340 research outputs found

    Diskursus Khilafah dalam Media Televisi Indonesia (Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis Program Acara Aiman episode “Mendadak Khilafah” di KompasTV)

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    In Indonesian case, media used to be a tool of government to dominate the universe of discourse, so the discourse that considered as an opposition and threaten the existence of political sturcture, will not have any space. In this reformation era, the media freely rise again with many kinds of importance. Includes KompasTV media, when which appoint khilafah theme that shown on the television program called Aiman, in Monday, 12th of June 2017. Aiman talked about khilafah theme, which is hot topic in society life. In critisism paradigm, the using of language in media it is not a natural and not neutral, but it is intentionally done with some purpose behind it. By looking in this case, the writer interests to know khilafah discourse that will be constructed in KompasTV by the mentioned television program. This analytical unit in form of spoken text and the written text in Aiman, which entittled “Mendadak Khilafah.” The writer uses discourse theory by Michel Foucault to uncover how is the dominance practical doing. By using critical discourse analysis technique, by Norman Fairclough which has result that KompasTV constructs khilafah discourse considered as negative ideology, dangerous, and positioned as forbiden idea which can be threatening the unity of nation. This discourse also shows that KompasTV is the part of media member to prepatuate dominant ideolgy that embraced by this nation. KompasTV practicing discrimination and excision to khilafah ideology, because the struggle of enforcement of khilafah in Indonesia assumed as confrontanting and threatening the structure of nation authority which exist

    *Observance and Non-observance of Gricean Maxims in Instructional Context: an Analysis of Efl Classroom Interaction*

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, menganalisis dan menjelaskan tentang macam-macam kepatuhan dan ketidakpatuhan terhadap maksim Grice, percakapan implikatur, dan faktor ketidakpatuhan terhadap maksim yang diproduksi di dalam kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru-guru dan siswa-siswa kelas tujuh dan delapan dari Sekolah Internasional Gandhi. Sebagai sebuah penelitian kualitatif naturalistik, data di kumpulkan melalui observasi dan interview yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori Cooperative Principle Grice (1975). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa guru-guru dan siswa-siswa mematuhi semua maksim Grice dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa guru memproduksi persentase yang tinggi dari flouting maksim. Guru sering memilih untuk memberikan instruksi secara tidak langsung di dalam kelas dan berharap siswa untuk mencari makna tersembunyi. Di sisi lain siswa memproduksi persentase tinggi dalam violating maksim dan infringing maksim. Dalam hal ini, siswa gagal mematuhi maksim karena mereka tidak mampu untuk berbicara dengan jelas dan kurangnya kemampuan dalam berbahasa Inggris. Lebih jauh lagi ditemukan bahwa guru dan siswa lebih sering menggunakan flouting (53.55%) dan violating (46.66%) dalam interaksi kelas. Penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa guru dan siswa memproduksi flouting dan violating dari maksim quality, quantity, relation dan manner. Guru dan siswa memilih ketidaklangsungan dalam berbicara dan tidak mematuhi maksim Grice yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kesopanan dan membuat lelucon. Ketika konsep dari face threatening act dilibatkan, maka guru dan siswa akan menggunakan percakapan implikatur dan sering tidak mematuhi prinsip-prinsip dalam percakapan. Kata Kunci : Kepatuhan terhadap Maxim, Ketidakpatuhan terhadap Maxim, Percakapan Implikatur, Kesopanan This study was intended to describe, analyze and explain types of observance and non-observance of Gricean Maxims, conversational implicatures and factors of non-observance produced in the classroom. The subjects were the teachers and students of grades seven and eight of Gandhi Memorial International School (GMIS). The data for this naturalistic qualitative study were collected through observation and interviews which were then analyzed by using Paul Grice's (1975) Cooperative Principle theory. The study showed that both teachers and students observed all of the Gricean maxims in certain part of classroom teaching activities. This study also found that the teachers produced high percentage of flouting the maxims. Teachers often preferred not blatantly giving instructions in the classroom but hoped the students to find the implied meaning. Meanwhile the students produced high percentages of violating the maxims and infringing the maxims. In this case, the students failed to observe the maxims because they were unable to speak clearly or lacked language ability in English. Furthermore, in conversational implicature, it was found that teachers and students used flouting the maxims most (53.33 %) than violating the maxims (46.66 %) in classroom interaction. The study showed that both teachers and students flouted and violated maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. However, teachers and students preferred indirectness and did not observe Gricean maxims with the intentions of showing politeness and making jokes. When a face threatening act was involved, they employed conversational implicature and often violated the cooperative principle of conversation. keyword : *Observance of maxims, Non-observance of maxims, Conversational Implicature, Politeness

    Developing Character-based Assessment in Teaching English for the Tenth Grade Students of SMKN 3 Singaraja

