22 research outputs found

    More efficient conservation and use of vegetable genetic resources in Europe: ECPGR achievement and perspectives

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    The European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) is a regional network funded by the European countries and coordinated by Bioversity International. The Vegetables Network with representatives of 42 countries, is one of the crop specific ECPGR networks (http://www.ecpgr.cgiar.org/ networks/vegetables.html). It consists of six Working Groups (WGs), i.e., on Allium, Brassica, Cucurbits, Leafy Vegetables, Solanaceae and Umbellifer Crops. Sharing responsibilities for the ex situ conservation of European vegetable crops genetic resources is the highest priority of the Vegetables Network. It is foreseen that the rationalization of the collections will lead to higher cost-efficiency, and improvement of plant genetic resources documentation and quality. These efforts will be continued within the framework of the AEGIS initiative (A European Genebank Integrated System) (http://www.aegis.cgiar.org/). Challenges for the Vegetables Network include the identification of the so-called Most Appropriate Accessions (MAA) for each crop for their inclusion in the decentrally managed European Collection, and the development of agreed crop specific technical standards for conservation. Achievements of the Network in recent years include the development of European Central Crop Databases (ECCDBs), quality standards for collection man-agement of seed-propagated crops and cryopreserved material, safety duplication improvement and definition of minimum characterization descriptors. Several EU-funded projects have initiated and accelerated the activities of the WGs. Apart from further improvements within the framework of AEGIS, the Network is planning a number of other initiatives, such as improving collaboration at the global level (Allium), developing molecular characterization protocols (lettuce), filling the gaps in the conservation of wild relatives (Brassica and Umbellifer Crops), and improving the Network’s communication with the scientific community and the public at large

    Solanaceae Genetic Resources in Europe

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    Solanaceae Genetic Resources in Europe

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    Report of a Working Group on Solanaceae : first meeting of the Working group and ad hoc meeting of the database managers, 14-17 Februari 2012, Menemen, Turkey

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    The Solanaceae Working Group (WG) of the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) has established six databases for the crops that form its mandate. These include three major crops (Eggplant, Pepper and Tomato) and three minor crops (Cyphomandra, Pepino and Physalis). The ad hoc meeting of the Solanaceae Database (DB) Managers took place on 14 February 2012, prior to the meeting of the whole Solanaceae WG from 15 to 17 February. Willem van Dooijeweert, Chair of the WG, welcomed the DB Managers and explained the objectives of the meeting. The idea of the ad hoc meeting of DB Managers was brought up at an ad hoc meeting of the Vegetables Network Coordinating Group (18 April 2008, Wageningen, The Netherlands), as a response to the requirement of the initiative for “A European Genebank Integrated System” (AEGIS) that each WG submit lists of accessions for inclusion in the European Collection. The meeting was seen as an opportunity for the five attending DB Managers to exchange knowledge and discuss problems related to the management of the databases and, in particular, to prepare for AEGIS. After the one-day meeting, the DB Managers would propose a common vision of the selection process of European Accessions at the WG meeting that was to follow. Ahead of their meeting, the DB Managers had compiled Excel working files containing all data of each crop, which were extracted from the European Plant Genetic Resources Catalogue (or European Internet Search Catalogue, EURISCO) and the Central Crop Databases (CCDBs)