549 research outputs found

    Incidence and type of bicuspid aortic valve in two model species

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    Incidence and type of bicuspid aortic valve in two model species. MC Fernández 1,2, A López-García 1,2, MT Soto 1, AC Durán 1,2 and B Fernández 1,2. 1 Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Málaga, Spain. 2 Biomedical Research Institute of Málaga (IBIMA), University of Málaga, Spain. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most frequent human congenital cardiac malformation, with an incidence of 1–2% worldwide. Two morphological types exist: type A (incidence 0.75–1.25%) and type B (incidence 0.25–0.5%), each with a distinct aetiology and natural history. Currently, ten animal models of BAV have been described in two different rodent species: one spontaneous Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) model of BAV type A and nine mutant laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) models of BAV type B. It remains to be elucidated whether the mutations leading to BAV in these models are typespecific or whether there are inter-specific differences regarding the type of BAV that hamsters, mice and humans may develop. To solve this issue, we have characterized the incidence and types of BAVs in four inbred, two outbred and two hybrid lines of Syrian hamsters (n=4,340) and in three inbred, three outbred and one hybrid lines of laboratory mice (n=1,661) by means of stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, we have reviewed and calculated the incidence and type of BAVs in the published papers dealing with this anomaly in mice. Our results indicate that the Syrian hamster develops BAVs type A and B including a variety of morphologies comparable to those of humans, whereas the mouse develops only BAVs type B with a short spectrum of valve morphologies. Thus, inter-specific differences between human and mouse aortic valves must be taken into consideration when studying valve disease in murine models. This work was supported by P10-CTS-6068.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. P10-CTS-6068

    Ultraestructura y desarrollo de la pared celular del grano de polen del olivo (Olea europaea): II. Zona apertural

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    En el estadía de joven microspora, la zona de las tres aperturas de l grano de Ol ea europaea presenta una diferenciación de la endexina en forma de lente biconvexa, con estructuras lame lares en su interior . La zona basal de la exina va disminuyendo hasta desaparecer en la región de l as aperturas, al mismo tiempo que lo hace l a parte escul t urada, que también se hace mínima en la zona central de la apertura . Durante la vacuolación de la microspora se i nicia la formación de la intina, que en las aperturas adquiere forma de bolsa o casquete cargada de túbulos, formados de evaginaciones del plasmal ema . El número de estos túbulos aumenta considerablemente a lo largo de la formación del grano bice l ul ar siendo siempre su contenido poco denso. La lente biconvexa de la endexina desaparece com9, tal , al producirse un aumento de volumen del grano y como consecuencia de una mayor extensión de la región apertura!. En la parte externa y central de la apertura se observa materi al fibrilar denso a los electrones. En el pqlen maduro los túbulos de l a intina apertura! de jan de estar en contacto con e l plasmalema, siendo su contenido cada vez más denso a los electrones. Previa a la dehiscencia de la antera, la zona apertura! est á muy abultada, desapareciendo en el ápice cualquier componente de la exi na. Se discu ten nuestros resultados en relaci ón con los de otros autoresIn t he stage of the young microspore of Olea eur opaea, the endexine presents a differentiation in the zone of the three apertures which is lens- shaped in form, with lamellated structure with i n. The basal zone of the ex ine becomes thinner until i t di sappears, and similarly t he sculptured part al so becomes minimal in the central zone of the aperture . During microspore vacuolation t he fo r mation of intine starts. In the apertur es the i nti ne takes the form of a bag 1 l oaded wi th tubul es 1 which are m a de out o f plasmal ema evaginations. The number of these tubules increases during the formation of the bicellular pollen grain whose contents are a l ways non dense . The biconvex l ens on the endexine disappears as such be cause of the increase in grain size and as a consequence of t he extension in the area of t he aperture . At the outer surface of the pollen apertures fi brillar el ectron dense material can be observed. In the mature grain the tubules of the apertura! intine lose contact wi th the plasmal enma and t heir contents be come dense to electrons. Prior to the dehiscence of the anther, thP. zone of the apertures is very bul ky and no component of the exine is present in t he aperture apex. Our resul ts are discussed i n relation to those or other author s

    Ultraestructura y desarrollo de la pared celular del grano de polen del olivo (Olea europaea): I. Zona interapertural

