486 research outputs found

    Location specific field performance of aman rice cultivars in tidal flood prone ecosystem of Bangladesh

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    Received: September 3rd, 2022 ; Accepted: October 17th, 2022 ; Published: October 28th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected], [email protected] of modern high yielding rice varieties are ecologically limited in a tidal flood (TF) prone area of Bangladesh. Therefore, rice growers are cultivating local rice cultivars that resist tidal water pressure and survive under waterlogged condition in a tidal ecosystem. A farmers’ participatory field experiment was conducted at Wazirpur, Bakergonj and Babugonj upazila of Barisal and Nalchity upazila under Jhalokati districts of Bangladesh to identify location specifies some aman rice cultivars that resist TF and give higher grain yield. There were fiftysixty local rice cultivars along with five modern rice varieties were included in this trial. The experimental sites were extensively TF prone and 10 to 80 cm of flood water entered into the crop field during active tillering to flowering stage of rice. Data on plant height, yield and yield components were recorded. The results revealed that local rice cultivars performed better than modern one in the experimental sites. Taller plant, production of more panicles per unit area, higher number of grains panicle-1 and heavier grains were the most important traits associated with plant adaptation of aman rice cultivars in tidal areas. Collectively, this study suggested that Dudmona1 and Khoiyamota1 at Wazirpur (2.98 to 3.10 t ha-1 ); Dishari1 and Sadamota2 at Bakergonj (2.92 to 2.98 t ha-1 ); Shorna at Babugonj (3.56 t ha-1 ); Moulata2, Achin and Sadamota2 at Nalchity (2.96 to 2.98 t ha-1 ) were most promising rice cultivar in terms of adaptation and grain yield

    Antireflecting and polarizing transparent bilayer coatings on absorbing substrates at oblique incidence

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    The condition of zero reflection of p- and s-polarized light by a transparent bilayer on an absorbing substrate is derived in the form |gν(ø,Ni)| ≤ 1, where gν is a function of the angle of incidence ø, the refractive indices Ni(i = 0,1,2,3) of the system, and the polarization state ν (= p or s). As an application, the air-Si3N4-SiO2-Si system is considered at two laser wavelengths λ = 6328 and 3250 Å. The thicknesses of the two films of the bilayer and the unextinguished reflectance are determined as functions of ø, and the results appear graphically and in tables. Extinction of the s polarization is accompanied by low overall residual reflectance (e.g., for incident unpolarized light, it is 1.6% for λ = 6328 Å at ø = 45°). On the other hand, suppression of the p polarization at a high incidence angle is accompanied by high s reflectance (e.g. = 96%for λ = 3250 Å at ø = 83°). This demonstrates that efficient bilayer reflection polarizers are possible

    Antireflecting and polarizing transparent bilayer coatings on absorbing substrates at oblique incidence

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    The condition of zero reflection of p- and s-polarized light by a transparent bilayer on an absorbing substrate is derived in the form |gν(ø,Ni)| ≤ 1, where gν is a function of the angle of incidence ø, the refractive indices Ni(i = 0,1,2,3) of the system, and the polarization state ν (= p or s). As an application, the air-Si3N4-SiO2-Si system is considered at two laser wavelengths λ = 6328 and 3250 Å. The thicknesses of the two films of the bilayer and the unextinguished reflectance are determined as functions of ø, and the results appear graphically and in tables. Extinction of the s polarization is accompanied by low overall residual reflectance (e.g., for incident unpolarized light, it is 1.6% for λ = 6328 Å at ø = 45°). On the other hand, suppression of the p polarization at a high incidence angle is accompanied by high s reflectance (e.g. = 96%for λ = 3250 Å at ø = 83°). This demonstrates that efficient bilayer reflection polarizers are possible

    Total refraction at oblique incidence by a transparent bilayer coating on a high-index transparent or absorbing substrate

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    Transparent bilayer coatings that produce total refraction (TR) of obliquely incident monochromatic light into an underlying substrate are considered. When the substrate is transparent, it is shown that TR takes place without any accompanying change of polarization. Totally refracting bilayers are realizable in the IR where high-refractive-index substrates are available. This is illustrated by a BaF2–ZnSe bilayer on a Ge substrate at a 10.6-μm (CO2-laser) wavelength and 45° angle of incidence. Limited changes of the angle of incidence, wavelength, and refractive indices and thicknesses of the two films of the bilayer are introduced, and their effects on the condition of TR are determined. TR (hence absorption) is also possible for absorbing (semiconductor or metallic) substrates using transparent bilayers of films of nonquarter-wave optical thickness, as is further demonstrated in this paper

    Aplikasi Konsep “Ajal” Dalam Al-Quran Menurut Tafsir Al-Azhar Dan Tafsir Al-Misbah Terhadap Keruntuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Muslim

