112 research outputs found

    Power-law spin correlations in pyrochlore antiferromagnets

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    The ground state ensemble of the highly frustrated pyrochlore-lattice antiferromagnet can be mapped to a coarse-grained ``polarization'' field satisfying a zero-divergence condition From this it follows that the correlations of this field, as well as the actual spin correlations, decay with separation like a dipole-dipole interaction (1/R31/|R|^3). Furthermore, a lattice version of the derivation gives an approximate formula for spin correlations, with several features that agree well with simulations and neutron-diffraction measurements of diffuse scattering, in particular the pinch-point (pseudo-dipolar) singularities at reciprocal lattice vectors. This system is compared to others in which constraints also imply diffraction singularities, and other possible applications of the coarse-grained polarization are discussed.Comment: 13 pp, revtex, two figure

    Static Correlation and Dynamical Properties of Tb3+-moments in Tb2Ti2O7 -Neutron Scattering Study-

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    Static and dynamical properties of the magnetic moment system of pyrochlore compound Tb2Ti2O7 with strong magnetic frustration, have been investigated down to the temperature T=0.4 K by neutron scattering on a single crystal sample. The scattering vector (Q)-dependence of the magnetic scattering intensity becomes appreciable with decreasing T at around 30 K, indicating the development of the magnetic correlation. From the observed energy profiles, the elastic, quasi elastic and inelastic components have been separately obtained. The quasi elastic component corresponds to the diffusive motion of the magnetic moments within the lowest states, which are formed of the lowest energy levels of Tb3+ ions. Magnetic correlation pattern which can roughly reproduce the Q-dependence of the scattering intensities of the elastic and quasi elastic component is discussed based on the trial calculations for clusters of 7 moments belonging to two corner-sharing tetrahedra. A possible origin of the glassy state, which develops at around 1.5 K with decreasing T is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71(2002)No.2 59

    The order parameter-entropy relation in some universal classes: experimental evidence

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    The asymptotic behaviour near phase transitions can be suitably characterized by the scaling of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 with ϵ=1T/Tc\epsilon=1-T/T_c, where Δs\Delta s is the excess entropy and QQ is the order parameter. As Δs\Delta s is obtained by integration of the experimental excess specific heat of the transition Δc\Delta c, it displays little experimental noise so that the curve log(Δs/Q2)\log(\Delta s/Q^2) versus logϵ\log\epsilon is better constrained than, say, logΔc\log\Delta c versus logϵ\log\epsilon. The behaviour of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 for different universality classes is presented and compared. In all cases, it clearly deviates from being a constant. The determination of this function can then be an effective method to distinguish asymptotic critical behaviour. For comparison, experimental data for three very different systems, Rb2CoF4, Rb2ZnCl4 and SrTiO3, are analysed under this approach. In SrTiO3, the function Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 does not deviate within experimental resolution from a straight line so that, although Q can be fitted with a non mean-field exponent, the data can be explained by a classical Landau mean-field behaviour. In contrast, the behaviour of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 for the antiferromagnetic transition in Rb2CoF4 and the normal-incommensurate phase transition in Rb2ZCl4 is fully consistent with the asymptotic critical behaviour of the universality class corresponding to each case. This analysis supports, therefore, the claim that incommensurate phase transitions in general, and the A2_2BX4_4 compounds in particular, in contrast with most structural phase transitions, have critical regions large enough to be observable.Comment: 13 pp. 9 ff. 2 tab. RevTeX. Submitted to J. Phys.: Cond. Matte

    Magnetic susceptibility of diluted pyrochlore and SCGO antiferromagnets

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    We investigate the magnetic susceptibility of the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet with nearest-neighbour interactions on the geometrically frustrated pyrochlore lattice, for a pure system and in the presence of dilution with nonmagnetic ions. Using the fact that the correlation length in this system for small dilution is always short, we obtain an approximate but accurate expression for the magnetic susceptibility at all temperatures. We extend this theory to the compound SrCr_{9-9x}Ga_{3+9x}O_{19} (SCGO) and provide an explanation of the phenomenological model recently proposed by Schiffer and Daruka [Phys. Rev. B56, 13712 (1997)].Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figures automatically include

    Визначення тенденцій розвитку екранопланів як високоефективних сучасних носіїв засобів океанотехніки різноманітного призначення

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    Сліжевський, С. М. Визначення тенденцій розвитку екранопланів як високоефективних сучасних носіїв засобів океанотехніки різноманітного призначення = Outlining the development trends of wig crafts as high-performance advanced carriers of oceanic engineering equipment of various purpose / С. М. Сліжевський, В. М. Зінкін, І. С. Абляєв // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2018. – № 1–2 (473). – С. 3–6.Анотація. Виконано огляд та аналіз основних параметрів екранопланів – сучасних високоефективних транспортних засобів широкого загальногосподарського і військово-прикладного призначення.Abstract. Application of WIG crafts while performing various operations and general economic and applied military purposes has been considered. The aim of the study is to identify the trends in the development of advanced highspeed transport systems, WIG crafts, and expand their scope of application in the role of carriers of different objects and underwater ocean engineering equipment at field work. There has been performed a comparative analysis of the operation of WIG crafts and other vehicles similar in their weight category. The study results can be taken into account when creating a high-performance platform WIG carrier of universal modules for different purposes depending on their task.Аннотация. Выполнен обзор и анализ основных параметров экранопланов – современных высокоэффективных транспортных средств широкого общехозяйственного и военно-прикладного назначения

