1,298 research outputs found

    Genome sequence of Listeria monocytogenes 2542, a serotype 4b strain from a cheese-related outbreak in Portugal

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    We report here the draft genome sequence of Listeria monocytogenes 2542, a serotype 4b clinical strain recovered from a placental sample during a cheese-related listeriosis outbreak in Portugal.Work done by T.C. and T.H. was supported by LOEWE Medical RNomics (B3) and theGermanCentre for Infection Research, Justus-Liebig University Giessen. Financial sup-port for R.M. and V.F. was provided by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(FCT)through Ph.D. (SFRH/BD/71704/2010) and postdoctoral (SFRH/BPD/72617/2010) fellow-ships, respectively. Open-access publication was cofinanced by the NEWFOOD NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000043 project supported by the Norte Portugal Regional OperationalProgramme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement throughthe European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). We also acknowledge the scientificcollaboration under the FCT project UID/Multi/50016/2013

    Measurement of interaction energy near a Feshbach resonance in a 6Li Fermi gas

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    We investigate the strongly interacting regime in an optically trapped 6^6Li Fermi mixture near a Feshbach resonance. The resonance is found at 800(40)800(40) G in good agreement with theory. Anisotropic expansion of the gas is interpreted by collisional hydrodynamics. We observe an unexpected and large shift (8080 G) between the resonance peak and both the maximum of atom loss and the change of sign of the interaction energy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mitigating the effects of future climate on maize productivity.

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    Current climate changes affect agricultural production. Crop management strategies can be used to mitigate these effects. This study was carried out to evaluate the use of crop and soil management strategies to mitigate the effects of future climate on maize yield in mesoregions of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The CSM-CERESMaize model was used to simulate the effect of maize root system depth and of the amount of plant residue left on the soil surface by the previous crop in maize yield for different scenarios of change in precipitation and solar radiation. The decrease in rainfall volume reduced the average maize yield in some regions by more than 50%. The increase in solar radiation maize yield rise, while its reduction caused more than 20% yield drop in most regions. The management strategies evaluated have the potential to mitigate such effects

    Amplificação por PCR do gene de um fator de transcrição de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum.

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    O Fungo Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum (Fov) , afeta o algodoeiro em qualquer estádio de desenvolvimento. Em plântulas, ocorre amarelecimento, murcha e necrose das folhas cotiledonares; em plantas adultas, ocorre amarelecimento em áreas irregulares da superfície foliar e murcha de folhas e ramos. Algumas plantas afetadas podem sobreviver à doença, emitindo novas brotações próximas ao solo, mas, em geral, os ramos originados a partir desses novos brotos não são produtivos.Pôster - graduação

    New hopane triterpene from Eleocharis sellowiana (Cyperaceae)

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    A new triterpene named 3alpha-hydroxy-13alpha,17alpha,21beta-hopan-15,19-dione and E-phytyl hexadecanoate were isolated from the hexanic extract of Eleocharis sellowiana. NMR and MS experiments determined the molecular structures.Do extrato hexânico de Eleocharis sellowiana foram isolados o novo triterpeno 3alfa-hidroxi-13alfa,17alfa,21beta-hopano-15,19-diona e hexadecanoato de E-fitila, caracterizados por dados de RMN e EM.803806Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Avaliação dos impactos da pesquisa da Embrapa: uma amostra de 12 tecnologias.

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    bitstream/item/124521/1/DOC-13-SGE-1.pdfAutores: Ademir Francisco Girotto, Adriana Marlene Moreno Pires, Adriano Lincoln Albuquerque Mattos, Airton Manzano, Alcido Elenor Wander, Anna Cristina Lanna, Antonio Flavio Dias Ávila, Antonio Souza do Nascimento, Artur Chinelato de Camargo, Bonifácio Hideyuki Nakasu, Carlos Estevão Leite Cardoso, Carlos Magri Ferreira, Cladenor Pinho de Sá, Clayton Campanhola, Clóvis Oliveira de Almeida, Elsio Antônio Pereira de Figueiredo, Francisco Carlos da Rocha Gomes, Francisco Fábio de Assis Paiva, Geraldo Stachetti Rodrigues, Graciela Luzia Vedovoto, Honorino Roque Rodigheri, Jarbas Yukio Shimizu, João Carlos Medeiros Madail, José Alexandre Freitas Barrigossi, José Francisco Martins Pereira, José Lincoln Pinheiro Araújo, Júlio César Palhares, Loiva Maria Ribeiro de Mello, Luciano Gebler, Luiz Clovis Belarmino, Luiz José Maria Irias, Maria Cléa Brito de Figueiredo, Maria do Carmo Bassols Raseira, Marília Castelo Magalhães, Morsyleide de Freitas Rosa, Nelson Nogueira Barros, Nirlene Junqueira Vilela, Odo Primavesi, Oscar Tupy, Paulo Choji Kitamura, Pedro Felizardo Adeodato de Paula Pessoa, Péricles de Carvalho F. Neves, Rodrigo Siedler de Melo, Roberto Alonso Silveira

    Response of the Brazilian gravitational wave detector to signals from a black hole ringdown

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    It is assumed that a black hole can be disturbed in such a way that a ringdown gravitational wave would be generated. This ringdown waveform is well understood and is modelled as an exponentially damped sinusoid. In this work we use this kind of waveform to study the performance of the SCHENBERG gravitational wave detector. This first realistic simulation will help us to develop strategies for the signal analysis of this Brazilian detector. We calculated the signal-to-noise ratio as a function of frequency for the simulated signals and obtained results that show that SCHENBERG is expected to be sensitive enough to detect this kind of signal up to a distance of 20kpc\sim 20\mathrm{kpc}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Amaldi 5 Conference Proceedings contribution. Submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Uma avaliação do impacto do crédito rural e do mercado de trabalho à agropecuária do Matopiba.

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    RESUMO: O estudo investiga os efeitos do crédito rural, salário e emprego da agropecuária sobre o PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) do setor em uma perspectiva regional no Brasil para o período 2013-2017. Estimativas obtidas a partir de um modelo de vetor autorregressivo com dados em painel indicaram efeitos positivos de choques nas variáveis mencionadas sobre o valor adicionado bruto da agropecuária no Matopiba. Efeitos positivos também foram confirmados em termos de resposta do salário da agropecuária a impulsos nas demais variáveis e em termos de resposta do nível de emprego a choques no crédito rural. Os resultados da análise de decomposição da variância permitiram concluir que a magnitude do impacto na explicação das variações do PIB da agropecuária é elevada para o nível de salário, porém bem menor para o crédito rural, constituindo dinâmicas macroeconômicas que poderiam ser exploradas na condução das estratégias de desenvolvimento para a região. ABSTRACT: In this study, we investigate the effects of agricultural credit, wages, and employment on the industry?s gross domestic product (GDP) from a regional perspective ? Brazil ?, for the period between 2013?2017. Our estimates were obtained using a panel-data vector autoregression model and showed positive effects of shocks to these variables on the gross value added of agriculture at Matopiba. Positive effects were also confirmed by impulse responses of agricultural wages to the remaining variables, and by responses of the employment level to shocks in agricultural credit. The results of variance decomposition analysis indicate that the magnitude of the impact to variations in agricultural GDP is high for wage level, but quite lower for agricultural credit. These macroeconomic dynamics may be explored to guide development strategies for the region