2,270 research outputs found

    The Changing Status and Role of Penghulu in the System of Nagari Governance

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    Introduction. This research is aimed at analyzing the transformation of the role of penghulu and nagari institution in Minangkabau which based on regional regulation. The greatness of the role and responsibility of a penghulu in the past time required big responsibility and act in accordance with what the society needs. Therefore, by shifting of the leadership role of a penghulu, it is important to be known, how far the role of penghulu at this time. Method This research is done by qualitative approach, the data obtained by observation and in-depth interview to the informant that has been chosen. Existing data are examined in depth and traced, and analyzed including possible relationships between categories. Results. The result of this research shows that some changes had happened in relation to the fading of the role of penghulu in the community. In the past a penghulu had responsibility to protect his nice/nephew ‘kemenakan’ and his clan ‘kaum’, but nowadays his role has been replaced by their own parent. Penghulu is not considered as a sacred figure by his kemenakan and his kaum. For creating the participation of penghulu actively in nagari government system and joining with other elements in the community, Lembaga Tinggi Nagari are formed as judicial element in the nagari government. As the result, there is disharmony in the government itself because there is influential competition and powerness in the community. This can be said that the nagari system government reinstitution can be happened because there is adaptation towards the change itself as a dynamic society and Minangkabu people consider a change as something usual in understanding of Minangkabau community that everything is everlasting. The community still consider penghulu as the community leaders, eventhough they have less function today.     Keywords: social change, nagari government, and penghulu

    Eupatorium Capilifolium (Lam.) Small Ex Porter & Britton (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae), REKAMAN BARU untuk FLORA JAWA

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    Sebanyak 227 jenis tumbuhan Asteraceae terdapat di Pulau Jawa berdasarkan Flora of Java. Namun, suku Asteraceae di Pulau Jawa belum banyak ditinjau kembali sejak buku tersebut terbit 51 tahun yang lalu, sehingga memungkinkan adanya jenis-jenis tambahan yang belum terekam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi adanya jenis tambahan yang terdapat di Pulau Jawa. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode jelajah di Labuan (Banten), Bogor (Jawa Barat), Malang, dan Situbondo (Jawa Timur). Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam.) Small ex Porter & Britton merupakan rekaman baru yang dapat melengkapi flora Jawa. Jenis tersebut dikelompokkan ke dalam puak Eupatorieae

    Korelasi pekali kekasaran kekar dengan sudut geseran puncak satah ketakselanjaran batuan syis, Semenanjung Malaysia (Correlation of joint roughness coefficient with peak friction angles of discontinuity planes of schists, Peninsular Malaysia)

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    Kekasaran permukaan amat mempengaruh tingkah-laku ricihan dan nilai sudut geseran puncak sesuatu satah ketakselanjaran. Oleh yang demikian, kekasaran permukaan merupakan faktor yang penting yang perlu dinilai dalam menentukan kestabilan struktur pengorekan dalam jasad batuan. Beberapa kaedah boleh digunakan untuk menentukan kekasaran permukaan ketakselanjaran. Kertas ini memperkenalkan satu pendekatan yang mudah dalam bentuk dua rumus polinominal yang boleh digunakan untuk mengkorelasi sudut geseran puncak ketakselanjaran (φp) batuan syis segar dan terluluhawa sedikit dengan pekali kekasaran kekar, PKK. Rumus polinominal ini ialah φp= -0.022PKK2 + 3.21PKK + 28.1 untuk ketakselanjaran segar dan φp= -0.025PKK2 + 3.24PKK + 26.6 untuk ketakselanjaran terluluhawa sedikit. Kedua-dua rumus ini memperlihatkan nilai pekali penentuan, R2 = 0.98. Hasil kajian ini menawarkan satu kaedah alternatif penganggaran φp satah ketakselanjaran daripada nilai PKK yang diukur pada permukaan ketakselanjaran di lapangan

    Catatan Tentang Solanum Diphyllum L. (Solanaceae) Ternaturalisasi di Pulau Jawa

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    Solanum merupakan salah satu marga terbesar pada kelompok tumbuhan Angiospermae. Marga tersebut terdiri dari 1400 jenis yang terdistribusi di kawasan tropis dan subtropis. Banyak anggotanya yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi, sehingga telah dibudidayakan secara luas sebagai tanaman pangan, sayuran, tumbuhan obat, dan tanaman hias. Oleh sebab itu, beberapa di antaranya telah diintroduksi ke Pulau Jawa sejak lama. Sebanyak 24 jenis Solanum telah tercatat dalam buku Flora of Java vol. 2. Meskipun demikian, masih memungkinkan adanya jenis-jenis lain yang belum terekam dalam buku tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai jenis tambahan yang telah ternaturalisasi di Pulau Jawa. Pengamatan dilakukan di beberapa lokasi di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur pada tahun 2015 hingga 2017. Solanum diphyllum telah dikoleksi dari Bogor (Darmaga), Bandung (Taman Sari dan Pasir Impun), Sumedang (Jatinangor), Wonogiri (Desa Johunut), Semarang (Desa Mesu), Trenggalek (Desa Watulimo), Situbondo (Desa Wringin Anom dan Banyuputih), Bondowoso (Desa Bandilan), dan Sumenep (Desa Pakong). Jenis ini memiliki potensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai tumbuhan obat. Tumbuhan ini ditemukan tumbuh meliar di semua lokasi pengamatan dan keberadaannya perlu diperhatikan karena jenis tersebut merupakan tumbuhan asing invasif di kawasan lain

