11 research outputs found

    Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Studies of Mitochondrial Glutaminase C Reveal Extended Flexible Regions, and Link Oligomeric State with Enzyme Activity

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    Glutaminase C is a key metabolic enzyme, which is unregulated in many cancer systems and believed to play a central role in the Warburg effect, whereby cancer cells undergo changes to an altered metabolic profile. A long-standing hypothesis links enzymatic activity to the protein oligomeric state, hence the study of the solution behavior in general and the oligomer state in particular of glutaminase C is important for the understanding of the mechanism of protein activation and inhibition. In this report, this is extensively investigated in correlation to enzyme concentration or phosphate level, using a high-throughput microfluidic-mixing chip for the SAXS data collection, and we confirm that the oligomeric state correlates with activity. The in-depth solution behavior analysis further reveals the structural behavior of flexible regions of the protein in the dimeric, tetrameric and octameric state and investigates the C-terminal influence on the enzyme solution behavior. Our data enable SAXS-based rigid body modeling of the full-length tetramer states, thereby presenting the first ever experimentally derived structural model of mitochondrial glutaminase C including the N- and C-termini of the enzyme

    Crystal structures of substrate-bound chitinase from the psychrophilic bacterium Moritella marina and its structure in solution

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    The four-domain structure of chitinase 60 from Moritella marina (MmChi60) is outstanding in its complexity. Many glycoside hydrolases, such as chitinases and cellulases, have multi-domain structures, but only a few have been solved. The flexibility of the hinge regions between the domains apparently makes these proteins difficult to crystallize. The analysis of an active-site mutant of MmChi60 in an unliganded form and in complex with the substrates NAG4 and NAG5 revealed significant differences in the substrate-binding site compared with the previously determined complexes of most studied chitinases. A SAXS experiment demonstrated that in addition to the elongated state found in the crystal, the protein can adapt other conformations in solution ranging from fully extended to compact. © 2014 International Union of Crystallography

    Human MICAL1 : Activation by the small GTPase Rab8 and small-angle X-ray scattering studies on the oligomerization state of MICAL1 and its complex with Rab8

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    Human MICAL1 is a member of a recently discovered family of multidomain proteins that couple a FAD-containing monooxygenase-like domain to typical protein interaction domains. Growing evidence implicates the NADPH oxidase reaction catalyzed by the flavoprotein domain in generation of hydrogen peroxide as a second messenger in an increasing number of cell types and as a specific modulator of actin filaments stability. Several proteins of the Rab families of small GTPases are emerging as regulators of MICAL activity by binding to its C-terminal helical domain presumably shifting the equilibrium from the free \u2013 auto-inhibited \u2013 conformation to the active one. We here extend the characterization of the MICAL1\u2013Rab8 interaction and show that indeed Rab8, in the active GTP-bound state, stabilizes the active MICAL1 conformation causing a specific four-fold increase of kcat of the NADPH oxidase reaction. Kinetic data and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements support the formation of a 1:1 complex between full-length MICAL1 and Rab8 with an apparent dissociation constant of approximately 8 \u3bcM. This finding supports the hypothesis that Rab8 is a physiological regulator of MICAL1 activity and shows how the protein region preceding the C-terminal Rab-binding domain may mask one of the Rab-binding sites detected with the isolated C-terminal fragment. SAXS-based modeling allowed us to propose the first model of the free full-length MICAL1, which is consistent with an auto-inhibited conformation in which the C-terminal region prevents catalysis by interfering with the conformational changes that are predicted to occur during the catalytic cycle

    Structural insights of RmXyn10A – A prebiotic-producing GH10 xylanase with a non-conserved aglycone binding region

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    Hydrolysis of arabinoxylan (AX) by glycoside hydrolase family 10 (GH10) xylanases produces xylo- and arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides ((A)XOS) which have shown prebiotic effects. The thermostable GH10 xylanase RmXyn10A has shown great potential to produce (A)XOS. In this study, the structure of RmXyn10A was investigated, the catalytic module by homology modelling and site-directed mutagenesis and the arrangement of its five domains by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Substrate specificity was explored in silico by manual docking and molecular dynamic simulations. It has been shown in the literature that the glycone subsites of GH10 xylanases are well conserved and our results suggest that RmXyn10A is no exception. The aglycone subsites are less investigated, and the modelled structure of RmXyn10A suggests that loop ß6?6 in the aglycone part of the active site contains a non-conserved ?-helix, which blocks the otherwise conserved space of subsite +2. This structural feature has only been observed for one other GH10 xylanase. In RmXyn10A, docking revealed two alternative binding regions, one on either side of the ?-helix. However, only one was able to accommodate arabinose-substitutions and the mutation study suggests that the same region is responsible for binding XOS. Several non-conserved structural features are most likely to be responsible for providing affinity for arabinose-substitutions in subsites +1 and +2. The SAXS rigid model of the modular arrangement of RmXyn10A displays the catalytic module close to the cell-anchoring domain while the carbohydrate binding modules are further away, likely explaining the observed lack of contribution of the CBMs to activity. © 2017 The AuthorsVINNOVA Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas: 2015-769 VINNOVA Sixth Framework Programme: RII3/CT/2004/5060008 Vetenskapsrådet: 2014-5038This work was supported by VINNOVA via the Lund University Antidiabetic Food Centre (VINN Excellence Centre), by the Swedish Research Council (VR) [grant no. 2014-5038 ], and by the Swedish Research Council Formas [grant no. 2015-769 ]. Also to enable us to use the DESY-EMBL beamlines we are grateful for financial support from the European Community – Research Infrastructure Action under the FP6 ?Structuring the European Research Area Programme” contract number RII3/CT/2004/5060008. The GROMACS simulations were performed on resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at LUNARC (SNIC-2017/1-361). Björn Stenqvist, Lund University, is thanked for his computational assistance. Appendix

    Structural aspects of human lactoferrin in the iron-binding process studied by molecular dynamics and small-angle neutron scattering

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    Lactoferrin is a non-heme protein known for its ability to bind tightly Fe(III) ions in various physiological environments. Due to this feature lactoferrin plays an important role in the processes of iron regulation at the cellular level preventing the body from damages produced by high levels of free iron ions. The X-ray crystal structure of human lactoferrin shows that the iron-binding process leads to conformational changes within the protein structure. The present study was addressed to conformation stability of human lactoferrin in solution. Using molecular dynamics simulations, it was shown that Arg121 is the key amino acid in the stabilization of the Fe(III) ion in the N-lobe of human lactoferrin. The small-angle neutron scattering method allowed us to detect the structural differences between the open and closed conformation of human lactoferrin in solution. Our results indicate that the radius of gyration of apolactoferrin appears to be smaller than that of the hololactoferrin, Rg=24.16(±0.707) Å and Rg=26.20(±1.191) Å, respectively. The low-resolution three-dimensional models computed for both forms of human lactoferrin in solution also show visible differences, both having a more compact conformation compared to the high-resolution structure