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    Se hace un estudio ultraestructural de la pared del grano de polen del olivo (Olea europaea), relacionando su desa rrol l o can la evolución de l grano , desde el estado de microspora j oven hasta l a dehiscencia de l a a ntera . Cuando la microspora se encuentra libre en el 16cul o de la antera ya es tá totalmente definida la exi na . Durante la vacuolación de la microspora se consol ida la exina estructurada por un aporte de e sporopolenina . En este tiempo también se i nicia la deposición de la i ntina. Durante la f ormación del gr ano bicelular se deposita entre l as arcadas de l a exina, una cubierta externa de materi al fi brilar densa a los electrones , procedente del t a pe tum, y presum i blemente de naturaleza proteica . Finalmente, c uando la a ntera ya está preparada para l a deh i scencia, se comple t a l a pared del g r ano con un mater ial de apar i encia l ipídica. La presencia de est e material e n el lócul o de la antera coincide con la degeneración del tapetum.The sequen ti al development of the wall of t he pollen gr ain of the olive (Olea europaea) from young microspore stage t o anther dechiscence i s descri bed. When the microspore i s released from t he tetrad and t he cal lase spec i al wall is degr aded , the exine is clearly establ ished. At t he time of vacuolation of the microspore cytoplasm the exine structur e i s consol idated wi th new sporopollenin from t he tapetum and this coi ncider wi t h t he o nset of intine development . Dur i ng t he formation of the bicel l ular g r ain, a fibril lar e l ectron dense coating material i s found i n t he i nterbacul at" s pac es . This coating probably has a protein nature produced f r om tapetum . Final l y , when the anther is r eady for deh iscence , t he pollen grain wal l is completed wi th a weak grey- stained dense mass which i s pro bably lipoida l in nature , located between t he exi ne arcade . The appear a nce ol these l i p idic globul es coinc ides •Ni th t he degeneration of tapetum ce l l

    Different laboratory mouse strains show distinct coronary artery patterns

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    Different laboratory mouse strains show distinct coronary artery patterns. MC Fernández 1,2, A López-García 1,2, M Lorenzale 1, V Sans-Coma 1,2, AC Durán 1,2 and B Fernández 1,2. 1 Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Málaga, Spain. 2 Biomedical Research Institute of Málaga (IBIMA), University of Málaga, Spain. The C57BL/6 (BL/6) mouse strain is one of the most common models in research involving laboratory animals, particularly on studies of the cardiovascular system. It has been reported (Fernandez B, et al. J Anat 2008 212(1):12–18) that this strain presents an unusual coronary artery (CA) pattern, including congenital CA anomalies, which are clinically relevant in humans. The aim of the present study was to elucidate whether this pattern is strain-specific or appears in other mouse populations. We used stereomicroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, and a corrosion cast technique in 597 adult mice belonging to three inbred strains (BL/6, Balb/c, DBA/2), three outbred stocks (CD1, OF1, NMR1), two hybrid lines (129sv x BL/6, CD2F1) and wild mice. Lock-like ostium was only detected in BL/6 mice, whereas left septal artery, accessory ostium, high take-off, intramural course, and solitary ostium of one CA in aorta were present in different laboratory strains and in wild mice. However, each mouse population showed a specific incidence of these coronary conditions. These results should be taken into account when studying the murine coronary system, especially in CA occlusion experiments and in studies on cardiovascular development involving murine mutant lines. In addition, we propose that several laboratory mouse strains may serve as appropriate animal models to study several clinically relevant human congenital anomalies of the CAs. Our results suggest that some of these CA anomalies are subject to a simple mode of inheritance. This work was supported by P10-CTS-6068 and PI- 0888-2012.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. P10-CTS-6068. PI-0888-201