    Comparative study of selected indoor concentration from selective laser sintering process using virgin and recycled polyamide nylon (pa12)

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) stands out as one of the promising technologies that have huge potential towards manufacturing industry. The study on additive manufacturing impact on the environment and occupational exposure are attracting growing attention recently. However, most of the researcher focus on desktop and fused deposition modelling type and less attention given to the industrial type of AM. Usually, during the selective laser sintering process, recycle powder will be used again to reduce cost and waste. This article compares the PM 2.5, carbon dioxide (CO2) and total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentration between virgin and recycles powder using polyamide-nylon (PA12) towards indoor concentration. Four phases of sampling involve during air sampling accordingly to the Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality 2010 by DOSH Malaysia. It was found that PM 2.5 and CO2 concentration are mainly generated during the pre-printing process. The recycle powder tended to appear higher compared to virgin powder in terms of PM 2.5, and CO2. The peak value of PM 2.5 is 1452 μg/m3 and CO2 is 1218 ppm are obtained during the pre-printing process during 8 hours of sampling. TVOC concentration from recycling powder is slightly higher during the post- printing phase where confirm the influence of the powder cake and PA12 temperature from the printing process. In summary, this work proves that elective laser sintering (SLS) machine operators are exposed to a significant amount of exposure during the SLS printing process. Mitigation strategies and personal protective equipment are suggested to reduce occupational exposure

    Optimal FRP Jacket Placement in RC Frame Structures Towards a Resilient Seismic Design

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    This paper proposes an optimal plan for seismically retrofitting reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures. In this method, the columns are wrapped by fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) layers along their plastic hinges. This technique enhances their ductility and increases the resiliency of the structure. Two meta-heuristic algorithms (i.e., genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization) are adopted for this purpose. The number of FRP layers is assumed to be the design variable. The objective of the optimization procedure was to provide a uniform usage of plastic hinge rotation capacity for all the columns, while minimizing the consumption of the FRP materials. Toward this aim, a single objective function containing penalty terms is introduced. The seismic performance of the case study RC frame was assessed by means of nonlinear pushover analyses, and the capacity of the plastic hinge rotation for FRP-confined columns was evaluated at the life safety performance level. The proposed framework was then applied to a non-ductile low-rise RC frame structure. The optimal retrofit scheme for the frame was determined, and the capacity curve, inter-story drift ratios, and fragility functions were computed and compared with alternative retrofit schemes. The proposed algorithm offers a unique technique for the design of more resilient structures.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    A portable platform for accelerated PIC codes and its application to GPUs using OpenACC

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    We present a portable platform, called PIC_ENGINE, for accelerating Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes on heterogeneous many-core architectures such as Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). The aim of this development is efficient simulations on future exascale systems by allowing different parallelization strategies depending on the application problem and the specific architecture. To this end, this platform contains the basic steps of the PIC algorithm and has been designed as a test bed for different algorithmic options and data structures. Among the architectures that this engine can explore, particular attention is given here to systems equipped with GPUs. The study demonstrates that our portable PIC implementation based on the OpenACC programming model can achieve performance closely matching theoretical predictions. Using the Cray XC30 system, Piz Daint, at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), we show that PIC_ENGINE running on an NVIDIA Kepler K20X GPU can outperform the one on an Intel Sandybridge 8-core CPU by a factor of 3.4

    Population Assessment and Appropriate Spraying Technique to Control the Bagworm (Metisa Plana Walker) in North Sumatra and Lampung

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    Over the last few years, the bagworm Metisa plana Walker (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) has become an important pest of oil palm, especially in North Sumatra. Recent report suggested that the bagworm has also been found in Lampung. The report requires preliminary survey to assess M. plana status and to prepare an effective control measure for the pest. This study was conducted to determine the relative density of M. plana in North Sumatra and Lampung and to compare the effectiveness of the spraying versus fogging application to control M. plana in oil palm fields. The observation confirmed that in 2010 M. plana colonies have developed in Lampung with an average relatively similar to that in North Sumatra during 2005. The finding implies that monitoring should be taken routinely to anticipate further development of the bagworm population in Lampung. Overall results of carbosulfan treatments suggested that the fogging insecticide technique was potentially as effective as spraying technique. This finding could be beneficial for bagworm control program due to the extensive areas of oil palm and the large size of canopy. A more thorough experiment is required to explore the most economical doses and to select effective insecticides to control M. plana

    On the Dynamic Capacity of Concrete Dams

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    The purpose of this joint contribution is to study the maximum dynamic load concrete dams can withstand. The so-called "dynamic capacity functions" for these infrastructures seems now technically and commercially feasible thanks to the modern finite element techniques, hardware capabilities, and positive experiences collected so far. The key topics faced during the dynamic assessment of dams are also discussed using different point of view and examples, which include: the selection of dynamic parameters, the progressive level of detail for the numerical simulations, the implementation of nonlinear behaviors, and the concept of the service and collapse limit states. The approaches adopted by local institutions and engineers on the subject of dam capacity functions are discussed using the authors' experiences, and an overview of time and resources is outlined to help decision makers. Three different concrete dam types (i.e., gravity, buttress, and arch) are used as case studies with different complexities. Finally, the paper is wrapped up with a list of suggestions for analysts, the procedure limitations, and future research needs
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