29 research outputs found

    Nonorientable biembeddings of Steiner triple systems

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    Constructions due to Ringel show that there exists a nonorientable face 2-colourable triangular embedding of the complete graph on n vertices (equivalently a nonorientable biembedding of two Steiner triple systems of order n) for all n≡3 (mod 6) with n9. We prove the corresponding existence theorem for n≡1 (mod 6) with n13

    On the bi-embeddability of certain Steiner triple systems of order 15

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    There are 80 non-isomorphic Steiner triple systems of order 15. A standard listing of these is given in Mathon et al.(1983, Ars Combin., 15, 3–110). We prove that systems #1 and #2 have no bi-embedding together in an orientable surface. This is the first known example of a pair of Steiner triple systems of ordern , satisfying the admissibility condition n ≡ 3 or 7(mod 12), which admits no orientable bi-embedding. We also show that the same pair has five non-isomorphic bi-embeddings in a non-orientable surface

    Orientable biembeddings of cyclic Steiner triple systems from current assignments on Möbius ladder graphs

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    We give a characterization of a current assignment on the bipartite Möbius ladder graph with 2n+1 rungs. Such an assignment yields an index one current graph with current group that generates an orientable face 2-colorable triangular embedding of the complete graph K12n+7 or, equivalently, an orientable biembedding of two cyclic Steiner triple systems of order 12n+7. We use our characterization to construct Skolem sequences that give rise to such current assignments. These produce many nonisomorphic orientable biembeddings of cyclic Steiner triple systems of order 12n+7

    A lower bound for the number of orientable triangular embeddings of some complete graphs

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    We prove that, for a certain positive constant a and for an infinite set of values of n, the number of nonisomorphic face 2-colourable triangular embeddings of the complete graph Kn in an orientable surface is at least nan2

    Exponential families of non-isomorphic triangulations of complete graphs

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    We prove that the number of non-isomorphic face 2-colourable triangulations of the complete graph KnK_n in an orientable surface is at least 2n2/54−O(n)2^{n^2/54 -O(n)} for nn congruent to 7 or 19 modulo 36, and is at least 22n2/81−O(n)2^{2n^2/81 -O(n)} for nn congruent to 19 or 55 modulo 108

    Pasch trades with a negative block

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    A Steiner triple system of order vv, STS(vv), may be called \emph{equivalent} to another STS(vv) if one can be converted to the other by a sequence of three simple operations involving Pasch trades with a single negative block. It is conjectured that any two STS(vv)s on the same base set are equivalent in this sense. We prove that the equivalence class containing a given system SS on a base set VV contains all the systems that can be obtained from SS by any sequence of well over one hundred distinct trades, and that this equivalence class contains all isomorphic copies of SS on VV. We also show that there are trades which cannot be effected by means of Pasch trades with a single negative block

    Modular gracious labellings of trees

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    A gracious labelling g of a tree is a graceful labelling in which, treating the tree as a bipartite graph, the label of any edge (d,u) (d a 'down' and u an 'up' vertex) is g(u) - g(d). A gracious k-labelling is one such that each residue class modulo k has teh 'correct' numbers of vertex and edge labels -- that is, the numbers that arise by interpreting the labels of a gracious labelling modulo k. In this paper it is shown that every non-null tree has a gracious k-labelling for each k = 2,3,4,5

    On colourings of Steiner triple systems

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    A Steiner triple system, STS(v), is said to be χ-chromatic if the points can be coloured using χ colours, but no fewer, such that no block is monochromatic. All known 3-chromatic STS(v) are also equitably colourable, i.e. there exists a 3-colouring in which the cardinalities of the colour classes differ by at most one. We present examples of 3-chromatic STS(v) which do not admit equitable 3-colourings. We also present further examples of systems with unique and balanced colouring

    Biembeddings of Latin squares and Hamiltonian decompositions

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    Face 2-colourable triangulations of complete tripartite graphs Kn,n,nK_{n,n,n} correspond to biembeddings of Latin squares. Up to isomorphism, we give all such embeddings for n=3,4,5n=3,4,5 and 6, and we summarize the corresponding results for n=7n=7. Closely related to these are Hamiltonian decompositions of complete bipartite directed graphs Kn,n∗K^*_{n,n}, and we also give computational results for these in the cases n=3,4,5n=3,4,5 and 6

    Configurations and trades in Steiner triple systems

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    The main result of this paper is the determination of all pairwise nonisomorphic trade sets of volume at most 10 which can appear in Steiner triple systems. We also enumerate partial Steiner triple systems having at most 10 blocks as well as configurations with no points of degree 1 and tradeable configurations having at most 12 blocks. AMS classification: 05B0