2,104 research outputs found

    Carbonaceous chondrites: Early irradiation and Pu-244 fission records

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    The carbonaceous meteorites were studied. The studies which were conducted have evolved from investigations of early irradiation to mineralogic and petrologic studies of refractory inclusions and to an examination of the time scales of alteration processes on the parent bodies. The attached listing of papers and abstracts provide the details

    Seawater strontium isotopes at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary

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    Anomalously high values of Seawater Sr-87/Sr-86 near the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary have been reported. However, few of the data from the literature are from a single continuous section, and perhaps the most complete study of the boundary region, from a shallow marine limestone sequence in Alabama, showed elevated Sr-87/Sr-86 but no pronounced spike. Thus, in order to investigate the cause of the change in strontium isotopic composition, it is important to determine the exact nature and magnitude of the increase by studying in detail continuous sections through the boundary. If there is indeed a Sr isotope spike at the K-T boundary, it requires the addition of a large amount of radiogenic Sr to the oceans over a short time period, a phenomenon that may be linked to other large-scale environmental disturbances which occurred at that time. In order to address this question, a high-resolution strontium isotope study of foraminifera from three Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) cores which recovered the K-T boundary section: Site 356 in the South Atlantic, Site 384 in the North Atlantic and Site 577 from the Shatsky Rise in the Pacific was initiated. The isotope measurements are being made on either single or small numbers of forams carefully picked and identified and in most cases examined by SEM before analysis. Because this work is not yet complete, conclusions drawn here must be viewed as tentative. They are briefly discussed

    Irregular HF radio propagation on a subauroral path during magnetospheric substorms

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    The impact of the main ionospheric trough, sporadic structures, gradients and inhomogeneities of the subpolar ionosphere during substorms on the signal amplitude, azimuthal angles of arrival, and propagation modes for the radio path Ottawa (Canada)-St. Petersburg (Russia) was considered. This subauroral path with the length of about 6600 km has approximately an east-west orientation. The main goals are to carry out numerical modeling of radio propagation for the path and to compare the model calculations with experimental results. Wave absorption and effects of focusing and divergence of rays were taken into consideration in the radio wave modeling process. The following basic results were obtained: The signal amplitude increases by 20–30 dB 1–1.5 h before the substorm expansion phase onset. At the same time the signal azimuth deviates towards north of the great circle arc for the propagation path. Compared with quiet periods there are effects due to irregularities and gradients in the area of the polar edge of the main ionospheric trough on the passing signals. Propagation mechanisms also change during substorms. The growth of signal amplitude before the substorm can be physically explained by both a decrease of the F2-layer ionization and a growth of the F2-layer height that leads to a decrease of the signal field divergence and to a drop of the collision frequency. Ionospheric gradients are also important. This increase of signal level prior to a substorm could be used for forecasting of space weather disturbed conditions

    Vertex-magic Labeling of Trees and Forests

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    A vertex-magic total labeling of a graph G(V,E) is a one-to-one map λ from E ∪ V onto the integers {1, 2, . . . , |E| + |V|} such that λ(x) + Σ λ(xy) where the sum is over all vertices y adjacent to x, is a constant, independent of the choice of vertex x. In this paper we examine the existence of vertex-magic total labelings of trees and forests. The situation is quite different from the conjectured behavior of edge-magic total labelings of these graphs. We pay special attention to the case of so-called galaxies, forests in which every component tree is a star

    Revisiting the ground state of CoAl2_2O4_4: comparison to the conventional antiferromagnet MnAl2_2O4_4

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    The A-site spinel material, CoAl2O4, is a physical realization of the frustrated diamond-lattice antiferromagnet, a model in which is predicted to contain unique incommensurate or `spin-spiral liquid' ground states. Our previous single-crystal neutron scattering study instead classified it as a `kinetically-inhibited' antiferromagnet, where the long ranged correlations of a collinear Neel ground state are blocked by the freezing of domain wall motion below a first-order phase transition at T* = 6.5 K. The current paper expands on our original results in several important ways. New elastic and inelastic neutron measurements are presented that show our initial conclusions are affected by neither the sample measured nor the instrument resolution, while measurements to temperatures as low as T = 250 mK limit the possible role being played by low-lying thermal excitations. Polarized diffuse neutron measurements confirm reports of short-range antiferromagnetic correlations and diffuse streaks of scattering, but major diffuse features are explained as signatures of overlapping critical correlations between neighboring Brillouin zones. Finally, and critically, this paper presents detailed elastic and inelastic measurements of magnetic correlations in a single-crystal of MnAl2O4, which acts as an unfrustrated analogue to CoAl2O4. The unfrustrated material is shown to have a classical continuous phase transition to Neel order at T_N = 39 K, with collective spinwave excitations and Lorentzian-like critical correlations which diverge at the transition. Direct comparison between the two compounds indicates that CoAl2O4 is unique, not in the nature of high-temperature diffuse correlations, but rather in the nature of the frozen state below T*. The higher level of cation inversion in the MnAl2O4 sample indicates that this novel behavior is primarily an effect of greater next-nearest-neighbor exchange.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, acccepted for publication in Physical Review

    Relationship of Decan volcanism to global K-T biotic extinctions: a case of unfounded assumptions?

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    Service-level variation, patient-level factors, and treatment outcome in those seen by child mental health services

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    Service comparison is a policy priority but is not without controversy. This paper aims to investigate the amount of service-level variation in outcomes in child mental health, whether it differed when examining outcomes unadjusted vs. adjusted for expected change over time, and which patient-level characteristics were associated with the difference observed between services. Multilevel regressions were used on N = 3256 young people (53% male, mean age 11.33 years) from 13 child mental health services. Outcome was measured using the parent-reported Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The results showed there was 4-5% service-level variation in outcomes. Findings were broadly consistent across unadjusted vs. adjusted outcomes. Young people with autism or infrequent case characteristics (e.g., substance misuse) had greater risk of poor outcomes. Comparison of services with high proportions of young people with autism or infrequent case characteristics requiring specialist input needs particular caution as these young people may be at greater risk of poor outcomes
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