2,996 research outputs found

    Multi-particle and High-dimension Controlled Order Rearrangement Encryption Protocols

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    Based on the controlled order rearrange encryption (CORE) for quantum key distribution using EPR pairs[Fu.G.Deng and G.L.Long Phys.Rev.A68 (2003) 042315], we propose the generalized controlled order rearrangement encryption (GCORE) protocols of NN qubits and NN qutrits, concretely display them in the cases using 3-qubit, 2-qutrit maximally entangled basis states. We further indicate that our protocols will become safer with the increase of number of particles and dimensions. Moreover, we carry out the security analysis using quantum covariant cloning machine for the protocol using qutrits. Although the applications of the generalized scheme need to be further studied, the GCORE has many distinct features such as great capacity and high efficiency

    Compound orbits break-up in constituents: an algorithm

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    In this paper decomposition of periodic orbits in bifurcation diagrams are derived in unidimensional dynamics system xn+1=f(xn;r)x_{n+1}=f(x_{n};r), being ff an unimodal function. We proof a theorem which states the necessary and sufficient conditions for the break-up of compound orbits in their simpler constituents. A corollary to this theorem provides an algorithm for the computation of those orbits. This process closes the theoretical framework initiated in (Physica D, 239:1135--1146, 2010)

    Los balnearios montañeses

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    An updated catalog of M33 clusters and candidates: UBVRIUBVRI photometry, and some statistical results

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    We present UBVRIUBVRI photometry for 392 star clusters and candidates in the field of M33, which are selected from the most recent star cluster catalog. In this catalog, the authors listed star clusters' parameters such as cluster positions, magnitudes and colors in the UBVRIJHKsUBVRIJHK_s filters, and so on. However, a large fraction of objects in this catalog do not have previously published photometry. Photometry is performed using archival images from the Local Group Galaxies Survey, which covers 0.8 deg2^2 along the major axis of M33. Detailed comparisons show that, in general, our photometry is consistent with previous measurements. Positions (right ascension and declination) for some clusters are corrected here. Combined with previous literature, we constitute a large sample of M33 star clusters. Based on this cluster sample, we present some statistical results: none of the M33 youngest clusters (107\sim 10^7 yr) have masses approaching 10510^5 MM_{\odot}; roughly half the star clusters are consistent with the 10410^4 to 10510^5 MM_{\odot} mass models; the continuous distribution of star clusters along the model line indicates that M33 star clusters have been formed continuously from the epoch of the first star cluster formation until recent times; there are 50\sim 50 star clusters which being overlapped with the Galactic globular clusters on the color-color diagram, and these clusters are old globular clusters candidates in M33.Comment: Accepted for Publication in AJ, 22 pages, 12 figures and 9 table

    Caractérisation physico-chimique de la gomme Sterculia de trois localités de la région de Tambacounda au Sénégal

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    La gomme sterculia est produite par Sterculia setigera Del. en Afrique. Ses propriétés physicochimiques changent suivant divers facteurs dont l’influence sur sa qualité a été peu étudiée. C’est dans cette perspective que l’humidité, le pH, le pouvoir gonflant et la viscosité de cette gomme ont été évalués au Sénégal (Daoudi, Malem niani et Bala). Les résultats ont montré que son humidité varie en fonction du phénotype (écorce claire ou foncée). Elle a été plus élevée sur la gomme de la période sèche-chaude à Daoudi mais elle n’a pas changé suivant le site après un an de conservation. Son pH a varié en fonction de l’interaction période de saignée- couleur de l’écorce à Malem Niani alors qu’à Daoudi il a varié suivant la période de saignée seulement. A Malem, son gonflement a aussi varié suivant l’interaction période de saignée-couleur de l’écorce. Après un an de conservation (température ambiante), son pouvoir gonflant a diminué dans tous les sites. Sa viscosité a été 3,5 fois plus élevée à Bala qu’à Daoudi et Malem Niani. Ces résultats ont permis d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances et d’identifier Bala comme ayant la meilleure qualité de gomme par rapport aux deux autres sites.Mots clés: Acidité, Humidité, pouvoir de gonflement, Sterculia setigera Del., Tambacounda, viscosit&#233

