1,314 research outputs found

    Flight test and analyses of the B-1 structural mode control system at supersonic flight conditions

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    A practical structural mode control system (SMCS) that could be turned on at takeoff and be left on for the entire flight was demonstrated. The SMCS appears to be more effective in damping the key fuselage bending modes at supersonic speeds than at the design point of Mach 0.85 (for fixed gains). The SMCS has an adverse effect on high frequency symmetric modes; however, this adverse effect did not make the system unstable and does not appear to affect ride quality performance. The vertical ride quality analyses indicate that the basic configuration without active systems is satisfactory for long term exposure. If clear air turbulence were to be encountered, indications are that the SMCS would be very effective in reducing the adverse accelerations. On the other hand, lateral ride quality analyses indicate that the aircraft with the SMCS on does not quite meet the long term exposure criteria, but would be satisfactory for shot term exposure at altitude. Again, the lateral SMCS was shown to be very effective in reducing peak lateral accelerations

    Flight investigation of XB-70 structural response to oscillatory aerodynamic shaker excitation and correlation with analytical results

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    The low frequency symmetric structural response and damping characteristics of the XB-70 airplane were measured at four flight conditions: heavyweight at a Mach number of 0.87 at an altitude of 7620 meters (25,000 feet); lightweight at a Mach number of 0.86 at an altitude of 7620 meters (25,000 feet); a Mach number of 1.59 at an altitude of 11,918 meters (39.100 feet); and a Mach number of 2.38 and an altitude of 18,898 meters (62,000 feet). The flight data are compared with the response calculated by using early XB-70 design data and with the response calculated with mass, structural, and aerodynamic data updated to reflect as closely as possible the airplane characteristics at three of the flight conditions actually flown

    The entrainment and energetics of turbulent plumes in a confined space

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    We analyse the entrainment and energetics of equal and opposite axisymmetric tur-bulent air plumes in a vertically confined space at a Rayleigh number of1.24×107using theory and direct numerical simulation. On domains of sufficiently large aspectratio, the steady-state consists of turbulent plumes penetrating an interface betweentwo layers of approximately uniform buoyancy. As described by Baines & Turner (J.Fluid Mech.vol. 37, 1969, pp. 51-80), upon penetrating the interface the flow in eachplume becomes forced and behaves like a constant-momentum jet, due to a reduction inits mean buoyancy relative to the local environment. To observe the behaviour of theplumes we partition the domain into sub-domains corresponding to each plume. Domainsof relatively small aspect ratio produce a single primary mean-flow circulation betweenthe sub-domains that is maintained by entrainment into the plumes. At larger aspectratios the mean flow between the sub-domains bifurcates, indicating the existence of asecondary circulation within each layer associated with entrainment into the jets. Thelargest aspect ratios studied here exhibit an additional, tertiary, circulation in the vicinityof the interface. Consistency between independent calculations of an effective entrainmentcoefficient allows us to identify aspect ratios for which the flow can be modelled usingplume theory, under the assumption of a two-layer stratification.To study the flow’s energetics we use a local definition of available potential energy(APE). For plumes with Gaussian velocity and buoyancy profiles, the theory we developsuggests that the kinetic energy dissipation is split equally between the jets and theplumes and, collectively, accounts for almost half of the input of APE at the boundaries.In contrast,1/4of the APE dissipation and background potential energy (BPE) pro-duction occurs in the jets, with the remaining3/4occurring in the plumes. These bulktheoretical predictions agree with observations of BPE production from simulations towithin1%and form the basis of a similarity solution that models the vertical dependenceof APE dissipation and BPE production. Unlike results concerning the dissipation ofbuoyancy variance and the strength of the circulations described above, the model forthe flow’s energetics does not involve an entrainment coefficient

    Internal entrainment and the origin of jet-related broad-band emission in Centaurus A

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    Date of Acceptance: 14/11/2014The dimensions of Fanaroff-Riley class I jets and the stellar densities at galactic centres imply that there will be numerous interactions between the jet and stellar winds. These may give rise to the observed diffuse and 'knotty' structure of the jets in the X-ray, and can also mass load the jets. We performed modelling of internal entrainment from stars intercepted by Centaurus A's jet, using stellar evolution- and wind codes. From photometry and a codesynthesized population of 12 Gyr (Z = 0.004), 3 Gyr (Z = 0.008) and 0-60 Myr (Z = 0.02) stars, appropriate for the parent elliptical NGC 5128, the total number of stars in the jet is ∼8 × 108. Our model is energetically capable of producing the observed X-ray emission, even without young stars. We also reproduce the radio through X-ray spectrum of the jet, albeit in a downstream region with distinctly fewer young stars, and recover the mean X-ray spectral index.We derive an internal entrainment rate of ∼2.3 × 10-3M yr-1 which implies substantial jet deceleration. Our absolute nucleosynthetic yields for the Asymptotic Giant Branch stellar population in the jet show the highest amounts for 4He, 16O, 12C, 14N and 20Ne. If some of the events at ≥55 EeV detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory originate from internal entrainment in Centaurus A, we predict that their composition will be largely intermediate-mass nuclei with 16O, 12C and 14N the key isotopes.Peer reviewe

