3,759 research outputs found

    Ortsaufgelöste Temperaturmessung mit Hilfe der Kemspintomographie

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Eine weitverbreitete Methode zur Behandlung nicht operabler Tumore ist die Hyperthermie. Eine Möglichkeit während dieser Behandlung die Temperatur zu kontrollieren, bietet die Kernspintomographie. Ihre Vorteile sind die gute Ortsauflösung, der gute Weichteilkontrast, die beliebige Wahl des Schnittbildverlaufs und ihr geringes Risiko für Nebenwirkungen. Innerhalb dieses Beitrags wird die Entwicklung einer quantitativen ort- und zeitaufgelösten Temperaturmessung im MR an einem gewebenahen Phantom vorgestellt

    Stripped elliptical galaxies as probes of ICM physics : III. Deep Chandra observation of NGC 4552 - Measuring the viscosity of the intracluster medium

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    We present results from a deep (200 ks) Chandra observation of the early-type galaxy NGC 4552 (M89) which is falling into the Virgo cluster. Previous shallower X-ray observations of this galaxy showed a remnant gas core, a tail to the South of the galaxy, and twin `horns' attached to the northern edge of the gas core [machacek05a]. In our deeper data, we detect a diffuse, low surface brightness extension to the previously known tail, and measure the temperature structure within the tail. We combine the deep Chandra data with archival XMM-Newton observations to put a strong upper limit on the diffuse emission of the tail out to a large distance (10×the radius of the remnant core) from the galaxy center. In our two previous papers [roediger15a,roediger15b], we presented the results of hydrodynamical simulations of ram pressure stripping specifically for M89 falling into the Virgo cluster and investigated the effect of ICM viscosity. In this paper, we compare our deep data with our specifically tailored simulations and conclude that the observed morphology of the stripped tail in NGC 4552 is most similar to the inviscid models. We conclude that, to the extent the transport processes can be simply modeled as a hydrodynamic viscosity, the ICM viscosity is negligible. More generally, any micro-scale description of the transport processes in the high-β plasma of the cluster ICM must be consistent with the efficient mixing observed in the stripped tail on macroscopic scales

    Polarizations and Nullcone of Representations of Reductive Groups

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    The paper starts with the following simple observation. Let V be a representation of a reductive group G, and let f_1,f_2,...,f_n be homogeneous invariant functions. Then the polarizations of f_1,f_2,...,f_n define the nullcone of k 0} h(t) x = 0 for all x in L. This is then applied to many examples. A surprising result is about the group SL(2,C) where almost all representations V have the property that all linear subspaces of the nullcone are annihilated. Again, this has interesting applications to the invariants on several copies. Another result concerns the n-qubits which appear in quantum computing. This is the representation of a product of n copies of SL2SL_2 on the n-fold tensor product C^2 otimes C^2 otimes ... otimes C^2. Here we show just the opposite, namely that the polarizations never define the nullcone of several copies if n <= 3. (An earlier version of this paper, distributed in 2002, was split into two parts; the first part with the title ``On the nullcone of representations of reductive groups'' is published in Pacific J. Math. {bf 224} (2006), 119--140.

    Atom chip for BEC interferometry

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    We have fabricated and tested an atom chip that operates as a matter wave interferometer. In this communication we describe the fabrication of the chip by ion-beam milling of gold evaporated onto a silicon substrate. We present data on the quality of the wires, on the current density that can be reached in the wires and on the smoothness of the magnetic traps that are formed. We demonstrate the operation of the interferometer, showing that we can coherently split and recombine a Bose–Einstein condensate with good phase stability

    Hysteresis in the Mott Transition between Plasma and Insulating Gas

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    We show that hysteresis can occur in the transition between a neutral plasma and the insulating gas consisting of neutral pairs bound by Coulomb attraction. Since the transition depends sensitively on the screening length in the plasma, regions of bistability occur in density--temperature phase space. We present numerical results which indicate where these regions occur for systems such as spin-polarized hydrogen, positronium gas, and excitons in a semiconductor.Comment: 9 pages (Latex/RevTex), 6 postscript figures which are in compressed and uuencoded file, prepared using the utility "uufiles" and separately submitted. They should be automatically included with the text when it is downloaded. Figures also available in hard copy from the authors ([email protected]; [email protected]); paper submitted to Phys. Rev.