6,638 research outputs found

    Localized electronic states and photoemission superconducting condensate in Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}Ca1_{1}Cu2_{2}O8+x_{8+x}

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    We present the first detailed angle-resolved photoemission evidence that there are two types of carriers that contribute to the photoemission superconducting condensate in Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+xBi_{2}Sr_{2}Ca_{1}Cu_{2}O_{8+x}. Our data indicate that both itinerant and somewhat localized normal state carriers can contribute to the formation of Cooper pairs.Comment: APS_Revtex, 11 pages, including 3 figures, available upon request. UW-Madison preprint#

    Temperature dependence of the superconducting gap anisotropy in Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}Ca1_{1}Cu2_{2}O8+x_{8+x}

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    We present the first detailed data of the momentum-resolved, temperature dependence of the superconducting gap of Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+xBi_{2}Sr_{2}Ca_{1}Cu_{2}O_{8+x}, complemented by similar data on the intensity of the photoemission superconducting condensate spectral area. The gap anisotropy between the ΓMˉ\Gamma-\bar{M} and ΓX\Gamma-X directions increases markedly with increasing temperature, contrary to what happens for conventional anisotropic-gap superconductors such as lead. Specifically, the size of the superconducting gap along the ΓX\Gamma-X direction decreases to values indistinguishable from zero at temperatures for which the gap retains virtually full value along the ΓMˉ\Gamma-\bar{M} direction.Comment: APS_REVTEX. 19 pages, including 8 figures, available upon request. UW-Madison preprin

    Localization Effects in Bi2Sr2Ca(Cu,Co)2O8+y High Temperature Superconductors

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    Doping Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+y with Co causes a superconductor-insulator transition. We study correlations between changes in the electrical resistivity RHOab(T) and the electronic bandstructure using identical single crystalline samples. For undoped samples the resistivity is linear in temperature and has a vanishing residual resistivity. In angle resolved photoemission these samples show dispersing band-like states. Co-doping decreases TC and causes and increase in the residual resistivity. Above a threshold Co-concentration the resistivity is metallic (drab/dT >0) at room temperature, turns insulating below a characteristic temperature Tmin and becomes super- conducting at even lower temperature. These changes in the resistivity correlate with the disappearance of the dispersing band-like states in angle resolved photoemission. We show that Anderson localization caused by the impurity potential of the doped Co-atoms provides a consistent explanation of all experimental features. Therefore the TC reduction in 3d-metal doped high- temperature superconductors is not caused by Abrikosov Gor'kov pair- breaking but by spatial localization of the carriers. The observed suppression of TC indicates that the system is in the homogenous limit of the superconductor-insulator transition. The coexistance of insulating (dRHOab/dT <0) normal state behavior and super- conductivity indicates that the superconducting ground state is formed out of spatially almost localized carriers.Comment: Postscript file 11 pages plus 4 figures available on reques

    Observation of a van Hove Singularity in Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+xBi_{2}Sr_{2}Ca_{1}Cu_{2}O_{8+x} with Angle Resolved Photoemission

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    We have performed high energy resolution angle-resolved photoemission studies of the normal state band structure of oxygen overdoped Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+xBi_{2}Sr_{2}Ca_{1}Cu_{2}O_{8+x}. We find that there is an extended saddle point singularity in the density of states along ΓMˉZ\Gamma-\bar{M}-Z direction. The data also indicate that there is an asymmetry in the Fermi surface for both the ΓMˉZ\Gamma-\bar{M}-Z and perpendicular directions.Comment: APS_Revtex. 28 pages, including 16 figures, available upon request. UW-Madison preprint#

    Probing Fine-Scale Ionospheric Structure with the Very Large Array Radio Telescope

