23 research outputs found

    Quality of life and behavioral functioning in Dutch pediatric patients with hereditary spherocytosis

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and behavioral functioning in pediatric patients with hereditary spherocytosis (HS). A cross-sectional study was conducted in 132 Dutch children and adolescents with HS and aged 8-18 years of whom 48 underwent splenectomy prior to the study. HRQoL was assessed using the KIDSCREEN-27, and behavioral functioning was evaluated using the strength and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ). Scores of pediatric patients with HS were compared to a Dutch norm population. Additionally, the effects of three factors were assessed: fatigue, self-image, and parents' perceived vulnerability (measured with the checklist individual strength, the self-perception profile for children and adolescents, and the child vulnerability scale). Both unsplenectomised and splenectomised pediatric patients reported lower HRQoL on the domain physical well-being (KIDSCREEN-27) compared to Dutch peers. For behavioral functioning, parents of both groups reported more emotional problems (SDQ) compared to the norm population. Pediatric patients with lower scores on physical well-being experienced more fatigue. The patients' perceived social acceptance and parents' perceived vulnerability appeared as determinants of emotional problems. Conclusion: Pediatric patients in the current study generally report few complaints, and the results suggest that these patients overall have a strong ability to cope with HS. Despite these few complaints, fatigue and parents' perceived vulnerability seem to be important determinants for lower HRQoL and more emotional problems. Therefore, screening on these factors could serve as an addition to the treatment of HS, to help pediatric patients who are at risk for lower HRQoL or more emotional problems

    Onkruid vergaat wel! : handboek voor gifvrij beheer van groen en verhardingen in gemeenten

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    Op 31 mei 2002 vond in Zwolle een symposium plaats met als thema 'Gifvrij beheer van groen en verhardingen in gemeenten'. Het Platform diffuse bronnen provincie Utrecht en de regioteams diffuse bronnen van de provincies Gelderland en Overijssel willen gemeenten helpen bij het verminderen van het gebruik van chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen. Daarom is het handboek 'Onkruid vergaat wel!' gemaakt, dat tijdens het symposium gepresenteerd werd

    De chemie tussen gemeenten en onkruid; een inventarisatie van het gebruik van chemische onkruidbestrijdingsmiddelen van gemeenten in de provincie Utrecht

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    Het gebruik van chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen door gemeenten vormt een belangrijke bron van diffuse verontreiniging naar het milieu. Hierbij zijn met name de kwaliteit van het grond- en het oppervlaktewater aan de orde. In deze rapportage wordt het huidige en toekomstige gebruik van chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen bij het onderhoud van openbaar groen, verhardingen, sportvelden en begraafplaatsen door gemeenten in de provincie Utrecht beschreven. Tevens wordt geëvalueerd of het uitkomen van het handboek `Onkruid vergaat wel¿, effect heeft gehad op het gebruik van chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen door gemeenten

    Solar UV irradiation conditions on the surface of Mars

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    The UV radiation environment on planetary surfaces and within atmospheres is of importance in a wide range of scientific disciplines. Solar UV radiation is a driving force of chemical and organic evolution and serves also as a constraint in biological evolution. In this work we modeled the transmission of present and early solar UV radiation from 200 to 400 nm through the present-day and early (3.5 Gyr ago) Martian atmosphere for a variety of possible cases, including dust loading, observed and modeled O-3 concentrations. The UV stress on microorganisms and/or molecules essential for life was estimated by using DNA damaging effects (specifically bacteriophage T7 killing and uracil dimerization) for various irradiation conditions on the present and ancient Martian surface. Our study suggests that the UV irradiance on the early Martian surface 3.5 Gyr ago may have been comparable with that of present-day Earth, and though the current Martian UV environment is still quite severe from a biological viewpoint, we show that substantial protection can still be afforded under dust and ice

    CSF neurofilament and N-acetylaspartate related brain changes in clinically isolated syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Axonal damage is considered a major cause of disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) and may start early in the disease. Specific biomarkers for this process are of great interest. OBJECTIVE: To study if cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers for axonal damage reflect and predict disease progression already in the earliest stages of the disease, that is, in clinically isolated syndrome (CIS). METHODS: We assessed CSF levels of neurofilament heavy (NFH), neurofilament light (NFL) and N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in 67 patients with CIS and 18 controls with neuropsychiatric diseases of non-inflammatory aetiology (NC). Patients with CIS underwent baseline magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 3T, and a follow-up MRI after 1 year was obtained in 28 of them. RESULTS: Compared with NC, patients with CIS had higher NFH (p=0.05) and NFL (p<0.001) levels. No significant group differences were found for NAA. Patients’ NFH levels correlated with physical disability (r=0.304, p<0.05) and with change in brain volume over 1 year of follow-up (r=-0.518, p<0.01) but not with change in T2 lesion load. CONCLUSION: Our results confirm increased neurofilament levels already in CIS being related to the level of physical disability. The association of NFH levels with brain volume but not lesion volume changes supports the association of these markers with axonal damage