297 research outputs found

    Critical powder loading and the rheology of nanosized cemented carbide with titanium carbide as grain growth inhibitor for injection molding

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine the critical powder loading of WC-Co and to study the effect of TiC powder on the rheological behavior of MIM feedstock. WC-TiC-6Co metal powder was taken as raw material. 60% (mass fraction) palm stearin and 40% low density polyethylene were employed as binders to prepare injection feedstock. Three feedstocks were prepared at different TiC % loadings of 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 (by weight). A homogeneous metal powders is formed by using ball mill mixer and mixed together with binder system by using Brabender mixer. Based on the result obtained, it was concluded that feedstock with 0.75 wt. % TiC powder show a good pseudo-plastic behavior within acceptable ranges in MIM


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    An issue involving a civil rights council against the Bolorejo village government in the court of tulungagung district registration number 18/Pdt.G/2018/PN TLG is an example of an unlawful act perpetrated by the Bolorejo village government. This is because the government of the Bolorejo village wants to take control and use the mountain bolo hill area located in Bolorejo village, by Kauman district, tulunggreat district, as a tourist resort, which can provide an interest and icon for Bolorejo village. But the goal of developing the tourist area has been deemed illegal due to the use of the mountain bolo hill area which is a legitimate burial site on behalf of a true community. The status of the land in the foothill of mount bolo still as eigendom vorponding, is the reason government of the Bolorejo village used the cemetery as a tourist resort without first applying permission to the established peace association and holding the rights of the former western right since 1912

    Seed Quality of Greengram Stored in Different Storage Environment

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    A laboratory experiment was conducted with mungbean seeds kept in three different containers. Three containers were tin pot, poly bag and jute bag and stored at room temperature and RH for three months (23 June-23 September) in the Laboratory of Agronomy Department, Sher-e- Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh to study their storage behavior, germination percentage and quality. The seed of jute bag came to the contact with air and their moisture contents was decreased from initial moisture content and remained near to their Equilibrium Moisture content (EMC), moisture content of the seeds of jute bag was found decreased from 7.50% to 16.70% within 6 weeks of storage. But moisture contents of seeds of tin pot and poly bag remained approximate constant throughout 7 weeks period. As tin pot and poly bag was more or less air tight so the seeds of these container could not come to the contact with ambient room air, resulting no significant change of their moisture content. Germination capacity of the seeds of tin pot was found decreased from 78% to 68% and 77% to 58% in the seeds of poly bag. Germination capacity of the seeds of jute bag was found decreased from 73% to 48%t in 5th week of storage. So, the germination capacity was also found a little bit higher than the seeds of other containers. Considering three different container, tin pot container has been proved much more safe and secured than jute bag or poly bag container

    RANKL/RANK/OPG Pathway: A Mechanism Involved in Exercise-Induced Bone Remodeling

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    Bones as an alive organ consist of about 70 mineral and 30 organic component. About 200 million people are suffering from osteopenia and osteoporosis around the world. There are multiple ways of protecting bone from endogenous and exogenous risk factors. Planned physical activity is another useful way for protecting bone health. It has been investigated that arranged exercise would effectively regulate bone metabolism. Until now, a number of systems have discovered how exercise could help bone health. Previous studies reported different mechanisms of the effect of exercise on bone health by modulation of bone remodeling. However, the regulation of RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway in exercise and physical performance as one of the most important remodeling systems is not considered comprehensive in previous evidence. Therefore, the aim of this review is to clarify exercise influence on bone modeling and remodeling, with a concentration on its role in regulating RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway. © 2020 Mohammad Tobeiha et al