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    High resolution (~1 arcminute) astronomical imaging at low frequency (below 150 MHz) has only recently become practical with the development of new calibration algorithms for removing ionospheric distortions. In addition to opening a new window in observational astronomy, the process of calibrating the ionospheric distortions also probes ionospheric structure in an unprecedented way. Here we explore one aspect of this new type of ionospheric measurement, the differential refraction of celestial source pairs as a function of their angular separation. This measurement probes variations in the spatial gradient of the line-of-sight total electron content (TEC) to 0.001 TECU/km accuracy over spatial scales of under 10 km to over 100 km. We use data from the VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey (VLSS; Cohen et al. 2007, AJ 134, 1245), a nearly complete 74 MHz survey of the entire sky visible to the Very Large Array (VLA) telescope in Socorro, New Mexico. These data comprise over 500 hours of observations, all calibrated in a standard way. While ionospheric spatial structure varies greatly from one observation to the next, when analyzed over hundreds of hours, statistical patterns become apparent. We present a detailed characterization of how the median differential refraction depends on source pair separation, elevation and time of day. We find that elevation effects are large, but geometrically predictable and can be "removed" analytically using a "thin-shell" model of the ionosphere. We find significantly greater ionospheric spatial variations during the day than at night. These diurnal variations appear to affect the larger angular scales to a greater degree indicating that they come from disturbances on relatively larger spatial scales (100s of km, rather than 10s of km).Comment: Accepted for publication by The Astronomical Journa

    Effect of Iodine Doping on Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}Ca1_{1}Cu2_{2}Ox_{x}: Charge Transfer or Interlayer Coupling?

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    A comparative study has been made of iodine-intercalated Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}Ca1_{1}Cu2_{2}Ox_{x} single crystal and 1 atm O2_{2} annealed Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}Ca1_{1}Cu1_{1}Ox_{x} single crystal using AC susceptibility measurement, X-ray photoemission (XPS) and angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (ARUPS). AC susceptibility measurement indicates that O2_{2}-doped samples studied have Tc_{c} of 84 o^{o}K, whereas Tc_{c} of Iodine-doped samples studied are 80 o^{o}K. XPS Cu 2p core level data establish that the hole concentration in the CuO2_{2} planes are essentially the same for these two kinds of samples. ARUPS measurements show that electronic structure of the normal states near the Fermi level has been strongly affected by iodine intercalation. We conclude that the dominant effect of iodine doping is to alter the interlayer coupling.Comment: LBL 9 pages, APS_Revtex. 5 Figures, available upon request. UW-Madison preprin

    Higher anisotropic d-wave symmetry in cuprate superconductors

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    We derive a pair potential from tight binding further neighbours attraction that leads to superconducting gap symmetry similar to that of the phenomenological spin fluctuation theory of high temperature superconductors (Monthoux, Balatsky, Pines, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 67}, 3448). We show that higher anisotropic d-wave than the simpliest d-wave symmetry is one of the important ingredients responsible for higher BCS characteristic ratio.Comment: Latex 5 pages, 3 figures attached, Journal Ref. : Journal of Physics C, Vol. 11, issue 30, L371-L377 (1999

    A Pathogen Secreted Protein as a Detection Marker for Citrus Huanglongbing.

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    The citrus industry is facing an unprecedented crisis due to Huanglongbing (HLB, aka citrus greening disease), a bacterial disease associated with the pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) that affects all commercial varieties. Transmitted by the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), CLas colonizes citrus phloem, leading to reduced yield and fruit quality, and eventually tree decline and death. Since adequate curative measures are not available, a key step in HLB management is to restrict the spread of the disease by identifying infected trees and removing them in a timely manner. However, uneven distribution of CLas cells in infected trees and the long latency for disease symptom development makes sampling of trees for CLas detection challenging. Here, we report that a CLas secreted protein can be used as a biomarker for detecting HLB infected citrus. Proteins secreted from CLas cells can presumably move along the phloem, beyond the site of ACP inoculation and CLas colonized plant cells, thereby increasing the chance of detecting infected trees. We generated a polyclonal antibody that effectively binds to the secreted protein and developed serological assays that can successfully detect CLas infection. This work demonstrates that antibody-based diagnosis using a CLas secreted protein as the detection marker for infected trees offers a high-throughput and economic approach that complements the approved quantitative polymerase chain reaction-based methods to enhance HLB management programs