3,878 research outputs found

    Black hole mass measurements using ionized gas discs: systematic dust effects

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    Using detailed Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations in realistic models for galactic nuclei, we investigate the influence of interstellar dust in ionized gas discs on the rotation curves and the resulting black hole mass measurements. We find that absorption and scattering by interstellar dust leaves the shape of the rotation curves basically unaltered, but slightly decreases the central slope of the rotation curves. As a result, the "observed" black hole masses are systematically underestimated by some 10 to 20% for realistic optical depths. We therefore argue that the systematic effect of dust attenuation should be taken into account when estimating SMBH masses using ionized gas kinematics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe", AIP Conference Proceeding

    Integrated chance constraints: reduced forms and an algorithm

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    We consider integrated chance constraints (ICC), which provide quantitative alternatives for traditional chance constraints.We derive explicit polyhedral descriptions for the convex feasible sets induced by ICCs, for the case that the underlying distribution is discrete. Based on these reduced forms, we propose an efficient algorithm for this problem class. The relation to conditional value-at-risk models and (simple) recourse models is discussed, leading to a special purpose algorithm for simple recourse models with discretely distributed technology matrix. For both algorithms, numerical results are presented.

    Bayesian analysis of 210Pb dating

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    In many studies of environmental change of the past few centuries, 210Pb dating is used to obtain chronologies for sedimentary sequences. One of the most commonly used approaches to estimate the ages of depths in a sequence is to assume a constant rate of supply (CRS) or influx of `unsupported' 210Pb from the atmosphere, together with a constant or varying amount of `supported' 210Pb. Current 210Pb dating models do not use a proper statistical framework and thus provide poor estimates of errors. Here we develop a new model for 210Pb dating, where both ages and values of supported and unsupported 210Pb form part of the parameters. We apply our model to a case study from Canada as well as to some simulated examples. Our model can extend beyond the current CRS approach, deal with asymmetric errors and mix 210Pb with other types of dating, thus obtaining more robust, realistic and statistically better defined estimates.Comment: 22 Pages, 4 Figure

    Managing interactions between household food security and preschooler health:

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    Food security does not assure good nutrition. The nutritional status of an individual is influenced not only by food but also by nonfood factors, such as clean water, sanitation, and health care. The effect of all of these factors must be considered in efforts to rid the world of malnutrition. Food security will result in good nutrition only if nonfood factors are effectively dealt with. In this paper, Lawrence Haddad, Saroj Bhattarai, Maarten Immink, and Shubh Kumar show how malnutrition among preschool children is determined by a complex interaction of illness and lack of food. The authors look at three countries —Ethiopia, Pakistan, and the Philippines — to study how food availability and diarrhea interact and what this interaction means for preschooler malnutrition. Their results show that the links between food consumption, diarrhea, and malnutrition are stronger than most economic studies have assumed. When diarrhea is prevalent, the effects of food shortages on child malnutrition are worse, and when food is scarce, the effects of diarrhea on child malnutrition are worse.Food security Ethiopia., Malnutrition in children Ethiopia., Food security Pakistan., Malnutrition in children Pakistan., Food security Philippines., Malnutrition in children Philippines.,

    ALM model for pension funds : numerical results for a prototype model

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    A multistage mixed-integer stochastic programming model is formulated for an Asset Liability Management problem for pension funds. Since these models are too difficult to solve for realistically sized problems, a heuristic is described. Numerical results for several instances of a prototype model are presented and discussed.

    Direct observation of the major components of mouse bones and related compounds by electron Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy

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    We present measurements, using electron Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (eRBS), aiming to estimate the concentration of the various elements in mouse bone. We first successfully determined the composition of calcium carbonate, followed by an analysis of the more complicated case of hydroxyapatite. Finally we studied bone powder itself and established in this way that eRBS presents an interesting new flavor of microanalysis

    Matching Morphology and Diet in the Disc-Winged Bat Thyroptera tricolor (Chiroptera)

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    The dietary niche and morphological adaptations of a species should be highly correlated. However, conflicting selective pressures may make predictions about diet difficult without additional knowledge of a species' life history. We tested the reliability of predicting a bat's diet from its wing morphology using data for Spix's disk-winged bat (Thyroptera tricolor). The species had been predicted to fall within either the aerial hawking or gleaning foraging group. We compared the results of a theoretical (canonical discriminant function analysis of morphology) and an applied (analysis of droppings) method of diet determination. Our results place T. tricolor in the gleaning functional group with a 77% probability according to morphology. Correspondingly, a large proportion of the diverse diet consisted of nonflying prey, such as spiders, insect larvae, and other silent prey, which should be difficult to detect using echolocation. Although some flying prey were taken, it is clear that T. tricolor regularly gleans prey from surfaces, indicating that for this species, morphology is a useful indicator of diet. However, the breadth of the diet; the high proportion of jumping spiders, leafhoppers, and insect larvae; and the extremely small size of prey were unique features of the diet that could not be predicted from morphology alone. Thus, although comparative statistical methods and the analysis of wing morphology may be helpful to predict the general ecological niche, only detailed investigation of the life history may yield the detail needed for understanding the link between morphology and ecology of individual specie