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    This study was conducted by following the design of research and development model (R&D). The purposes of the study were: (1) To identify the problems faced by the English teachers in assessing students characters in SMKN 3 Singaraja; (2) To develop characters-based assessments designs which were needed for assessing the characters of tenth grade students of SMKN 3 Singaraja in studying English; (3) To identify the content validity of the developed characters-based assessments; (4) To identify the reliability of the developed characters-based assessments; (5) To identify the problems in implementing the developed characters-based assessments. The data of the study were collected through questionnaire, observation, documentation, expert judgment sheet and test. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study show that: (1) The problems in assessing the students' characters that were faced by the English teachers at SMK N 3 Singaraja were: the difficulty in assessing the students' characters objectively, the difficulty in developing the assessment instrument, the absence of instruments to evaluate the students' characters; (2) The design of the instruments were developed based on the character values that should be integrated in teaching English for Vocational High School students as what are stated on the guideline of character education issued by the curriculum center, and the language skills and the materials that should be covered based on the syllabus; (3) Based on the content validity analysis and empirical validity analysis that have been conducted, it can be concluded that the developed instruments were valid; (4) The reliability analysis of the instruments showed that the instruments were reliable; (5) Some problems were identified during the implementation of the developed instruments, those problems were: time consuming, the difficulty in recognizing the students, and the requirement of high concentration. keyword : assessment, character-based, research and development

    The Communication Skills of Tour Guides in Handling Customers

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    Suardhana Nengah I (2013), " Ketrampilan Berkomunikasi Para Pemandu Wisata dalam Penanganan Pelanggan". Tesis ini telah disetujui dan diperiksa oleh: Pembimbing I: Prof Dr PK Nitiasih, MA dan Penasehat II: Prof Dr N. Adi Jaya Putra , MA. Kata kunci: verbal dan non-verbal komunikasi, pemandu wisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan keterampilan bahasa pemandu wisata dalam hal komunikasi verbal dan non-verbal dalam berurusan dengan wisatawan asing. Penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan observasi, interview, kuisoner dan dokumentasi. Dua puluh kuesioner diisi oleh wisatawan dari dua Biro perjalanan wisata. Jan's toursTours & Trave Ltd, yang terletak di Denpasar dan Destination Asia Travel, yang terletak di Padang Galak, Sanur. Data terdiri dari pita rekaman percakapan, menggunakan random sampling. Kuesioner ini meneliti kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal dari Pemandu wisata yang ada di Bali. Sebuah rekaman verbal setiap pemandu wisata juga diperoleh sebagai data pendukung. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa dalam komunikasi verbal, keakuratan informasi menduduki peringkat "baik" dalam 40% kasus, kelancaran komunikasi menduduki peringkat "baik" dalam 35% kasus dan pemahaman itu peringkat "baik"dalam 35% kasus. Dalam hal keterampilan komunikasi nonverbal, bahasa tubuh dinilai "baik" dalam 25%, ekspresi wajah, 50%, kontak mata, 60%, gerakan berjalan, 55% dan 55% bersalaman. Kata Kunci : verbal dan non-verbal komunikasi, pemandu wisata. Suardhana Nengah I (2013), “ The Communication Skills of Tour Guides in Handling Customers”. This thesis has been approved and inspected by: Supervisor I: Prof. Dr. P.K Nitiasih, M.A. and Supervisor II: Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra, MA. Keywords: Verbal and Non-verbal communication, tour guides. The purpose of this study was to describe the language skills of tour guides in terms of verbal and non-verbal communication in dealing with foreign tourists. Besides, this study is descriptive analysis. This study is a descriptive analysis. Data was collected using observation,, interview and documentation. The data consist of completed by tourists from two travel agents. Jan's Tours and Travel Ltd, located in Denpasar and Destination Asia Travel, located in Padang galak , Sanur. These questionnaire examined the verbal and non-verbal communication skills of Balinese tour guides. A verbal recording of each tour guide was also obtain as supporting data. The results of this study revealed that in verbal communication, the accuracy of the information was ranked as "good" in 40 % of cases, the fluency of the communication was ranked "good" in 35% of cases and the comprehension was ranked " good " in 35 % of cases. In terms of the non-verbal communication skills, body language was rated "good" in 25%, facial expression, 50%, eye contact, 60% , walking gesture, 55% and hand shaking 55%. keyword : verbal and non-verbal communication, tour guide

