1,846 research outputs found

    The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Clustering of Groups and Group Galaxies at z~1

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    We study the clustering properties of groups and of galaxies in groups in the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey dataset at z~1. Four clustering measures are presented: 1) the group correlation function for 460 groups with estimated velocity dispersions of sigma>200 km/s, 2) the galaxy correlation for the full galaxy sample, using a flux-limited sample of 9800 objects between 0.7<z<1.0, 3) the galaxy correlation for galaxies in groups, and 4) the group-galaxy cross-correlation function. Using the observed number density and clustering amplitude of the groups, the estimated minimum group dark matter halo mass is M_min~6 10^12 h^-1 M_Sun for a flat LCDM cosmology. Groups are more clustered than galaxies, with a relative bias of b=1.7 +/-0.04 on scales r_p=0.5-15 Mpc/h. Galaxies in groups are also more clustered than the full galaxy sample, with a scale-dependent relative bias which falls from b~2.5 +/-0.3 at r_p=0.1 Mpc/h to b~1 +/-0.5 at r_p=10 Mpc/h. The correlation functions for all galaxies and galaxies in groups can be fit by a power-law on scales r_p=0.05-20 Mpc/h. We empirically measure the contribution to the projected correlation function for galaxies in groups from a `one-halo' term and a `two-halo' term by counting pairs of galaxies in the same or in different groups. The projected cross-correlation between shows that red galaxies are more centrally concentrated in groups than blue galaxies at z~1. DEEP2 galaxies in groups appear to have a shallower radial distribution than that of mock galaxy catalogs made from N-body simulations, which assume a central galaxy surrounded by satellite galaxies with an NFW profile. We show that the clustering of galaxies in groups can be used to place tighter constraints on the halo model than can be gained from using the usual galaxy correlation function alone.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, in emulateapj format, accepted to ApJ, minor changes made to match published versio

    Quantum Confinement and Thickness-Dependent Electron Transport in Solution-Processed In₂O₃ Transistors

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    The dependence of charge carrier mobility on semiconductor channel thickness in field-effect transistors is a universal phenomenon that has been studied extensively for various families of materials. Surprisingly, analogous studies involving metal oxide semiconductors are relatively scarce. Here, spray-deposited In_{2}O_{3} layers are employed as the model semiconductor system to study the impact of layer thickness on quantum confinement and electron transport along the transistor channel. The results reveal an exponential increase of the in-plane electron mobility (”e) with increasing In2O3 thickness up to ≈10 nm, beyond which it plateaus at a maximum value of ≈35 cm^{2} V^{−1} s^{−1}. Optical spectroscopy measurements performed on In_{2}O_{3} layers reveal the emergence of quantum confinement for thickness <10 nm, which coincides with the thickness that ”e starts deteriorating. By combining two- and four-probe field-effect mobility measurements with high-resolution atomic force microscopy, it is shown that the reduction in ”e is attributed primarily to surface scattering. The study provides important guidelines for the design of next generation metal oxide thin-film transistors

    The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: The Voronoi-Delaunay Method Catalog of Galaxy Groups

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    We present a public catalog of galaxy groups constructed from the spectroscopic sample of galaxies in the fourth data release from the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe 2 (DEEP2) Galaxy Redshift Survey, including the Extended Groth Strip (EGS). The catalog contains 1165 groups with two or more members in the EGS over the redshift range 0 0.6 in the rest of DEEP2. Twenty-five percent of EGS galaxies and fourteen percent of high-z DEEP2 galaxies are assigned to galaxy groups. The groups were detected using the Voronoi-Delaunay method (VDM) after it has been optimized on mock DEEP2 catalogs following similar methods to those employed in Gerke et al. In the optimization effort, we have taken particular care to ensure that the mock catalogs resemble the data as closely as possible, and we have fine-tuned our methods separately on mocks constructed for the EGS and the rest of DEEP2. We have also probed the effect of the assumed cosmology on our inferred group-finding efficiency by performing our optimization on three different mock catalogs with different background cosmologies, finding large differences in the group-finding success we can achieve for these different mocks. Using the mock catalog whose background cosmology is most consistent with current data, we estimate that the DEEP2 group catalog is 72% complete and 61% pure (74% and 67% for the EGS) and that the group finder correctly classifies 70% of galaxies that truly belong to groups, with an additional 46% of interloper galaxies contaminating the catalog (66% and 43% for the EGS). We also confirm that the VDM catalog reconstructs the abundance of galaxy groups with velocity dispersions above ~300 km s^(–1) to an accuracy better than the sample variance, and this successful reconstruction is not strongly dependent on cosmology. This makes the DEEP2 group catalog a promising probe of the growth of cosmic structure that can potentially be used for cosmological tests

    Dissipationless Mergers of Elliptical Galaxies and the Evolution of the Fundamental Plane

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    We carry out numerical simulations of dissipationless major mergers of elliptical galaxies using initial galaxy models that consist of a dark matter halo and a stellar bulge with properties consistent with the observed fundamental plane. By varying the density profile of the dark matter halo (standard NFW versus adiabatically contracted NFW), the global stellar to dark matter mass ratio, and the orbit of the merging galaxies, we are able to assess the impact of each of these factors on the structure of the merger remnant. Our results indicate that the properties of the remnant bulge depend primarily on the angular momentum and energy of the orbit; for a cosmologically motivated orbit, the effective radius and velocity dispersion of the remnant bulge remain approximately on the fundamental plane. This indicates that the observed properties of elliptical galaxies are consistent with significant growth via late dissipationless mergers. We also find that the dark matter fraction within the effective radius of our remnants increases after the merger, consistent with the hypothesis that the tilt of the fundamental plane from the virial theorem is due to a varying dark matter fraction as a function of galaxy mass.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures; MNRAS, in press. Minor revisions, results from an additional simulation adde

