1,856 research outputs found

    Breathers on quantized superfluid vortices

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    We consider the propagation of breathers along a quantized superfluid vortex. Using the correspondence between the local induction approximation (LIA) and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, we identify a set of initial conditions corresponding to breather solutions of vortex motion governed by the LIA. These initial conditions, which give rise to a long-wavelength modulational instability, result in the emergence of large amplitude perturbations that are localized in both space and time. The emergent structures on the vortex filament are analogous to loop solitons but arise from the dual action of bending and twisting of the vortex. Although the breather solutions we study are exact solutions of the LIA equations, we demonstrate through full numerical simulations that their key emergent attributes carry over to vortex dynamics governed by the Biot-Savart law and to quantized vortices described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The breather excitations can lead to self-reconnections, a mechanism that can play an important role within the crossover range of scales in superfluid turbulence. Moreover, the observation of breather solutions on vortices in a field model suggests that these solutions are expected to arise in a wide range of other physical contexts from classical vortices to cosmological strings

    Multiple Breathers on a Vortex Filament

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    In this paper we investigate the correspondence between the Da Rios-Betchov equation, which appears in the three-dimensional motion of a vortex filament, and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Using this correspondence we map a set of solutions corresponding to breathers in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation to waves propagating along a vortex filament. The work presented generalizes the recently derived family of vortex configurations associated with these breather solutions to a wider class of configurations that are associated with combination homoclinic/heteroclinic orbits of the 1D self-focussing nonlinear Schrödinger equation. We show that by considering these solutions of the governing nonlinear Schrödinger equation, highly nontrivial vortex filament configurations can be obtained that are associated with a pair of breather excitations. These configurations can lead to loop-like excitations emerging from an otherwise weakly perturbed helical vortex. The results presented further demonstrate the rich class of solutions that are supported by the Da Rios-Betchov equation that is recovered within the local induction approximation for the motion of a vortex filament

    Controlling the transverse instability of dark solitons and nucleation of vortices by a potential barrier

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    We study possibilities to suppress the transverse modulational instability (MI) of dark-soliton stripes in two-dimensional (2D) Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) and self-defocusing bulk optical waveguides by means of quasi-1D structures. Adding an external repulsive barrier potential (which can be induced in BEC by a laser sheet, or by an embedded plate in optics), we demonstrate that it is possible to reduce the MI wavenumber band, and even render the dark-soliton stripe completely stable. Using this method, we demonstrate the control of the number of vortex pairs nucleated by each spatial period of the modulational perturbation. By means of the perturbation theory, we predict the number of the nucleated vortices per unit length. The analytical results are corroborated by the numerical computation of eigenmodes of small perturbations, as well as by direct simulations of the underlying Gross-Pitaevskii/nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. To appear on Phys. Rev. A, 201

    Triggering rogue waves in opposing currents

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    We show that rogue waves can be triggered naturally when a stable wave train enters a region of an opposing current flow. We demonstrate that the maximum amplitude of the rogue wave depends on the ratio between the current velocity, U0 U_0 , and the wave group velocity, cg c_g . We also reveal that an opposing current can force the development of rogue waves in random wave fields, resulting in a substantial change of the statistical properties of the surface elevation. The present results can be directly adopted in any field of physics in which the focusing Nonlinear Schrodinger equation with non constant coefficient is applicable. In particular, nonlinear optics laboratory experiments are natural candidates for verifying experimentally our results.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Canonical explicit B\"{a}cklund transformations with spectrality for constrained flows of soliton hierarchies

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    It is shown that explicit B\"{a}cklund transformations (BTs) for the high-order constrained flows of soliton hierarchy can be constructed via their Darboux transformations and Lax representation, and these BTs are canonical transformations including B\"{a}cklund parameter η\eta and possess a spectrality property with respect to η\eta and the 'conjugated' variable μ\mu for which the pair (η,μ)(\eta, \mu) lies on the spectral curve. As model we present the canonical explicit BTs with the spectrality for high-order constrained flows of the Kaup-Newell hierarchy and the KdV hierarchy.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, to be published in "PHYSICA A

    Approximate rogue wave solutions of the forced and damped Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation for water waves

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    We consider the effect of the wind and the dissipation on the nonlinear stages of the modulational instability. By applying a suitable transformation, we map the forced/damped Nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) equation into the standard NLS with constant coefficients. The transformation is valid as long as |{\Gamma}t| \ll 1, with {\Gamma} the growth/damping rate of the waves due to the wind/dissipation. Approximate rogue wave solutions of the equation are presented and discussed. The results shed some lights on the effects of wind and dissipation on the formation of rogue waves.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Theory of differential inclusions and its application in mechanics

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    The following chapter deals with systems of differential equations with discontinuous right-hand sides. The key question is how to define the solutions of such systems. The most adequate approach is to treat discontinuous systems as systems with multivalued right-hand sides (differential inclusions). In this work three well-known definitions of solution of discontinuous system are considered. We will demonstrate the difference between these definitions and their application to different mechanical problems. Mathematical models of drilling systems with discontinuous friction torque characteristics are considered. Here, opposite to classical Coulomb symmetric friction law, the friction torque characteristic is asymmetrical. Problem of sudden load change is studied. Analytical methods of investigation of systems with such asymmetrical friction based on the use of Lyapunov functions are demonstrated. The Watt governor and Chua system are considered to show different aspects of computer modeling of discontinuous systems

    One-dimensional semiconductor in a polar solvent: Solvation and low-frequency dynamics of an excess charge carrier

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    Due to solvation, excess charge carriers on 1d semiconductor nanostructures immersed in polar solvents undergo self-localization into polaronic states. Using a simplified theoretical model for small-diameter structures, we study low-frequency properties of resulting 1d adiabatic polarons. The combined microscopic dynamics of the electronic charge density and the solvent leads to macroscopic Langevin dynamics of a polaron and to the appearance of local dielectric relaxation modes. Polaron mobility is evaluated as a function of system parameters. Numerical estimates indicate that the solvated carriers can have mobilities orders of magnitude lower than the intrinsic values.Comment: Typo in Eq.(12) has been correcte
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