3,034 research outputs found
ABTSRAKRisiko dalam konteks perbankan merupakan suatu kejadian potensial, baik yang dapat di perkirakan maupun yang tidak dapat diperkirakan dan berdampak negatif terhadap pendapatan dan permodalan bank. Risiko-risiko tersebut tidak dapat dihindari, tetapi dapat dikelola dan dikendalikan. Oleh karena itu sebagaimana lembaga perbankan pada umumnya. Dalam menghadapi potensi risiko, maka Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) harus menerapkan manajemen risiko yang tepat.
Penerapan manajemen risiko pada Bank Syariah Indonesia setidaknya memuat: Penerapan manajemen risiko secara umum; Penerapan manajemen risiko untuk masing-masing risiko, mencakup 8 risiko, yaitu risiko kredit, risiko pasar, risiko likuiditas, risiko operasional, risiko hukum, risiko strategis, risiko kepatuhan, dan risiko reputasi. Penilaian profil risiko. Kualitas penerapan manajemen risiko meliputi: Tata kelola risiko Kerangka manajemen risiko Kecukupan proses manajemen risiko dan Sistem pengendalian internal yang menyeluruh
Kedigdayaan PCOVID-19 telah berdampak ke berbagai sektor kehidupan manusia, mulai ekonomi, sosial, dan politik tidak saja negara-negara besar akan tetapi hampir seluruh negara di dunia. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang terdampak terutama pada sisi ekonomi, dan terkhsusus para pekerja Usaha Mikro, kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) Batik di Bangkalan Madura juga mengalami kesulitan untuk tetap survive di tengah pembatasan berbagai aktifitas ekonomi. Maka dalam penelitian ini, penulis melakukan analisis manejemn resiko terhadap UMKM Batik di Bangkalan Madura dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Kehadiran UMKM Batik Kabupaten Bangkalan sangatlah dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan keadaan perekonomian daerah, sehingga pengelolaan UMKM harus melibatkan semua pihak. Maka dari itu, para pekerja UMKM Batik Kabupaten Bangkalan tetap bertahan di tengah pandemi Covid-1 dengan menggunakan manajemen resiko dan perombakan besar-besaran terkait manajemen penjualan, serta melakukan ekspansi market seluas-luasnya dengan bantuan markate place
Microorganisms as bioinsecticides; short review
Hundred thousand tons of chemical insecticides are used annually in Nigeria to combat insect disease vectors especially agricultural pests, but this sort of vector control method is gradually being substituted due to their environmental effects on non-target beneficial insects especially vertebrates through contamination of food and water. To counteract this contamination, attention, efforts and researches were directed to the use of biological control agents including insect pathogens. As a result, the use of bio insecticide, as a component of integrated pest management (IPM), has been gaining acceptance over the world. Microbial pathogens comprise of organisms which cause disease, these organisms are disseminated in the pest population in large quantity in a manner similar to application of chemical pesticides. Insects like other organisms are susceptible to a variety of diseases caused by different groups of microorganisms including virus, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. Microbial pathogens of insects are intensively investigated to develop environment friendly pest management strategies in agriculture. Microbial insecticides represent today the best alternative to chemical insecticides in controlling insect pests, they are safe for non-target species and human health are believed to show low persistence in the environment. This short review indicates that microbial insecticides are the safe alternative way possessing all the requirements to replace chemical insecticides hence, they can be utilized in pest management and control.
Keywords: Bio-insecticides, Microorganisms, biological control, pest, chemical insecticide
Quality assessment of praziquantel tablets sold in medicine stores in Kano Metropolis
The efficacy, availability, tolerable side effects and relative affordability of praziquantel makes it the drug of choice in the treatment and various control programmes of schistosomiasis in the endemic areas with excellent outcomes. However, there are reports of low cure rate with praziquantel observed by clinicians with various speculations on the likely causes. This study explored poor drug quality as a possible cause of praziquantel treatment failure in schistosomiasis. On the spot sampling of twelve different samples of praziquantel tablets from various patent medicine shops in Kano metropolis were assayed for active ingredient using British Pharmacopeia methods. Only 6 out of 12 (50%) of the praziquantel tablets studied were found to be acceptable of quality. Cost and number of months before expiry date were not found to be significantly associated with the quality of the drug. Poor quality praziquantel currently in the market may possibly explain failure of standard dose of the drug in the treatment of schistosomiasis. Therefore, it is recommended that additional vigilance by regulatory agencies is required to ensure quality drugs in the market.Keywords: Efficacy, Kano, praziquantel, quality, schistosomiasi
Manajemen Pembelajaran Pondok Pesantren Walisongo Pasca Transformasi Menjadi Smp Walisongo Sragen Dengan Kurikulum Integrasi
This research has four objectives to describe the efforts of SMP Walisongo Sragen in: (1) Preparation of integrated curriculum, (2) Organization of integrated curriculum, (3) Implementation of integrated curriculum, and (4) Evaluated implementation of integrated curriculum. This research is a qualitative research with case study design. Technique of collecting data is done by interview technique, and documentation. Data analysis technique is using interactive model. The results of the research conclude among them (1) Integration of target structure to gain student understanding of lesson, (2) Curriculum by using diniyyah stages into curriculum structure and synergize with lessons learned by students, (3) The grand design of the curriculum, make the school curriculum developer team (TPKS), the socialization of the teachers, and the technical preparation (4) The stages of organizing the Walisongo Junior High School curriculum begin with the appointment of the school chairman, (5) SMP Walisongo organizes time in the application of integrated curriculum, (6) The media includes a book/module whose content is structured to adapt concepts that can be used to support of study; (7) Study evaluation use to measure the access of curriculum process, (8) Evaluation done by comparing and finding discrepancies between the program and realization, and (9) Needs to mandatory special person to design the integrated subjects
Electrodeposition of nanostructured Nickel-Ceramic composite coatings: A review
This review presents a recent literature on electrochemically prepared nickel-ceramic nanocomposites coatings. These nanostructured coatings exhibit remarkable enhanced corrosion resistance and microhardness which are of interest for applications in diverse fields. In this review article significant attention is paid to the mechanisms of metal-particle electrocodeposition and different parameters affecting the electrodeposition process. Different techniques used in characterization of these composite coatings were also considered.NPRP Grant 4-306-2-111from the Qatar National Research Fund (a Member of The Qatar Foundation).Scopu
Collective Approach for Repair time Analysis
Machine downtime can be defined as a total amount
of time the machine would normally be out of service from the
moment it fails until the moment it is fully repaired and back to
operate. Once a unit experiences a service downtime or
downgrade, the covariates or risk factors can directly impact
on the delay in repairing activities. Our study reveals the model
to identify the potential risk factors that either delay or
accelerate repair times, and it also demonstrates the extent of such delay, attributable to specific risk factors. Once risk factors are detected, the maintenance planners and maintenance supervisors are aware of the starting and
finishing points for each repairing job due to their prior
knowledge about the potential barriers and the facilitators.