    Betacyanins, major components in Opuntia red-purple fruits, protect against acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure

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    Acetaminophen (APAP) misuse or overdose is the most important cause of drug-induced acute liver failure. Overdoses of acetaminophen induce oxidative stress and liver injury by the electrophilic metabolite N-acetyl-pbenzoquinone imine (NAPQI). Plant-based medicine has been used for centuries against diseases or intoxications due to their biological activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic value of Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha fruit extracts against acetaminophen-induced liver damage and to identify the major biocomponents on them. Opuntia fruit extracts were obtained by peeling and squeezing each specie, followed by lyophilization. HPLC was used to characterize the extracts. The effect of the extracts against acetaminophen induced acute liver injury was evaluated both in vivo and in vitro using biochemical, molecular and histological determinations. The results showed that betacyanins are the main components in the analyzed Opuntia fruit extracts, with betanin as the highest concentration. Therapeutic treatments with Opuntia extracts reduced biochemical, molecular and histological markers of liver (in vivo) and hepatocyte (in vitro) injury. Opuntia extracts reduced the APAP-increased expression of the stress-related gene Gadd45b. Furthermore, Opuntia extracts exerted diverse effects on the antioxidant related genes Sod2, Gclc and Hmox1, independent of their ROSscavenging ability. Therefore, betacyanins as betanin from Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha fruits are promising nutraceutical compounds against oxidative liver damage

    Machine-learning of atomic-scale properties based on physical principles

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    We briefly summarize the kernel regression approach, as used recently in materials modelling, to fitting functions, particularly potential energy surfaces, and highlight how the linear algebra framework can be used to both predict and train from linear functionals of the potential energy, such as the total energy and atomic forces. We then give a detailed account of the Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP) representation and kernel, showing how it arises from an abstract representation of smooth atomic densities, and how it is related to several popular density-based representations of atomic structure. We also discuss recent generalisations that allow fine control of correlations between different atomic species, prediction and fitting of tensorial properties, and also how to construct structural kernels---applicable to comparing entire molecules or periodic systems---that go beyond an additive combination of local environments

    Galaxy clustering and projected density profiles as traced by satellites in photometric surveys: Methodology and luminosity dependence

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    We develop a new method which measures the projected density distribution w_p(r_p)n of photometric galaxies surrounding a set of spectroscopically-identified galaxies, and simultaneously the projected correlation function w_p(r_p) between the two populations. In this method we are able to divide the photometric galaxies into subsamples in luminosity intervals when redshift information is unavailable, enabling us to measure w_p(r_p)n and w_p(r_p) as a function of not only the luminosity of the spectroscopic galaxy, but also that of the photometric galaxy. Extensive tests show that our method can measure w_p(r_p) in a statistically unbiased way. The accuracy of the measurement depends on the validity of the assumption in the method that the foreground/background galaxies are randomly distributed and thus uncorrelated with those galaxies of interest. Therefore, our method can be applied to the cases where foreground/background galaxies are distributed in large volumes, which is usually valid in real observations. We applied our method to data from SDSS including a sample of 10^5 LRGs at z~0.4 and a sample of about half a million galaxies at z~0.1, both of which are cross-correlated with a deep photometric sample drawn from the SDSS. On large scales, the relative bias factor of galaxies measured from w_p(r_p) at z~0.4 depends on luminosity in a manner similar to what is found at z~0.1, which are usually probed by autocorrelations of spectroscopic samples. On scales smaller than a few Mpc and at both z~0.4 and z~0.1, the photometric galaxies of different luminosities exhibit similar density profiles around spectroscopic galaxies at fixed luminosity and redshift. This provides clear support for the assumption commonly-adopted in HOD models that satellite galaxies of different luminosities are distributed in a similar way, following the dark matter distribution within their host halos.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures, published in Ap

    Reconstructing galaxy fundamental distributions and scaling relations from photometric redshift surveys. Applications to the SDSS early-type sample

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    Noisy distance estimates associated with photometric rather than spectroscopic redshifts lead to a mis-estimate of the luminosities, and produce a correlated mis-estimate of the sizes. We consider a sample of early-type galaxies from the SDSS DR6 for which both spectroscopic and photometric information is available, and apply the generalization of the V_max method to correct for these biases. We show that our technique recovers the true redshift, magnitude and size distributions, as well as the true size-luminosity relation. We find that using only 10% of the spectroscopic information randomly spaced in our catalog is sufficient for the reconstructions to be accurate within about 3%, when the photometric redshift error is dz = 0.038. We then address the problem of extending our method to deep redshift catalogs, where only photometric information is available. In addition to the specific applications outlined here, our technique impacts a broader range of studies, when at least one distance-dependent quantity is involved. It is particularly relevant for the next generation of surveys, some of which will only have photometric information.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, new section 3.1 and appendix added, MNRAS in pres