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    This research was done because of two problems. First, it is related to searching the meaning of “ajal” that Quran mentions in multiple diverse form and context. It was evident that there is the term of “ajal” is related to decline of umat/community/nation’s existence. Second, the decline of Moslem’s dynasties that ever built Islamic Empires was the expression of sunnatullah. The writer assumes that (1) their decline did not happen in nature, but it was caused by other factors which repeatedly occured in different places and times; and (2) the factors which are related to the tight to either “ajal” or is “ajal” itself. The two problems appear because of indepth thoughtfulness about the international Moslems condition now, especially the very latest incidents and affairs in Middle East, in the world politic and civilization constellation. This research has three goals they are: (1) explaining the meaning of “ajal” according to Tafsīr al-Azhār by HAMKA and Tafsīr al-Miṣbāh by M. Quraish Shihab; (2) comparing the meaning of “ajal” according to both of them; and (3) applicating the character of “ajal” toward the decline of Moslem nations, espescially the Three Islamic Great Empires in Middle age, they are Ottoman Turkey, Persia’s Safawi, and India’s Mughal. This research is qualitative library research. The method of data aggregation is tafsir muqārin’s method and historical method, and the method of analyzing data is descriptive-analyitic by means of method of language analysis and concept analysis. There are three products of research, they are: (1) the two of mufassir is equal in the term of the meaning of “ajal” that is related to decline of umat by “qadar” or “taqdir”, “law of cause-result”, and “sunnatullah”; (2) the meaning of “ajal” according to HAMKA is “promise, determinate, or limit”, while M. Quraish Shihab is more complete, that is “end limit of things, ages, or activities and affairs” or “limit of destruction and death’s time”. He also diferentiates between an “individual ajal” and an “ajal of group or community”; and (3) the factors caused the decline of Moslem nations, really materialized in reality after through mechanism of fulfilling qadar or standard/norm/criterion of each factor when interacting between one and others up to certain limits that is culminated in arrival of an “ajal of group or community” as “limit of death’s time”, and then ending their existence

    Multi-criteria optimization in end milling of AISI D2 hardened steel using coated carbide inserts

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    This paper proposes a multi-criteria optimization technique using the mathematical models developed by the response surface methodology (RSM) for the target responses combined with desirability indices for the determining the optimum cutting parameters in end milling of AISI D2 hardened steels. Different responses may require different targets either being maximized or minimized. Simultaneous achievement of the optimized (maximum or minimum) values of all the responses is very unlikely. In machining operations tool life and volume metal removed are targeted to be maximized whereas the machined surface roughness need to be at minimum level. Models showing the combined effect of the three control factors such as cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut are developed. However, a particular combination of parameter levels appears to be optimum for a particular response but not for all. Thus adoption of the method of consecutive searches with higher desirability values is found to be appropriate. In this study the desirability index reaches to a maximum value of 0.889 after five consecutive solution searching. At this stage, the optimum values of machining parameters - cutting speed, depth of cut and feed were determined as 44.27 m/min, 0.61 mm, 0.065 mm/tooth respectively. Under this set condition of machining operations a surface roughness of 0.348 μm and volume material removal of 7.45 cm3 were the best results compared to the rest four set conditions. However, the tool life would be required to compromise slightly from the optimum value

    Rice growth and yield characteristics under elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen management

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    Received: July 16th, 2022 ; Accepted: September 8th, 2022 ; Published: September 12th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is increasing and the on crop production needs to be investigated. A pot experiment was conducted in open top chambers (OTC) to determine the response of rice to elevated CO2 (eCO2) under varying time of nitrogen (N) application. The results revealed that photosynthesis, root and shoot dry matter production, yield components and nutrient absorption were favored at eCO2 when N applied up to flowering stage (FT) of rice. However, the N application up to FT of rice also significantly improved percent filled grain, reduce spikelet sterility and rice yield increased by 18 to 20% under eCO2. Rice plant absorbed higher amount of Zn, Ca, Mg, and Fe at eCO2 when N was applied up to FT. Amylose was higher but protein percentage was lower at eCO2. These results indicate that to maximize rice yield under eCO2, it is important to supply N up to FT of rice in order to increase grain fertility and reduce spikelet sterility

    Geological Effect on GPR System Due to Soil Properties in Malaysia

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    This paper present the measurement of dielectric properties of soil in Malaysia in three differences condition which are normal condition  (ambience), heated (up to 50 OC) and wet condition (10 % water content). Eight (8) samples of soil have been collected in the local region and was measured in the frequency range from 0.5 GHz to 3.5 GHz for Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) applications. The measurement of the dielectric properties has been conducted using Agilent high temperature probe (Model) integrated with Performance Network Analyzer (PNA E8362B). The uncertainties in measurement process, especially dealing with measurement data have been considered in order to eliminate the probability of error during the measurement. The measured result for permittivity and loss factor of the measured samples are tabulated in graphs and the analysis of the measured data are discussed in this paper