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Sumedang pada bulan Januarihingga April 2009 dengan tujuan untuk menggali kearifan lokalpenggunaan selasih dalam pengendalian hama lalat buah. Sumedangmerupakan sentra produksi mangga, sehingga menjadi sumber matapencaharian utama bagi beberapa petani. Lalat buah merupakan hamautama pada komoditas mangga di Sumedang yang mengakibatkankerugian berupa kuantitas dengan rontoknya buah-buahan yang terserangdan berupa kualitas, yaitu busuknya mangga yang terserang. Penelitiandirancang dalam acak kelompok, empat perlakuan dan enam ulangan.Perlakuan terdiri dari pestisida nabati formula petani berupa (1) air sulingselasih, (2) minyak selasih petani, (3) minyak selasih yang diproses diBalittro, (4) atraktan lalat buah yang sudah dikomersialkan (pembanding).Semua formula diteteskan sebanyak 0,25 ml pada gumpalan kapas, kecualiair suling selasih dengan cara mencelupkan kapas ke dalam air sulingnya,kemudian ditempatkan di dalam botol perangkap yang terbuat dari botolminuman air mineral volume 600 ml dan digantungkan pada pohonmangga setinggi 2 m di atas permukaan tanah yang ditempatkan secaraacak. Penempatan perangkap dilakukan pada enam blok kebun yangterpisah dan merupakan ulangan. Aplikasi formula hanya dilakukan satukali, untuk melihat daya tahan masing-masing formula dalam me-merangkap lalat buah di lapangan. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap mingguterhadap jumlah, jenis dan kelamin lalat buah yang terperangkap sertakandungan bahan aktif pada masing-masing formula dengan menggunakanGas Kromatografi. Aspek sosial ekonomi dilakukan terhadap 30 orangpetani yang diambil secara acak, termasuk pedagang buah dengan carawawancara melalui kuesioner yang telah dipersiapkan. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pestisida selasih sebagai atraktan untukmengendalikan hama lalat buah, dapat menurunkan penggunaan pestisidasebanyak 62%, menurunkan tingkat kerusakan buah-buahan sebesar 34%dan meningkatkan hasil sebesar 73%. Air suling selasih dengan kandunganmetil eugenol sebesar 0,46% mampu memerangkap hama lalat buahselama satu minggu, setelah itu perlu aplikasi ulang pada setiapminggunya, sedangkan minyak selasih hasil petani dengan kandunganmetil eugenol sebesar 77,9% mampu memerangkap hama lalat buahselama satu bulan, setara dengan minyak selasih yang diproses di Balittrodengan kandungan metil eugenol sebesar 73,6% dan lebih baik daripadaatraktan lalat buah komersial yang mengandung metil eugenol sebesar75%. Lalat buah yang terperangkap didominasi oleh spesies Bactroceradorsalis (97%) dan sisanya adalah Bactrocera umbrosus (3%) sertadidominasi oleh lalat buah berkelamin jantan.Kata kunci : Ocimum minimum, Bactrocera dorsalis, Mangifera indicaABSTRACTUsing Ocimum spp. on controlling fruit flies on mangoThe objective of the research is to digest indigenous technology(local wisdom) of using botanical pesticide in controlling fruit flies.Research was conducted by evaluating the effectiveness of farmerstechnology (indigenous knowledge) in formulating botanical pesticide forcontrolling fruit flies (fruit flies attractant), compared to fruit fliesattractant formulated in the laboratory of Indonesian Medicinal andAromatic Research Institute (IMACRI) and commercial fruit fliesattractant. Research was arranged by randomized block design, fourtreatments and six replications. Treatments consist of (1) farmerstechnology, i.e. distilled water of basil (Ocimum spp.), (2) farmerstechnology, i.e. essential oil of basil (Ocimum spp.), (3) essential oil ofbasil formulated in IMACRI and (4) commercial attractant. Each formulawas dropped as much as 0.25 ml on cotton bud, except distilled water ofbasil which is applied by dipping the cotton bud into the distilled water,placing it in the trap made from 600 ml volume drinking water, thenhanging it as high as 2 m on the mango tree. Dropping of formula wasdone just one time to evaluate the duration of attractant on trapping fruitflies in the field. Observations were done every week on the number,species, sex ratio of fruit flies trapped, and the duration of attractant abilityon trapping fruit flies in the field. The active ingredient of formula wasanalyzed by Gas Chromatograph conducted in IMACRI. The social andeconomy aspects were done by interviewing the farmers throughquestionnaires. The number of the farmers interviewed were 30 farmers,including the trader of mango. Result showed that indigenous technologyof the farmer was effective and efficient since it can decrease the use ofpesticide as much as 62% and decrease fruit damage as much as 34% andincrease their income as much as 73%. Technology of farmers in the formof distilled water of basil could stand as long as a week on trapping fruitflies, hence its application must be repeated every week. Meanwhile in theform of essential oil could stand for one month and is not significantlydifferent with attractant formulated in IMACRI, even better thancommercial attractant, hence its application can be done every month.Only male fruit flies can be trapped and most of them consist ofBactrocera dorsalis species (97%) and the rest is Bactrocera umbrosusspecies (3%). The active ingredient content (Methyl eugenol – C 12  H 24 O 2 )in the distilled water of basil is 0.43%. Meanwhile in essential oil of thefarmer is 77.9% and in essential oil of IMACRI is 73.6% and incommercial attractant is 75%.Key words : Ocimum minimum, Bactrocera dorsalis, Mangifera indic

