182 research outputs found

    Las infraestructuras de ingeniería como génesis y expresión de la ciudad

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    La evolución de la ciudad contemporánea en España a través de la Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo

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    La evolución de la rehabilitación arquitectónica en España vista a través de los premios de arquitectura

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    A principio de los ochenta las corrientes predominantes, tanto en España como en su entorno eran de una cierta reacción a la ortodoxia del Movimiento Moderno. La mirada hacia el pasado buscaba lo originario, lo supra-temporal y las referencias históricas (Cortés 1981). Las tres posiciones correspondientes eran la actitud anticuaria o arqueológica, la recuperación académica y la arquitectura de la alusión histórica. Este artículo propone un recorrido por una serie de obras de rehabilitación para comprobar si esas tres posiciones se han mantenido. Como filtro de selección se ha tomado un premio de arquitectura, La Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, se trata de mostrar así la visibilidad del sector de la recuperación dentro de la concepción institucional de la arquitectura en España

    Underground surveying: 16th century cellar vaults in the Galería de Convalecientes, Monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial

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    Underground surveying of cellars, caves, and architectural spaces, is quite different from surveying on the surface. Researchers must deal with various challenges derived of the lack of natural light, low temperature, and humidity, but also with inaccessibility. But the essential problem in underground surveying is that of orientating the underground surveys to the surface surveys. For this purpose our methodology integrates different geomatic techniques, as the use of a scanner laser in order to obtain a 3D model, as well as classic topography, and GPS to locate accurately the control points according to the official reference frame of the Spanish Geodetic Network. The developed methodology is described and applied to the case study of the cellars of the Gallery of Convalescents (Galería de Convalecientes) in the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. These cellars compose an outstanding series of interrelated singular complex spaces. Their study is particularly relevant because of the quality of the stonework, the geometry of the vaults and lunettes, and the stereotomy. The fact that these spaces were neither surveyed nor studied before, must be stressed. And our work will bring into light an important part of the 16th century Spanish architectural heritage. Finally, the INSPIRE Directive becomes an opportunity to integrate cultural heritage datasets into an interoperable framework, and to share and diffuse them as geographic information

    MCQ-Balance: a method to monitor patients with balance disorders and improve clinical interpretation of posturography

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    Background An estimated 20% to 30% of the global population has suffered a vertiginous episode. Among them, 20% do not receive a clear diagnosis. Improved methods, indicators and metrics are necessary to assess the sensory systems related to balance, especially when patients are undergoing treatment for vertiginous episodes. Patients with balance disorders should be monitored for changes at the individual level to gather objective information. In this study, we evaluate the use of the MCQ-Balance (Measure, Classify and Qualify) assessment for examining a patient’s balance progression using tests to measure static balance control and dynamic postural balance with a stabilometric platform. Materials and Methods The MCQ-Balance assessment comprises three stages: (i) measuring the progression of each variable between two separate and consecutive days (called sessions) using the Magnitude-Based Decision analysis; (ii) classifying the progression of the patient’s balance with a score; and (iii) qualifying the progression of the patient’s balance from the resulting scores using a set of rules. This method was applied to 42 patients with balance disorders of peripheral or central origin characterised by vertigo as the cardinal symptom. Balance progression was measured using the MCQ-Balance assessment over the course of three months, and these results were compared with the assessment of a clinical expert. Results The MCQ-Balance assessment showed an accuracy of 83.4% and a Cohen’s Kappa coefficient of 0.752 compared to the assessment of a clinical expert. Conclusion The MCQ-Balance assessment facilitates the monitoring of patient balance and provides objective information that has the potential to improve medical decision making and the adjustment of individual treatment

    An approach to patents of prestressed concrete in 20th Century's arquitecture

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    Around 1906, there was a discussion in the various publications on reinforced concrete about the problem of how to avoid the cracks on it, due to tension that occurred inside. First attempts to avert it failed since the tension applied to the steel was lost with the passage of time, as much for the hydraulic retraction of the concrete as for the use of not very high strength steels, and also because of the stress imposed were insufficient for targeted outcomes. In 1928, E. Freyssinet registered the first patent of prestressed concrete, and this originated a new constructive technology, which subsequently consolidated due to the rehabilitation of the foundations of the harbor of Le Havre (1933-1935). When making a previous prestressed of the oncrete reinforcement, forces created on-demand in the construction are placed compensating the effect of its own weight and of the permanents loads acting on the structure. With this consideration, the deformation that the system takes may become non-existing, reducing their stress state to a single longitudinal compression. The material with this technology becomes a tough mechanism with a system according to the structural features appropriate to concrete as material. Prestressed concrete is considered the major structural invention of the twentieth century and for several authors it proves to be a new material different than concrete, due to is own conception. According to José Antonio Fernández Ordoñez, "only the appearance of the arch is comparable in importance to the invention of Freyssinet". (Fernandez Ordoñez 1978). Using a technique of control of the force lines, the prestressed, they will develop a construction technology able to control the geometry of the shape (Anaya 2011). The present text attempts to establish whether individual prestressed concrete systems give rise to new types of construction, or whether they are systematically used in the same building typologies. Moreover, attempts to evaluate how, a control of the shape geometry has been achieved by utilizing this prestressed technique, which offers a project liberty ampler than previously maintained without the introduction of these stress