There are not many sufficient studies made on the application of artificial intelligence techniques to access troubleshooting activities as it always taken into consideration in a verbal sense and yet is not dealt with mathematically. The proposed study extended Choy, John, Thomas & Yan [1] models using either semi-parametric or non-parametric approaches of reliability analysis to examine the relationship between repair time and various risk factors of interest. Then the models will be embedded to neural networks to provide better estimation of repairing parameters. The proposed models can be used by maintenance managers as a benchmarking to develope quality service to enhance competitiveness among service providers in corrective maintenance field. Also the models can be deployedfarther to develop a computerized decision support system
Life Cycle Assessment on the Direct Recycling Aluminium Alloy AA6061 Chips and Metal Matrix Composite (MMC-AlR)
Metallic material processing plays a significant role in terms of global environmental impact which contributes to the climate change phenomena that is a serious international environmental concern and the subject of much research and debate. Thus, energy- and resource-efficient strategies in the metal shaping technology domain need to be identified urgently. A frequent theme in the debates that surround waste and resources management is the extent to which the recycling of metallic materials offers genuine benefits to the environment. Solid state recycling techniques allow the manufacture of high density aluminium alloy parts directly from production scrap. In this paper the environmental impacts associated with Ć¢ā¬ĖmeltlessĆ¢ā¬ā¢ scrap processing routes through hot press forging process with varying parameter has been studied. A comparative analysis has been performed with two different type of materials which is recycling aluminium alloy (AA6061) chips and metal matrix composite (AA6061 chips + 2% alumina) in order to quantify and compare the environmental benefits for both materials. The LCA data are collected using Simapro 8.0.4 software. The additional materials used in a product resulted higher environmental impact. Metal matrix composite had higher value of midpoint and endpoint impact categories compare to aluminium alloy chips
A Costing Analysis For Decision Making Grid Model In Failure-Based Maintenance
In current economic downturn, industries have to set good control on production cost,
to maintain their profit margin. Maintenance department as an imperative unit in industries should
attain all maintenance data, process information instantaneously, and subsequently transform it
into a useful decision. Then act on the alternative to reduce production cost. Decision Making Grid
model is used to identify strategies for maintenance decision. However, the model has limitation
as it consider two factors only, that is, downtime and frequency of failures. We consider third
factor, cost, in this study for failure-based maintenance. The objective of this paper is to introduce
the formulae to estimate maintenance cost. Methods. Fish bone analysis conducted with Ishikawa
model and Decision Making Grid methods are used in this study to reveal some underlying risk
factors that delay failure-based maintenance. The goal of the study is to estimate the risk factor that
is, repair cost to fit in the Decision Making Grid model. Decision Making grid model consider two
variables, frequency of failure and downtime in the analysis. This paper introduces third variable,
repair cost for Decision Making Grid model. This approaches give better result to categorize the
machines, reduce cost, and boost the earning for the manufacturing plant. Results. We collected
data from one of the food processing factories in Malaysia. From our empirical result, Machine C,
Machine D, Machine F, and Machine I must be in the Decision Making Grid model even though
their frequency of failures and downtime are less than Machine B and Machine N, based on the
costing analysis. The case study and experimental results show that the cost analysis in Decision
Making Grid model gives more promising strategies in failure-based maintenance. Conclusions.
The improvement of Decision Making Grid model for decision analysis with costing analysis is
our contribution in this paper for computerized maintenance management system
NEDAC: A worm countermeasure mechanism
This article presents an Internet worm countermeasureĀ mechanism that uses DNS activities as a behavioural techniqueĀ to detect worm propagation. The mechanism also uses a data-linkĀ containment solution to block traffic from an infected host. TheĀ concept has been demonstrated using a developed prototype andĀ tested in a virtualised network environment. An empirical analysisĀ of network worm propagation has been conducted to test theĀ capabilities of the developed countermeasure mechanism. TheĀ results show that the developed mechanism is sensitive inĀ containing Internet worms.Keywords: Worm Detection, Malware, cyber defens
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