    A Study on the Implementation of Project-based Learning in Teaching Writing Skill to English Education Department Students of Mahasaraswati University Denpasar in Academic Year 2013/2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) bagaimana implementasi PBL di dalam pengajaran menulis essay, (2) bagaimana respon mahasiswa terhadap aplikasi PBP pada pembelajaran menulis essay, dan (3) sejauh mana efektifitas dari pembelajaran berbasis projek dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis essay. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskripsif yang menggunakan desain Sequential Exploratory dari penggabungan metode kwantitatif dan kwalitatif (mixed method) oleh Clark & Creswell, 2008:178-180. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 20 mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi PBP dalam pengajaran menulis essay. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan recana pembelajaran, test menulis, rubrik penilaian, catatan lapangan, dan kemudian dianalisa menggunakan Paired Sample t-Test dan interpretasi kualitatif data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Aplikasi PBP di kelas mendukung proses pembelajaran menulis, (2) Pembelajaran Berbasis Projek mampu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam 5 aspek menulis yaitu; ‘main idea', ‘on topic', ‘details', ‘parts of essay', and ‘word choice', dan (3) Mahasiswa memberikan respon yang positif terhadap penggunaan PBP di kelas menulis, setelah mengaplikasikan beberapa modifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki kontribusi penting untuk pendidikan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing secara umum dan pembelajaran berbasis projek secara khusus.Kata Kunci : Kemampuan Menulis, Pembelajaran Berbasis Projek, Respon Mahasiswa This study aimed at investigating: (1) how is the implementation of Project-Based Learning in essay writing classroom, (2) how do students respond to the application of PBL in teaching essay writing, and (3) to what extent is the effectiveness of PBL approach in improving students' essay writing skill. This study is a descriptive study which is employed Sequential Exploratory Design of mixed method by Clark & Creswell, 2008:178-180. The subjects of this study were 20 adult learners in English Education Department of Mahasaraswati University Denpasar in academic year 2013/2014. The focus of this research is the application of PBL in teaching essay writing. The data were collected by the means of lesson plan, writing test, scoring rubrics, and field notes which were analyzed using Paired Sample t-Test and qualitative data interpretation. The results indicated that: (1) The implementation of PBL supports the instructional process of essay writing, (2) PBL is effective in improving students' ability in 5 domains of writing, those are; ‘main idea', ‘on topic', ‘details', ‘parts of essay', and ‘word choice', and (3) Students gave positive responses toward the application of PBL after several modifications of implementations. These findings have important contribution to EFL pedagogy in general and the PBL application in particular

    An Analysis of Speech Acts in the Conversation Between Habibie and Ainun in the Film Entitled Habibie and Ainun 2012

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    Kata Kunci : Speech Acts, Analysis, Habibie Ainun This study aimed to analyze the types of speech acts and the classification of illocutionary speech acts occurred in the conversation of Habibie and Ainun in the film entitled Habibie and Ainun 2012. This study was a descriptive qualitative done on naturalistic inquiry on social phenomenon. The data were analyzed based on the theory of direct and indirect speech acts proposed by Yule (1996) and the analysis of the classification of illocutionary speech acts proposed by Searle (1977) consists of representative, directive commissive, expressive and declaration. Findings of this study showed there were 196 utterances of type of speech acts where the type of direct speech acts were 129 utterances (66%), meanwhile the type of indirect speech acts were 67 utterances (34%). There were totally 158 utterances analyzed as illocution where representatives were 90 utterances (51%), commisives were 39 utterances (25%), directive were 24 utterances (15%), expressive were 15 utterances (9%), and there was no declaration (0%). This study showed that the direct speech acts were the most dominant type of speech acts rather than the type of indirect speech act. In the types of illocutionary speech acts, representatives were the most dominant rather that the others types of illocutions

    Public Relations Education at the Crossroad: Trend and Realities.

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    This paper explores the issues of public relations academics credentials on teaching public relations at undergraduate level. Generally, most Asian universities look to the United States education system as the ideal model in developing their own curricula, and frequently invite American professors as visiting fellows to help set up their programmes. In addition, Asian universities, including those in Malaysia and Indonesia still harbour the view that the US offers the best public relations education and practices, and therefore follow the US model regarding any matters related to curriculum, study materials, teaching modules, learning resources and the structure of exam papers. Whilst seeming efficient, as the US leads the fields of public relations, it appears to be done blindly without considering such variables as the encompassing political, economic, legal, media and cultural factors of the society adapting these curricula that should determine the roles and functions of public relations practitioners in any given country. This paper concludes that US still offers the best public relations education in comparison to any Asian universities due to lack of academic credentials

    Public Relations Education at the Crossroad: Trend and Realities.

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    Abstract: This paper explores the issues of public relations academics credentials on teaching public relations at undergraduate level. Generally, most Asian universities look to the United States education system as the ideal model in developing their own curricula, and frequently invite American professors as visiting fellows to help set up their programmes. In addition, Asian universities, including those in Malaysia and Indonesia still harbour the view that the US offers the best public relations education and practices, and therefore follow the US model regarding any matters related to curriculum, study materials, teaching modules, learning resources and the structure of exam papers. Whilst seeming efficient, as the US leads the fields of public relations, it appears to be done blindly without considering such variables as the encompassing political, economic, legal, media and cultural factors of the society adapting these curricula that should determine the roles and functions of public relations practitioners in any given country. This paper concludes that US still offers the best public relations education in comparison to any Asian universities due to lack of academic credentials