    Novel Rivastigmine Derivatives as Promising Multi-Target Compounds for Potential Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most serious and prevalent neurodegenerative disorder still without cure. Since its aetiology is diverse, recent research on anti-AD drugs has been focused on multi-target compounds. In this work, seven novel hybrids (RIV–BIM) conjugating the active moiety of the drug rivastigmine (RIV) with 2 isomeric hydroxyphenylbenzimidazole (BIM) units were developed and studied. While RIV assures the inhibition of cholinesterases, BIM provides further appropriate properties, such as inhibition of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation, antioxidation and metal chelation. The evaluated biological properties of these hybrids included antioxidant activity; inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and Aβ42 aggregation; as well as promotion of cell viability and neuroprotection. All the compounds are better inhibitors of AChE than rivastigmine (IC50 = 32.1 µM), but compounds of series 5 are better inhibitors of BChE (IC50 = 0.9−1.7 µM) than those of series 4. Series 5 also showed good capacity to inhibit self- (42.1−58.7%) and Cu(II)-induced (40.3−60.8%) Aβ aggregation and also to narrow (22.4−42.6%) amyloid fibrils, the relevant compounds being 5b and 5d. Some of these compounds can also prevent the toxicity induced in SH-SY5Y cells by Aβ42 and oxidative stress. Therefore, RIV–BIM hybrids seem to be potential drug candidates for AD with multi-target abilities.Depto. de Química AnalíticaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEPortuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComunidad de Madrid and European funding from FSE and FEDER programsMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesErasmus+ programpu

    Mejora de la aplicación clínica de métodos e instrumentación para evaluación de trastornos del equilibrio: Monitorización de pacientes y apoyo al diagnóstico por medio de modelos predictivos

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    Entre las patologías más frecuentes en la actualidad, destacan los trastornos del equilibrio, teniendo especial prevalencia en personas mayores y en países desarrollados. Los trastornos del equilibrio son una patología que se caracteriza principalmente por síntomas de vértigo y mareo, y se calcula que un cuarto de la población tendrá un episodio vertiginoso en su vida. Las caídas y las lesiones inducidas por las mismas son problemas de salud pública de primer orden a nivel mundial. De manera complementaria, también existen alteraciones o patologías que pueden afectar a los sistemas sensoriales que sustentan el equilibrio, existiendo la necesidad de monitorizarlos para evaluar su progresión en el tiempo. Sin embargo, no resulta sencillo obtener información objetiva del diagnóstico o progresión de un paciente afectado por trastornos del equilibrio; destacando la complejidad para obtener informes concisos con información comprensible y fácil de interpretar por facultativos sanitarios, que deben prescribir tratamientos a dichos pacientes.Asimismo, y en relación con la necesidad de obtener métodos o procesos para poder aprovechar mejor la información en el campo de la salud, destaca el incremento exponencial de los datos que los centrossanitarios generan y requieren manejar, así como la compleja gestión de dicha información, siendo la disciplina científica Machine Learning una posible solución para abordar esta problemática. Sin embargo, aplicar las técnicas de este tipo de disciplina en el campo de la salud conlleva un alto grado de complejidad.La presente tesis pretende dar respuesta a las incertidumbres y problemáticas expuestas a través de variasinvestigaciones que han tratado de proporcionar información objetiva sobre el estado de pacientes que presentan trastornos del equilibrio, así como monitorizar este tipo de patologías mediante diversos métodos e instrumentación; igualmente, se han definido los procesos y particularidades para la generación de modelos predictivos como herramienta de apoyo al diagnóstico en el ámbito de la salud. En concreto, los objetivos de la tesis son: generar y proporcionar información objetiva sobre el estado de pacientes que presentan trastornos del equilibrio; monitorizar y analizar la progresión de este tipo de patologías en pacientes inmersos en tratamientos de rehabilitación; generar modelos predictivos para mejora del diagnóstico en el ámbito de la salud.Esta tesis se ha complementado con una estancia de investigación de cuatro meses en el Laboratoire de biomécanique et mécanique des chocs (Université Gustave Eiffel) en Lyon (Francia). El cuerpo principal de esta tesis consiste en una compilación de cinco artículos, los cuales han sido publicados en revistas científicas indexadas en el JCR.<br /