    Optimization of injection molding parameters for WC-TaC-6Co

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    The main purpose of this paper is to optimize the injection moulding parameters of WC-Co with TaC as Grain Growth Inhibitor (GGI), through Design of Experiment – Taguchi Method. The selected responses that need to be controlled are shrinkage and warpage. The parameters that were taken into considerations were GGI percentage, injection temperature, injection pressure and injection speed. In this study, L9 (34) orthogonal array from Taguchi Method was chosen as experimental setup and the responses were analyzed using Minitab version 16. Best parameters combinations chosen are, GGI (0.8 wt. % and 1.2 wt. %), injection temperature (145°C), injection pressure (45% and 55%) and injection speed (40%) for minimal shrinkage and warpage. Based on these findings, it is concluded that by controlling the optimum parameter setting, best quality of desired product can be easily achieved and maintained throughout the process

    Effect of mulching and organic manure on growth and yield performance of wheat

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    An experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in Rabi season (dry season) of 2014 to study the effect of mulching and organic manure on growth and yield performance of wheat. Five mulching practices viz. M1=1 irrigation at 17-21 days after sowing (DAS), M2=2 irrigations at 17-21 and 55-60 DAS, M3=3 irrigations at 17-21, 55-60 and 75-80 DAS, M4=control, M5=straw mulch (6 t ha-1) and five organic manure managements viz. O1=recommended chemical fertilizer (NPKS @ 100-23-20-16 kg ha-1), O2=poultry manure @ 6 t ha-1 (100% PM), O3=vermicompost @ 8 t ha-1 (100% VC), O4=50% chemical fertilizer+50% VC and O5=50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM were used as experimental variables. The experiment was conducted in split-plot design with three replications. The results showed that mulching had significant influence on all attributes. The highest values of all attributes were found in straw mulch treatment. It was observed that organic manure had significant influences on all characters. The highest values of yield and yield attributes were found in O5 (50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment. It was observed that effective tillers hill-1, grain yield and straw yield were significantly affected by combined effect of mulching and organic manure. The highest values obtained from mulching and O5 (50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment. Therefore, it can be inferred from the results of the study that highest production could be obtained from mulching and O5 (50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment

    Tindakan Hukum Terhadap Terduga Teroris Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam, Hukum Positif, dan Hak Asasi Manusia

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    The purpose of this research is to know the legal action done by the law enforcement officer towards the suspect of terorism in Islamic law perspective, Indonesian’s positive law, and Human Rights. This research employs a research method that is descriptive normative law approach. The kind of this research is descriptive normative research. Data used is from the secondary sources which is consist of primary law sources, secondary law sources and tertiary law sources. The data collection technique used in this research is though literature study. The result of this research in Islamic law perspective is based on Quran and Hadist. The next is the legal action towards the suspect of terorism in positive law perspective is based on the KUHAP and the Terorism Constitution, and the last is the legal action towards terorism suspects in Human Rights perspective is based on Human Rights Constitution. The conclusion of this research is there still can be found the violation on field done by the law enforcement officer in handling the suspect of terorism where contradictive with 3 (three) rules of law that are Islamic law, Indonesian Positive law and Human Rights


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    The diversity of crabs in the Malalayang One coast is thought to vary between research locations and limited information on biota that live on rocky, sandy and muddy coastal beaches. Sampling was carried out at low tide at night by capturing directly using a protected hand and for lighting with the help of a flashlight. The collected samples were taken to the Aquaculture Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, UNSRAT to be identified and for diversity using the Shanon-winer mathematical formula. The results of crabs obtained at five coastal locations on the coast of Malalayang, Manado, with a total of 106 with 7 species, namely Metopograpsus latifrons, Sesarmops impressus, Ocypode kuhlii, Macrophthalmus mareotis depressus, Uca vocans dussumieri, Grapsus Longitarsis and Grapsus albolineatus.Keywords: Crab, Morphology, Diversity, Coastal Ecosystem
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