377 research outputs found

    Magnet shaping for minimal magnet volume in machines

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    Surface impedance anisotropy of YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.95_{6.95} single crystals: electrodynamic basis of the measurements

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    An electrodynamic technique is developed for determining the components of surface impedance and complex conductivity tensors of HTSC single crystals on the basis of measured quantities of a quality factor and a resonator frequency shift. A simple formula is obtained for a geometrical factor of a crystal in the form of a plate with dimensions b≫a>cb\gg a>c in a microwave magnetic field Hω⊥ab{\bf H_{\omega}}\perp ab. To obtain the c-axis complex conductivity from measurements at Hω∥ab{\bf H_{\omega}}\parallel ab we propose a procedure which takes account of sample size effects. With the aid of the technique involved temperature dependences of all impedance and conductivity tensors components of YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.95_{6.95} single crystal, grown in BaZrO3_3 crucible, are determined at a frequency of f=9.4f=9.4 GHz in its normal and superconducting states. All of them proved to be linear at T<Tc/2T<T_c/2, and their extrapolation to zero temperature gives the values of residual surface resistance Rab(0)≈40R_{ab}(0)\approx 40 μΩ\mu\Omega and Rc(0)≈0.8R_c(0)\approx 0.8 mΩ\Omega and magnetic field penetration depth λab(0)≈150\lambda_{ab}(0)\approx 150 nm and λc(0)≈1.55\lambda_c(0)\approx 1.55 μ\mum.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.B 05Jun2002; accepted for publication 21Febr200

    Anticipatory eye movements evoked after active following versus passive observation of a predictable motion stimulus.

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    We used passive and active following of a predictable smooth pursuit stimulus in order to establish if predictive eye movement responses are equivalent under both passive and active conditions. The smooth pursuit stimulus was presented in pairs that were either ‘predictable’ in which both presentations were matched in timing and velocity, or ‘randomized’ in which each presentation in the pair was varied in both timing and velocity. A visual cue signaled the type of response required from the subject; a green cue indicated the subject should follow both the target presentations (Go-Go), a pink cue indicated that the subject should passively observe the 1st target and follow the 2nd target (NoGo-Go), and finally a green cue with a black cross revealed a randomized (Rnd) trial in which the subject should follow both presentations. The results revealed better prediction in the Go-Go trials than in the NoGo-Go trials, as indicated by higher anticipatory velocity and earlier eye movement onset (latency). We conclude that velocity and timing information stored from passive observation of a moving target is diminished when compared to active following of the target. This study has significant consequences for understanding how visuomotor memory is generated, stored and subsequently released from short-term memory

    Noncommutative Induced Gauge Theory

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    We consider an external gauge potential minimally coupled to a renormalisable scalar theory on 4-dimensional Moyal space and compute in position space the one-loop Yang-Mills-type effective theory generated from the integration over the scalar field. We find that the gauge invariant effective action involves, beyond the expected noncommutative version of the pure Yang-Mills action, additional terms that may be interpreted as the gauge theory counterpart of the harmonic oscillator term, which for the noncommutative Ï•4\phi^4-theory on Moyal space ensures renormalisability. The expression of a possible candidate for a renormalisable action for a gauge theory defined on Moyal space is conjectured and discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Renormalization of the commutative scalar theory with harmonic term to all orders

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    The noncommutative scalar theory with harmonic term (on the Moyal space) has a vanishing beta function. In this paper, we prove the renormalizability of the commutative scalar field theory with harmonic term to all orders by using multiscale analysis in the momentum space. Then, we consider and compute its one-loop beta function, as well as the one on the degenerate Moyal space. We can finally compare both to the vanishing beta function of the theory with harmonic term on the Moyal space.Comment: 16 page

    On the freezing of variables in random constraint satisfaction problems

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    The set of solutions of random constraint satisfaction problems (zero energy groundstates of mean-field diluted spin glasses) undergoes several structural phase transitions as the amount of constraints is increased. This set first breaks down into a large number of well separated clusters. At the freezing transition, which is in general distinct from the clustering one, some variables (spins) take the same value in all solutions of a given cluster. In this paper we study the critical behavior around the freezing transition, which appears in the unfrozen phase as the divergence of the sizes of the rearrangements induced in response to the modification of a variable. The formalism is developed on generic constraint satisfaction problems and applied in particular to the random satisfiability of boolean formulas and to the coloring of random graphs. The computation is first performed in random tree ensembles, for which we underline a connection with percolation models and with the reconstruction problem of information theory. The validity of these results for the original random ensembles is then discussed in the framework of the cavity method.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Surprises in the Orbital Magnetic Moment and g-Factor of the Dynamic Jahn-Teller Ion C_{60}^-

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    We calculate the magnetic susceptibility and g-factor of the isolated C_{60}^- ion at zero temperature, with a proper treatment of the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect, and of the associated orbital angular momentum, Ham-reduced gyromagnetic ratio, and molecular spin-orbit coupling. A number of surprises emerge. First, the predicted molecular spin-orbit splitting is two orders of magnitude smaller than in the bare carbon atom, due to the large radius of curvature of the molecule. Second, this reduced spin-orbit splitting is comparable to Zeeman energies, for instance, in X-band EPR at 3.39KGauss, and a field dependence of the g-factor is predicted. Third, the orbital gyromagnetic factor is strongly reduced by vibron coupling, and so therefore are the effective weak-field g-factors of all low-lying states. In particular, the ground-state doublet of C_{60}^- is predicted to show a negative g-factor of \sim -0.1.Comment: 19 pages RevTex, 2 postscript figures include

    Fuzzy Rule Iterative Feature Selection (FRIFS) with Respect to the Choquet Integral Apply to Fabric Defect Recognition

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    ISBN 0.7803.9489.5International audienceAn iterative method to select suitable features in an industrial fabric defect recognition context is proposed in this paper. It combines a global feature selection method based on the Choquet integral and a fuzzy linguistic rule classifier. The experimental study shows the wanted behaviour of this approach: the feature number decreases whereas the recognition rate increases. Thus, the number of generated fuzzy rules is reduced
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