11 research outputs found

    Identificação imuno-histoquímica de VEGF e IGF-1 em ovários de cadelas no anestro e estro

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    Com o objetivo de verificar a presença de VEGF e IGF-1 nos ovários de cadelas, foram realizadas análises imuno-histoquímicas do estroma cortical; teca e granulosa de folículos secundários, terciários e terciários pré-ovulatórios luteinizados; e ovócitos de folículos primários, secundários e terciários de ovários de cinco cadelas em anestro (Anest) e cinco em estro (Est). A identificação das fases do ciclo estral foi realizada por citologia vaginal associada a dosagem plasmática de progesterona. Os ovários foram submetidos a tratamento imuno-histoquímico para identificação de VEGF (anticorpo primário PU 360-UP, Biogenex, USA; diluição 1:30) e IGF-1 (anticorpo primário PabCa, Gro-Pep, Austrália; diluição 1:100). Determinou-se um índice de imunomarcação (IM), para cada tecido avaliado, pela razão entre a área positivamente marcada dividida pela área total analisada. Para os ovócitos, verificou-se imunomarcação positiva ou negativa. As comparações de IM entre tecidos foram realizadas pelo teste de Wilcoxon (diferentes tecidos em mesmo grupo) ou Mann-Whitney (mesmo tecido entre diferentes grupos), todas no nível de 5% de significância. VEGF e IGF-1 foram identificados, de forma semelhante (P>0,05), em todas as estruturas avaliadas em ambos os grupos experimentais. Conclui-se que esses fatores de crescimento estão presentes em cadelas no anestro e estro, no estroma cortical ovariano, folículos em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento e ovócitos

    Protective effect of the APOE-e3 allele in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Although several alleles of susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have been studied in the last decades, few polymorphisms have been considered as risk factors for the disease. Among them, the APOE-e4 allele appears to be the major genetic risk factor for the onset of the disease. However, it is important to confirm the potential susceptibility of these genetic variants in different populations in order to establish a genetic profile for the disease in specific communities. This study analyzed the APOE polymorphisms regarding susceptibility to AD in a sample of 264 individuals (primarily Caucasians; 82 cases and 182 controls) in the population from Vitória, ES, Brazil, by PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. The patients were selected according to clinical criteria for probable AD. Whereas the e4 allele showed statistically significant positive association with susceptibility to AD (OR = 3.01, 95%CI = 1.96-4.61; P < 0.0001), the e2 allele did not. The results of the e4 allele confirm the role of this polymorphism as a risk factor for AD in the sample studied as observed in other populations. Although the e3 allele has been considered neutral in several studies, our results suggest that it acts as a protective factor against AD in the population studied (OR = 0.46, 95%CI = 0.30-0.67; P < 0.0001). This study may provide a new insight into the role of the APOE-e3 allele in the etiology of AD and might help to estabilish a profile of risk for AD in the population from Vitória, ES

    Protective effect of the APOE-e3 allele in Alzheimer&#8217;s disease

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    Although several alleles of susceptibility to Alzheimer&#8217;s disease (AD) have been studied in the last decades, few polymorphisms have been considered as risk factors for the disease. Among them, the APOE-e4 allele appears to be the major genetic risk factor for the onset of the disease. However, it is important to confirm the potential susceptibility of these genetic variants in different populations in order to establish a genetic profile for the disease in specific communities. This study analyzed the APOE polymorphisms regarding susceptibility to AD in a sample of 264 individuals (primarily Caucasians; 82 cases and 182 controls) in the population from Vitória, ES, Brazil, by PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. The patients were selected according to clinical criteria for probable AD. Whereas the e4 allele showed statistically significant positive association with susceptibility to AD (OR = 3.01, 95%CI = 1.96-4.61; P < 0.0001), the e2 allele did not. The results of the e4 allele confirm the role of this polymorphism as a risk factor for AD in the sample studied as observed in other populations. Although the e3 allele has been considered neutral in several studies, our results suggest that it acts as a protective factor against AD in the population studied (OR = 0.46, 95%CI = 0.30-0.67; P < 0.0001). This study may provide a new insight into the role of the APOE-e3 allele in the etiology of AD and might help to estabilish a profile of risk for AD in the population from Vitória, ES

    Cholesteryl hemiazelate identified in CVD patients causes in vitro and in vivo inflammation

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    Oxidation of PUFAs in LDLs trapped in the arterial intima plays a critical role in atherosclerosis. Though there have been many studies on the atherogenicity of oxidized derivatives of PUFA-esters of cholesterol, the effects of cholesteryl hemiesters (ChEs), the oxidation end products of these esters, have not been studied. Through lipidomics analyses, we identified and quantified two ChE types in the plasma of CVD patients and identified four ChE types in human endarterectomy specimens. Cholesteryl hemiazelate (ChA), the ChE of azelaic acid (n-nonane-1,9-dioic acid), was the most prevalent ChE identified in both cases. Importantly, human monocytes, monocyte-derived macrophages, and neutrophils exhibit inflammatory features when exposed to subtoxic concentrations of ChA in vitro. ChA increases the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β and interleukin-6 and modulates the surface-marker profile of monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophage. In vivo, when zebrafish larvae were fed with a ChA-enriched diet, they exhibited neutrophil and macrophage accumulation in the vasculature in a caspase 1- and cathepsin B-dependent manner. ChA also triggered lipid accumulation at the bifurcation sites of the vasculature of the zebrafish larvae and negatively impacted their life expectancy. We conclude that ChA behaves as an endogenous damage-associated molecular pattern with inflammatory and proatherogenic properties