65 research outputs found

    A modification of the convective constraint release mechanism in the molecular stress function model giving enhanced vortex growth

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    The molecular stress function model with convective constraint release (MSF with CCR) constitutive model [J. Rheol. 45 (2001), 1387] is capable of fitting all viscometric data for IUPAC LDPE, with only two adjustable parameters (with difference found only on reported Âżsteady-stateÂż elongational viscosities). The full MSF with CCR model is implemented in a backwards particle-tracking implementation, using an adaptive method for the computation of relative stretch that reduces simulation time many-fold, with insignificant loss of accuracy. The model is shown to give improved results over earlier versions of the MSF (without CCR) when compared to well-known experimental data from White and Kondo [J. non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 3 (1977), 41]; but still to under-predict contraction flow opening angles. The discrepancy is traced to the interaction between the rotational dissipative function and the large stretch levels caused by the contraction flow. A modified combination of dissipative functions in the constraint release mechanism is proposed, which aims to reduce this interaction to allow greater strain hardening in a mixed flow. The modified constraint release mechanism is shown to fit viscometric rheological data equally well, but to give opening angles in the complex contraction flow that are much closer to the experimental data from White and Kondo. It is shown (we believe for the first time) that a constitutive model demonstrates an accurate fit to all planar elongational, uniaxial elongational and shear viscometric data, with a simultaneous agreement with this well-known experimental opening angle data. The sensitivity of results to inaccuracies caused by representing the components of the deformation gradient tensor to finite precision is examined; results are found to be insensitive to even large reductions in the precision used for the representation of components. It is shown that two models that give identical response in elongational flow, and a very similar fit to available shear data, give significantly different results in flows containing a mix of deformation modes. The implication for constitutive models is that evaluation against mixed deformation mode flow data is desirable in addition to evaluation against viscometric measurements

    Loop Quantum Gravity: An Inside View

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    This is a (relatively) non -- technical summary of the status of the quantum dynamics in Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). We explain in detail the historical evolution of the subject and why the results obtained so far are non -- trivial. The present text can be viewed in part as a response to an article by Nicolai, Peeters and Zamaklar [hep-th/0501114]. We also explain why certain no go conclusions drawn from a mathematically correct calculation in a recent paper by Helling et al [hep-th/0409182] are physically incorrect.Comment: 58 pages, no figure

    Triage of patients with venous and lymphatic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic – The Venous and Lymphatic Triage and Acuity Scale (VELTAS):: A consensus document of the International Union of Phlebology (UIP), Australasian College of Phlebology (ACP), American Vein and Lymphatic Society (AVLS), American Venous Forum (AVF), European College of Phlebology (ECoP), European Venous Forum (EVF), Interventional Radiology Society of Australasia (IRSA), Latin American Venous Forum, Pan-American Society of Phlebology and Lymphology and the Venous Association of India (VAI)

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic has resulted in diversion of healthcare resources to the management of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus. Elective interventions and surgical procedures in most countries have been postponed and operating room resources have been diverted to manage the pandemic. The Venous and Lymphatic Triage and Acuity Scale was developed to provide an international standard to rationalise and harmonise the management of patients with venous and lymphatic disorders or vascular anomalies. Triage urgency was determined based on clinical assessment of urgency with which a patient would require medical treatment or surgical intervention. Clinical conditions were classified into six categories of: (1) venous thromboembolism (VTE), (2) chronic venous disease, (3) vascular anomalies, (4) venous trauma, (5) venous compression and (6) lymphatic disease. Triage urgency was categorised into four groups and individual conditions were allocated to each class of triage. These included (1) medical emergencies (requiring immediate attendance), example massive pulmonary embolism; (2) urgent (to be seen as soon as possible), example deep vein thrombosis; (3) semiurgent (to be attended to within 30-90 days), example highly symptomatic chronic venous disease, and (4) discretionary/nonurgent- (to be seen within 6-12 months), example chronic lymphoedema. Venous and Lymphatic Triage and Acuity Scale aims to standardise the triage of patients with venous and lymphatic disease or vascular anomalies by providing an international consensus-based classification of clinical categories and triage urgency. The scale may be used during pandemics such as the current COVID-19 crisis but may also be used as a general framework to classify urgency of the listed conditions

    Effectiveness of a placebo intervention on visually induced nausea in women – A randomized controlled pilot study.

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    Objective Improvement of nausea by placebo interventions has recently been demonstrated in clinical trials and experimental settings. However, many questions regarding placebo effects on nausea remain unanswered. For example, nausea reduction in women could only be achieved when the placebo intervention was “enhanced” by conditioning, while men responded primarily to verbally suggested improvement. It is unclear whether these findings are generalizable or were due to situational variables. In this pilot study, we investigated the effects of sham acupuncture point stimulation and verbal suggestions on visually-induced nausea in a female population. Methods In a within-subjects design, 21 healthy female volunteers underwent both a placebo condition and a natural history condition (control condition) in a randomized order on two separate days. On both days, nausea was induced through optokinetic stimulation. On the placebo day, participants received sham acupuncture point stimulation together with positive verbal suggestions of nausea improvement. Expected and perceived nausea severity as well as symptoms of motion sickness were repeatedly assessed. Results Twenty participants completed both testing days. Participants developed significantly less nausea on the placebo day compared to the control day (p < 0.001), and the effect size of placebo-induced nausea reduction was large (partial η2 = 0.71). Symptoms of motion sickness were also reduced (p = 0.003). Expectation of nausea decreased following the placebo intervention as compared to no treatment (p = 0.030), indicating successful expectancy manipulation. Conclusion Sham acupuncture point stimulation combined with verbal suggestions induced a significant placebo effect on visually-induced nausea in women

    The role of tactile stimulation for expectation, perceived treatment assignment and the placebo effect in an experimental nausea paradigm.