    Constructions of Semi-regular Relative Difference Sets

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    AbstractJ. A. Davis, J. Jedwab, and M. Mowbray (1998, Des. Codes Cryptogr.13, 131–146) gave two new constructions for semi-regular relative difference sets (RDSs). They asked if the two constructions could be unified. In this paper, we show that the two constructions are closely related. In fact, the second construction should be viewed as an extension of the first. Furthermore, we generalize the second construction to obtain new RDSs

    The M33 Globular Cluster System with PAndAS Data: The Last Outer Halo Cluster?

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    We use CFHT/MegaCam data to search for outer halo star clusters in M33 as part of the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS). This work extends previous studies out to a projected radius of 50 kpc and covers over 40 square degrees. We find only one new unambiguous star cluster in addition to the five previously known in the M33 outer halo (10 kpc <= r <= 50 kpc). Although we identify 2440 cluster candidates of various degrees of confidence from our objective image search procedure, almost all of these are likely background contaminants, mostly faint unresolved galaxies. We measure the luminosity, color and structural parameters of the new cluster in addition to the five previously-known outer halo clusters. At a projected radius of 22 kpc, the new cluster is slightly smaller, fainter and redder than all but one of the other outer halo clusters, and has g' ~ 19.9, (g'-i') ~ 0.6, concentration parameter c ~ 1.0, a core radius r_c ~ 3.5 pc, and a half-light radius r_h ~ 5.5 pc. For M33 to have so few outer halo clusters compared to M31 suggests either tidal stripping of M33's outer halo clusters by M31, or a very different, much calmer accretion history of M33.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Age and mass studies for young star clusters in M31 from SEDs-fit

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    In this paper, we present photometry for young star clusters in M31, which are selected from Caldwell et al. These star clusters have been observed as part of the Beijing--Arizona--Taiwan--Connecticut (BATC) Multicolor Sky Survey from 1995 February to 2008 March. The BATC images including these star clusters are taken with 15 intermediate-band filters covering 3000--10000 \AA. Combined with photometry in the {\sl GALEX} far- and near-ultraviolet, broad-band UBVRIUBVRI, SDSS ugrizugriz, and infrared JHKsJHK_{\rm s} of Two Micron All Sky Survey, we obtain their accurate spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from 1538-20000 \AA. We derive these star clusters' ages and masses by comparing their SEDs with stellar population synthesis models. Our results are in good agreement with previous determinations. The mean value of age and mass of young clusters (<2<2 Gyr) is about 385 Myr and 2×104M2\times 10^4 {M_\odot}, respectively. There are two distinct peaks in the age distribution, a highest peak at age \sim 60 Myr and a secondary peak around 250 Myr, while the mass distribution shows a single peak around 104M10^4 {M_\odot}. A few young star clusters have two-body relaxation times greater than their ages, indicating that those clusters have not been well dynamically relaxed and therefore have not established the thermal equilibrium. There are several regions showing aggregations of young star clusters around the 10 kpc ring and the outer ring, indicating that the distribution of the young star clusters is well correlated with M31's star-forming regions. The young massive star clusters (age 100\leq 100 Myr and mass 104M\geq 10^4 {M_\odot}) show apparent concentration around the ring splitting region, suggesting a recent passage of a satellite galaxy (M32) through M31 disk.Comment: Accepted for Publication in AJ, 15 pages, 14 figures and 4 table

    Probabilistic degenerate Fubini polynomials associated with random variables

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    Let Y be a random variable such that the moment generating function of Y exists in a neighborhood of the origin. The aim of this paper is to study probabilistic versions of the degenerate Fubini polynomials and the degenerate Fubini polynomials of order rr, namely the probabilisitc degenerate Fubini polynomials associated with Y and the probabilistic degenerate Fubini polynomials of order r associated with Y. We derive some properties, explicit expressions, certain identities and recurrence relations for those polynomials.Comment: 1