576 research outputs found

    Mechanical properties of tungsten alloys with Y2O3 and titanium additions

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    In this research the mechanical behaviour of pure tungsten (W) and its alloys (2 wt.% Ti–0.47 wt.% Y2O3 and 4 wt.% Ti–0.5 wt.% Y2O3) is compared. These tungsten alloys, have been obtained by powder metallurgy. The yield strength, fracture toughness and elastic modulus have been studied in the temperature interval of 25 °C to 1000 °C. The results have shown that the addition of Ti substantially improves the bending strength and toughness of W, but it also dramatically increases the DBTT. On the other hand, the addition of 0.5% Y2O3, is enough to improve noticeably the oxidation behaviour at the higher temperatures. The grain size, fractography and microstructure are studied in these materials. Titanium is a good grain growth inhibitor and effective precursor of liquid phase in HIP. The simultaneous presence of Y2O3 and Ti permits to obtain materials with low pores presenc

    Optimization of the management of platelet concentrate stocks in the Basque Country using mathematical simulation

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    Background and Objectives: The management of platelet concentrate (PC) stocks is not simple given their short shelf life and variable demand. In general, managers decide on PC production based on personal experience. The objective of this study was to provide a tool to help decide how many PC units to produce each day in a more rational and objective way. Materials and Methods: From the historical data on PCs produced, transfused and discarded in the Basque Country in 2012, a mathematical model was built, based on the normality of the time series of the transfusions performed on each day of the week throughout the year. This model was implemented in an easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet and validated using real production data from 2013. Results: Comparing with real 2013 data, in the best scenario, the number of PC units that expired was 87·7% lower, PC production, 14·3% lower and the age of the PCs transfused nearly 1-day younger in the simulation. If we want to ensure a minimum stock at the end of each day, the outdating rate and average age of the transfused PCs progressively increase. Conclusion: The practical application of the designed tool can facilitate decision-making about how many PC units to produce each day, resulting in very significant reductions in PC production and wastage and corresponding cost savings, together with an almost 1 day decrease in the mean age of PCs transfused

    Comportamiento mecánico de la aleación W+1%Y2O3 en función de la atmósfera y la temperatura

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    Mediante ensayos de flexión en tres puntos se compara y evalúa el comportamiento mecánico de la aleación W- 1wt%Y2O3 con el W puro fabricados ambos mediante HIP. Se ha obtenido la tenacidad de fractura, la resistencia a flexión y el límite elástico en atmósfera oxidante y de vacío en un intervalo de temperaturas comprendido entre -196 ºC, ensayos de inmersión en nitrógeno líquido, y 1200 ºC. Previamente, se ha medido la densidad, la dureza mediante ensayos Vickers y el módulo de elasticidad dinámico de los materiales. Además, la dureza y el módulo de elasticidad se han comparado con los obtenidos mediante ensayos instrumentados de nanoindentación. Finalmente se ha realizado un pequeño estudio de las superficies de fractura de las muestras ensayadas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido para poder relacionar el modo de rotura de los materiales y las propiedades mecánicas macroscópicas con los micromecanismos de fallo involucrados en función de la temperatura

    Mechanical characterisation of tungsten-1wt.% yttrium oxide as a function of temperature and atmosphere

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    This study evaluates the mechanical behaviour of an Y2O3-dispersed tungsten (W) alloy and compares it to a pure W reference material. Both materials were processed via mechanical alloying (MA) and subsequent hot isostatic pressing (HIP). We performed non-standard three-point bending (TPB) tests in both an oxidising atmosphere and vacuum across a temperature range from 77 K, obtained via immersion in liquid nitrogen, to 1473 K to determine the mechanical strength, yield strength and fracture toughness. This research aims to evaluate how the mechanical behaviour of the alloy is affected by oxides formed within the material at high temperatures, primarily from 873 K, when the materials undergo a massive thermal degradation. The results indicate that the alloy is brittle to a high temperature (1473 K) under both atmospheres and that the mechanical properties degrade significantly above 873 K. We also used Vickers microhardness tests and the dynamic modulus by impulse excitation technique (IET) to determine the elastic modulus at room temperature. Moreover, we performed nanoindentation tests to determine the effect of size on the hardness and elastic modulus; however, no significant differences were found. Additionally, we calculated the relative density of the samples to assess the porosity of the alloy. Finally, we analysed the microstructure and fracture surfaces of the tested materials via field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In this way, the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties and micromechanisms of failure could be determined based on the temperature and oxides forme

    Mechanical behavior of tungsten-vanadium-lanthana alloys as function of temperature

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    The mechanical behavior of three tungsten (W) alloys with vanadium (V) and lanthana (La2O3) additions (W–4%V, W–1%La2O3, W–4%V–1%La2O3) processed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) have been compared with pure-W to analyze the influence of the dopants. Mechanical characterization was performed by three point bending (TPB) tests in an oxidizing air atmosphere and temperature range between 77 (immersion tests in liquid nitrogen) and 1273 K, through which the fracture toughness, flexural strength, and yield strength as function of temperature were obtained. Results show that the V and La2O3 additions improve the mechanical properties and oxidation behavior, respectively. Furthermore, a synergistic effect of both dopants results in an extraordinary increase of the flexure strength, fracture toughness and resistance to oxidation compared to pure-W, especially at higher temperatures. In addition, a new experimental method was developed to obtain a very small notch tip radius (around 5–7 μm) and much more similar to a crack through the use of a new machined notch. The fracture toughness results were lower than those obtained with traditional machining of the notch, which can be explained with electron microscopy, observations of deformation in the rear part of the notch tip. Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of the microstructure and fracture surfaces was used to determine and analyze the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties and the micromechanisms of failure involved, depending on the temperature and the dispersion of the alloy