    NASA technology utilization survey on composite materials

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    NASA and NASA-funded contractor contributions to the field of composite materials are surveyed. Existing and potential non-aerospace applications of the newer composite materials are emphasized. Economic factors for selection of a composite for a particular application are weight savings, performance (high strength, high elastic modulus, low coefficient of expansion, heat resistance, corrosion resistance,), longer service life, and reduced maintenance. Applications for composites in agriculture, chemical and petrochemical industries, construction, consumer goods, machinery, power generation and distribution, transportation, biomedicine, and safety are presented. With the continuing trend toward further cost reductions, composites warrant consideration in a wide range of non-aerospace applications. Composite materials discussed include filamentary reinforced materials, laminates, multiphase alloys, solid multiphase lubricants, and multiphase ceramics. New processes developed to aid in fabrication of composites are given

    Dendritic cells in plasmodium infection

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    Infection with Plasmodium parasites (malaria) contributes greatly to morbidity and mortality in affected areas. Interaction of the protozoan with the immune system has a critical role in the pathogenesis of the disease, but may also hold a key to containing parasite numbers through specific immune responses, which vaccine development aims to harness. A central player in the generation of such immune responses is the dendritic cell. However, Plasmodium parasites appear to have profound activating and suppressing effects on dendritic cell function, which may enhance immunopathology or facilitate the parasite’s survival by depressing beneficial immunity. Furthermore, immune responses to other infections and vaccines may be impaired. A greater understanding of the effects of the parasite on dendritic cells will contribute to insight and potential defeat of this infectious disease

    Low-Temperature Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Solvent-Free PCBM Single-Crystals

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    PCBM ([6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester) is a highly soluble C60 derivative that is extensively used in organic solar cells, enabling power conversion efficiencies above 10%. Here we report, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the photoluminescence of high-quality solvent-free PCBM crystals between room temperature and 4 K. Interestingly, the PL spectra of these crystals become increasingly structured as the temperature is lowered, with extremely well-resolved emission lines (and a minimum line width of ∼1.3 meV at 1.73 eV). We are able to account for such a structured emission by means of a vibronic coupling model including Franck–Condon, Jahn–Teller and Herzberg–Teller effects. Although optical transitions are not formally forbidden from the low-lying excited states of PCBM, the high symmetry of the electronically active fullerene core limits the intensity of the 0–0 transition, such that Herzberg–Teller transitions which borrow intensity from higher-lying states represent a large part of the observed spectrum. Our simulations suggest that the emissive state of PCBM can be considered as a mixture of the T1g and Hg excited states of C60 and hence that the Hg state plays a larger role in the relaxed excited state of PCBM than in that of C60

    Skin-derived dendritic cells acquire and degrade the scrapie agent following in vitro exposure

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    The accumulation of the scrapie agent in lymphoid tissues following inoculation via the skin is critical for efficient neuroinvasion, but how the agent is initially transported from the skin to the draining lymph node is not known. Langerhans cells (LCs) are specialized antigen-presenting cells that continually sample their microenvironment within the epidermis and transport captured antigens to draining lymph nodes. We considered LCs probable candidates to acquire and transport the scrapie agent after inoculation via the skin. XS106 cells are dendritic cells (DCs) isolated from mouse epidermis with characteristics of mature LC cells. To investigate the potential interaction of LCs with the scrapie agent XS106 cells were exposed to the scrapie agent in vitro. We show that XS106 cells rapidly acquire the scrapie agent following in vitro exposure. In addition, XS106 cells partially degrade the scrapie agent following extended cultivation. These data suggest that LCs might acquire and degrade the scrapie agent after inoculation via the skin, but data from additional experiments demonstrate that this ability could be lost in the presence of lipopolysaccharide or other immunostimulatory molecules. Our studies also imply that LCs would not undergo maturation following uptake of the scrapie agent in the skin, as the expression of surface antigens associated with LC maturation were unaltered following exposure. In conclusion, although LCs or DCs have the potential to acquire the scrapie agent within the epidermis our data suggest it is unlikely that they become activated and stimulated to transport the agent to the draining lymph node
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