scenarios.Comment: 49 pages + appendix, 21 figures. This is the final version which appears in JHE
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