    Production and characterization of the Cr_35Fe_35V_16.5Mo_6Ti_7.5 high entropy alloy

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    The microstructure, thermal stability, and mechanical properties of a novel Cr_35Fe_35V_16.5Mo_6Ti_7.5 high-entropy alloy were studied. The mechanical properties were mapped by nanoindentation, and the results correlated with the microstructure and the Vickers microhardness measurements. The alloy was produced by arc melting in a low pressure He atmosphere. Thermal treatments were performed to study the thermal stability of the alloy. The as-cast microstructure of the alloy exhibited a body-centered cubic phase with morphology of dendrites, outlined by a very thin interdendritic phase with a crystallographic structure compatible with Fe_2Ti. The presence of the intermetallic particles was predicted by a free-energy based model, in contrast with the single solid solution alloy predicted by a parameter-based model. The volume fraction of the dendrites in the alloy is -94 % after arc melting. A small fraction of sparse Ti-rich particles, -0.4 vol%, was observed. The thermal treatments produced an increase of the population of Ti-rich particles, the formation of a sigma-phase and nucleation of precipitates enriched with Fe and Ti into the previous dendrites. The material in as-cast condition exhibited a microhardness value of 6.2 +-0.3 GPa, while the alloy aged at 960 ºC resulted in 7.1 +-0.4 GPa. Nanoindentations maps showed an excellent correlation with the microstructure, and their statistical analyses yielded a nanohardness mean value of 8.2 +-0.4 GPa in the dendritic BCC regions of the as-cast and thermal treated samples and 14.1 +-0.6 GPa for the sigma-phase. The onset of the plastic behavior has been studied by analyzing the pop-in phenomenon observed in the nanoindentation loading curves. For the as-cast alloy, this analysis showed that the elastic-to-plastic transition seems to be triggered by dislocation nucleation. The alloy has a low thermal diffusivity in the measured temperature range that increases on increasing temperature

    Comportamiento mecánico en función de la temperatura de aleaciones wolframio-vanadio.

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    En esta investigación se evalúa el comportamiento mecánico del wolframio puro y de dos de sus aleaciones con contenidos de 2% y 4% de vanadio, fabricadas mediante prensado isostático en caliente (HIP). La caracterización mecánica se ha realizado mediante ensayos de flexión en tres puntos en atmósfera oxidante a distintas temperaturas comprendidas entre temperatura ambiente y 1000 ºC. Adicionalmente, se han realizado ensayos en inmersión en nitrógeno líquido para los de -197 ºC. Estos últimos valores pueden servir para una determinación más precisa de la temperatura la transición dúctil-frágil en éstos materiales, y de su posible comportamiento plástico o frágil a temperatura ambiente. Mediante estos ensayos ha sido posible obtener la tenacidad de fractura, la resistencia mecánica, el límite elástico y el módulo de elasticidad en función de la temperatura. Así mismo, se ha determinado la densidad y la dureza Vickers para dos cargas distintas, lo que permitido determinar la influencia de este parámetro en la medida realizada. Adicionalmente, se han examinado mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido las superficies de fractura. De esta forma ha sido posible determinar el modo de rotura y analizar la relación de las propiedades mecánicas macroscópicas con los micromecanismos de fallo involucrados

    Setups microfluídicos dedicados al cultivo celular

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    El desarrollo de nuevas herramientas de cultivo celular basadas en microtecnologías permitecontrolar el escenario mecánico, químico y eléctrico de las muestras biológicas, así comomonitorizar sus reacciones de una manera que hasta ahora era imposible. Como consecuencia,es posible generar nuevas vías para la realización de tests “in-vitro” en condiciones muysimilares a las “in-vivo”. Se espera que dicho avance permita reducir la experimentación conanimales y optimizar el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos a través de pruebas de test masivo (highthroughput).Hasta la fecha, los dispositivos microfluídicos para cultivo celular han estado basados entecnología de litografía blanda (soft-lithography), utilizando materiales como el PDMS. Latecnología basada en el material polimérico SU-8 ha sido ya previamente desarrollada y testeadapara aplicaciones del diagnóstico clínico, permitiendo no solo la construcción robusta demicrocanales, sino la posibilidad de integrar sensores y de crear redes de canales en tresdimensiones entre otras características interesantes.Tras la fabricación de los primeros dispositivos microfluídicos en SU-8 y la realización de lainserción de células en su interior, se ha podido corroborar la viabilidad del crecimiento celularen dichos dispositivos, aplicando un flujo de nutrientes continuo y controlado. Este control deflujo y el ambiente biomimético buscado se consiguen mediante el establecimiento de todo unsetup microfluídico consistente en encapsulado para el chip, reservorio, válvulas y microbomba.En este tipo de experimentación es muy importante tener un control preciso del flujo que se leestá aplicando a las células, por lo que el control de la microbomba es uno de los aspectosfundamentales en el desarrollo de setup microfluídicos para cultivo celular