431 research outputs found

    Identification Geothermal Reservoir of Telomoyo Mount from Anomaly Magnetic Data using 3D Magnetic Inversion

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    The geophysical investigation research of Telomoyo Mount has been done. We aim to get a description about reservoir of the geothermal system by geomagnetic survey. Magnetic data acquisition has been carried out in 83 points with approximately 44 km 2 of around. The total magnetic anomaly directly modeled by Mag3D software. Using inversion of magnetic 3D, the alteration rock that to be a manifestation of geothermal field has been corrected in 3 areas, they are Keningar, Kendal Duwur, and Sepakung. They have low susceptibility value that approximately -0.173 to -0.498 (SI) and indicated as upflow zone of Telomoyo mount geothermal system. Kendal Duwur area becomes a main reservoir in the 1400 to 3000 meters of depth

    Magnetic Modeling of the Diwak-Derekan Geothermal Area with Extension to Bawen, Central Java

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    In an effort to further advance understanding of Diwak-Derekan geothermal system, a second period of geomagnetic survey of the area including Kaliulo hot spring, Jatikurung hot spring and Kendalisodo geothermal hot spring has been carried out. The magnetic residual anomalies have been reproduced especially on the southern part of the study area. 3D magnetic analysis and interpretation of geological data acquired and collected in the field. Based on magnetic field anomaly and the field geological data, a speculation shows that magnetization intensity assumed for the existence of a cooling magma intrusion is suggested at the southern part of the study area, that is located at Sajen Village


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    Abstrak: Kehamilan merupakan suatu proses fisiologis yang terjadi pada setiap wanita. Masa ini merupakan periode yang sangat penting bagi pembentukan kualitas sumber daya manusia di masa yang akan datang karena tumbuh kembang anak akan sangat di tentukan oleh kondisi pada saat janin dalam kandungan. Bila status gizi ibu normal pada masa sebelum dan selama hamil kemungkinan besar akan melahirkan bayi yang sehat, cukup bulan dengan berat badan normal. Oleh karena itu perbaikan gizi penting untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ibu hamil. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabmas ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi gizi dan pelatihan pembuatan makanan tambahan yang sehat dan bergizi pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Multiwahana Palembang. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan, demonstrasi dan pendampingan pembuatan makanan tambahan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan rata-rata pengetahuan pada ibu hamil sebesar 44 point dan sebanyak 25 orang (100%) ibu hamil telah berhasil membuat makanan tambahan dari tiga resep yang sudah dicontohkan. Disarankan kepada ibu hamil selalu mengkonsumsi makanan tambahan yang sehat dan bergizi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi selama hamil.Abstract:  Pregnancy is a physiological process that occurs in every woman. This period is a very important period for the formation of the quality of human resources in the future because the growth and development of children will be largely determined by the conditions at the time of the fetus in the womb. If the nutritional status of the mother is normal before and during pregnancy, it is likely that she will give birth to a healthy, full-term baby with a normal weight. Therefore, improving nutrition is important to improve the health of pregnant women. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide nutrition education and training on making healthy and nutritious complementary foods to pregnant women in the work area of the Palembang Multiwahana Health Center. The methods used are counseling, demonstration and assistance in making additional food. The results obtained indicate that there is an increase in the average knowledge of pregnant women by 44 points and as many as 25 pregnant women (100%) have succeeded in making additional food from the three recipes that have been exemplified. It is recommended that pregnant women always consume additional healthy and nutritious foods to meet nutritional needs during pregnancy

    Peran Budaya Organisasi Dalam Mewujudkan Visi Misi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (Pks)

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    Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) as large organization has been putting the organizational culture as a primary need to build both institutional work and the dynamics activities of members that were managed to realize the vision and mission of the party. Organizational culture as an internal force as well as institutional capital to realize the vision and mission of the party should be able to be evaluated in presence and role in order to realize of the vision and mission of the organization.This study aims to determine the role of organizational culture in realizing the vision and mission of PKS. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data collection was done by in-depth interviews.The results showed: (1) organizational culture play a role in shaping the identity and character of party members; (2) The organizational culture also plays a role in encouraging loyalty and solidity of party members; (3) the organizational culture at PKS played role in strengthening the confidence of individual members

    Studi Efektivitas Penggunaan Jembatan Penyeberangan Orang (Jpo) di Kawasan Lapangan Merdeka Medan (Studi Kasus : Jl. Putri Hijau dan Jl. Guru Patimpus)

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    Pedestrian Over Pass is one part of the pedestrian path that functions as a pedestrian crossing facility. Pedestrian Over Pass are located on highways with high vehicle intensity and railway lines. As a facility designated for pedestrians, the Pedestrian Over Pass should be effectively used. However, the phenomenon that occurs at this time is that there are many Pedestrian Over Pass that are not used by pedestrians, and they prefer to cross directly. Aside from not being used, many Pedestrian Over Pass are damaged and do not meet the standards of provision. Likewise, what happened in the Merdeka Field area in Medan, there are several Pedestrian Over Pass that are not used and have been damaged and cannot even be accessed. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research related to the effectiveness of using the Pedestrian Over Pass in the Merdeka Field area of Medan (Case study: Jalan Putri Hijau and Jalan Guru Patimpus). This study found that the effectiveness of using the Pedestrian Over Pass in research are are Low