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    Introduction: Tactile stimulation during a placebo treatment could enhance its credibility and thereby boost positive treatment expectations and the placebo effect. This experimental study aimed to investigate the interplay between tactile stimulation, expectation, and treatment credibility for the placebo effect in nausea. Methods: Ninety healthy participants were exposed to a 20-min vection stimulus on two separate days and were randomly allocated to one of three groups on the second day after the baseline period: Placebo transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) with tactile stimulation (n = 30), placebo TENS without tactile stimulation (n = 30), or no intervention (n = 30). Placebo TENS was performed for 20 min at a dummy acupuncture point on both forearms. Expected and perceived nausea severity and further symptoms of motion sickness were assessed at baseline and during the evaluation period. At the end of the experiment, participants in the placebo groups guessed whether they had received active or placebo treatment. Results: Expected nausea decreased significantly more in the placebo groups as compared to the no treatment control group (interaction day × group, F = 6.60, p = 0.003, partial η2 = 0.20), with equal reductions in the two placebo groups (p = 1.0). Reduced expectation went along with a significant placebo effect on nausea (interaction day × group, F = 22.2, p < 0.001, partial η2 = 0.35) with no difference between the two placebo groups (p = 1.0). Twenty-three out of 29 participants in the tactile placebo group (79%) but only 14 out of 30 participants (47%) in the non-tactile placebo group believed that they had received the active intervention (p = 0.015). Bang’s blinding index (BI) indicated random guessing in the non-tactile placebo group (BI = 0; 95% CI, −0.35 to 0.35) and non-random guessing in the direction of an “opposite guess” in the tactile placebo group (BI = −0.52; 95% CI, −0.81 to −0.22). Conclusion: Tactile stimulation during placebo TENS did not further enhance positive treatment expectations and the placebo effect in nausea but increased the credibility of the intervention. Further trials should investigate the interaction between perceived treatment assignment, expectation, and the placebo effect during the course of a trial

    Effects of placebo interventions on subjective and objective markers of appetite-a randomized controlled trial.

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    Objective: Patients' expectations about the benefit of an intervention are important determinants of the placebo effect. Little is known about the extent to which expectations influence outcomes of treatments in the field of appetite regulation. This study aimed to investigate the effects of treatment-related expectations on subjective and objective markers of appetite.Methods: 90 healthy participants of normal weight were randomly allocated to either an appetite-enhancing placebo group, a satiety-enhancing placebo group, or a control group. All participants received a placebo capsule along with group-specific verbal suggestions to either be appetite-promoting, or satiety-enhancing, or to have no effect on appetite. Before and during the 2 h following randomization, participants were repeatedly asked to rate feelings of hunger and satiety on visual analog scales (VAS), and blood samples were taken repeatedly to assess plasma ghrelin levels as a physiological marker of hunger.Results: In comparison to the control group, the satiety-enhancing placebo intervention significantly reduced appetite and increased satiety. The appetite-enhancing placebo intervention did not alter subjective levels of hunger, but increased plasma ghrelin levels in females.Conclusions: Results provide the first experimental evidence that appetite-regulating placebo interventions can elicit a psychobiological response. Expectations are important factors to consider when evaluating the effects of interventions in the field of appetite regulation

    Central correlates of placebo effects in nausea differ between men and women.

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite growing evidence validating placebo effects in nausea, little is known about the underlying cortical mechanisms in women and men. Therefore, the present study examined sex differences and electroencephalography (EEG) characteristics of the placebo effect on nausea. METHODS: On 2 consecutive days, 90 healthy subjects (45 females) were exposed to a nauseating visual stimulus. Nausea was continuously rated on an 11-point numeric rating scale, and 32 EEG channels were recorded. On day 2, subjects were randomly allocated to either placebo treatment or no treatment: the placebo group received sham acupuncture, whereas the control group did not receive any intervention. RESULTS: In contrast to the control group, both sexes in the placebo group showed reduced signs for anticipatory nausea in the EEG, indexed by increased frontal lobe and anterior cingulate activity. Among women, the improvement in perceived nausea in the placebo group was accompanied by decreased activation in the parietal, frontal, and temporal lobes. In contrast, the placebo-related improvement of perceived nausea in men was accompanied by increased activation in the limbic and sublobar (insular) lobes. CONCLUSION: Activation of the parietal lobe in women during the placebo intervention may reflect altered afferent activity from gastric mechanoreceptors during nausea-induced tachyarrhythmia, whereas in men, altered interoceptive signals in the insular cortex might play a role. Thus, the results suggest different cerebral mechanisms underlying the placebo effects in men and women, which could have implications for the treatment of nausea