    Proteomic Applications in the Study of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are undifferentiated cells with an unlimited capacity for self-renewal and able to differentiate towards specific lineages under appropriate conditions. MSCs are, a priori, a good target for cell therapy and clinical trials as an alternative to embryonic stem cells, avoiding ethical problems and the chance for malignant transformation in the host. However, regarding MSCs, several biological implications must be solved before their application in cell therapy, such as safe ex vivo expansion and manipulation to obtain an extensive cell quantity amplification number for use in the host without risk accumulation of genetic and epigenetic abnormalities. Cell surface markers for direct characterization of MSCs remain unknown, and the precise molecular mechanisms whereby growth factors stimulate their differentiation are still missing. In the last decade, quantitative proteomics has emerged as a promising set of techniques to address these questions, the answers to which will determine whether MSCs retain their potential for use in cell therapy. Proteomics provides tools to globally analyze cellular activity at the protein level. This proteomic profiling allows the elucidation of connections between broad cellular pathways and molecules that were previously impossible to determine using only traditional biochemical analysis. However; thus far, the results obtained must be orthogonally validated with other approaches. This review will focus on how these techniques have been applied in the evaluation of MSCs for their future applications in safe therapies.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI11/0279

    Estudio de las mineralizaciones de Plomo-Zinc-Cobre del Permotrías del Complejo Maláguide en los alrededores de Vélez-Rubio (Almería)

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    Tras un breve encuadre geológico regional del área estudiada, se comentan someramente las características del Complejo Maláguide en las inmediaciones de Vélez Rubio. Posteriormente se describen los aspectos litoestratigráficos y sedimentológicos de los materiales permotriásicos del Complejo Maláguide, con los cuales se ligan las mineralizaciones de Pb-Zn-Cu objeto de esta nota. Se distinguen cinco tramos litológicos fundamentales, que han sido correlacionados entre las diversas zonas con indicios de Pb-Zn. Los estudios sedimentológicos parecen indicar que la sucesión de estos tramos constituyen una secuencia positiva que abarca desde depósitos típicamente fluviales a sedimentos formados en medio lacustre o de aguas marinas someras. La mineralización, sobre todo de Pb, es objeto de un detallado estudio mineralógico y textural, en el cual se apoya la interpretación genética, que aboga por un origen sedimentario de la misma

    Lamin A Deregulation in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promotes an Impairment in their Chondrogenic Potential and Imbalance in their Response to Oxidative Stress

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    [Abstract] In the present study, we examined the effect of the over-expression of LMNA, or its mutant form progerin (PG), on the mesoderm differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from human umbilical cord (UC) stroma using a recently described differentiation model employing spheroid formation. Accumulation of lamin A (LMNA) was previously associated with the osteoarthritis (OA) chondrocyte phenotype. Mutations of this protein are linked to laminopathies and specifically to Hutchinson–Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS), an accelerated aging disease. Some authors have proposed that a deregulation of LMNA affects the differentiation potential of stem cells. The chondrogenic potential is defective in PG-MSCs, although both PG and LMNA transduced MSCs, have an increase in hypertrophy markers during chondrogenic differentiation. Furthermore, both PG and LMNA-MSCs showed a decrease in manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSODM), an increase of mitochondrial MnSODM-dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) and alterations in their migration capacity. Finally, defects in chondrogenesis are partially reversed by periodic incubation with ROS-scavenger agent that mimics MnSODM effect. Our results indicate that over-expression of LMNA or PG by lentiviral gene delivery leads to defects in chondrogenic differentiation potential partially due to an imbalance in oxidative stress.Servizo Galego de Saúde; PS07/86Instituto de Salud Carlos III; CIBER BBNCB06-01-0040Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI-11/0279

    Investigaciones Sobre Programación del Riego en Limonero y Olivo Mediante Medidas Directas y Continuas del Estado Hídrico.

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión del estado actual de conocimientos sobre aspectos relativos a la utilización de medidas continuas del estado hídrico del limonero y olivo para su utilización en la programación del riego, abarcando, esencialmente, aspectos tales como la sensibilidad de distintos indicadores del estado hídrico medidos de forma continua o discontinua en las plantas, su significado fisiológico, la obtención de niveles de referencia de los indicadores y primeros resultados sobre programación del riegoThe feasibility of irrigation scheduling in olive and lemon trees using continuously recorded plant-based water stress indicators was studied. For this, the characteristics of different plant-based water stress indicators (stem water potential, sap flow and trunk diameter fluctuations), their sensibility and limitations for water stress diagnosis purposes was discussed. The ways in which data can be interpreted, and protocols for irrigation scheduling was also described
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