    Transition to Long Range Magnetic Order in the Highly Frustrated Insulating Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet Gd_2Ti_2O_7

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    Experimental evidence from measurements of the a.c. and d.c. susceptibility, and heat capacity data show that the pyrochlore structure oxide, Gd_2Ti_2O_7, exhibits short range order that starts developing at 30K, as well as long range magnetic order at T1T\sim 1K. The Curie-Weiss temperature, θCW\theta_{CW} = -9.6K, is largely due to exchange interactions. Deviations from the Curie-Weiss law occur below \sim10K while magnetic heat capacity contributions are found at temperatures above 20K. A sharp maximum in the heat capacity at Tc=0.97T_c=0.97K signals a transition to a long range ordered state, with the magnetic specific accounting for only \sim 50% of the magnetic entropy. The heat capacity above the phase transition can be modeled by assuming that a distribution of random fields acts on the 8S7/2^8S_{7/2} ground state for Gd3+^{3+}. There is no frequency dependence to the a.c. susceptibility in either the short range or long range ordered regimes, hence suggesting the absence of any spin-glassy behavior. Mean field theoretical calculations show that no long range ordered ground state exists for the conditions of nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic exchange and long range dipolar couplings. At the mean-field level, long range order at various commensurate or incommensurate wave vectors is found only upon inclusion of exchange interactions beyond nearest-neighbor exchange and dipolar coupling. The properties of Gd$_2Ti_2O_7 are compared with other geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets such as the Gd_3Ga_5O_{12} gadolinium gallium garnet, RE_2Ti_2O_7 pyrochlores where RE = Tb, Ho and Tm, and Heisenberg-type pyrochlore such as Y_2Mo_2O_7, Tb_2Mo_2O_7, and spinels such as ZnFe_2O_4Comment: Letter, 6 POSTSCRIPT figures included. (NOTE: Figure 5 is not included --) To appear in Physical Review B. Contact: [email protected]

    Low-temperature properties of classical, geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets

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    We study the ground-state and low-energy properties of classical vector spin models with nearest-neighbour antiferromagnetic interactions on a class of geometrically frustrated lattices which includes the kagome and pyrochlore lattices. We explore the behaviour of these magnets that results from their large ground-state degeneracies, emphasising universal features and systematic differences between individual models. We investigate the circumstances under which thermal fluctuations select a particular subset of the ground states, and find that this happens only for the models with the smallest ground-state degeneracies. For the pyrochlore magnets, we give an explicit construction of all ground states, and show that they are not separated by internal energy barriers. We study the precessional spin dynamics of the Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet. There is no freezing transition or selection of preferred states. Instead, the relaxation time at low temperature, T, is of order hbar/(k_B T). We argue that this behaviour can also be expected in some other systems, including the Heisenberg model for the compound SrCr_8Ga_4O_{19}.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Forgetting, Reminding, and Remembering: The Retrieval of Lost Spatial Memory

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    Retrograde amnesia can occur after brain damage because this disrupts sites of storage, interrupts memory consolidation, or interferes with memory retrieval. While the retrieval failure account has been considered in several animal studies, recent work has focused mainly on memory consolidation, and the neural mechanisms responsible for reactivating memory from stored traces remain poorly understood. We now describe a new retrieval phenomenon in which rats' memory for a spatial location in a watermaze was first weakened by partial lesions of the hippocampus to a level at which it could not be detected. The animals were then reminded by the provision of incomplete and potentially misleading information—an escape platform in a novel location. Paradoxically, both incorrect and correct place information reactivated dormant memory traces equally, such that the previously trained spatial memory was now expressed. It was also established that the reminding procedure could not itself generate new learning in either the original environment, or in a new training situation. The key finding is the development of a protocol that definitively distinguishes reminding from new place learning and thereby reveals that a failure of memory during watermaze testing can arise, at least in part, from a disruption of memory retrieval

    Serum MicroRNAs as Biomarkers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chinese Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to anticipate great cancer diagnostic potential. Recently, circulating miRNAs have been reported as promising biomarkers for various pathologic conditions. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of serum miRNAs as novel biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This study was divided into four phases: (I) Ten candidate serum miRNAs were detected by using real-time RT-PCR, corresponding 10 HCC patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and 10 age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. (II) Marker validation by real-time RT-PCR on HBV patients with (n = 48) or without HCC (n = 48), and healthy subjects (n = 24). (III) Marker detection by real-time RT-PCR in sera from another 14 HCC patients before and 1 month after surgical resection. (IV) We examined the correlation between the expressions of candidate serum miRNAs with clinical parameters of HCC patients. Although miR-222, miR-223 or miR-21 were significantly up- or down-regulated between HCC patients and healthy controls, no significant difference was observed in the levels of these miRNAs between HBV patients without and with HCC. MiR-122 in serum was significantly higher in HCC patients than healthy controls (p<0.001). More importantly, it was found that the levels of miR-122 were significantly reduced in the post-operative serum samples when compared to the pre-operative samples. Although serum miR-122 was also elevated in HBV patients with HCC comparing with those without HCC, the difference was at the border line (p = 0.043). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results suggest that serum miR-122 might serve as a novel and potential noninvasive biomarker for detection of HCC in healthy subjects, moreover, it might serve as a novel biomarker for liver injury but not specifically for detection of HCC in chronic HBV infection patients