576 research outputs found


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    The article is devoted to search of the solution of urgent problems of recruiting of foreign students in the Russian higher education institutions. Nowadays, in Russia the term «foreign students» is used, whereas the most part of world educational community uses the concept «international students». Distinction of concepts is connected with different methods of accounting of this category of students. Effective accounting, in turn, influences the quality of further interaction with international target audience, gives the chance of competent forming of a profile of the student and the choice of effective instruments of recruiting. Methods. The methods of comparative analysis of approaches to content of the concepts «foreign students» and «international students» are used.Results. The results of researches of the foreign and Russian authors concerning internationalization of universities and involvement of students from abroad are analysed. The concepts «foreign students» and «international students» are structured and divided. The proposals on the need of a right choice of determination for further successful recruiting according to the purposes of internationalization of higher education institutions are developed. The results of the present research have showed that further processes of involvement of students from abroad in the Russian higher educational institutions depend on the choice of a method of accounting and the corresponding terminology, arrangement of emphases on formal or substantial criteria, i. e. on indicators of internationalization or the purposes of internationalization.Scientific novelty. It is convincingly proved that new approaches to recruiting of foreign students are required in the longer term for increase of a level of internationalization of higher education institution: transition from tactical line items to strategic tasks; forming of a profile of a potential student as international, but not as a foreign subject of education.Practical significance. The materials of the investigation will be useful to the staff of departments of internationalization, international departments, departments of recruiting and academic mobility.Цель статьи – поиск решения актуальных проблем рекрутинга зарубежных студентов в российские вузы. В настоящее время в России используется термин «иностранные студенты», тогда как большая часть мирового образовательного сообщества использует понятие «международные студенты». Различие понятий связано с разными способами учета данной категории студентов. Эффективный учет, в свою очередь, влияет на качество дальнейшего взаимодействия с интернациональной целевой аудиторией, дает возможность грамотного формирования профиля студента и выбора эффективных инструментов рекрутинга. Методы исследования. В работе использовались методы сравнительного анализа подходов к содержанию понятий «иностранные студенты» и «международные студенты». Результаты. Проанализированы результаты исследований зарубежных и российских авторов по вопросам интернационализации университетов и привлечения студентов из-за рубежа. Структурированы и разделены понятия «иностранные студенты» и «международные студенты». Сформированы предложения о необходимости правильного выбора определения для дальнейшего успешного рекрутинга в соответствии с целями интернационализации вузов. Результаты исследования показали, что от выбора способа учета и соответствующей терминологии, расстановки акцентов на формальных или содержательных критериях, т. е. на показателях интернационализации или целях интернационализации, зависят дальнейшие процессы привлечения студентов из-за рубежа в отечественные высшие учебные заведения. Научная новизна. Убедительно доказывается, что для повышения уровня интернационализации вуза в долгосрочной перспективе требуются новые подходы к рекрутингу зарубежных студентов: переход с тактических позиций на  стратегические; формирование профиля потенциального студента как международного, а не как иностранного субъекта образования. Практическая значимость. Статья будет полезна сотрудникам департаментов интернационализации, международных отделов, отделов рекрутинга и академической мобильности

    Wavelet Methods in Steganography

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    This paper is devoted to graphic information protection by means of computer steganography using wavelet techniques. The methods of the image processing using digital watermarking are classified. Some research of the structure of the digital image is investigated. In the first solution the steganographic system, which usesa discrete wavelet transform for embedding of grayscale watermark into wavelet coefficients of grayscale container is mоdeled and realized. Stego image is achieved by the inverse discrete wavelet transform. Binarization using halftoning algorithm is considered as a kind of powerful attack to stego image. After binarization attack the extracted watermark was found to have acceptable visual quality. The degradation ofthe embedded digital watermark after binarization is estimated using human visual system. Corresponding conclusions on steganographic system stability are drawn. In the second solution we propose the steganographic scheme which uses the proposed wavelet basis images

    Non-LTE abundances of zinc in different spectral type stars and the Galactic [Zn/Fe] trend based on quantum-mechanical data on inelastic processes in zinc-hydrogen collisions

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    We present a new model atom of Zn I-II based on the most up-to-date photoionisation cross-sections, electron-impact excitation rates, and rate coefficients for the Zn I + H I and Zn II + H- collisions. The latter were calculated using the multi-channel quantum asymptotic treatment based on the Born-Oppenheimer approach. Non-LTE analysis was performed for the first time for lines of Zn I and Zn II in the ultraviolet (UV) spectra of two very metal-poor reference stars, HD 84937 and HD 140283. We found consistent non-LTE abundance from the resonance Zn I 2138 A line, the subordinate lines, and the lines of Zn II. In both stars, non-LTE leads to 0.17 dex higher average abundance from Zn I, while, for Zn II lines, non-LTE corrections are minor and do not exceed 0.06 dex. Using lines of Zn I in the high-resolution spectra, we determined the non-LTE abundances for a sample of 80 stars in the -2.5 < [Fe/H] < 0.2 metallicity range. The [Zn/Fe] versus [Fe/H] diagram reveals a dip, with [Zn/Fe] = 0.3 in the most metal-poor stars, a close-to-solar value for [Fe/H] = -1.2, and increasing [Zn/Fe] up to 0.3 in the thick disk stars. The close-to-solar metallicity stars have subsolar [Zn/H] = -0.1, on average. Non-LTE abundances of zinc were derived for the first time for seven reference F to B-type stars. We provide a grid of the non-LTE abundance corrections.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted to MNRA