480 research outputs found

    On the (in)dependence of the Dedekind-Peano axioms for natural numbers

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    In vitro cultivation of Brosimum gaudichaudii Tréc. (Moraceae)

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial organogenético de entrenós, discos foliares, e raízes de Brosimum gaudichaudii utilizando 12 diferentes combinações dos fitorreguladores 6-benzilaminopurina e ácido naftaleno acético, em meio MS (diluído à metade), sólido (6,5 g de ágar), e com 20 g.L-1 de sacarose. Independentemente das combinações hormonais testadas verificou-se a formação de calos friáveis (2 a 20 mm de diâmetro) em 90% dos entrenós usados como explantes. No entanto, os tratamentos testados não foram capazes induzir calos ou gemas em raízes e em discos foliares. O estudo anatômico revelou a formação de meristemóides nas regiões mais externa e mais interna dos calos. Os resultados obtidos poderão servir de base para novos testes de indução de calos na espécie.The objective of this research was to evaluate the organogenic potential of internodes, leaf discs and roots of Brosimum gaudichaudii using 12 different combinations of the plant growth regulators 6-benzylaminopurine and naphthalene acetic acid in MS medium (half strength), solid medium (6.5 g agar) and sucrose medium (20 g.L-1). Regardless the hormonal combination tested, we observed the formation of friable calluses (2 - 20 mm wide) in 90% of the internode explants. However, the treatments were not able to induce callus or buds on roots and leaf discs. The anatomical analysis revealed meristemoid formation in the outer and inner regions of the calluses. The results may serve as the basis for further testing of callus induction in this species

    Rayleigh loops in the random-field Ising model on the Bethe lattice

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    We analyze the demagnetization properties of the random-field Ising model on the Bethe lattice focusing on the beahvior near the disorder induced phase transition. We derive an exact recursion relation for the magnetization and integrate it numerically. Our analysis shows that demagnetization is possible only in the continous high disorder phase, where at low field the loops are described by the Rayleigh law. In the low disorder phase, the saturation loop displays a discontinuity which is reflected by a non vanishing magnetization m_\infty after a series of nested loops. In this case, at low fields the loops are not symmetric and the Rayleigh law does not hold.Comment: 8pages, 6 figure

    Correlates of accelerometer-assessed physical activity in pregnancy—The 2015 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study

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    Objective methods to measure physical activity (PA) have become available and widely used given the high degree of precision to evaluate PA. However, few studies have used accelerometers to measure PA during pregnancy, especially in low- and middle-income countries. We assessed overall PA, moderate, vigorous, and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) objectively measured among pregnant women and their correlates in a population-based study. PA was assessed for seven consecutive days using a raw triaxial wrist-worn accelerometer in women interviewed around 16 and 24 weeks of gestation in the 2015 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study. The average acceleration, which expresses overall PA, was presented in milli-g (1 mg = 0.001 g), and average time (min/day) spent in MVPA (>100 mg) was also analyzed in 5- and 10-min bouts. Analyses were performed using linear regression. In total, 2317 women were included in the analyses. Overall PA was 27.6 mg. Pregnant women spent on average 14 min/day in MVPA and 0.4 min in vigorous PA. Time spent in MVPA and total PA were inversely associated with years in school and income, and were lower among women receiving advice to not exercise. MVPA was also inversely associated with age, lower among women living with a partner, and higher among non-white women. The study indicated low levels of PA among pregnant women. The identified correlates may provide a framework to better understand factors influencing PA during pregnancy and thus inform future interventions

    Carbono orgânico dissolvido e biodisponibilidade de N e P como indicadores de qualidade do solo

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    Nas últimas décadas, qualidade do solo tem se tornado um tópico importante na ciência do solo. Embora esforços consideráveis tenham sido dedicados com o intuito de definir "qualidade do solo", ainda não há um conceito amplamente aceito pela comunidade cientifica. A seleção de índices qualitativos para definir qualidade do solo é uma tarefa extremamente difícil, e diversas propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas tem sido sugeridas como potenciais indicadores. A matéria orgânica do solo está associada com processos químicos, físicos e biológicos no solo, e, portanto, é considerada um dos melhores indicadores de qualidade do solo. O manejo do solo pode influenciar significativamente a dinâmica do carbono orgânico e o ciclo de N, P, e S. Entretanto, mudanças na concentração total da matéria organica em resposta ao manejo pode ser dificil de ser detectada devido à variabilidade natural do solo. Quando comparada com a matéria orgânica total do solo, a fração mais prontamente disponível, como o carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD), é mais sensível às mudanças no manejo do solo a curto e médio prazo e, portanto, pode ser utilizada como indicador fundamental de qualidade do solo ou das alterações das condições naturais. Embora a fração dissolvida represente apenas uma pequena porção da matéria orgânica total do solo, o COD é móvel no solo e constitui uma importante fonte de C para os microorganismos, podendo facilmente refletir os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de manejo. Inúmeros métodos são utilizados para caracterizar o COD, mas os processos que influenciam sua mineralização e a disponibilidade dos elementos associado com a matéria orgânica (N, P, e S) ainda não são completamente entendidos. Pesquisas futuras devem buscar entender os processos que governam a dinâmica de nutrientes e do COD e como os mesmos afetam a qualidade do solo.Soil quality has become an important issue in soil science. Considerable attempts have been made to define soil quality, but a general concept has not yet been accepted by the scientific community. The selection of quantitative indices for soil quality is extremely difficult, and a considerable number of chemical, physical, and biochemical properties have been suggested as potential indicators of soil quality. Because soil organic matter (SOM) can be associated with different soil chemical, physical and biological processes, it has been widely considered as one of the best soil quality indicator. Land use can significantly influence dynamics of organic carbon and N, P, and S cycle. However, changes in total soil organic carbon (SOC) contents in response to land use may be difficult to detect because of the natural soil variability. In the short to medium term, biological properties and readily decomposable fractions of SOC, such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), are much more sensitive to soil management than is SOM as a whole, and can be used as a key indicator of soil natural functions. Despite the fact that labile C accounts for a small portion of the total organic matter in the soils, DOC is the most mobile and important C-source for microorganisms, and can easily reflect the effects of land use on soil quality. Although several methods are used to characterize DOC, the factors influencing mineralization and bioavailability of elements associated with organic matter (N, P, and S) remains unclear. Future research should focus on the processes that govern DOC and nutrient dynamics and how they affect soil quality
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