    Kajian Yii Framework Dalam Pengembangan Website Perguruan Tinggi

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    Along with the development of technology in building a website , usually in the PHP programming language , people tend to write the coding from scratch . It seems like Perguruan Tinggi Raharja website which has 4 ( four ) such problems in terms of appearance , contains , security and technology . Because the Perguruan Tinggi Raharja website is still under construction using conventional methods , which take a long time can eventually lead to problems such as complexity in the preparation of the program code . Where it can lead to the development of the website and the length of time it is difficult to perform more maintenance because the code of the compiled program does not have a good standard of application development . As a solution presented four (4 ) solution of the above problems is the infrastructure including a website , view websites , website content and dashboard system , this can be managed more easily by applying a PHP based frameworks like Yii Framework . Yii Framework is a framework that contains functions and classes using the MVC method contained therein . MVC is a method that separates the parts of a web application consists of a Model , View , and Controller . With the Yii Framework significant benefits obtained as easily perform all types of web application development because Yii is very light and comes with a caching solution that is satisfactory , and it is suitable for developing applications with high traffic . In terms of safety also has a pretty good level of security , including the prevention of cross- site scripting ( XSS ) , cross-site request forgery , and the prevention of attacks of cookies . With the construction of university websites using Yii Framework Prog  expected to improve the performance of a website as a future spotlight Pribadi Raharja information

    Penerimaan Penonton Terhadap Diskriminasi Etnis Tionghoa Dalam Film “Ngenest”

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penerimaan penonton mengenai diskriminasi etnis tionghoa di film Ngenest. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori resepsi, dan diskriminasi.Metode yang digunakan adalah reception analysis.Ada empat kategori yaitu definisi, bentuk, dampak, penyebab dari diskriminasi. Diskriminasi merupakan perlakuan tidak adil yang dirasakan oleh seseorang atau kelompok menyangkut persoalan suku/etnis.Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan empat informan yaitu dua informan perempuan keturunan Tionghoa, satu informan laki-laki, dan satu informan perempuan keturunan Pribumi (Jawa) di Masa Orde Baru dan Reformasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa satu informan memiliki penerimaan dominant yang artinya menerima perihal diskriminasi etnis Tionghoa yang ditunjukkan dalam film Ngenest. Sedangkan dua informan lain mempunyai penerimaan negotiated, yang artinya tidak menolak tetapi memberikan pandangan tersendiri mengenai diskriminasi etnis Tionghoa. Sementara itu, satu informan lagi mempunyai penerimaan oppositional, yang artinya menolak perihal diskriminasi etnis Tionghoa.Setiap informan memberikan pemaknaan berdasarkan culture setting masing-masing. Satu informan secara konteks cultural setting ditentukan oleh pengalaman dan tiga informan lain dikarenakan lingkungan

    Indoor Positioning and Navigating System Application Using Wi-Fi with Fingerprinting Method and Weighted K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm: English

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    The need for accurate indoor location determination, object tracking, digital maps and indoor travel routes is increasing along with the construction of buildings that have complex and spacious layouts. The current Global Positioning System navigation system is only effective for outdoor use. However, when used indoors it becomes inaccurate due to factors such as signal attenuation and multipath caused by wall obstructions in the building. This study designed an application of Indoor Positioning and Navigating System Using Wi-Fi with Fingerprinting method and Weighted K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. In the design process, it is necessary to create a fingerprinting database by considering the number of Access points and environmental conditions. Based on the results of the study, the location results of the application show that from floors 1,2, and 3. Floor 1 has a room accuracy result of 89% and a point accuracy of 86% with an average deviation of 1.42 px or 0.9 m, floor 2 has room accuracy results. of 65% and a point accuracy of 70% with an average deviation of 2.43 px or 1.7 m, and the 3rd floor has a room accuracy of 86% and a point accuracy of 68% with an average deviation of 2.27 or 1.5 m. Based on the data above, this application is proven to be able to detect the position of someone in the room with a success percentage on the 1st floor by 90%, the 2nd floor by 55%, and the 3rd floor by 80%

    Sustainable Development Through Community Empowerment Based On Local Wisdom

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    Poverty remains a serious challenge in developing countries, requiring a holistic and sustainable approach. This article describes the concept of community empowerment as the core of comprehensive development. This empowerment involves strengthening the capacity of communities through education, knowledge, and skills, enabling them to be independent and not completely dependent on the government to create jobs.Local wisdom is an important factor in this approach, considering that each community has unique characteristics that require tailored solutions. As an alternative, human resource-based and environmental development emphasizes the sustainable use of material and non-material resources. South Korea is a successful example of this approach, although challenges remain in achieving ecological targets that integrate economic, social, and cultural aspects.The fundamental difference lies in who leads these efforts. The government usually initiates the community development approach, while community empowerment comes from within the community with government support. A "bottom-up" approach with the principles of enabling, empowering, and protecting is the key to achieving sustainable empowerment. This article also highlights the importance of local wisdom in sustainable development which includes ecological, social, and economic aspects. Thus, this article attempts to link the success of community-based development with the achievement of ecological targets, with community empowerment as a key element that needs further analysis. In conclusion, to tackle poverty sustainably, we need to understand and apply these principles in our respective local contexts